J . Bond Hiw.nr be called popi}-, tar InrnatmenU. u Uej cannot ftp ima, in North Carolina except by! I?pnlar vote. \ * 'her try ?ny deadlock buelaen* In Ar%jnn ?k,D Buffalo Bill mm for the senate, why Bill the standing t5mber on 407 bcres of rfofid. This timber will be sold for periods of 9 and tears, also sdver al notes secured br real estatd mort jgsge, Amounting to $2000.00, If Interested wrlto ^>4 i. B. HARVEY, Receiver. * J 8-22-c K Vaaceboro. M. C. lagttm, county offtomJort, aula of ?vtfrth Carolina or. H. Short betat ut-nt tb.r.o ,1,4 in char* (froreoJ, upon wh*m procaaa ?? be aar.ed), *- , ??*??? ??*&?? r*u??*anta ot chapter It. rotjafl o[ IMS, tlUed "Corporetlona," preliminary U th, laaulal ot HI. mrtlflcato ot ?? ?olutioa : . 'ftBito&ia - . . Now, therefore. 1. J. Bryan Ortaaa aecretary ot >tu> ot tbe'tho atate at North Carotin*, do hereby certify that-the aaid corporation *14. on tha I Oth 4ay of January ytl, Ola In aty oBco a 4uly execnto4 and att>8 i*"'- 'V-'1 /J Second Ward- ? T. J. Harding. J no. piwi k " 'fi ' Third ward? R/J. Manlw, Cfc*H mm**: rikto wki?? l. a: Dim, A- Mayo. ?1rat Ward ? Cbauncey'a Stablaa. Second .Ward? City Hall. TWrd Ward ? Winfleld's stable.. Vowth Ward ? Byfvester Bdward'aj 8?re. Tkla iiat day of March J til. *- a wmnutT. ' KLSi: 2S2L thousand fly. thereafter. Thla March aitt. Ifll. OF DRAINAGE ' Tka __ Uke lotkt that a immmona a bora anfUlad action waa aj.m.t all defendant on "the nth day of Pebraarr, t?117 for th. iu* of two thousand ltl,IUI dollar., due by d.fendaat to the plalfftf for dana?ee fiowln* oat of breach of iwvatMAt f.. i -n M -.l-l.v contract *or mtticv rvDuaroQ, wdicd aald lunmou U nWUMt at a tarn of th? Superior Court to bp held for aald county oa tha llth Moa day attar the Pint Moaday In March, 1*11, to- wit: the 21nd day of Ha g, Ull. The defendant WU1 alio taka not Ire that a warrant of atuchm.nl -aa Inued by tha \ BoblliM th* troops I Ut? ?W| P*l' Tf# : i . IT. ' TAX NOTICE! r ,n L^'r"J5r <"? l*nd. heralnafter described '?. "to*.***#**. WIU be Bold at the courthouse door In Mt^^Taalilngton. N. <3.. to the hl(l>eet bidder at public au tlta trd day of April. 1?1?, (or taxes tor the I thereon, unlw paid before date of sale: v I 7?? 11.40 S4* c- JlUl?oo?. M lot NicholaonrHle Clara FoaUr Batate, l-l lot. No. (1, u. N. T... t"?" I' ,?^T ' 1-1 tot, BrownrUI* John P. Harris, 1-1 lot. Browaville ??J; W. ? Mra.' J?- T ?<**? 1-* "oi, NO. HT. V. N. T-. ltia-il.T?;... ?.7? A. W Styron, 1-2 lot No. <4 B. O. P. . ? . : (.TlJ&i. i' 34 J J Feoner B. Satterthwalte, 8-4, No. 44. M N. T. .. 14 10 <: S 5' I'tot. Brownrllle, Bal. due 1 1 lfcfs i*t ?? ZWV- 1 f* mo-n.. 5- SS'WW. 1-* ">t No. 21. H. T. 1?0?-10 B. H. Whitley, l-? lot. No. II, ltt?-u a *--*<*** l-? tot. ff .... .. .. A. J- Brows, 1-2 101, U. N. T Jno. E. Brown. 1-t lot. PaU .7..... Jao. Brown 1-4 lot. Foote Branch, 1 lot, V. N. T. 5S5L . . BrMsaa. 1-4 IcANo. 17. V, T.. 1-4 lot Sp*rrow bram BUngo. 1-4 lot, Fmte J 0.00 17.tl m ?.S? s s.?? 1J.?J .3.5# I1? IM IS. 70* & Clarence Blanco Henry Bryant's iffo.,1-4 lot. Pate U.1S sngo H lot No. 18. V. N. T. ?.?? Dfs Batato. 1-1 lot No. 4 2. E. T. ........ 10.40 1-1 tot JO. P. T jo. iHoyt OliirVHBfH HHPPWVIVf Pansy Clark's Batata 1-2 lot Cherry Alfred Conway. ?-4 lot Wlswall Oao. W. *d warts, part lot No 00, V " Robt.Foye, 1-4 lot, Bryan John Oorham. 1-4 lot, P. T. Adeline Grady, 1-J lot, Rosetta . . Cltts. 8. Howard. 1-4 1U V. N. T > ? ? ? ??? HWVipPPIMliC] T V " | ? ? 23i 4.4* no w. 1. Heritasd, l-l tot No. ss, R. T. ?&. S.I0 A. W. Jonoa. 1,4 lots OT 8.80 Blliabeth /ones' Estate 1-4 lot, Bosetta 2.20 Bd. Latham, 1-1 acre, realdence 10.10 Harry Mackey, 1-t lot Blount S.?o W. F.*MjWtte Pt. 71 V. N. T.. Pt ??, V.1 N. T , 1-4 No. t* V. mV.' 4 12.54 afc5.*a?sa4#t ?s usala Parkins, .1-4 lot M. N. T 4.40 HI HI ? Wmsbi ? i NICHOLSON I - Atton^THMjur *wcik!e in AD Court Nicholson Hotel ] .'. A D. ?hcL?. SMALL, MACLEAN & f McMULLAN T ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW * W. D. GRIMES | attosney-at-lav. "" '? ffaiMcM f jlfa. c? ? ... RODMAN & RODMAN AttorncyMt'Law -i. Wyhiimon, N. c. # ? ? ? ? : *** ?. Att?rM7^|?ir ? HBHlBww Business Cards =i *'* \p ????????? : - ? washikotos. ?. C. ? ?????? ? ?'? ?????. i'V.-.-V I i U I 1 1 1 I n ? I h?Te Jut Ban in? I ? TINNKSSEE COTTON 8EBD ? *?; n ? rxww i ??T ?? '.*??*? ' ? ? v. v. rmiAips ? -?NEW Onion Sets AND Garden Seed ANY VARIETY rnoNn to, '4' _ j i