MODISL HO. B WINS WORLD S APPLAVSB Tkte model Hu captivated the public by It. wealth of eiclurive which ear. time and ?Ron. add .core. of new nan and landoua gain. In ??ctanoy. Tha new -f?? of mall" pro Important .worklDg parta from dMt, |t>? addad strength and Ity. Tha DUappaarlag Indicator show. exact printing point and ducka whtl type atrlkee the papar. Th? Vertical and Horl?ontal Line-Ruling Derlce la a.wdadarfui convenience, ' M J ' ; Tha Automatic Tabulator and the Line-Ruler are Tata Dark*.. aupplementa and comptotaa tha other, In tabulating invoicing The Balance Shitting Hoch.tfna 'Vila- A \ Automatic Paper Flager.. add all kind, of statistical work. \ Pa per Register. the Back Spacer and other Innovation, put the Nni touch of perfection to thl. Incomparable writing macMfle ? Ut all tbaae liameupl; valusb'e ImprovtmenL. without pW .'coat/jrhao ro? bufr the OH'er Typewriter for Se*?nta*tCente ^Sam FOB BOOK A *11 -lT^CKXTR-A-DA?" OKFKR NOWl . We have tctld_?>ii. verxfrleBy, about "the Machine and the Plan 1 e Book., Kiting detallrln full, are your, for the aaklnr If yon a .elarled worker, the dm of t)?e Oliver TJpewrtter wm Increase e*clency and force you to the front. It kaa helped thousands tter ? lariat and more Impo.tant positions If yon are In bo, Ineaa for youreelf, soke ths Oliver your silent partner and It will i d,, Ita foil .bare towards the development aad aaccaaa of JOV terprlse Whether you wiah lo' take advantage of tha Hevent^en Centa-a-Day OHer or not, you .hduld bare a, eopy of the Oliver Book become letter ecqnatot?4 with the typewrlUr that baa made - ? " to tha Vnilneea world and broken all record. If, you own any old' typewriter," we will accept It In lieu t payment' on the Oliver Typewriter. / -bine la ready for Immediate delivery. Addren all com OLfTER TYPK VHITTH CO., Ottvar typewriter ? mm School Principal. ' ult princi pal. Char B. ^ Men. of Slyvanla, Cla , I. tbua told by hi^i "For morethan he write., "J suffered tortus from rbenma trouble and fall bat W? n Xew Iter. ufliiiH | % If.' Z$w*9i ymy (Continued from J* pact). teats war* hsld^ln tb? Klnsto* eckioo. auditorium at S p. m. Saturday The following danced; ' , i 'ih "Spartaoas to tfce Oladlatwe" ? Gordon Rhode.. Klnaton, mi. -Patrick Henry's Ubartj: >Mr?m" ? Charles lieeklns. Washington. UM. "The Soul of tk? violin" ? Lucille D1*on. Kin* ton. ml "Hagnr." Carlotu Nloholaoa, wash Ington, ??!?. I . ' v-J There were Bre Judggs. After stat ta*'fkat no om of the Judges could name a single deject nor off** rar erlUclsm whatereiMn the daclar'atlor "Hajir" hy Carlotu Hlcholsan and further stating the dl?cultT the Juds ea had la reaching a derls'on their spokesman said their declJlon , wee by a Terr bad margin. Klnaton d wire. L ,, V. .. ij/a ' .] In the speWnr contest w^r" ?were represented by the aanle students mentioned ebova In the Newborn con teat. The reault of this content w? Klnaton misspelled If words and Washington 14. ; . ft ? H* All 'the contests In Klnaton were rari'excltlng, and rarr much enjoy ed bjr both sides. ? ? V?,r, '? ' One of the Atott cherished memo ries of the trip was the remark made by a ou orebm ' by a number of Klnaton people upon ! , the splendid behartor of all the ' 1 Washington party.'' We sincerely thank >11 the Newborn and Klnston people for the many courtesies an-t-f kindnesses shown SI These con tents will do (ood. The students In all three of the cities will be attyu lated and put on their, mettle "for fu ture contests of r#lnd and minclpi ; After extending a oordlal innta on. and lodging a dlBn'te challenge with each city we returned to Wash the midnight train Batur Wash Hicks1 C U nothing *11 Mad*, Inciadln* ?lck er ner?pu? tadackH, and headaches canaed by heat, cold, grlpp or atotaach dlaord i-inJ ? Vapadlne la liquid? ?ur and pleasant to take ? acta Immediately. lOe.. Me,, and ?0c at drugstores. 