arttatolc Motherhood U1 has given these nlc* nod . they arc always i 'with "pleasure *nf* "profit* Efc me bo fortunate m to be r do the members of tlio ' e right tiling but they are elr Wt?e* and daughters, was no exception to the! ?peak of ths Charttabl 1 at Bunyan it? but, to Bay artalnraent given is fcbundaat lucnt*. * j over ltvn hundred peo-. t. including jhembers^^f j"! ^from different sections itlon of, the oflicers. is ored- to bo a ceremony of! e foilov.-Jng were install-! lire ceremonies: J. O. dent; W. H.^SslMtan. C. A. STnsleiom aac treasurer: James Ashy, * W. H. Congletcm, ihar-j I All aelerted.aref ?(fill their' respective! 'rlor to the dinner, which wai by A the good 'women of 0(? neighborhood, tho ^akln* tooW plac*- The orator being Mr. Nor-j wood L.Sftnmoua. a rising young & the Washington bar. ' J RfWSIir ornate and neat speesh'liaj waf presented to the audience by Mr.i H. E. HidgtR of Old Ford %It la' needless to state that Mr. Simmons ] fully measured to the* expecta-j t'oas of Ma frtands." 1 ilia iMn '?u tlmey, appro-1 ( prlatc, ornate, thonghttnl inm the Yiry-tlrrt word ottered. He ni Kir-! en the cfosent attention apd regrets wer? oipresjed on ?tt aides 'frhca the close was announced. For his age , tlwro I( no- man In the county more ., i'?tn>y than ho on occasion ot tils ( >ta?- |, Savaral t'rors flrrlnK the delivery i ?r -to .ddrnSi the speaker >u ap-'( plaucled heartily and Justly no. C?D^< tajs OPtrco 71. Hilt alto. made a' *Swt <-1'k to the crowd which was' nlso touch en *>yed. Hi. U Ik wa< instructive and edifying. I , Al. Not thn ainallesf left undone. ?UyLo4*o a Charitable Brotherhood >ave many. mm}- more- in >py t* Jirfcl ofje.terday. mm Wk m ? WELL ATliM The treklng damonltratlcn? now n profrcsa at the H*rrt? Hardware >tapany by Proffcaeor Becker them -enovsned chef, are being (CMrone y patronised by tfce ladler of the ?U7. Bach ?ftornoon^from X to 6 he professor not only"ibow?tho wo nen the art ol-cooklnf but 1,'cturee 0 them on thla popular ark. Tomor row cloaea the j'rofcBior's engage ment in.W?shlnH?lln. Ho do ? Ills ?ooklng on the' calibrated Majestic Hangs for which the Harris Hard rare Company aiCKpat*- To *11 tz tSJSSSSSX^Si irnat xniff \roria-wiae cp?r rUis to any 'a ,'njore tbah interesting. Thla 1 3 he .second time thai Professor Beck er ha.i visited Washington. The lourae of )ecturee ho has delivered ? the ladies of Washington hare >een of real value and they "we're put n reach of all at no cost. The ladles >t the c'tjr hare appreciated this by Iffif jtfi| '? y ' This afternoon the'largest attend ing of- th^-week wa? noted. Those rho have not beard the professor >r witnessed the way:he cooks should 1 vail themselves of the privilege. Remjnnber that tomorrow after s thSlaet day. &'* & '? f Mother Very 01 Jffljtf! Bav. C- A. Jones paatyr of tho M. E. church at Belharen who has been onftned In the Washington HojjMsl his city, tor treatment, was culled jo Graham, N. C , yesterday by a tele tram announcing ttie critical Illness! if kl< aged mother. It la to be hop id that he found her much lmprov id. . ,f *f , ' pcwWK>? IlrlnMor, Mastef White Clark, ion ot, Mr. ?nd Mrs Thomas Qtark, who has Men very lll'l* reported dccidcdly j?ttar today. [? . V . j? I The Installation of ofScert of thi Blk? Lodge will take place at their, lall thla erenln g at 8 o'clock. Th" ceremony promlaes to be Interesting ImprAalTe. t LaFollett Introduces Reso-i luiion to Investigate Lorimer HIS EltCTlUH WAS IK FMUai He Nnmtft I ive New Senator* to.Con- j ? duct th o tm<-* fixation. . A floinl ?t -Now H1IH? Many of Them of im IN -solatlj-.n Create* Much Comment Winston. Aprtl l%p|? tion of the session In tbo senate to day was th? introduction oVa. re*o> lut'.on by Senator La Folletto. pro vidiAg for the appointment of * spe cial committee tQ investigate tho olectlon of 8'tiator Lorlmsr, of Uli Shortly before the senate met at noon it became known that La Fol Iotte va*> ready ?o tak a this action and a ten?e air hung artr the senate when it met and began tha routine business afteh the ehaplaln's pray* er. The resolution Is preceded by a long statement reciting the previous action of the senate in the other Lo rimer investigation and ia this the oommittQo on privileges and eleo* Hons is criticised for its failure to summon certain witnesses aad obtain testimony which l?s a bearing on the case. \ ' , ?