County With W:: a 4 Masking Vndcr the Flajr ? Invade Aincrl avalry to the Rescue to Shoot t ? Kill ? Poe Anifrlfan Intervention. en. March i8.-Tho POT, .American fitorvcwro in n *m strengthened today by many influential factors which Indi cate that Hhe insurrect lor In the southern republic mast be fought out to the bitter and. ' ' I The refusal of President Dla* to accoda to the peace term* carried to Magteo C Wy by.8onor LI man tour, the Merlean minister of finance, And *he subsequent avowal by the financial * " t*at he ha* apparently fall ? gave the Mexican il aspect today. * . I of American soil by is. 'the destruction of proper ty and finally the reported firing up on American soldiers by Mexican fed eral troops constitute serious breach- ; ea of internat'onal peacc which have y?| ^arisen from the revolution. The. wa* department today set ouffo learn . the accuracy of the report from Presi dio that Mexican federal bullets had fallen among America* troopa. V* , ? ; While the troops of cavalry WP rushing toward Btewa^er county. Tex a>. thp.iowa of t W invasiokby Mo* to bava been killed In a pitched bat tel. 1 Washington & making every en deavor to leam from the department} of Taxas the truth of the varidus-rt i tarts of armed activity along the Rio V Orawde. *? tbe t roopa prwwd to-' warda AliAna. Chtxoa ??d Terllnque In Brawafcr county . tba telephone' wins are {Mac ilrnni In the wtke 1 of the matin* detachment ?o that re-' porta m actual condition, najr'ha fa.hed Into Ban Antonio and thenoe to the national capital without a -earadela,. ? -r? T-, It la unienrtood that Senor Llman toar waa staled b j reporta' tram. Hex loo during hla roald?nc? In New York. B'nte hla prrlral la Mexlcoa ha haaj found Ola. atronnar thaa ha antici pated and. retain I ax hla aaeleat Iron bound determination not to ?1t? In | ??? wl?| tha pinara of, hla gaftn mant tre?abim? nndar tba h!ow* ?f JTZ tha Btata Guard 1 ba xratlfylnK to tha city thalr frlenda. Tha Waahlncton Hora* Bxchax If Juat In receipt' at ' a lot of Pony Trape for aprln* safe Th.y must ba Bjr. IK|K lor ipnni ua?. Thar m aerobe appealed. W ASHtNGrONfS" j MM mor that Mr. Our Weston had lump ed overboard from tho..Waahlngton bridge and via drowned In qileace of the ri-iwrt people began to congregate on W(U Mala itwl eag er to ascertain whether or not the ru mor bad foundation. Attu>ng th* number of inquirers was a Daily Newa man but as tha reports wore 1 In* definite could time. , ... :i7- J howarer, the facto to coma to tha tOT henrlng ?evaral dlffcr tbls paper rives the fol afternoon a colored man ?f Major Chapman dellr to Mr. K I.. Arc li ball a note dlgned by L. Bryfcn statins that Mr. On j Weston bad fallen overboard and was drowned. The note requested that Mr*. Weston be notified. In con sequence of this information Mr. Archbell phoned Mrs. Weston. Parties at once be can to aaarcb for tba young man. Instead of being drowned as was the surmise he was located in the swamp on. the road between thik* city and Chocowlnlt^. M?. -t* n": V Dr. John Q. Blount found young Wfceton behind a log and attempted to gat him In hla buggy but Weston aucceeded In getting away and made a break through tha awamp. 1-aat nlgfct he waa found near thai loot of the county bridge In a ditch ?landing In water nearly to Ma wataU With fiscally he waa brought back to the city. '*4 \ v ' "Three men had nil t'hhy could do to lam* him aafaly la l)U home. Ha waa hoJ.Ur?ru^ and e^ te^ , Dr. mowht waa called to him and while today bla condition la not thought to be a$rtoui he la atlll far 'rem Mac a well maa., V3? , > ,3 Weatoa la akoot 1< yean of age Sad a eon atj Mr. and Mrs. R. B Wtetoa ef thla elfy. He .tated yes terday morning to hla mother that be intended to take hla life aad'lii die afternoon attempted to carry out Mel intention., ? H There ,%r* several opinions as to hla act *- seme aar one thin* others, another. Weatoa refuaea to talk. The occurrence occaaloned bo HtUa ex citement aad la the talk of the city f* Iioramotifc Comnlflnl i r . 