NO M life: HohJ the property tax from 41 to 41 oh tha tlW. But It latft the poll Ut at Jill, ?bm It .hould hare bm IncrMMl to ?IJI5 to maintain the proper evaluation buna tha two. Salt <ru hrouiht before Ja4c* Dsn tola ao,M to W > dscWoa as tbe matter. Jndgv Dnlela Wld, 1* ac ?Uh a former decision of r court that tha la* wu rrurt holda that the mandatory aa to tha poll tax. that the Taw standi and that h< poll tax must be Incraaaed to 11.35 to m? 'ailtutloual reqalremeat W! tor oca hat i Already quite a rat*. for tfcla purpose by the ccwn . mjtt<w- In chart* and unieaa so**. . thin* unforaeen happena this yaar will surpass all othan ao fir- hi amusement and. pleasure Is concern ed. Pall details of the hunt wDI he announced thoru?h these column, later on Ip the week. 5 i ? OadL The echooner Cecil. Ca?taln J. B aow?r?n l?f command from (Joe N. Cy arrived In port ymUr loaded with cblckan. it* Electric UtbU Convenleuc^. Everybody can now a con.amtng IllamlnanU. Tlx beautiful ertBcHI light known Cal will t? aubmltted. . ' The schooner J. F. Morrta, ooulo W. R. White In command, arrived In port raeterdar from Bath loaded with on*. vehlckeoa. etc The Whonnar N'ankn P.nialn Wll_ !S NOW CHEAPEF sullad la (a Tor o t tke following ? bora; John U Payne, Francl. c&arlea ; and Sam Povle. . Tha Mil nxllDr of tkl. society ?o ?? bald will k? rrtdar, April 14. 1?11. TW question to be dtacuiatd 4 at tfcla meetlac b chair ha, without warning, to ur fallon the floor la an uncon aoiona condition. , , i S; 2* 1 . ?. In falling ho cut units a gash In hla toad. Dr. Jack Nicholson <u summoned and iaadered medical Thare win b? tha celebration of the holy communion' at ? St. Pater1# Episcopal church thi? evening at 8 o'clock, preparatory to Qood Friday and. Easter Sunday. All tha mem bers ot tha church are requested to -A remarkable (Speetal to Dally New. ) Waahington, D. C. April 11? Mr. B. Duu %iraad director of the <-en >u. today n?? out the following In formation aa to the nMMou of towia m Beaufort county, N. C. The town* tamed are aa follow.: Be!kaT<n. ?.??; Aurora. 440; Bath, 1SJ; Pantogo. 814. ThU to according to the thirteenth and la.t reau of mine* at Waahington mmt In tha working, all night. He and h& party made a thorough te.per.Ual ?nd aided la Ua reecn? work. The toed lea of tSe eonrict rlcrlmi in belpt >aat to their reepectlve countlea when they will he barled at public expextae If unclaimed hy That of John Hllkutton. while fu the I .at to be brocght oat. Tie Mm recovering -the dead report that, wtth the exception at a few eawara* by. the fall of rock and alate. all th* uwpoi. will bare been, taken out by night. C -. ? Tha falla of rack are belag cleared and' broken aaattlcat are belag repair ad rapidly aad from now Jt ex pected that there will be no dalay la the work. There ware two funeral, today near here. They ware for Lee Jonea, white and. Dare K'ngi colored. Both were (fee mine? No official .eta tenant, aa to the touw until tto. tuaayh* are, cleared and a thorough Inspection by hii de partment has been made. The esti mate of 138 dead le ettll maintain ed. ^ p jm*. :? I.| y<; V -.V Not all woi&en who look In a mlr ror are lost In admiration. ' , J New York Is going to glre free eyeglasses to school children, but It will be a lonf time before some other stste will see It that way. The betting Question at the race track at least shows what a variety of legal opinions can be had on any "?e subject. ' !'? " i> PHONE 76. \Vc offer the following for our Week End Spec ials, Kood for THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Our popular brand of Wasco Floor which is the best that can be made from - wheat at these estremel; low prices per bamS, $4.75 1-2 barrel, 2.50 24 lb. Bass 63c 12 lb. Baes 33c Very Best Sugar Cured Hams, moat any size 17c lb Simon Puro L aai. Sib pails, regal* price 75c 65c aassarfe. . Clover Hill Print Butter 3#?lb > Fox River Tub Batter 25db A nice lot of Sweet Po tatoes just received 20c pk Best Cream Cheese 16clb|?

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