-' & 1 ' ; / 1 It then.recjtev that the Illinois leg islature appointed a committee to lrf veetigate. like charts .against Lori mer and refers to th with the l^>rlrt jner case, to conduct an investigation ihe expenaps to be paid out of .tho contingent fund <>f the senate. ? .. They resolution names Senator Works. California; Senator Town send. Michigan: Senator Mclean. Connecticut, all republicans, and "Senator Kern, Indiana, and Senator Pomerene Ohio, democrats, aa tho! committee. Senator \V0rk3 has already permit tad hlmaelf to be classified as one of tlio Insurgent republicans and Ben afor Mct.oan .has bern looked upon by . ttuv Pollette-Cuminlns ebtiere i?s a possible recruit j Senator Townsen^*Won his olertion lafRely assuming .to be an InsurRon t and ha i been Identified with tic in surg^nt* -tlnce hla election. I Both Kern and Pomerene are pro greaalves and are opponent* of Sen utor Baiter ... A' Senator La Folletto rdfused to *1-1 low tho resolution to g o tp 1 com mittee and It m laid on tho- table. '*h*ro he will call It. up at a later data. A Hood of bills poured in upon tho ?enato today as aoon aa the aenate regular procedure wa* react) etf. Sen ator Owen of Oklahoma waa th* flrat to gel recognition, nnd the bill which ho offered, and will be number "IV, waa a measure in establish a no tlonal department of health He nlao presented a resolution approv Ing the conltltntlbn of Ariioirt^aud New Maxloo ?nd providing for the admlsalo* of the?e tirrltorlai to ?tauhood -i'' 1. ? . :"U Senator Bourne ot Oregon was nnxt, with a r**olutlon submit, ting to 'he soveral states an amend ment to the oon?tltutlon providing for the direct election of senators. Hhc amendment obtains th* clauae advocated by th* Southern democrats providing that th* "el*??rs Shan &2&BS present and enjoyed the, or the lodge nt Bslhaveo sss sessions were harmon-; tho bocIaT features much KJ^Sberlir ft. D. Harris of SWan stedIA president for the ensuing term and If. J. ttflpdwardB of Belhaven was elected \dce presi dent. The next mooting witf-fle held with Phalanx bodge No. 10 of thin city. ?TUe meeting id called: fcr some date Jn the month o t Augi^ ?J} v All the dfelegata-- returned last! night on the. steam tug N*p 1 11 at. I : ,;"*r ^ j tor* of the most numerous branch of the state legislature.", . Tklawoutd prevent fed?*l inter ference with the state constitution* which fix limitations upon suffrage. Senator jCullum introduced a fell. *to prohibit Importation of opium, ex-1 cfpt for medical purpoaoa. '4 f I W5i ?? ? . .aramnv FTh,*y will give a week's exhibition ovtf West Third street all next wttokL Ji- * MAPS WILL SHOW CAROLINA'S SSIL Raleigh. N. C.. April 7.? D? B. Kilgore. state CbSmlat, in charge <4^tke work of aoll stirvey< carried on by the state department, pf agricul ture In conjunction with Ike United Statea daiiartni.jgt of Agriculture, says that tfie map showing the soils irf MttbmoiJd county v.ttt_ke compUjt ed within Che next two month? . This makes about twenty counties that have complete- maps At the meeting held on last Monday 'evening the committer reported they had subscribed twenty-eight hun dred dollars for the construction of the road and it. Is to be hoped that when this committee makes tie flnaT report this evening It will bo ns much as five thousand dollar? ? tWj amount ijnfrjrttnil , , ^ ?' : Hie chairman, ZVTr. C. H. ^Brown, will aLBO announce ?t the meeting to he held "tonight .the committee ho has selected to go to Raleigh next J Tuesday to confer with the govern-' or and the council of state.' , .'