'a *. The Mutual Machine Company of ihla city, has just completed overhaul la? a to^oaaollra for th. Ham her Company. Tha aaglne will b. shipped to Royal It where the MoOre Lumber Company have ekten e<" F: ??frv . The Wlowfak William Brlmmage waa charged, with jumping oir aad on train, while thejF were In motion, rtned ti ll Charlee Uttle waa alao ln41&|^ tha same o*eaae. Ha -a. al?, ?ned M.SO aad coat. ? It la never right to follow preced ?rt; *alefca; tea grWleat |a rWi;,'".'; P\RT MEMT STORE UNJ^S apleta line of Oowna. i Oowas, Waiats and o make the garment.- ? ?wns ? J 1.48 > 1.D0 ? t eh ? ' I vr A iM ^ Commerce 1 1 Fish Industry? This Su ;; ? _al Waahi-gtar D. C., March *4. Among the 1?*jw In which commer cial fishing -Wat pursued la 1?08, North Carolina ranked eleventh lk [the ralue of fishery products, accord ing to the special Census Bureau re port on the general census of the Flak erjr Industry of, the limited States for 1?08. prepared -by Mr, William M. Bteuart, chief statletlclan ofr manu facture*. for Census Director Durand who will transmit H soon to Secretary NhgliJ of the Department of Com merce and Labor. '? geuetal summary nhows that In taag there *ere.i?? persons em ployed. th? capital Invested In Tea sels and boats Including outfit, 1533. 000. In apparatus of capture, 1347. 000, In shore and accessory property and coat. $370, oat and -the total ral uo of products was *1,774,1)00. Tke chief ashing grounds of the atate wtfre Albemarle, Pamlico and Core-Sounds, and their tributary rlv era. Among the Important rivers were the Cyx, Fear. New. Roanolce Bhallotte, Newport, North and Neuse. Many smaller sounds snd riv ers also contributed - to the nlhtng product of the atate. *he Important Decrease Stare 10oa An Increase In the number of per l?J>ns employed was siown at each fWnraaa #> (o and Including that of 1S0S, and thla was accompanied by Increases In all the other Kerns given In Jhe above statement. From 1902 to 1908. however, there was a decline | in the number of persona employed gipSiS!! ^,r*a| '009 la value since l?0? Prodaeta, on the Othe rhand continued to fa creaae in both quiatlty and ralue. L Qahertea gave employ ment In l?08 to only a small per centage ef the total number of per ijoaa reported. The shore ui beat [worlaa are credited with 8.S71 per [aone. or SI per cent of the total num ber, while only 1.0??, or tl per cent were engaged In the ve^l &,h*rle. and on the transporting vessels. Only 44 shoremen Were reported. By tar the larger number of teruona report ed f(jr reaeel fisheries and. transport 'tag vessels were wage-enratra. For the shore snd boat fisheries of North Carolina a larger proportloa of nge -araera .mailer proportlo. of Independent Oahermen were remaned than for U. same clas* Jf flaberlea ?a other atate.. 1 J?*"* U" P*r*on' <?P??yt? la Ve-ela Oetfito. greater than the InreatMit la boats ?y f?0,?0?.i' ? K , /^T The Talue ef Teasels aad apparatus at eaptdk' aad boats 'aaX 'utj ,+or. and amounted to $511,004. $?'?. The Investment (a apjaratua of eaptun la the ahottjpE boat flaber lea was nearly thirteen timea aa Vreat aa that In the reeael fisheries The importance of Wis Item la shown by the "fact that laitot it repreeentod ?0 per cent and In ltM, fi per cent of the total Inreatment In tbe fisher ies of the state. Li The decrease from Itoi to i ton In the ealw ot the in resident. whleb waa from $S74.?06 to ?i(7.0M, Is ?atlrely to the ahore aad i WmM ? ? 7>T "" jU)00 Yards ALL yx.i z: ?WM frog*, crabe. Im, clams and minks, m Irak one and whale id oil of por Product* caught by s?ln?a cno >d a larger part o the weight Joe of the total a.hery product heae taken bj anr other font ?ratui. Their ralae cooatltut. Walks Oat of the Atlanta Prison ?U After a Four-Year Term II MUSI FMHUS lECIL UTILE H* With Gay nor Were Convicted of; Complicity In 8>ruuh Harbor Fraud*? He Takes tiic Pauper'* Oath aad Galas Hit Liberty ? WIU Go lu Europe . ^Atlanta, Ga.. March 23. ? benjamin D. Greene, Who. with John P. Gaynor JhaB juat completed a four-year term In th* federal prison here for alleged complicity In the avanBnah harbor lmprovemont-iraudj sereral years ato walked out of theN federal building here late today a free man" for tho I first time In a dozen years, bringing to a dose, as far as he la converned, a legal battle that has commanded the attention of this country for the past decade. Greene'a application for leave to take the pauper's oath in order fo escape further liability for the 53T5. 