?Iv ? M, I F' - :: *i '-?tsf > I Collects Alabama sss? HE DEAD r&m to enter the ?h m?4 I _ '? >? this afU,nooo .11 i remaining U ths v i_T. flim tm mis* were el I re na glr.n rfp. A.t1 workings. official statement ha rto Jar ????I WUa ?o ?J ?? F7J7 b?,n ntde. tt la bellered the ssplo r, ?lon m cum< *r safstr Ignited h)r a lamp and followed br duet. When the Bight era w left the ? ? ' ?rtlr bsfore the eiploelon nlkht boaa apart ? reported -liM aa rood aad to w?r*. There " 5 *???*?? the Bounding countiss to sentences ran slag from 10 dara "> Imnwd'atelj following the eaplo alon. asreral of teh ronrlcta with mining eipsrteahs, dleoorarad that .hleok damp waa tormina. Th?j at ? ones apread the alarm to theee who| [?.. were not inatantlr killed. > ? V - ?r n , I ? Rwa nf tka mhian JAMijtl ? h f il IJ D'B wi (nv y>MMr reached the ouulda la esfetr or cot within hailing dl.Unoe In the ehaft and wen taken oat hr wwwn. . I . (earn of volunteers were oe hand, brought hr the alarm apread through the valley and mnr made Mn l ruahee lato th* mine to bring out the ?ktlm?. Tile work prored ef feetlre until the deadlr lu reached the mala shaft Into wtlek the Ma for all *ko entered the warklnue. I Stat. Mine Inapector .lame. M il haute and asslsUat Dlckereon. to gether with eeveral other ?rp?H? L' w Of the Pratt Compear, were railed to the Bsaa*r,*las m rzsXsab ?*Hi rbatge of (he goremraent rescue eta-' tloa at Birmingham, aleo mh?f to| the arm and aalatad Mr. BUlbouae . la Olrect'ng the reetos wort. x V rtn ? ???'???- - ? VDr. and . WUllaml Nathaniel Harding. Master WUllam one of our brightest, bora aad has; aad promlslsg future bo %LECTR1C LIGHT I ?2..zr.r: Own coneumlng lllomlnente. The I Jiesutirul artificial light iaMwa. Call : win be auhmlttsl. $ ? ?'yy >' . . ix. &&K3r ftufi Norfolk afternoon (i daylight hav. iP?" i ?wm #m b. ... **?#?? ? high dir. ? 6 and >g Uw ?Mfc. T?? bnl composed o( nnl ?f the D?? maklau In the country arrtr ?4 ??? todmy.ud will 4lM0.no sweetest of music oh the grot during the week. '-'.I in other c^, 1*2 of the auto. ?ko Johnny JoM. delighted the patron, of othsr town, and ho donbt will be liberally pa tronised by o?r HoM. The opening of the carnival take, place this eren ***? that place and , Tlaltlng Mr. W.-JiT ISP" ** JPWPP to reported much t*tt?r today to, the delight of hi. many Monde. 4: ? ' Ui ? ? ? E talking Mi ?aver man iosap plent.h your raoopls with th* I .elections. W. also bar* . complete! stock of Picture Moulding.. Brlng| ua your pictures to bo framed. * BC8B 9110&. 4-10 The PlotureT^mer. 8 NOW CHEAPER ?rd It. Can you longar afford to use new Masda Lamp give, the moat Washington Electric PUnt iw ?il .1 .th C fc*rSr?it l*? tr+tiT iSnii >111 speak oh this subtest. -9 The ?**? Ml>?? by *??, ,*r (room was math eajoyed ?*) ?o ouch go th- Dally ?l?? Ks real ?rs a synopsis of H tillering It will M ntd with proftt u well as pleas "* ' . citi-il The tot ni taken (ram Psalms ill:?. The worts Of the J?-d in Jreet. sought Qut of alitor them that Avis pleasure tUMll." . Man Is the st?fce\t. the Interpreter he phl|Mopher:' "the worked tty jorA" ere bla tat books; eearchlnc ttft these work. Is education. ?? . J Having the natural endowment ol rarUjeltr ? s disposition to Inveetl ?te ? w is capMla of education. BT Initructloa, the talnd Is tun shed with know ledge: tmt pr W-ifi o educate the mental powers must M led forth, the totalled oust be disciplined, principles sod haracter must he Rxed Sad the heart >repare the > oung for llvee of ose work. Tbe Intrinsic value of a iddcsUou Is not in first, ormenta lon: t culture: j practicalness: A >re pa ration for mottey-maklaic. tat n usefulness to Its pnsssasfir f educating If It concerns not tile laart, the head, the hand? the re IClous. the InMMtnsI. the Indue rlal; through thM means Is brought int nan's carreat worth. Let as ooa template some popular alae notions of education: I. That It Is every thing Independ ?nt of reHtfca. r> - 1 1. That It It the bums of shun I. That It la istravagnnc to ad tcate for certain conditions or SO i*r- . " ? ^ fell 4. That limited training la au* leat. 5. That the thing to tfo ts to get eadj at otfca far ?oa|? trade or bus seas. . ,!?.<;? S- 4WI i Away with these apparent errors. Bight educstlon broaden?? takee ror? us aelflah aarrowaaas ? Shows iow, much greater we mar be than awe trade or Job. Searching out lode works' greet In Immensity and Irsrslty, deslga sad baa at;, la the ?oat valuable education. Such a tudy atlmnlates the mind sad pro ??* ? : 1- J srtfS Educate on the principle ?t dle-l lighted tuth tie ecgre tber gave (Ha ?. ? v.