troubled with Ula dread ?mm try om bAtla. Price ??t ud 11.00 p ?r bottle. Tot ' miUiitoa ? CHOICE 1 ; fciUfti*. V. Wedding and faaaral flowara artla-| tlcally aVlaagad at abort notice. I teletbapk u< telephone ordera| promptly su?d br / J. L O'QUINN & C0.| N. 14t. Southern Railway * LIm to All Polata-^NorthJ Vary low roumd trip rhiaa to all] .flMpal rnorta. JBHllriMH V ' Through Pullman to Atlanta, leat 1 ?e Ralalgh 4:0ft p. arrive. AtUh I CSS a. * . making eloaa c*naac and arriving Montgomery day after, lea Viae Raleigh =>?? MoMI* ? 1? ?? m. *?" I* 8:10 ?$. m? Blrralni i Ingham -U noon, M.mpht. 8:06 p. ?? Imu City 11: M ?. m., aero&d day I and connection at Sallabary Tor St Louie and other weetern polata. | Through Pullfban to WaaMatMii Igb - ?fufflirh foiiMe, fe male complain',. kidney diaorder, MUouuen, ?1 frr new health awl ?l*or. Trr lino. only ;uitRit ?y'? Urn* ;? ' ' ? ? them. lie (he beat Salve In the world for eorea. ulcere, ecxema, buriia. boll, e<*Jd?. cut,, come. ,ore eye., .pr.m., swelling,, bruleee, cold urn Hm no equa (for pile,. 2U at Hardy', Drat Store. . ,, , .? ..!? ?{ ? ?. A id 'there I, even , happlnes. That make, the heart' afraid. ? -r-TW? jpl? Many t ylmewoni, temptation noo>? to ... la fro, color, (hat ? thrt are but yTfcln coffee. "There's a A. * M. OOftUBQB NOTKS ? ?>. w_ ? ? J x\- ,< West. Raleigh, *prll 3 ? On a wet geld and with weather mare aultabre for football than ba?ba\l, A ndX. VaMktad' Davidson College is ? fath er alow ud ualntereatlng (Ue her* today by the mot* ?ri to l. n. tfm tare* were th* hlttla# of Hartaell at A. and ML. tktjMM ? Hob. rue, ? three- base hit and . alngle, and Stafford 'a pitching, striking out J,? and allowing oalr two blti 000^010 MO? 1* ?00 Sll 01?? 4 Batterle* ? A. ? M: Stafford and Seifart. Davldaop ? Bailey and Uad laou.x ' >. ? ftuaamsry: struck out by stafforti 14; Bailor. ?: baa* on bulla by Sal ley, tj ay>len baaea A. * M. 4; Dav l . ' < ? .'j. : \ ? . II la naturally th* atralght an* nartow path for thoae who ?re pay tng for the new pavement. ""^e once heard of a woman who could talk and would, not Wd" hare alao heard of other curloim things. ' ' . ? Every man belleree that he la a born laadar, but the majority are un able to find a proceealon to bead. ^Kren a modeat girl haa been known to engage In a flirtation for tbe pur pose of making tome other girl mle erable. ' ?/ Merely loving a woman doeeo't ? ntlsfy her aha vrantk you to maka lore to her. ?? ? Ourloo. Tragedy. Newton. H. J.. April 3? Ellin Williams . if years of agy, of La Proftwor Win B" Smith wont to Aurora y^t*c4*y llUnooa. >? '? ? ? -^yV J. T. Otbta. tt.D.. "iMA'ot the Washington district, bu rsturnsd to the city "Tf. V" * Mr. Thraus Shaw of Banyan wu km murttr , ,o.y? : TV ? ? ^V'. . ?'? ? ' ??J jt'-; ?j&\ Mr. Nelson Wlndley of BelhaTen, was here today on Mr. M. P. Wright. Jr., wa^. here this morning visiting hfs father. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs Oqllln Congleton left on the Norfolk Southern train for their future home in Norfolk this '??>** ?' -i'S-j ? ? ? Major Henry Harding of Oreen *411* was in . die city thla morning at tending tha funeral of hla sister, the late Mrs. Ttlpp. The following invitation has been received In., the city: > 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyd. Jr. request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter/ Ma Ida Lillla Burch I u> Mr. James Ellison ? Wednesday morning, April t#th ltll. kt 8 o'clock ?" Memorial HBa?Uat church. Oreenvllle. * North Carolina *;jv Pneral Well AIMa^jjk ' A large numbe; of sorrowing friends attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Tripp at First Methodist ehnrch this morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Tripp was the oldest member of the church in Washington. The choir Tendered appropriate music. The remains were inferred. in Qakdale cemetery. The jtoral offerings were profuse, testing the , high esteem in which the aged citizen waa held here. Peace to her ashes The friends of Dr. Joshua Tayloe ?ill be Pleaaed to learp that his con dition la much better today and un less something unforeseen happens he will be out wl^iin the next few days. He was operated on at the Washington Hospital day before yes terday. v.'