-.A'*-.} ???' ~ 7 , d , T^j L ..*?? Y'i _^fiftflnMdHBSaS9H Shelby ! Christian I ?t the HI. into .11 the the parpoae < w?r carry ?lfc 6f the South, for er chug, tnou >11 edueator* of idea. ud of school Im proeel?eot .uCT?etlon? He will ?J ???* out a plan for lb* Southern OWMMHttl CooHirtM, wk*C*br It ?U nssUt College and other .tudMt. of tbe South .-totpeeu^e or complete their ?dnenttoB atonic sclenttfM'llae*. Mr. Thorn., I. , you?? man with ?r enn?uel educational ^'h. "??born I. Sa Itvll 1 e. V?.. tn??80. He ?fcert*l hie. eduction In twkllc > then prepared far college at and wu the founder of Vlrrfnia, ' Chlratlan Collet* He wei one if Are men who borrowed ?100 each to ckMe an option fbr the collece prop mty that ie now worth mo.m. In 1?0* when the Board of State School Half a million dolUtrt^o'b^ UKd'ln Ho erection of Imlmjred school bulM *'? '? he secured J,, h). The Mutational pnrpoW at tM eongreaa I ?to wurk for tka guidance or pupil* la the common achool* of the South, id aa to prepare them for uaafnl cawta, though unable %o go to high aehool or to Milage. It' alao proposea thai thoje taking education above the public arohola, shall have their mlnda directed toward* techni cal atudtOT. (Uoe the approaehlnt great dar of (he South In agriculture and In manufacturing and In gener al de?e!cum?t will call for thoua aoda who are nclantlBcalljr tralaed It al o belle??a Strongly that the school growth' and guldanea of aid "South should ba baaed opon the needs of eacb confln ,DttT aadjhould Imagination r>nd worth point mile, to aee.. ? Jon-. I. ?lao featuring the Royal TMt P?a J ( r> _ J# l>n nnnf ', ! 1 " *V" ' ?*W an- duQi r * vi, rvOCCtj| CuuflUO" tor ' . Thl. famcna band will rlve all ,eit for all lorere of Hood otlWo^ There will' bj tea >*ttr*r?ae?, vtwo rldln* device*. All aJx>?. >? Afferent mat in* quit. ? variety, The .how. nee It. m eleetrte light plant and I0*-Mgh1.'tl* (round, will he a. briBkt as akx. The iMIee and eh 1 1 dren fan attend Hie CarnWal amMI ' ^?^re Wltl t. nothing do?* ' or offend Mm fa.tld ?Hr. J one* will aot tolerate fc 'inljW UI that which Is dean and M JW . twleve double length cat* wBo rt th? Johnny f. Jones which la. known aa Ik* orange MEE ? i - ? "W 'WfP, Pi .Jt ?. ' It U to b? hoped that the lataraat will pot ceaah until the throng* who listened to the numerous lectures .will bare InW the sound naeii of the principles Uld down by Profes sor Becker on ti? Majeeltr Run reap "a practical baneBt from them in their home aOalrf/^ ? , Thlt afternoon clasad the lectured of Professor Backer lor th? weak. The . Harris Hsrdwsre Company, th roach the Dally Kawa.* thanks the ladlas one and alt. and rxteoda to them a cordial iavltatlon to rlelt their store at all tlm&'iM ,*' '' ?- ' la la Port. _ The schooner Monko. Captain W. R. Pad rick la command, from Raa eomrlUe Is )n the city. She will load for Wlnsteadrtlle with tur^Usera for tha Arm of W. F Wlqstaad and Bra. The many friends of ex-Mayor B. Stewart will be glad to know that ? condition la batter today. ' He )p??nu In the race for tp of the Fifteenth. 4?-| vntantjtf the death of ? brighter for Mittunultni ?ub^ripnonett 1. br)n?ta? th. from Belhaven to Washington. In attht. Lut ntfht th. commntZ reported lhfrt,-a,? hundred dollar* ral~d ??<> ?"