-*. - .,"?(- w ' , ] Tha Reclamation o4 ipelllag hoa WQ,WP^ internet t? li ilw madurr # i?r Interact In tttg world i?d"ln| OtT?n 1 good mother. > good edu cation. a good aalf education, and aangulnely fcxpect aoperlor man hood and womanhood. ?!>,. We hare the building and all Villi Ington mar well he prood of It. Wo haeea Wrpa of deaervlng t?acher?. We hare capable ctMraV. To ntll Ma tiaae ertraordhiarT adraatagaa IBere'mu.t ?k cheartgl god cordial Succeeds, Judge Adams of Fifteenth District - Raleigh, April 8 ? It t> now Judge ?Frank Carter of Aabevllle. Oorern or Kltchtn held to Us original 40 tention this morning when he namad Mr. Ctttor to this much sought aftd highly honorable position ot Judge of the superior court. He succeeds the late Judge Joseph 8. Adams, of the Fifteenth Judicial district, who died at Warren ton last Sunday Judge Carter'* first court will be in Hert ford count*, la the Second district, beginning April 24. and he wHI go to BertlS county Msy l for a two weeks' term, and then to Warren county June 19 for two weeks. The contest for for jiididshlp.waa one of the moat spirited of soy the governor has had before hfm. Th only Other candidate seriously con sidered was John Sneed" Adapts, i son of the late judge, who Onfr con sented to enter the fight St the earn est solicitation of his many friends In Ashevllle. The frlendB of Adams went to present his candidacy It was found that many people, from all parts of the state. h4d already put In a word for Judge Carter. Some few of these, after Mr. Adams en tered, explained their position to the fOT.TOQr. Judge Carter 11 a mil afcSut 4> toWhK.ol tie Xlfierrtla lfift of tftofci itotioa #11 1, active mind, arid of far-r?*clt ln? lefal knowledge. It 1. helloed that he will rank as one of the state's shiest- jurists. Ho Is married and has eeversl children. Judge Carter |s a native Buncombe msn snd has a wide family connec tion in that and othe? western coun ties. For many yfcars he Was a Just ice Of the peace In Ashevllle. snd ^besrs the reputation of being the best magistrate that Ashevllle erer had. After getting bis license he began the practice of his profession In Ashe ?fltle, making a wide reputation as n criminal lawyer. Later lie has turn ed his attentions more to matte n> of a dell nstur^iiT which he has a fine reputation. In lt08^be was the ntimfnee Of the Democratic party for State senator, but *hs defeated in a hard csmpalgn by Jnm^tf I. Brltt. re publican, who ts now (klrd assistant postmaster general o(> the United States. At thfc tiine>fhl? appoint ment Judge CaHor majE-a candidate before the Democratic primaries for Jndge of the 'police' court of Ashe- 1 Tine. This now leaves In the field Judge j P. C. Cocke, a candidate for re-elec tion; Junius O. Adama, a son of the 1 late Judge Adams, and W. O. Oudger j This fight will be settlfd Tuesday. \ rohm ntiiKKr | I.lnt cotton. iu.W . r? trfH w*. wf tofT. ' . Washington, April 7.? ?A resold Hon based upon a ntw anertlon by former President Roosevelt that "he 'took' " Panama from the Republic of Columbia without consulting Con tra". and providing (or an Investi gation Into the lecallty of thla na tloa's action ta procuring the eawl ?one waa Introduced In the house to day by Mr. Ralnoy of Illinois. The services are strictly noa-de nomlnstkrowl. Member* from all churches and the clttaen generally win have a cordial Invitation. A prom lnent mdMWllt of tMs city stated to a N*re man. the addraes of Mr. Vaaae Rnnday afternoon ?ae oae or the beat eermoae he e?er heard. I was dad I vent and 1 shall so act la. UK order". Cam. ?he fallowing eaeee ware dlapoeed of before Reorder Grimes thla morn Ing it the city ?mi at 11 o'clock: Janet Havana. Drank and dleor Serly LMfcmfused Plum Jackson. Drunk and disor derly. filed 91.00 shd cost. John Comma Drunk and disor derly. Pined $3.00 and coat. PaaMrta tS&MSS&RSV: at T*a. m. *nd at night at 8 o'clock *1th a^rmon. These serrlc-w ?W W Hfrtfeiy attended by the mem m?m of thla church. The demonstrations and cooking lessons by Professor Becker at the Karris Hardware Company closed Saturday afternoon to the regret of etery lady in the city. All daring the week from 2 to 5 the *t6f* has been thronged wfth ladles eager to hesr and see whst the proressor had In store. ?ath demonstration was Instruc ting and educative b0 far aa the troltnary art w*? concerned. Profeeaor Becker Is a fororlte In Wtffifilgton afcd his coming here Is dwajjr balled with pleasure* The lalchatrlda harass on the outside for Hirite'TBfr iM all times: ? PtflPU-S' 6R0ECR PHONE 76. Oftr Specials for Mon ?y. Tnudiy and Wed