town la full of democrats and.tho democrat* are ful of Ideas Soihe tM?? la (Olai to UMVpyi. All aorta of rumors are nfloai. ' Candidates tor qfflce arc on -thr run, JMmacrit lc cougreaamen were never are waiting for the rlg|lt Three or four North Carolina nail. 1 > Z\ >. hut pdfcular (hnn right now; when good' "jSpj Thrte 01 groea who Tctad many jears ago. but Will never do ao aitaln ualeoa they x -change their roMenre, are here to iat tkelr ahara. Brarybody la praach Ing that to the victor# belong thai polls and the doctrine la taking , II yu-c HajdSShee^H most abaorblng tople la: | the committee oh i to do about Ua report on' committee aaeigniaenta? Whan will it . ! 1 \ Reciprocity la not halt aa latereaV t italt to the average congressman aa committee plana*. Thla la perfectly natural aa more of the good work here la ?on* by and through oommlt | I A majority of the reprcaentatlvea ? reflect Saturday f though he la yfr-hare to amk 'for hlmaelf I. oppoaed to' President Taft'a proportion Bo, I, 10 special 4 -minute Bdlaon Bator**.} Wa give a Oen Attachment free of % ? ?jS? 11 10 The lecture Framera . J-?g It ftwwtafc U ? will I cotton seed oil tx> ad valorem duty tit Take down this ??II three lime* i. ' add to the profit# 1 oil iMll mad the (?Tor of passing the by Itself?" ? he >tt "No. IpdeW We in tut aend with It a kill reducing the tarlt on wool Sd woolen goods and steel and adJ >? foodjtutti." ' jr ; tu ?: This lyWpIo of the talk heard at the capital fc* ~ , The democrat! of the vara anil mean committee of the boaae, who ? are preparing the reciprocity bjll and bUU to >Mnee v.-.e dntlea In three or more, tariff acheudles. are divided Into "progreaalTc" and "con '?rratlTe" campa. Chairman Under wood, leader of the ooneerratHei. backed by Mama. Palmer of Pen**, ?ylvanla, Brantley ot Oeoritia. Dixon ot Indiana. Hammond of Minnesota. Harrison of yew Tork. and Patera! Mnetti. H la nW of Maaaachusetts. H la laid, favor the 1?""?? Of the reciprocity tneaeura the a rat thine and passing It te tha senate aad then following thla us with bills (-educing the woolen, cotton the wieol^n. cotton and - foodstuff The progreaalvea. unj)e^. the lead- 1 Carolina, would. It li f t paaa the woolen, and p acheddlea Urat. . i / ' ' ' " : ' J iv?. Have Ileal (DM at the Oem Tlmaj Large crowds Hare been attending the (Jem Theatre thla week aad the pictures a >d mualc haa been greatly enjoyed. iSte program announced for thla eyeaing by the management promises te be a moet Interesting one and those who attend will no doubt be DKM7 pleased J: Mr. Bparrow. the manager, la cer tainly giving hie patrons tbetr mon ey a worth. !>. public ItalMiag. Our cltlseaa ate beglnnlg to fed anxlouR over the construction it Waahlngton'a handsome public bull* lng. It la to be-heped that sro/kf will commenc^sbortly^ WASHINGTON'S :: DEPARTMENT :: STORE GORDOK HOSIERY For the Whole Family sr 1' KUIOIt IX QUALITY. CORRECT IN stVxe. \ TTI) 4 HTrtrn TUT f I ATTRACTIVE IN PRICE No. 717, No. 333, " " 59 cents. Call for No. 717, Silk Lisle 25 ccats 5ft Ag&ORKAT. HMjiHil TMCNT -Trove I HI Paeo, Tel . March 10 'available luKurrectos In ttui lit Northern Mexico ?r. being co tiaLed ??t ot Chihuahua. a< Ing to new. tySlved here. It that the purpoee Is to nlloV those who have fought for the Inaurrecto cause to have aome part In the con lalderatlon of peace Urmi. That Here has been no rece?l lighting around Chihuahua la regart ed aa Indicating that the men In the; 1 Held belle re the aelectlon of the new cabinet an evidence of good faith up oa the part ot the soreifament pre paratory to pedce negotiations. How-' ever. the concentration of MaderoV forces near Chihuahua would make; San Antonio, Tax.. March 30. ? Seaor Da La Barra. the Mexican Mia later ot Foreign Attain. passed throush hate today on hla war tq Mexico City, bat wee not Joined by ear ot the Madero family, who are expected soon io enter Into peace ne gotlatlons with representative* ot the Mexican government. On subjects of public Interest San er Da UBarn waa allent He ex presaed Os highest esteem for the American people and for their pres ident an! high officials with whom ha