. brl*ht f?r a lodK ? he caucud tomor I ? ? * row result* In a lo?e feaat, and thl. ?"?> ? ramou, poulblllty. ?>? dem ocrat:, *111 no. prejaBt a unit*! (rout to the jj Ot the houae ton IBM;* Win dot vote for reciprocity .Ion. They thl>tl nartbarTta head nor Ita tall." ? UUa He admitted that tb qouth he ?u arrosant and quarrelaome and eren bad committed acme mm Mil, "bat be aakad; "what youth ta my claai ,1a Naptra baa sat been arroa.nt qnamHwme and rulltj of boyl.h ?? A. the qneatlonlnx proceeded Kr rtcoae * ho wed aim of Irritation, finally trabftw with Mdtei^at. A. the thraata of the * 'W v w n pn3??vttipr cone'H [Mi fe?rdm~Ml WJ Ul km looked Hk? A ?t?a? i aalmml about to apt*! u pon lta prt* Bid den ly ha abaMtiae* a) alternate Ml Mara a ad (ara free rata to M> M la a peo ration that ??? eloquent. - ? " ' MtnttM hM jtratlnir <* truly' i rrleoaa declare, that W, waa Mined "by the aen*a or tb.. newspaper altkofRh -? ? ; OOtJK ?I * BL'F v, :t VaitVy-i ... V. * im. arrived lo the city tod*} Aurora where they (Are an en lament lae^ evonla*. Tbe claii Vy>' *n ontertaliuwiit In th? of Belhaven this evening. No if the beet ever preeented by Up itentatlre. of th!e wellknowr f*?. Mirph 20. Joht met- president of Un Worker* ot Amerloa,' It to ? New York aoeja, hlui Jdet made hla ftrsl to the action of the un ordering hlto lo , reetsn fron; glre op my work In the body th?t I tr^jif to eatablleh Indnafrlal peace. But I had no rbolce. J did aot (In .up fl.ooo a yew for a Jlitle card.fl ;??'? ?p the money for a principle *"ken I had power to force ilmllai | edict. I ordered other men 'to ?tn ^ ;? m* 8 Su. ?? |f|l Mr. A Ml raw Stmrt miimcJ lhl? ormlng Iron, Rmsonrille where he took the remains of hi. two-yosr-old d?M*ht,r. Sarah Elli.beth, f?r Itf. *r?i?^t. My, Ud Mrs. stesrsrt ku. ?? sjmpfthj of entire connpua of th? Mrkn at ?tuc*' will be detlverod at church, tomorrow _ *wr./X ||W "?? *?" ttke as Ws .utJM: -Den. f.r-Slgn.1. lo cfilld Uf*." H. I. ?er r d estrone tint parents especial* attend this ear-rite. 3-S* ' . >1 ?~*1 ? . V "t. u.tsjltood snd ( lot hint to r* El Paso Hears Ntws of Tfco Battles in Mexico Yerterday RESULTS HE ft HHTI1IHD I J>Y- ' ' ' '? El Puo, Teiaa. lurch 31 ->T>af there bare been stubborn battles fought during the last twenty-four i hours 'fntfee northern states o t Me* i ico Is certain. The report from Son on that a thousand men have fallen ? -Is generally discredited hejre; but it \< is not doubted that a battle of con sequence occurred. 8tuce Wednes day there has* been Xfchtlng at Santa Barbju?a, near Chihuahua. which the insurrectoe outnumbered the I Federate and have gained a partfal victory, though both aides are rest? ma awaiting reinforcements. ? Tttseon. Aria. March 31. ?That a thou send on have been killed on i both | tides In m tvaAte between Fed > erala end rebel, lo the rlelnltr ot Ban i Rafael and Urea, Mexico. since Mon I day la reported br a Pederal officer : In N?gale?, Sonora, according to ? ? special to * local paper Trow Nogalev i The r Ulcer l? sa'd lo ban given this report to fellow officer* upon receipt ? pf newt from Hermoslllo- ' " . -J The destruction of a big floor mill ? at Ban Rafael by dynamltetla eald to, bare bees followed br aire which i numbered MUttst the .WWW of the engagement fought win* the tow. Yftimiiir^" ''' fi*i The rebels In the vicinity of ITree are eald to number 1.600 are commanded by /?a? Garcia. Joan Ci bral and.coldidl tlaadarllta. Colonel Olron. who was In command of tbej Inaurrectoa at la Colorado: Colo."!, VWawat. Colonel Kane* and Captain' "TW MX? - tTnder this title I Sunday World will prim a' I thirteen detective .torlea bf 8lr Ar-| thai- Conan Dorle. Thee. sUtfijt] Holnsee atorlea will be complete In **ch ** tWrtwn Sunday,. b*. I ane will be equally desirable Mr. B. L. Siuman oreaWent ot the] ."fSsS i |?oo^ la expected to arrlw la tlu! <*tr within the neit tea daya ^ ? _ ooturre., that doe. this and '!]??/> JtTcJU > ? 'ho construction of Obe eat bargeajarer turned out Jtldn of th. statat Tbo o be Unlit tor Mr. C. A. Wuhtnftgn '{p. Tbo RpTXl1 '??: '*??. 31 jft** hole. The timber I* ?hj^W-W..the contract. Kg"* ?on?r Otk D. Tred^eU Of Hyde county, ?" in the toy. , She waa loaded with Mr. Charles Sparrow of Jackaon vllle, Pta, formerly of Aurora, waa brought to the Washington Hoapltal yesterday for "treatment. HI* many Irian da will be glad to know that his condition ta SJUlh better. The building for the hoaalng of the Wast Sad Reel Hoae wagon UUI been completed. 1 The 'work waa done by Mr. M. M. lonea ?gfjU;j? city. It la a credit to W 11- The West Bad Reel taam t?T- h" ?. "pnae that Is creditable. PE6W.ES' GROCER PHONE 76. Wo* River Batter, tab 17 t-2c ffw Bvtf ? prfcte3fcjfc French Kofi Wafcre 20c C? Snow Drift Lard, pur lb. 10c 5? pad Simon Pure Lard 65c 101b pail ?_J. - 1^0 10c nkf Oatmeal Meffen or National 8c