\v j The City hall should be packed to-, night with ,ci#W^;*lftterested and reauly to act. Thla' will be our last opportunity to do ? for a?- the Daily News stated a few data ago, the convicts are to be removed from work -*>n the road within the next few days and if tli:y are sent to oth-' er tactions 3*tfce- sta^fr wo cannot! hope to securt'^Jbem. Wfkt la de-| stred afid must be accomplished at] the meeting this evening is a suffi cient sura raised to show to the gov ernor that we -as- a community moan buelivess and that we back up* our doelro. Those who ytl! subscribe to this amount need not psy the entire amount at once but can do so month ly until the entire subscription is raised. -# The meeting la called for eight thirty o'clock. The time is made this late so a? to afford no cltlsen an excuse for not being present. Tonlsbt Washington wtlj say whether she desires to take her place alongside of other progres sive towns or whether she shall ^ main In the same strata for f^any years to come. What will be the verdict of her eillxens? > COTTON MARKET Lint cotton. 114.00 , Cotton seed, per. ton; $26.40. j-; ,* Nlraportant Notice. The Superintendent. of tho Wah ington Municipal Electric Light Plant desires to again call ^ atten tion of its patrons to the new rulqs and regulations recently adopted b* the City Board of Aldermen;-' and especially to that section, wikich oi* dehi all service to be discontinued ^o patrons who haVe! not pahi their bhls on the mdrning of th?k l?th of each ' month, beginning April 1st, 1911; It I V absolutely necessary to observe this rule. a?.rls done in nearly alt cities and town* *pr revenues must be ucund to ran the plant awl pay It* bills. W? aatruwt!/ hope t?ut I the cttlieM wlll- apphx-lato tho no* I entity for th? obaerraac. of thla ruU land that w. wHl not loae a ?in?io cuatomtr by *0 doing. 4-6 4tc H B. CHJ A YOUNG BOY . BREAKS HIS L?6 ' >? Master Robert Brinsou. the J -y bar old son of Mr. and Mra. Mac Bric *cn. residing on Bast Water street, met ' with- 'l?e misfortune Mtfctday afternoon to break hla leg. V;- v The accident occurred af tho llt tel fellow wa tt attempting to ride hla ,trl-cycle. Dr. pfcvM T. Tayloe ren dered the necessary medical aid. Tho little sufferer Is getting along as w 11 ae could be expected. HU little playmates and friend* wish hlxn'a ?peedy roco\ery. Easter iHuice. The tegular Easter Qerman of the Halcyon club will take plac^ at the .'I^me, this city on April lY Quite r num^r of visiters from oth er towns are expected to be present. The niUHic will be furnished by the Washington Concert Band. in Washington. Mr. O. N. Ennett. a prominent business man of New Bern, waa in the City today en route to his homi from Greenville, where hi has bcea on business. ? ' i Paas?4 Through C\t jr . , ' Rev. m. T. plylcr formerly pastor of the M. B. Church here, now pre siding elder of ?%?^EUsaheth City I district, passed through the elty-to day on his way home from Wilson where on yesterday he delivered an address before the Wilson County Sunday School Convention on "The Sunday School a Civic Factor and a Moral Force in the community." His .mainy friends and former par ishioners were glad to see him. E.K.WILLIS THE PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 76. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specials ? WASEO FLOUR ? as good as Can be maife, at $4.89 a b'r'l 1-2 barrel, wood, $2.55 1-2 barrel, collon, 2.50 24 lb. Bags v*5c 12 lb. Bags 35c WetoaVe a few cans of gen I nine PURECOUNTRY I.ARD which we will sell at 12 l-2c lb. by the can. | Snow Drift Lard, per lb. 10c 1 60IH tufc&SnowDriftLard 5.70 | Granulated Sugar. in 251b 5c lb ?