die >re?mted the ? Milter, which is follow*: Mr, Joaaphna Dnn f the News and Qbaerrer; Mr Crow, cashier Commercial Na Bkak. Dr. I W. O'tlllr. paa Irst Baptlat church; Mr. Will ? t. M. C. A. organic r: iJr. r. PutUn. president H>M|h ;? Bank) Ool. T. A Old., sec Chamber of Commerce: Mr. Judd. superintendent of educa ?f Wake County; Prof. W.^j] rs of the department of chemii h of these gentlemen pralied . M. C. A. ill the college In Utfiest urn. KM) assured us ifter we hid done our (art. :h would not be found total of fortr-two > divisions were then dlrlde<} Ire turns each, wttfc Instruo. I* nA Wtwk-We !? " ad report results after Sinner lay thereafter uatll the requlr lOuat waa ralaed. Friday afta4 day? of canraaalng among the iri only. t h* workers reported il of l?,m subscribed, the ?a **0.0M to a $48,000 build r a Young Men's Ckrtatlan A? on at (he Nort(i Carolina. CoV if Agriculture and Mechanics one of the conditions being It leaat 1 1?,000 be sabacrlbe* M C. M. Brow* will aaawuca a con mlttee to go to Raleigh on ne: Tocsday to oontar with tho gOTeri Or end the council of atat t. ? ] The Dally New* calls on owr poop] to rally to thla enterprise We aa eoamunlty cannot allow thlB mVl needed aad eaaentlal enterprlee t d*fe*t*d. Attend the meeting Fr d*y night, bat la tk* meantliaa bJ committee and add youraame to tl list /or a good amouat. -y city of Raleigh to raiaa. ' *akacrl| tloa* (or the rearming l?.W ne. eaasry to aacore tb* Rookefeller glf ?ad thereby protld. milt. M. C. J building tor tb* A. A M. Coll** which with the *lt* aad IM-aouli meat wlU k* worth orer *50,000 Mr. Hunter.'* raotloe was unan moualy carrled.and In pledgt was s*cured on tb* spot Tb* forty two A. * M. workei ww* then placed oa the Ralelg team*, two A. * H men being pla, ed on each laam to kelp canvaaa th city Monday. \ 3 1 Attar the ladla* announced., tbi th*y would sens dlaaer Monday I tkay had doae during the Ralelg campaign th* meatlag adjourned. The A. ft M. base t*n team playe Wake Foreat College Saturday a .Wake Foreat aad dsfeatad than t Ihe acora of J to 0 P. B. 1 .I ! ? M ,1 J ... _ ? _ ? _ _ _ _ i? i, , _ _ SEEN THEM? S TO MATCH in appearance thoroughfare of *e tow. Md ??* a voljey w bullets and buckshot Uto the crowd Orem Stocklay, 18 years old, son of t ftrour living near Lau rel. fell to the, grotand. allot through ipe head. He wan taken to a hos pital In Salisbury, where he died to SKskjKir * ' : - r ' George Hudaon. SO year* old, a white man of Betlt?l. waa (hot In, the leg. neceasltatlnp: emputaMon. ann John Thompaon a white barber, waa shot In both less while 1 having a pa Iron. Other white men reeatTeil mi nor Injuries It la known that several negroes ware Injured hut the& cannot ha lo cated. Officers vare unable to cope with the mob and there waa a Mm strug gle" between the two moos antll t o'clock In the moral [lg. Windows ware shattered and the exterior of buildings were greatly damaged. Today when It waa learned that young stockier had died, a number of white nun ansa* thamaelves and with Chief cf Police Rills and other offices entered the colored, aactlon and raided the house which waa said to be t^e quarters of the negro rtot ?. '? (1*> fnaae* County Jail. ,t ' Earl Richards, a 15-year-old white w boy stole his father's revolver and captured George Wright a negro, a for whom the authorities hare been ?7 looking for a year. Richards com pelled the negro to hold up his hands ct "ntll the oncers arrived. Wright Is t. aa'rf to be wanted In Virginia for the i- alleged mnrder of i white hoy. tt Officers are endeavoring to appre ,J head the negro who fired the fatal ahot at younjt Stocklay. open threats a have .keen made of a lynching when Mr. w. M. Kmr tu >oU 100 acre of tk^Boww. f.ra* situated on Lh Mr | Car-ft?a?n *111 e.ubtlih tin* horiM. He will more here thj 1 % jjif : breeding and trnlnUi (arm for trol Mr?. Martha TMpp p???eeth Ann rtsral -Ing and was born In Chocewlnlt December 9. 