NO. V2 CAROLINA President Taft n of the j na on arcouit < T J rtt.ll cf ludgee. h? U - a way by which that pro, he BtrtcUcn on through -""I# of Art *00* ( at looks ultt V "-T for recall , | loasulted froq Gen?r*l Wl icra of bli 1 rdccfndedtbat 11 1 i for him to dlanppror oMtltntlon on aecotn t! .i*f l vV*?' ?..?*? J Irrnnn Klqod of tho 1 - rnim(tteo on torrltorlfea .nd I ?CflUtlve Hounton of Tennixwi nr' n(d?nt W4?J outlined ? rb.i aolve the problem. ( ' ? " The prcaldml'a froporttlon that the rowUtutlon I-ndlnt b roairreM be adopfed. ul ' ?. r V be adopted, and rfatei | of. Arizona under tl* o tutlooal power, propoae u ar ?wot to Alio awtw,! Nrn tte recall to apply t?.?tf officers JU U.0 president mar. tt. people of Artiona. no ter bow thM felt up., the rec r their proape. ?WWHui-i ,-t Inhere I. . Mltlnn, a an lto.tlOB.0The , M* - wanu eiectrle M? ?Wybodjr no m Hlumlamnts, light known ' 1 -If, Mtwfen Tiro tt Ohoco moruln;; He . W??? twp box on at t and the mul! ni that M? hip ?u fcmcturM lu t-o Placee hla body terribly brul?d. He "v^gfil UMU) :?Kr on tfc? 11 fcta ?d carried to the ?'* medical Oa?l*?b?t Sunday on .cpount o< I'Je icoldcn-. ~(c I rlona Minding cgiamlttoee ofi the huoee, - ??' -"h ?' -..I**,. Practically ?11 0? t*r !n>urKent? have better berth, than daring the cd to the minor Wraajltew. Minority Lender Mann took no committee aaalgnmtnt hiuaelf. He la dealgnatcd .Imply aa "the ohalr mau oftho conference." 7H ' Uncle Joe Gannon goea back t?Wl old place on the appropriation com mittee and ta ranking minority taem ber. , ? \ ,j The seven aurrlrlng roubllom Repre?entall?e John Dwlgbt. who fanked eighth among the ayrvWort! ta now on a?proprlaj(Jona, ae the dem ocrata allowed the minority but aet?n I On Thnradar and Friday. April JMi Here will be a geuor.l achool exhibit ? the Waahlngfon Public School building. TWa "will be .n ei IblbWo* being heard wltll fc>lea*ire b/ >rge crowd! each a/UraoOn and evening on Main atreet SgSsnc^uEsE ,h" J?1?ar Jonea ?.;> ? CT71-: 1 plaeed In'koiea and the general d: Jl nri window opened only tor tba traveling public and tbe delivery of tottera at material Importance. Tbe city carrtew" wlndowa are not open ed hot ajly patron of the city tree de livery can aecure mall la poato?ee box If he wlahea to rent ohe or through the delivery window If |i ?a . letter of Material Importance.:. tn order that the Sunday labor lo tbe poato?ee at Waahlagton N. C.. mar ha reduced ft le deaired that the patrona co-operate In thla movement and let tbte city atand a* one of tbe many cltlca ta favor of reducing Sun-' day labor. . The aeretee outlined a bore will re- 1 Here the elertta and can*era of coa atdoreble work en Sunday Superior Court Sends CMe| Back to Lower Court IR FW8BS SWIPE USE Noted Trial. Jeftenon City. Mo.. April 11? Dr. B. Clark* Hyde, fhe pathologist who court ID ? decision which reverse the conrlctton In th? lower romrt . The opinion was Written by Judge Franklin Ferris and contains about 12?Qi>0 words and govs Into technical and detailed account or the alleged. crl trie ' ' ' 1 'J * I .lw0 ot. the main potnta upcr, which the t?Ter?a1 vu based were1 the contentions of Hyde's lawyers! that the Wdlctment was faulty and th^it the testimony regarding tl? death of Moes Hun ton ^nd Chrlsman Swope and the alleged poisoning ol Miaa Margaret Swope were incompe tent. immaterial. Irrelevant and prejudicial. will go back to the Jackson county criminal court where an earl/ ro-trial la expected. , tl and conviction of thatU^ftttempted to mur der a^hola family ? the haira of ? or > pails, regalar price 75c 65c Simon Pare Lard, >W> pi regular price 1.50 $1.25 Clover Hill Print Baiter 30db Fox River Tub Batter 25db ?^\r