?y are wnpilne of h*v .Jag the balance ? five thousand <Stl lars? In hand by the firat of, the com The J chairman. Mr. C. M. Brown on last evening announced the names of the committee t o go to Raleigh | and confer with the- governor and the council of state on Tuesday next.. This committee Is composed of the following well-known citizens. Mr. A. M. Dumay, Mr. R. 8. Keal. Dr. H. W. Carter, Hon H. 8. Ward, Mr. r. C. Kugler. Mr James I.. Mayo and Mr. B. A. Daniel. In addition to this committee nam ed by the chairman he requests that a AT other dttean desiring to ko will be appointed If he will make hl> de sires known. Y ?' While the meeting laat night was not largely attended on account of theW being several meetings In the city last evening It was neverthelaw enthusiastic and shows that our peo ple are determined In this matter L?t da all now (at together arrf <ee to it that the Mattamus^eet railroad tor Washington la>a certainty. haven Concert Baart'nuder the lead ership ot Prof Will E. Smith of this city. w?? one of the features of the district meeting of tke Odd Fallows at Belhaven: Every visitor w?a lond In their praise of the aelaetlone. This organisation Is a credit to that city. Tha four ye*r old child of Mr. John Batehwell, residing on 3rd St.. la reported to ha very 111 with dlpth erla. While his condition la soma better (today he la still not oat of COTTON MARKET Uat cotton, $14.00 . Cotton seed, par ton. $28.00. Important Notice. The Superintendent of the. Wash ington Municipal Electric L'ght Plant desires to again ?sll the atten tion Of ita patrons to the new rait* and regulations iy&bintly adopted by the City Board of Aldermon, and eapoclally to that section, which or dera all aerrlce to he discontinued to patrons who hava not paid their bills on the morning of the '16th of each Month, beginning April 1st, jflll. It Is absolutely necessary to obssrre thla rule- as la done in nearly all cities and towns, aa revenues must be secured to run the plant and pay lta bills. We earnestly bop, that the cttiaaaa will appreciate the aec easity for the observance of thla rule add that w? will not loaa a alagle cuitomir by so doing, af* H B. CHARLES, 8npt. two month.. 1. oaala O. N. M 8.. which VUltfMtf Bern. N.. C-. Ma j lStbufoe monlal iMi]o&. Don't forj date. The ratlroed.'-'Vttf r cla! >tratea. to.al) NofrlWT* ?' Thl? wHI Klve owll Temple In Eaatera * an excellent opportunity to the Melon, and e.e^MBo,# There will be ."eoiiiSt* e^ery minute, anil rl4e the *oat. .hoot the >1 The Miopia*. John W(BKPterc?l7S^ iftn drank and reckle? Wiitl? found sullty and anlcMt WllU.ni Da.-.^ HttPWHMttf for beatlni hla wife. ? Th??f(i(fl!Wfat*bf the court waa mtlV-fe,, on the roade of We ?Mty*l- a1 Jib rlod of <UjV > ft^.i&iwiudiuj ,E.K.WIEfctS THE o siisic . I. '*?,& n JlC lltV'IMC PEOPLES' GROCER mowK3?SiJS' Our Specials for Mon^ dmy. nesday. \ ? j.i %ie**? .* We jO#^ either Wend. Arfjoag^,,, .Star, Hof man's Blue Brej^e qr ^pjnn' * Umb Elgle-Brftft^^t,^ , , i IStUHiUiVI We also have ? .WfM, W?.9f country heme at I^fj, as.^ey '". t AMiMlliUHJ Fox River Butter- _lt( 1 ;-.s siii a Clover HI1! Prlntfl . lb Caraja CoBee.^Ce ?t *Bc 111 Oold Medal CoSee J^.^4, sps ft ? T7 T?T California Lemon 9J/n?, Peasliw. tic kled ... l?c ran ? . "4 -? Octagon Sow ....... 4c ee*e ' ? ? '? ai" T ;? J ? Beet b??? Theatre

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