000 fine imposed on the two mon when they were convlci&d had Juct bfon granted by. United States Com missioner Wsfter Colquitt, after a hearing whSch alstod two da,e. Greene- w|J| spend tonight at a ho tel ar.fl will leavo tomorrow for New York v/Lsre he coon -will sail for En rope. He sa!d torrfght that he would join Mrs. Greene In Paris and they probably would mako that city tbel? home p the -future.# \ T6c decision came nomewbat unex* pecoet'.ly .at tho end of a long after ?oc^ mh!cd, which hall been occ y ^ arguments of counsel. pAfctfniyJ^lder of the firm o^tomi-f trwf, Faldar ft Rouny ee. attorney for Greene, had Juat completed hit argument wbeA^Commlealtfter Col quitt stated A? his finding that he believed "the evidence in this hear'nr JWch Ui?t the lllfV-Tp' ' should be allowed to take the oath." There waa a deathlike stillness ov er the oourt room for an instant af ter the commissioner had spoken. ,whlle all eyes were turned tp the.ap ^licant whose gray head was bowed reverently in tbanka. Theij the commissioner spoke again asking Greene to come fdtware aad take the oath. This formality was soon over and the prisoner left the ?onrt room with Daniel W. Rountree. one of his lsw The government haa been resisting], the application for the pauper's oath on the ground that the prisoner had assets concealed which woulft^a casRararas Emitted having MB DornJSffi property worth aboatt??o.000 anr fl yean. ago. bat claimed that km had Join ?11 he had ln'aghtlng f<>r hit freedom and In ? peculation and the federal attorney, tailed to pmdoce the^ridenr. DKMiarj to orerthrow thfc claim. John F. Gaynor. Jointly convicted}] with Greene, haa completed Ida aent-l In the Federal prison and haa *l?4upHcation alao to take the pan to Hla application la atlil pending. _<^rT The eaae of the government agalnat . Bengali, D. Green aad John FVoay-I ?or **? of th* moat Important] and unu.ual In the annate of Aaerl Jurisprudence. H? |S " ' WRATHER ' Fair tonight with froat. Saturday] fair aad warmer In interior, Moder ate to brisk north to northwest winds. ?? -Ui. MARCH 24 1911. ? ? NO. 114 IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Now ft? M w Hud* D?tnd. ^ The Tar Rivet- Hosiery Mill* under the proprietorship of Mr. J. T. I-ewla situate on North Market street la now running on full time. The plant has been in operatloikslnce Marc!i 1. Mr. Lewis li" now employing about SO hands and deslresat least to more The product or the plant has a ready ?ale and has been much compliment ed by those of the city who have ex amined earn#. The plant Is located where the Thelma HoUe-'y Mills formerly were. The building has been repainted and every thing placed in first class Shapo for the successful prosecution of the business. Washington needs more manufac turing Industries of this character and the Daily NewsJiopee the day is not far in the future when more will be established. "ET - - , Team. The Rifle team of Company "G" this city. Is now engaged in practic ing preparatory to enterfug the an nual shoot contest to be held ft Goldsbcro. N. 'C., sometime during the month of May. The company will send elxht m*n and one commissioned officer. No donbt the members from the com pany here will gire a good account of themselves. COTTON MAHKKJ J/p; cotton, 3 1 4.00 . Cotton seed, per ton, $23.00. Voting Alligator. Mr B. L. Rosmnn. president of the Washington Horse Exchange receiv ed from Mr. William Braja v who li in St. Augustine. Florida, a young alligator of the genuine variety. Mr. 8ue?*to. has been hually engaged all day showing the specimen to his many friends. ?sjjK ,n The gas boat Victor. Captain W. R. Boyd, in command, arrived In port this morning trom Bath. Cabinet -troubles are always on tap y somewhere ? but it Is a continuous performance In Russia. E.K.WILLIS THE PEOPLES' GROCERl PHONE 76. Best Snsar Cured Hams ^7c lb Tanned goods" 15c Lima Bern 10c A$c<*rt> 12c ife Campbell Soap 8c 10c Tomatoes 8c No. 3 Hawaiian Piaeapple 22c Rumford BakiagPWr der, lb. can. 22c SNOW DRtfT, The . Hogless Lird per lb 10c Ml i T ' Fox kiver Batter, per poond, tab' 28c I pcrpowd, prints, 30c | wasgo vlodk pe, barret. $4.95 24 1b. bag. Mc I2lb. ba?, 33ej Thursday, Friday and Saturday . .

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