m thm Judgment of thtm txmrd tka eraa-J* ^ v4 1 w mra me crc**] ilon of thu mnd bl Nan. i .HUM t county k. M>? th. ? .TMted. and the ul. ? ?if_ ' ahull recelre * UlV7 ,of alfht uuodred dollar. per annum payaOfc . monthly and ?hall furol.h bond ln|? ?oar bo n din* company t? tka tarn VZTrZ" thai he .hall Olllfently. traly falthfnlly to aad perform alt th. tl*. of th* oBoe. and that ke shall] i tor all' ? any moneys of oth.r kW> which . may W reenrerabio araiaat him for ? any n.jUgence, dafanlt. malfaaaanco or - misconduct In oM? Th. grw ? | Inm oa ?M bond MU M paid by tk* oounty of Baaafort. . " Second. It ahall be tka duty of to the auditor ot Beaufort countr lot " It iMMMtat to tfc. board tkM H. C. Cartar. Jr.. la ekaraad altb'Vai la Wj?hla?ton town. hi, On'?l uhf at laa* Taluad at IIS?. iM It farth er appaario* ttat ha do - not on W lm? la ?aM tovaahlp U 1> ar ??d tkat h. k. raUaVM of (M ?am.. Amount of raliat !??? "??' U DHftoare one of tha fanca ootn nlutaacra of tfaa Aaron atdefc lav tairltorr praaa?tad hl> raalnation ?Weir waa aeewtad UM& P MM GREAT MUSLIN UNDERWEAR EVENT FRIDAY AND SATURDA ARE THE SPECIAL \ Ladies Gowns m oftLdT short or 48e short or ' Special '* VOt w' *"One" Spe^*LoTfof"Cadi?' s? Aft.'Sff'fltC Princess Slips ; ;? J ?>: Ladies Muslin Drawers We have about 300 of these , (key are trimmed fa tucks aod hemstitching, and easi 14c Ladies Pise Mutfn Drawers, VSSZit SS 19c - . ? l . '' , - y: LadiesDrawers, face or em broidery trimmed, opea or dosed style*. As a special number. This is one of our lead- Q(U ers. Friday and Saturday Q9t Corset Covers Plate Corset Coven, our-feg ular 15c number, cut full and a very good garment Special ? A Cf 25c Corset Cover, lace or em t, t-l IL1L1L. I..1 * * * ? Droiucry rnrnmen, material oi "%5f 14c Covers, 19c Childs Cambric Drtwws Special* ; ; ettj j??t?r4?T ?wiltl*l tk? arrtral ot kta fo?T*:U from Oaflord ou - U/^VT I Washington's *J? IV# 1 1 I I I GreatestStof | Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Slippers CMrreet Styles. All Sty kp. All Sizes | | TRY - J. K. HOYT -- FIRST! ELECTRIC LIGHT IS NOW CHEAPER Era-yon* wants Electric Lights ? tu lumrT? Comfort ? cieanltneos ? Convenience. Everybody can now afford It. Can you longa^aftord to uae Oayge a conaumlnjt illumloants, Tlx an HaMa Lamp SITB1 the moat beantlful ?rtlftclaJ light known. Call Washington Electric Plant,' Proof ?trill be eubmltted. Theatre Tonight ? ' -r- ? ' The board approved the applica tion to tha atate board of education for eetabl tailing a atata high achool 1a tha town of Aurora. A petition form Dlatrlct No. 16. RlchlaAd township, white, asking for to determine whether or public Bchoola in aatd district was approred by the board: Tha county > Irapertnt Notice. ' The Superintendent of the Wash ington Municipal Electric Light Plant dealrea to again call the atten tion of lta patrons to tha new rules and regulations recently adopted by the City Board of Aldermen, and especially to that section, which .or ders all service to ba^iacontlnued to patrons who hare not paid their bllla on the mornlafe of tha 16th of each month, beginning April 1st, 1911. It is absolutely nece&ary to obseryo this rale In nearly all dtlea SSa towns; as revenues must be seeded to fun the plant and pay Its blllsS We earnestly hope that the cltlsens will appreciate the bec esslty for the observance of this rule and that we will not lose a single customer by so doing. 4-5 4tc H. B. CHARLES. Supt. PHONE 76. THURSDAY, . FRIDAY and SATUKDAY'SpecMs WASEO FLOUR? as good as can be made, at $4.89 a b'r'l 1-2 barrel, wood, *2.55 1-2 barrel, cotton, 7.50 24 lb. Bags 65c 121b. Bass 35c We have a few tana of gen nine PURE COUNTRY LARD which we wKI sell at 12 l-2c lb. by the can.iv' ? Snow Drift Lard, per lb. 10c Mlb tubs SnuwDriftLard 5.70 < V?fj best S=p9r Cored