1S1J. -In th* m 1K48 she w?h h$pplly marl red t ; the late B. F. Tripp* Seven chlldre: were* born to them. of which ton are atill Urine and are Nathanl? Harding Tripp.' if RJiUton. N. C. William Henry Tripp of Bonnertoo N. C.; Robert ?nd , Sarah Tripp t tills city she aUoleeyee to mouf their loss two brother*. Major Henr Harding of OretwrlUe and R?*\ Ns ?later, Mrs. Elisabeth Curtis of Ortoi ?ilia, Minn. , i kr?. Tripp wu always a dutlfu daughter, a loving slater and a faith ful mother.. 8he was a true daugh tar of the Confederacy. It was li her house that the women met to Mi for the Oonfedearte aoldlers and he Jurnn _**a. headawurter*. /or Genetfl reitigrew dating the a?tge of Waih lngton. She nursed many of the aol dlers through measles and other dla ensea. She was turned out of he lIcc new home, jyt finished, by t:? Feaeials and never rethr t.vl o : Her last years have been spent li Inactivity but she realised that It wa her daty to submit cheerfully t< God'a will and to let patlenoe hav< her perfect work. She was held li high and affectionate esteem not on ly by her kindred but by j>U? wb, knew her. 8he waB a aonalatent member o th* M. B. Churl h and always fouai In har place In tha aanctuary whei Health permitted. i , -l The funeral will be held from th. First Methodlftt church tomorrow morning {Wednesday) at 11 o'clock conducted by the pastor, fear. r. h IP*# WESMf'S KSSME KL Hall tonight and Wann?r tonight and BrUk northeast to ?. ? M'RPRUtK MARR1AGK _ Mr. o. A. P??l and H!?i ?nb Mar ried la EUnbetb ON*. - <$.. The md . k.. ? On their rat urn they *111 occupy the HIU residence at the comer of Harvey and Eaat Second ttraeta. Mf. Paul, the (room H a aon of Mr. and Mra. W.8. Paul of Belharen. N. C. Be haa been clerk ot the au perior mart since l?og and In It 10 waa honored with re-election by hla party. He haa bean (n the clerk > o?ce atnce IMS. He hne filled thU honored position with credit to hlm aelf and hla conatltueocy. He It a' young man of many frlenda In all aec tlona of the county. Mlaa Weeks la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. T, B Wavka and a native of Edenton. N*. C.; bnt for the past fonr years haa been a resident of this city. She la a woman of attractive man ner and peraonaUty. In her circle of frlenda, and they are legion, ahe wields an enviable influence She waa indeed a ptUe well striving for. The Dally Newa Joins their friends' in extending beet wishes. May their wedded life be till sunshine. '?? ?, ':-o a,.:, COTTON MARKET Unt cotton. ?l?.oo . Cotton seed, per ton. m.00. E.K.WILLIS THE Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Fox River Butter, tab 27 l-2c Fox River " prists 30c. lb Frenefcitoll Wafers 20c Can Snow Drift Lard, pur lb. 10c 51b pail Simon Pore Lard 65c 1Mb nail " " " 1.30 8c ' 8c 25c 35c 10c lb 15c 2Sc ?. 29e Small Sbe Pkg Gold Dust 4c ?fi ? i f ? v., . Something New in Flower Pots. Call and see then A nice lot of Country Made Breed Trays Just Received. Get yours before they are picked over. . 10c pkg Oatmeal Kara Syrups, per can, 21b Can Armours Roast Beef 45c Can Lobsters Evaporated Fruit Fancy Peaches .. " Apricots Export Soap. 7 barn 81b Best Lump Starch fcLM, iRIC LIGHT IS NOW CHEAPER rnnjm'.? **? U ?lwtrlc It? luxury? Comfort ? ClMnUneaa ? 1 Conr?l,uw. Everybody an no. afford it. c& t6u longer afford to nee Itlumtanots. .The new Mude Lmap iItm tke not "*h< koown- Cm" WMhlMton Electric PUnt Proof \*t\4 HOW MAX WENT JRIHNII THK (~ , - --.v. 1 ? t ?