/ - / le Very III. A ^ .. The friendp of Mr. W. P. Randolph will regret to learn of his continued serious inline**. There I* no more popular cltlten In Washington, It la to be hoped he will soon be on the road toward# recovery. ? President W. Scott Frissle of this cltyr Ji |S. Berry, district supervisor of Aydea. and other prominent Odd Pel lows left on the Norfolk Southern train this afternoon 'for Belhaven to stten the dkrtrif* meeting of that or rellef from Head , including Sick or is, and H?adache? cold. gr,?or .tom Ito th. hat and tor Attacks of Ctt?%>uis kill It M m.' rentlon. They gently stimulate atom ich. liter and boweli . pretesting :hat clogging that inrltea appendlcl 3a. curiae Conatlpatlon. Headache, Blllousaees. ChllU, 16c at Hardy*. Drug Store. . PnycrnwfltfMf. \ There will be prayermeetlog ?rT icea In all .the different, churchea of the city this evening at the u.ual ?our. The general public cordially nvlted The Democratic majority of the bouae of repreeentatlvea haa made an excellent beginning, and the harmonious caucus and progressive lottos taken glvee promise of good blags for the people. The cutting at of 1181, 0?0 annu al expenses of the honae will certain ly commend ltaelf to tha people. sad1 :he lodging of the autocratic power >f. the apMker with the We jt and Mean. Committee, and the elimina tion of the discreditable (Ulhuater ire all reform ? that enllat the ap uroral of the public. . ?enatora, Canadian reciprocity, tar iff rerlalon, Investigation of govern mental department*, Oongrfulonaf re- appointment, eLatehood of Arlton, ind New Mailro, general deficiency ipprop^latran, District of Columbia legislation and publicity of campaign contributions. - 4;xr ; ?' ; ? - r : That la a program that wil) no doubt require a long session, espe cially if the tariff revision is not limited to a very few schedules, and It is Impossible to predict with accu racy how ranch of the proposed leg islation the democrats, with the loi-i 5 urgent senators, wilt be able to get through the upper body. The - program is not calculated to seriously interfere with business conditions, and. In the main ia madei up of legislation^ that has been very' generally discussed and in much qf It endorsed by the last cohjgrees. |\ : Ttyere should be no delay in get ting most of it through the' housed Virglnlan-Pllot. Cerise. Chinese blue, a new shade if red and rWld green will be thdi nost fashionable shades during tMt coming seam. ? lr Muslin noarts, with borders of eye* Pet embroidery, wjll be carried with Ingerie dresses during the summer, replacing ' the chiffoti ones of last rear. Byelet embroidery wftf also M such used on the tunics oi the sun* ner dresses Thsee t antes Are many >f them of Tight-Height linen made ap over a coloured bate rial. \ ' * V .. {?. ft. \ ' v; j f- , } 'ry\ Cord trimming and cord it place >f girdles sr* amonr the^KWreltles >f the year in the world of fashion rheee heavy cord* are ffniehed with 1e*p tassels of ?U1r, and usually tie it the left side' of the ?al*t. Yon most have a mot lend. 'Yon Can Taste the >?': Difference.' Your Grocer aetti it ? ' ' IMPORTERS COFFEE CO. QuaS* House of !NEW OBLEAN5. , ; FEWER INSPECTORS^? BUT HWJHKR PAT ? Raleigh, N. C? April S.-VTho act of the recent leglalatare limiting the number o f Illuminating oil las^eo torn to Ave Instead o t tan provld?4 when the oil Innpectlos wa? malt ed for by the 1 9 Q f lsglslatars be come* effective June L r i . The new law ^Iso ftxae the compen aatlon of Inspectors at 94 par da j instead of $1, under the old law. The department of agrlcultum. her of Inspectors Is eeren when the Legislature amended the law ta make It ?vfc tnaoectora. . These are In aervlse receiving par about nine mqntha In the jrear. t Hoii^ gldby girl does enjoy mak lnr a man keep on trying to klas her when ahe won't ret him. > The SupdHhtsdtfeat of^the Waah ?***?? J^iitfcJW^ K)?etH? Light Plant desirea to again oalUhe atten Uon. at l|a patrons If thdjasw rnlea ?nd regalatlona recently adopted by ">? City. Board ^ ^Msnaen. . and especially to that section. which or ders all serrlce to He discontinued to patrona who hav? net paid their huh on th??ornln? of the ISth of each month, beginning April 1st, Kll. It Is ahaolalely necsesa* U obssrre this- rule,, as 4? In nsarly air ciuss and towjsa, as MtTsunea moat he Acursd to run the plant and pay Its blTta. We earnestly hope that