OLINA I m. i i 1 i l u i and Buijr , '?? '? ?HKKPI The aaMka ?r? owaad bj aa Am.rt-1 '? ??W- Jtalnforeaalaata from | Hermoelllo We nono to thai ?nr. of the FerfafoU drlren Aril p. Ui a buttle with, the rlcto-] rloun Insurrectoa In that Tlclalty Is] expected when the two federal t form a Junetkm. . . . The lanurrectoe have abandoned To?la. Duranco. U> go to Velardenl to relators the rebel (one hauno* With tha federal* In that rteialtr. It la reported tha faderaU hare formed V* alliance ?ttk tha Coan mmm ELECTRIC LfGHT I Everyone wanta EleetrK' LKhta ? Conrealaoce. Evefjrbodr can now af Owaas rsaaomMc lllumlaMU. The beaotlful artificial light kaowa. Call knlMiB toha. Take 1 tamrn?d here todkr ovlns to tka eat. tin* of tb? uiacna wlrn Th? ret> ?l blre u Mid to lu.q uin<l In th?| afternoon following ?ii konri of Votfcd iww *n> W ArrtJARKi) in the I KAN FRANCISCO BXAMINRIt. VrH: MIGHT KNOW HOW INTURKSTINO IT WAS WHRN THK ORRAT AD MIRAI. SAT UP A?b TOOK NOTICE op IT* ' ? v 5? AKD ONE OV THK VERY BUST ANI? SEDATE PRESIDENTS OF A LARGE- CHICAGO RANKING INSTI TUTION WAS A I J. "FUHSKIl" Li" OVKR ** WHO IS WHO" WHEN IT APPfcARBD IN THE CHICAGO AMK RICAN. AND WHILK HE WASTED <??) JII8 VALUABLE TIME PLAV" INO THE CHEAT GAME HOUSE HOLD DUTIES IN MANY CHICAGO HOUSES WERE FORGOTTEN. MIS TRESS AND MAID ALIKE BEINO TAKEN UP WITH -WHO IS WHO" NOW IT HAS COME TO WASH"] INGTQN AND IT WILL RUN IS THE DAILY NEWS NEXT WEEK, KKHEMBEB THIS, THAT THK^K IS MkMBC-n THE -WHO IH WHO" CONTEST FOR YOU. HO JIST KKKF TOUR HTR ON THK DAILY NEWS. - Washington to to hare the Matta ouikwt Railroad The governor of tlie state and hla council Intimated to the committee from thli city todar that the convlcta -could he had for grad'ng the road from Belharen to WaahWripkJ'^ The Dally Neva thla afternoon re ared the following wire from Edi tor Jamea V. Mayo of the Daily Newt who *aa a member at the com mittee that waat to Raleigh to .con fer with the governor and hla ooon dfc '"Gareraor ?m*. eoMBdl of HMe rfcta of atate -????? L. Mare." it victory ha. b?n won (pr ? Bid Hyde county. The committee haa performed- Ita duty The people not oaly In WbthlnCton. but all along the propoeed route from , hare to Hyde county will rejoice. .1 Now altogether for tbe eonitmjSI tlon of thla much needed road- ?ion ,-tHe aooner the better. A new epoch | opena for Washington and Hyde| county. Mech Enjoyed. The eermona of Rev. Mr. Hope ft FarmvJUe on Sunday lart were much enjoyed by tbe large congregation!, ror a man of hla age there la no epeaker In the Chr'atlan church to day in North CarollnaVhla peer. He haa a bright and promlalng future. AT THE ' rS Theatre TtaNight ?A MEXICAN ROMANCE ? A iileaslng Film Telling a fewest Love Tele Without the Uaual dramatic scenes. COACHING THROt CH DEVON" SHIRK, ENGLAND - One of Tboae beautiful outdoor pio turea that makes you believe you are- actually on the spot rtewlng the Beauiltai Scenery. WHERE THE ?T1KU BLOWS r A Viiagraph Comedy Told In the" Inimitable Yltagraph Way TOM A JKHRY? a pleaalng Vlra matlc Gem, with strong heart interst. ' ' - 9 THIS IB A GOOD, Wf V-; ANCED PROGRAM. ABOUND. VOl"U BNJ i ' . i .IgKfejf ? w *^Ph? city aldercflsri at their mwt lng laat evening passed an brdlnance forbidding the use ['ot roller skates on the paved sidewalks of the city. This haa long been a nuisance, Nq doubt the aldermen would not- hava passed this ordinance If the parents of the cfc|l4*?* had cautioned t%i m. to - keep off the sidewalks on Main atroet Ou Saturdays. ?>*?? ?? V.r Oa last flntnrday afternoon the skaters tod|t?poesssslon of the side walks and " tt waa difficulty pedestrian - eoold walk. Seveefcl la dles of (feature age came neejr meet ing with accidents. The law should be rigidly enforced from new on, Young America haa no one to Blame The numesMM friend, of Dr Joshua Jayloe, and they are legion, will re ijblce to know that he Is fast recov ering from u U recent operation at the Washington Hospital. He will be out and attending to his profes sional. duties within the next few dgjrs unless something unforeseen1 PHONE 76. Our Specials tor Mon day. Tusaday and Wed nesday. ? D ?. . . ? t ? ? B<*t Sugar Cttmd H??, either Brand, Armour's Star, Hohman's Blue Band, Jones' * Iamb's, Eagle ? Brand jgc Clover Hill Prints Ca|-ajg Coffee, 20c kind at aoc lb Octagon Soap Best Lump Starch WASHINGTON'S X . T- \ ? A Cents 12 1-? Cents

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