MM* ? day la alt that time. H? ta u>, am <.w~t of u. rt???ik airertlMn. hi t>olnt of ?rrlM, II not Iirorv L*?'a tetlea oonalat ta kold :^'rsr:rr; eaae to thtek aa ? tat and with a eta* horn handle MW fy ? foot Ions when the weather la flue. Re rer*> ???eka a?M|t Mfcaa one addtte*ee htm, bat be ??? wide an actiwhlatance aa the waiter of fce.'Ator bauae. From tbk t^ae be?o*? on datr at 7 a. m n?ft 'he 'oajrlee h la - can's or umbrella ?:?? l> ? ?or? than probattr tan Other man on the atreel-dljW1?>*; Lee haa beea standing on the e?rb of hrttoo' VtVtiat for a* tnany>(yeera that k? Y*e*e by ??htht or br nuae ! i - 9. Tiilailii m, k _ , Jrefcoh ?nfc* ?tfWr- ft*w norer fafl to >f'? klMttOotlMl imt leW-Wm the'r i Bet It la qmb* WW ?fn 1 end eW*Mfr<*km4 iW* ***' of them are married. TMH Mt>. W haa a merry eye att4*1l Weh amlle that warma ftio ItoArta t)l youth aa well aa of are wVea^er It la proroked. I ReMw he Mfttttd down and be earae a htti?Atl ffttart of Fulton at reel U* Mil aallor In the United Stttee na?y. -far anything 40 him about -<*? ow Y?ssex. man-o'-warj Captain Mcff^lcS." and be win *1 re the refeitMftlon naval salute. LAel wiled the seren seas dfl the Essex for ?earfy ten yean. % He ?ays he was "jaat a 'cdhubon sailor" but he J probably rot up to the bosn'a matel t to s o me other minor position. Get I bin to tsOria& *nd he can spin yon 'yarns of sttmase porta from away rooth of tfc? Use dean np to the Arc tic Cltelo. CM the Essex he went "into erery corner tof the world that ?hst sW wmrahlp did ? CallaO, Capel 'Town, Cairo, Calcutta. Singapore, . C? Hay jKii. Norfolk Boo then* R^lrpad Ami Norfolk And WaahlBffto* B>a?W boat Co.. 10 Including AttrwtfT* 8Me Trtn.. to Vlrwala, Mow Vma awl Arttaptoa. . . I Prof. Frank M. Harper, Supt., Ral eigh's schools', will take a party ot students of the senior grades . of tbe Raleigh public schools to Washing ton, D. C-, for an educational tour on Hay 29. Prof Harper will aot restrict his party, to any locality, but Invites any one of good character 1 4 ioin. ? ~ The purpose of the tour Is educa tional?a trip to no other place Is sb Instructive and lnterestli||^ as .to tile beautiful city of StMe Mat of our national bo*4?p The congress will be m ( extra] ary) session. Interesting features ot the pro gram witj brf" a reception at th* white houfce by PrealdAt TAfU and a lU ft to the Capitol ot the Uplted States, where the North Carolina Senators awl repreeentatlrea wll) welcome the ptttf. ' -..'.jga A aide trip will bo made t eMoont Verb on the hotiie of Oar dot. y Still another equally lnter?atlac aide trip will h? to Arltaftfra. the homo of the treat Southern Chief? 'jyi?l Robert Edward Im. Tbe Journey up and down t|)e his toric Potomac RlTer on tbe fcalatlal new eteilMr, " Southland-, ot the Norfolk and Washington stearafioat Company. will t? one dellfftt aftdr another The entire trip Will be loll of Interest. ? ' 'a Wftta Pr4f. Frank ?.* Har? RaleUh. for UlMtntW booklet (I In* complete detail* of the trip, can npw any a?ent of the Mather* Railroad. ' / C. D. ,V. I *. P. 4-< 1-1 Wit Quel/ lul?UJ. Ehlp .radM tbr twttted -V- With > little jmM fro*" knttlrc V fcrow*. Wbj tad Harvey Vefatnor'n name snruac ho Cvwy to tor mM JTr? Z iPfcpWt VxmiJrftiop. Wi-bapa It was b?tw to W? froa tm twwutfrtu of for o?# ru^iton t ha# (j>m fir* "?*??? thai bi?^ln with the letter V. unl (hat for on* Inataot he ml*bt U? (imI with anjthlBs rt?*? a~>. .<1-1 . w ? _ *' . ? "? i ne dinner IKJJI nnjK ibon. and Rtate obrred lt-< Rummoon, AcftMakla* r*?h? to toMe hw Jewel c*ie in fb? remotMi Wofbpr r ardrol^ 8h? went r+ Wnn>lt OowA f bmnd tain can Wow* ttar thH v|?ii the ha4~#nricl fcAlW OM lte Inuiurannted bj I be uo plenMnf re-mire* Kitrroandlng ? robbery. While "he realized -rh*t the thief mnii lie making n ?qgceonil e? e*P* nod fhnt everr moment lo*t srsi",."sai-:lr^ of ber genial bw. jwiSft ?* of th? b.tiplMt mood.. Kcar ?? wer. ?'??C t? '?* ton*. ..4 m Elite of ... -I ar. willing to pay tor It. But tbay talk about maklp, the muul?. pay ?r?*ter rate. of tbalr adT.r tuias matter Whj, th?a ad. brin* , CHAIN Md PI tR mjti niN