' faith ( i Of the aountry. of campaign cont'rl tho early admission of aad Arlaona to state line ot the thing* which^I Clerk emphaalxed In Um ?tie program u meantime* would be atflertakea ky Um pmrtria'tk* house. Speakor , .Clark aid In pwt:H| , Arur sixteen year* of excluHoaj from power In the house md four teen ream of eaclnV In erery department BPHBI IPWHP|HR?4mi ?> well. subordinating p.tMn?l ambi tion to aa' ajalttd lore of coaitry. we win not only recall* the end. , raent of the people W what la better? we will deaarra t bUrsad oee | "1. An honest, Intelligent revision '*? tartft dbwnWajd U .order , to I ererr American cltlxen an eqhal _ ee^n the raee of life and to' W none andoly by special (nor or prlrUeg*. to reduce the ooet jof Mini t>r eradicating the enormities it ianrl* and cruelties of the Mil and to raise Ihe enne to support the ??cuitrjr w ?.k Hp* km. - k\, ? Bllta are. already far ad razeed In preparation looWng to the aceom Pltohment of tktM beneficent enda *2. The paaeage of a .neglaiUon submitting to the iutfca for ratMMH tlos a constitutions! amendment pte lut evening. Ibobt two weak a ago there were only "??V members of this worthy org .nlsatlon. At the moetlag last jlght Uty member* were repotted. This ihows the lalWt being takea In lila ^r?anla)>tt(m by oar cltigeaa. It le the purpoee of the M u irect a club haose on the eeat aide If the couaty. bridge at aa early day) Che plana for the building hare st eady been furnished. The propced ? forty-feet square la M? TM building 4xn with double Mft ?? tU pP 'A' eeven foot, walk (rMt the ouaty bridge t0 the . club ' hooee 1 roper will tie instructed Quite a number of sedal functions rill he given at thla building durlag be summer. All the reenters of he otab are enthiiMaatlr over the iraepatta and U beboores Vvery M, ?en of Washington to aid la the eree loa of this building The follow as hare an far been elected member. t the dab: , ? - ?i -*? i-.' - W. C. Rodman. Tfltunas Clark, W. V. Mclllheany, *. 8. Neat, W. W. latterthwalte, W. r. Clark. David Xwle. M. A. Smith. R. T. Oallagher. H. Fuller. H. Sparrow, p. a. (Ichorfon. A. M. Dumay, C. A. Plynn I. L. Stewart. J. U Mayo. Li T. Shaw B. L. Brooks. Jno. A. Arthur, f. H. tollliu, J. 0. Rodman, D. Hill. Jr.. '. He, Saundera. R. P. Fowle. C. I*, lorton, C. t*. Payne, W. t. H.rrell, e secured* to run the plant and pay ts bills. We earnestly hope thst he oltlsens will appreciate the nec essity for the observance of this rule tn*yg?n consuming lllumtnants. The now Mas da Lamp gives the moat dutiful artificial light known. Call Washington Electric Want Proor (rill be submitted. i in' in i i ii Gem Theatre Tonight iVIGood j. , ) -i K, C.