'T--1 ? ' r: *W Gaater'lCaalc Id the reapective churches o( lb* city next Sunday promises to of unusual high or der. Alt the choirs are practicing with * will and thou who attend any of the churehee will ha amply re paid. The Dally Npwa expecta to publish, a, full program of the' musi cal program -In neat Saturday** pa per. Xhe?r sermons delivered will be in *cepi?9 with the oceaakm:'- J health oflcer I. determined that A'aRhineton .hall fee a.Viwa H V :bl? mm. ? O h Mr, Sadler la a eorapeteat man and 10 doubt ?ni reader good aervle*. : 3e began hli dutle. todar, fa, , ' ? ..." n-'T ;**'Y A Flerc* Mvht Alarm j. the hoarse. ativtlfch ?# i '< ?fid. aaddeflljr attacked by cronp. ' 3ften It n roused lyewU'Cllamblln ef Manchester. O.. <R. T. B. No. n<fO? I ' ittacka," ke ??ete "yr? ware afrs'd I :bey ?o,,ld die. but -afnee we pro?d ??? ? ^ mil ? -.? ,_U ?w DUgl th. m'Hm 1 '7*" north Carollaa ?d Tlr?l0? ?2L kLSL.^*"* k*ttl* ?i r^. J?*** w,r? OTW three that *"1"" '"""wtf People prtwit. T ??? same will be played In Chi lott#. ?s ? 1:' ?; Ho- would ro a Ilk* to taantw *o?r friend* by mtllloDt u Bueklen' ?Ante*. s*It* do**? iu Mtoundlni MI* to th* put tortjr nu> mad, t?*m. Ita th* boat Salt* lb the worlt 'or ?orei, ulcer., ee.ema, burni, bolli coU, 00m, (or* eye*, .pralne ?wellln*., brula**. cold aore*. Hal ao *?ua Iter pile., tie aT Hardy, Dm* Btor*. MM AM> FASHIONS * ' & th* aprlDt iarf* black and whit. ch*ck? wiu be w*11 in th* (or*. ?> ?> **w|a? mwo. Ur|* Htiu #nih bl* With tba a par*d tor chtWraa'a Borders are one of the chief char acteristics of man j- Of tire new cot ton material*. ? somber of which are striped and spotted. For ?????;; PUIds will not ba a , moeh favored as .tripe, and checks *fth material trimming. Some Of th? latest girdles are jrerj wide, six Jy eight Inches In front .and three Inches lew In the back. Black ?el?et aasbea are considered ?err Stilish, caught with a diamond buckle, using Terr lightweight vol. ?J^jwwert Dutch collar clone# in tbejjafei! fnd has a five-Inch' Jabot over^th? front from the nefck edge. White hats are worn ^for three yearajsa a sign of mourning, by ev*ry gW^iale in Coraa aft*, thte death of a member of the royal ftmily. . Silk, challies and cotton# ?how <\ t endeap^ to have ?upplementart^bor der. of l^foHd tope. An idea of the most novel effects may be gained by mentioning a new tulle of whits with a Scattered pattern of dull red roipee'ttttV soft green foliage. The border was in Oreek key efect 4*d . beneath there appeared a hud of mild bl?ck. Tucks and frtils, shlrringa and elaborate embroideries and lathes will figure , In/, the pretty profusion that women find so adorable; but, wltl| It all/ there will continue veryl* strict observance of "la Ilgne." as the French, say, and after all, the line j Is everything. I tie IS?t BSC 1-te

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