attitude In | UM rwttfcU UK d?t'. .whom* *iu^i W, j bomto. vhlto ln thia bill U to i rSS; traiton, jaoMMlM, laMlra, 5 Uraje tlw cmpli&l Of Crthnn. I'nltod 8t?t? legitimately d IB each Mill ?t*t*:'tt.'vl ""toTbf"1" 'h*" "*? IwUr'^oiibl,, tart'em^? 8er the iuthorltr at ?nr for*!* .drerwl, rfyOot the Impo hMo or ule tn fcucb foreign ? ?B7 Product M the United gfaj ;'Wt the Government ot seek'. I ?tnte, whether by Uw or bjt Ittretlve muiores, lmpoeee ?x. refactions or Hmiutlo*, rm of or harmful or taaiinHn^, (OontHiuM on JFoarib Mm Will Take Place on the Fleming Property ;:r; Boy. from 8 to 15 ;?an wllloccu n the aeld o* rod Rao; girl. from I 8 to 16 Twin will occupy the Hold of blue flask, and little children under 1 TMTt will occupy the Held of whits Sage. , The athletic, context, wlir ta*J place In the field of blue flag* at ?:?<> ?J^k immediately after the eearch r?t egg?. There wiu 1m nine con -vX'- - - ? NvV - v.. y \w'] Running race tor boy? under II year.. R'?-'n? race for boys under li f pont la tted on Fourth Page) the following eekEnd Spec I for ?ay, today ?4 SATURDAY rjfeular price 1.58 II.2S ? W Clover Hill Print Butter 30clb Fox River Tub Butter 25db A nfte lot of Sweet Po- f t?toe? just received 20c pk Beit Cream Chepe 16c lb ' -"?* UM S J >?. Roanoke re laat Wad W'POM Of t to ran on Mr. Honey >f the cotton u< Mi * wr of * t ?*;?. hundred anil' on cjisi Main rntrvst near one of the bHdgt. not knowing where ^ Mr. Honeycutt an he I. poalttre eould Identify (ha 1 etfort la bains made to capture the gouty partlee. i',.\ ' ... ?' 7 *? _ U _v. ? " .\J ? All the members of the 1-lret M. E. church choir are requested to meet at the church thla .renin* ,i 7:30 Dr. Joaha. Tayloe Oat. Th0 many frlenDa ot- Dr. ioahua Tayloe who waa recently c (?at the Washington ru mils =; i ??MPL[IE The following communication mr the Signature of CoasrMan John H. snail will asplaln Itaelf Bdtur New.: An a reault of v can today on tic Supervising Archi tect of the Treaaury Pavlt? t. ta advlaea me that tho dotal! plana lor our 'public building In Washington hare boon com plated. MM Chat la.-* tow darn an ainrllwmp'Bt will be lr ?ued, alklai for M?a for th* eonarruc (Ion of aaae. IT* farther atated that the adrartlaemant would mn Mr about thirty flay* tM If a MMh lorg bid waa aubnritted that the con tract would bo lot within about ten " J ' \ . ' : tin UetaafWr and (hat within stity day* the contractor ahoutd beglN work. 1 know that our eltlieni hare tmi < disappointed at the delay', although < I hare 4?M all IB mr power to has- . ten pragraas. If any conaolatton^can 1 thereby be afforded, i may state "bat 1 an; otter tvwm kne saCerad the same delay. 1 Very respectfully, * " JNO. H.4MAUU ? WaablutoB, V. C.. April 1?. Utt j ^ r i ? ? * ?'? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? j ? * TH* WtaTHH ? Vnaattled showers tonlnht and ? ( ? Sattrday. Ooohrr tenUbt *? m * ? trene weat portion . Cooler Sat- ? ? inter. - W '??*% t J Sr? ? v ?- ?^* ' , ' ? v1' BMWto'i Com. The following cum were dUpoied X, betore Recorder Orlme. jester Collie Washington and Jno Green nn ^dieted for disorderly conduct, fined 11.05 em can each. I Goldvater, Charged with larceny ** guilty .JT" J. 8. Honercntt. Drank and dtaor lerljr. Pined U.SO and the coet Ebom wai charged with rueity to animate. Onlltr and lined IT.ft mat Mat. ./? Edward wooltrd ?u charged with II Fl?ed H.00 ??* WTO* MARKKT Lint cotton. ivrfo# . Cotton u<% per ton. AT THE OEM Theatre To-Night "m '<*?L CA8R (Drama) VOWS (Drw) DOOR ? ' m