haa had to deal as Minister to Waapfn^ton. > ' . t'v Halations between the United States and Mexico, he aald. ware ot a sincere friendliness, doe to simi tar high ideal* ot Justice nad human ity. He aald that be did nat expect to aee Senor Umantour at Monterey, but would proceed directly to the City of Mexico for an Interview with "Can you give any assurance that thare_wlU_soon be peace In yonr) s of the city aro called to meat man meeting for the purpose, oi cussing the building of the Mat iuskeet railroad from Belhaven, to ?shins too and tt in incumbent up^ ??ery ciOien and taxpayer to he ennt and- aid In every way possible > construction of thla road, rhe Dally. New* has It on reliable' horlty tiat the convicts now at rk on the, roed txpm L*ke Land to Beibaven will flnlah their task ant matter fa right nosr. Tonight, the opportunity will be given for the dtiaena of Washington to express themMlres. The time of the meet ing la eight o'elook. 'J - *?J Tjro thirds of the right of way bet weeibyW aahln g t on and Belhaven has already befell assured and oer people cdanot afford to allow this great opportunity slip. If the cltl sens do not tnm ont tonight apd see what can be done in the premises; then the road to Washington Is lost' For one time let the citizens get a move on them and attend en masse the meeting at the city hall. tin Is not a single hour to lose, to put of longer Is to advertise to the out side world Washington does not carj for any more enterprises. Shame on us as a city If we do not rally as one man for the construction ot the Mattamuskeet railroad on to Washington. No enterprise would be of more benefit to the city. ' If you desire the railroad be on hand tortlght at eight o'clock? -if you don't care and think Waahlngton Is prosperous enough, why then have the manhood to stay away. It Is up to the dtli ens. %?&. .*V. . ? _ i . . I L | f rr' LJ/-A\7^r I Washington's J. K.. rlUY 1 I Great eetStorr SILK NECK FIXINGS fOR THE LADIESM SOME ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS 25 Ceuts to 2.98 Each TRY ~ J. K. HOW - FIRST I Will be RefOaancd ? Fur* i crt^T Mow i., -the j- Will Wipe 0?? the ttmplm. J, . ;if Albany, N. Y., March 30.? The work of refcabi|ttatlBg the fire-swept State Capitol began yesterday white the flames-were *tllT" rrackTng In the 'western wing, waa continued today , with Increasing Wgor. were/directed to drying out the por-1 tions of the great building untouch ed by the lire but asked by the tona of water poured upon thecpp-i (1 lag rati on. Today the legislative leaders are expected to confer with Governor Dlx and SUte Architect Ware regarlng the appropriation" necessary to re pair the building. The state archi tect has reeommeaded that the leg lslature authorise Immediately the 1 preparation of plans for rebuilding J the mined third. 1 and fourth floors 1 in the west end. This worjt will ln I elude. the replannlng of the h?*0rlOTr ? to meet the demands of tW ofBcee ' that will occupy the iuartera ftom | which fire drove the education de-. j p^rtraent! v '?! Uao Octal estimates place the oost of reconstruction cloep to $4,000,000, It Is said that a* -appropriation this siae would praftlrally wipe out' the ?Uj*?te<l surplus reatlnl.g In, * ? advkrtibk m TBB MKivs ?d that brdluhrdlu , of eouMj win be tjilr k. to. public Of u?.wmqt^d|( Thoclaio of orphan* from tin Ox ford Orphan A.jlum left thl. ihorn ta? tor *?TOr? whore they will give ?a. entertainment thto.^Wa,. v/. and Saturday Fancy Irish Potatoes 20c. pk. WASEO FLOUR pwtarrel $5.00 1-4 -Barrel 2.60 24{fcb?8? !? 12 lb. bags .35 Snow Drift Lard, pur lb. 10c Kinghans Best Lard " 12c CANNED GOODS Hem : Red Kidney Beans 12c MixedVegetables for Soup 8c 25c Pears 18c 4?c Asparagus, 2s 30c 29e GiWonii Lemon CKne Peaches ' Wc Gem Theatre Tonight : . ?, ? : THEIR FJRHT Mitt rXI>KFlSTA?iI> top. 4 THE MAX IN THE MOON ? Ooswd j. ' 1 ? . ? : . ? ? - MUM. (1AVXIFP8 CTKITOItH ? Cdmrfr .1 FORMS ORCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7:39 TO 10:30 P. R d Is a Necessity to Both To-Night is say whether or not a#ll^ SSl* .*? -r. i

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