nine- tenths of cnnfldo were srrr:r;:r: ?W> edge oft North Brother. !s l.nd la 1104 Nearly mil. If not mil. of th,. ?lc. tlm. wwre employed by the Trlmmxle ? MhpMjr <* tk ninth ahd tenth Boon of m loft billing at t3 Wamblngto. ftKM, on the western fringe of the down , Jew* whoieemle clothing Brm mad' ml) Hnery district. The partner. of thi Arm. I ammo Hmrria mud Mat e.cmped unscathed from the ofl the tenth #oor, carry! ag with then orer^n sdjotnlng-roof Blmnrk. two youaf daughtem and m gor.ra Tkere warn not in outside lire ee lea were found; f j or norm pereonn ware crumhed to danth by Jumping and more than *? clogged the ?t?n tar aaafu. The lo? to fwlll not aiceed HW.O00. Pcdestrmloi going bome through Wa?hington Place to Washington Square it 4:50 o'clock w?r?" scatter ed by th? whis of something rushing through tha-glr before them; there warn m horrible ptoy on ?*e sidewalk. . aad g body flmttened on tba Whyfmrers on the oppomlte aide of the atreet shaded their eyas mgmlnst the aattlng aun mmd saw the win dow. ef the Una upper Hoots at _the building black with gtrta crowd lag to the sills. Vbara were go flre ? Don t lamp. Doma Ww,'" nH Mtolwthy crowd. But the girl, had . alternative. Th. preMure of the maddened hundreda beklad them and th. urging of their own tears w?re two Strong. Thar began to fall to the side walk In m terrible r'mls of dembmad blood Fcjur mlmrma were rang wlthlm li Before tie engine, could before the nets could be or the ladder, mlaed. five WASHINGTON'S DE would b* thsn t could; be I tQ expert th? ear to b* . ?? Interesting la tubing til* rtrar to I provide free approaches, ^e would proceed to bare plam and murreys I drawn aid than be able to Inform ' the council detail*!? of irkat the | city's- part In the undertaking would , be ,\i' ? H | Referring to the subject general ly the committee readilr indorsed It. stttlag that It* ancceaa would mean big things for Norfolk. ^ j... Mr. Colo said that ha did not ex pact any donations of laad from the 1 city except upon the condition of an absolute guarantee that the tunnel would bo commenced sad complot ad. Also he told the committee there would b* no objection on tbo pert o I the Interests he rrprMents should the city provide for Itself the power to regulate the enterprise, a* said In coo vera atleo with new* tzsszs&z rs?;~r that It will be an undertaking to: | make a legitimate profit and at tM same time give Norfolk advantages to encourage a far Mater commerce. girls had fallen from the eighth and ninth floors so heaTlly that they broke through' the . gtaas and Iron roofs of the asboellan -and eraahed through the vary stasis vaults b*low V In aa hour the Bra was 'out; half aa hour It has done It* worst: pro be by! |he death list wa* full In 10 minute*. MM ? ? ? J . h., ? ; \. Votttm Burned ^ ' J At simpaoa'a atatlon on the Nor-{ folk Southern last SatarAsv ? lag sersn half* of ootto* were burn ed aa a result of being trad by thai . wer* twenty-one bales on irtn at be time bat fortu naf*ly only seven betas war* Injur er. ? ^V- .1 - Mr. e. D. Parker haa opened Inssrance office In the Pnlford build tag on West Second street. PARTMBNT :: STORE . , , ? u: J. * . f ? ; . MILLINERY WEDHES01Y 8 THUBSDiW March 29th and 30th I nmnw HATSi ?the arabaiudor'R appointment and congratulated him fearml? As the Mahaaaador ha* decided to leara her? tomorrow for Mexico City tha IWdeat bade him farewell, civtn? h?m a picture of himself autograph* with "'a salutation of personal re^ card. Benor pe La Barra also ailed upi OB Secretary ol-Bt?te Kpox, who to, day returned fro? a linumar vai <*Oo? In Florid*, wd Informed huf of the appointment. Mr. Knox jM (ratulated tie ambaaaador ant b,# In dtaeoaatng privately , lut a] (It with a representative of the Anno tated Preaa the probability of his appointment aa Minister of Forelga Relations ?' til* ambaaaador dlioloead the fart that hla name had been mentioned prominently by nupport era of both tfca y^aral government and the revolutionary movement Ha ?M ha hoped, howmr, Preeldent Dlai might confer the Sonor of pram JerjWp In hla Cabinet on- someone elae, but If the poet wife offered to him he wanld feel Jt a duty to ac which he today had been named. The ambaaaador ?ir*d bU accept. a?ce at one* and Immediately railed Pair tonight and Tuesday much colder. Front In th* weat portion tonight. Brisk and high Sonthweat and west wfbdi i?,r ?????' . Vf.Jt ' Mr. W. M. Chauncey, proprietor of the Farorw and Cbannrey Rail waya, eamo near meeting with a no nous 1 accident thla morning whUe ?ngag?d In hauling on the ways the Maud \nd Reginald. , 3?S In 'a^tempUn|T .to catch tltt block wltli a pike polo on tho wharf of the oyster faatory h* Mi through and wna iialnfull>^jured on the, log. While hla condition f? not thought to b? serious It la atlll painful POn u . first clui lervaut j St he went to church with j ?r from bis borne on West "We 1- cbarclfc^e ateroua so much bo that he ? taken home. After arrlr i he proceeded to break wic M? OallaBher has emlred interesting curio la nator, ry oUIti Witt b? exhibited ??