oaty In t^e tint 6 Mance, hot al*o In the fiHIn* of T* A sarins ??' ?les.W?!-th (ho an nual CM1 of running consraaa . U promlaod through the cutting out of superfluous employes and In aotlTe ' romiflttees: and utrrhdluetaolhfrd rommlttaea; and through the Abol ishment of the time honored rttm month'. p?r. plarrs all aro put Into be known as the armatsa?' In th? TW .election of committees by the house. A provision to prerent fill blistering under the role giving au thority to dlacharge committees fro mi < nnilderlng bllW. A prorltlon p?r mlttlag amendments to appropria tion WUa whenever thaae amend ments wtll result m retrenchment of national expenditures Authority ??."*? *s TW rul motion to dlaclwria a commlt-l ??? (rom custody of a bill !? the ro ??lt ot the Mhbuater conduct*** In tha laat ?<-ulon by lUprwnUtlTO1 Mann ot llltnot.. Ho b*d th. poat-| 77? Ti TUP. I.AKOi?T MX* TO BE i? PATSXT OR TAX, AXKLK 8TRAB I OL-N MKTAI, CAW PCMPf -WE.,, . . , . f '?* *ea Commute*. Mated1 that Uwy would, be offered to the houae Tneeday. Ira mftiaMr after the preliminary or gaalaatkm of the Unit coherers >' la Ita effort to redwre the home payroll and dlapmae with ertra em ployee. the democratic caneua an t horned rwi