the Qtaleee foreign board, ttai ChlaMtpnl* not >n|>. to the ao-eallad iiKgrf?slon? ol Din power* and that she wonW n l?v her national rtghta nlAt't. itken from her. ' Whether tfcla ?u only a threat In tend^ to aaalet China's diplomacy tomorrow should ?ho*. ? ? _ ? ; *)??.! OI??.. MI? uada .Moore'a school at old Ford cloaed on )ul Friday. The paat acaslon hm been a moat proa and tha patrons ol the more than s ratified at . nmuw rW Mrs it. city dl,d at her bom erenlnt at Waa one of l ?K In. Greenville o'clock lira. May town's highly eal.emed cttiaens The aympathy of the entire city (oka out to *ra. Cherry, her daughter, at her loaa. Tho funeral will be held In Green tome time today. *V'> ?i will ha aa Important meet ing of tha Tar Heel Motor Boat Ct*? at tha oraea at tha commodore. Dr. J. C. Rodman, thta eraaing at S o'clock. All tha members are org ed to be preaeat M ;? i* j Mr. n. J. Roberta la filling tha po ttoa of Policeman Jam nation oaffl the regi>l?r meeting of tin Board of Aldermen tha 8r?t Monday alght 111 ApiJL ; t, ? tI # Soveral more dw.lUnt. are to ha erected In NlcholeonrlUe during the aprlng oo rumor ha. It. Theae raai deacaa will be modern and up to dale la arery appolatmaat/' - , ' PARTM*WT :: STORE ? i'" ? ?* rl " . ;* - " | not much frcUad by Ue an noubaamaat that the Waun waol-l growing UUWU ,are preparing to mirth upon Washington In tore* when tboUrM question Is I cd. "While I hare no authority to I that -wool (rowers will mot ho | a hearing," wld Chairman Hi wood. "It Is mi opinion th?t ? might Just as well make an l upon Glbralu, u upon the House. ?We konw now all the that will be advanced agalaat tbe re rlslon of ?ch?d<jl? K. but tb.r. la no question a boat what tin bouae win do. We will make our rertilon and ?end U-to th? senate and whether It goes .any further remains lot* aeei" The comnent made by Mr. Cnder wood reflects the attttu*e of the ro majority of the n?inl o. [ members. > appro prla practical!* complttad Ita labors. Possibly It Will be the Judgment of the Democratic caucus next Sat urday that all of tie' committal! should not be organised Immediate ly No action has been takaa by the Republican minority concerning com >? ttt'ee. - 4. ? j ' V. It Is probable that moat of tbe important Place* -U1 be filled by 1 who are now tke ranking 1 It la likely that a place on a tlona will be given to Mr. who was chairman of that consait tee prior to kla elevation to tka| A Harrow be. pe. Hilda, the t-year-old daughter of Mr. asd Mrs Augustas Armstrong, who restde on Wsat Second straat. while 'on her way to attaad Sunday school Sunday afternoon was hit by a atone on the head. Har hat waa perio rated and a wound aa large as a quarter waa nu*e on thekaad. Tbe stoae wsa e.ldantly thrown by ?"me one on th. Atlantic Coast Line ?Party. jju ?' ?MP* " Tke pagpetratoni of the dead could -not be ascertained. the I Mexico City. Ma rob f ?7.? By tho tlg^ that Senor IX U B|m arrives la Mexico City to take over the du ties oC. Enrique Creel, as n^nUUr of forelcn affair*, the reforms of Frsat dent Dial and his advisors will havi) been perfected. Chief ?soa( these will be a revolutionary chaofv?hi the landlord system by which the rich men of the republic virtually hold their tenants as slaves Conces sions will be granted to every de menti at the middle classes end the condition# which gate rise tt? the In surrection will be ameliorated at * cost or nlore than <110,000.000 to the national treasury. In brief the reforms now beln* worked out are the following: 1. The. appropriation of H 11.000, 000 for Ike division of large uncul tivated tracts of land In the north ern rrtd the segregation of some of the biggest of the haciendas Into small tracts to tie sold to the peon* and middle d usees for small /farms. The dpeft of a plan wlH be auhmlt iWfrit" i?M?e*iow ooa?ws' ea ?ai nrday lor which altbtmanu win ha parceled out to bee paid for by the homesteaders In smelt Installments. Bach (arm will be from 6 to 10 acres In extent and. tvery Mexican will be .(hrea the opportunity to become a land -owner. f- , >. * ?' 1. The republic will institute a series of electorlal reforms in the> state of Pueblo, with guarantees that they will be extended to every state in the republic as soon as they have been worked out to perfection. This reform extends suffrage and glras every Mexlcon cltlsen a voice In the With the sbahaup la the cabinet has come the assurance that la the Tntnre, there w^ll be no drastic po litical persecutions unless for "pebH; potter and reasons bostUe to the peace of stability of the government This means that popular oBee hold ers will not he exiled because of growth of confidence on ty part of tie people. ; M . ?>' President Diss Is anxious to estab llsh the confidence of tho entire re public In the, government tnd to this end be will ssnd s number of speclsl messsM to congress ssklng ths en actment of laws Metering commer cial trade sad Internal prosperity. Parcels of the vast ranches in Chi huahua saeh aa are owned by Senor Crwel may be conlscated. although this -111"*, don. I. a friendly spirit I! with payment of Indemnities. These reforms the government be Ilexes, win satisfy every faction of the revolutionists. ? ' ?"?*???? ttjMfrrsace for the District, M. B. Church, be held la the tjwn of COTTON WAHIfiCT I. in! cotton, % 1 4 .'J t> . Cotton -seed, per ten. $!8.4l> , hu acrepted m firhols A Bock street wivflrc he see hls./'mmajr V?ty often you you conkln't five lot of extra tof%OUNTRY HAMS which we offer as long as they last at f.Q_ 1L the low nrice of iOC^LD BOTTLE GOODS 30c Heinz ChiU Sauce 23c 35 " Euchred Pickles 26c 25 " Currant Jelft I8e 20 ? Ua,* ReSsh 16c lie H?l?? Ptsoot Batter. . . 1<W Mrs. D. P. Bta&ots Picklw quart size . 33c U. M ? ' - - f?l 1 Jl vwc niarsscniao vOcrrMS wc 75c Jar Preserves '> 59c CANNED GOODS 25c Lemon Cling Peaches 18c 31b. Caa Refugee String less Bean? 10c 30c. lb. Coffee 35c 3 lb. Caft VM Camps " Big Hominy 08c 20c CAcJ^jkcre 25c Can BaMn Cocoa 1*

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