* window at hie pl.ce of on wefct Vain street, it seen to be appreciated. Methodlsi church last crentnj lore i than coranlhntntarj of the !? revered by the choir. Brery Ion waa highly appreciated at^ > aermon of the pastor, Rar, r. looaa. was thoughtful and logj wrhe entire service waa much Fallow! as the cotton for the paat two years there will be sermons on education In the churches of the city in the month of April. The foroea of education and the foroea-bf religion are so closely akin, the min isters asd the administration of our public schools believe that much fasting (bod can be done both by ea by theae annual sermons All the people of 'the city ate cordially In vited to hear thea\. The series will be delivered as follows: 1. Baptist church, Rev. 1. A. Sul H*a?, April 1. 7".3o p. m. 3. Methodist church, Rer. R. H. Broom, April 9, il a. 3. Cftriatlan church. R?v. R. V. Hope. April 16. till.), m ? . f*reabyterlan church. Rer. H. B. Sea right, April 23. 11 a ?. Jjj B. EplBiopa! oliurcb. Rer. N Hard In*. April\30. n ,'v'fB ' ? March 15. lHfcf' -WLS THE III FUE DIXIE FLYEff Tifton. Oa., March IG. ? In one of the wont rfcllroad diaastsrs erer known in the South Atlantic States. on the- train Wfth him. and to whom he wa? to hare baas rnarr'od tomor row. remained a* the "wreck through out the day and night watching the efforts of *he rescuers to recover Watarn's body. Late tonight It was said that the wreck bad been thoroughly examin ed and that the death total will not The revised list of the dead and] Injured Is given as follows: The dead: O. P. BON WART. Henderson. Ky. W. W. CULPEPPER, Tifton, On. MRS. W. D. FLETCHER, Row land. Ilia, ??* -T ' JOHN T. WATSON. Lander, Wyo. J. P. WOODWARD, express mes senger. Waycroes, Oa. C. J. PARNEt.I>. conductor. Sa rannab, Oa. LUCIEUS ELLIS. Fireman and ALBERT SIMS, both colored of Way croes. ' The injured: J. r. Pow.H, JaekaobVlll*. FU. J. P. Klein, wife and child. 8t. Louis; father and mother bruised and child scalded. Peter Cerlofs, Holland, Mich., bruised. Nick Van derm el on. Orand Rapids, Mich., bruised about the head and knees. Mrs. O. F Bonwsrt, Henderson, K/ W. T. Perkins, Cattlesburg. Ky., bruised. J. -E. Oreen, engineer ^WgjWii U*K bruised. The cars plunged Into the rlrer without a moment's notice to the sleeping passengers wh&i an axle on the engine suddenly gnapped when .midway, of the trestle. The locorao tlme lef^ the track but the tejd?r was derailed and the tank tumbled/ to the badk of the stream/ trestle la about a lfalf mile itmg bdt the river was low and' at the point of the accldcnt was not more than ?50 yards stress. . ^U'? raThe express two . day . coachcs and one pullman were .piled In an Indescribable0 fisass In the centor of the stream but fortu nately few of tho passengere were carried beneatl^|he water fj^The flrat cUbb coach, it new ateol car waa driven through the sleeper. In thle ear O. P. Bonwart of Header eon, Ky., waa Instantly killed. while his wife bealde him Wapfcd with sllaht injuries. Bonwart'a body was bad* a* nublr* * Jhl edge of *h* river and rendered as slstanoe to the victims before the hospital trains arrived at he scene Aa rapidly 4* possible. the injured were taken tivm the ears on the bank and in the tirer while the bod ies ot the desd were brought out and ranged along the bank. Thsy were finally placed abokrd the relief'' train* and hureled to Wayeross and T.rt? * Hardy'* Drag Store* The Haroy Drag Wore. Messrs. Worthy and Etherldge proprietors, is one of che most attractive stores or the kind in the city. Both lfessr* Worthy and Etheridgfe are pharma cist of ablHty and no doubt under | their management they wfcl enjoy a large and lucrative patronage from their manor friends. We wish them Qul{* a nrnnber attended the fun eral of the late Mr. Benjamin Peter son from tus ,rr-"?l$ence on Respess street last Saturday afternoon. The Interment was tn Oakdale cemetery. Mr. Peterson met with the mis fortune to be severely burned at Whlchards several weeks ago and from the effects he never recovered From the first his life was despaired of. The Daily News extends sympa thy to the bereaved. Th^XdilowIng officers were e'ect e<nr*sterday afternoon by the Chlre tian church Baraca class for the ensuing six months: T. B. Jackson, aocrelary Rev. Robert. V. Hope, teacher. Thla 1> the third time that Rer. Mr. Hope haa been honored with Uils poeltlon. Thia class la one of the moet flourishing Ui the city. ItTer T member le enthnalastlc and a work er. The class haa our beet wiahee. EXW1LLIS ?t:*r THE PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 76. Vj We have secured a ?usu ??r? flue COUNTRY BAMS which we offer as long SSZIZS* 18c. lb BOTTLE GOODS 36c Hewx Sat.ce 23c 35 " Euchred Pickles 26c 1 25 " Currant Jelly 18c b? " India Refiah 16c ISc Hetni Peanut Butter . . . loe Mrs. D. P. Rtouots Pickles , quart site 33c 50c Maraschino Cherries 43c 75c Jar Preserves /59c CANNED GOODS 25c Lemon Oljng Peaches 18c 31b Can Refugee String less Beans 10c 30c. lb. Coifee 25a 3 lb. Can Van Camps Big Hominy 08c 20c Cake Bakers Chocolate 17c 25c Can Bakers Cocoa 19c '.I >' Ringhans Verj Bejt Lard t2c Laundry. Specials OctagoaSoap 4c Kxport Borax Soap, 7 for 25c 3 lbs. Best Lump Starch 10c Butter, * ! > , .Wc ? .vr; jllCKl ?sal.

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