IN EASTERN NOR AROLINA In th. cttj *111 h.rl ?lac Ml ?vaatni Of tW Eplacopal tW. T*? MltbnUoa tx idar oehool at tbie.ckarcl |Ue and Interest to be nnlQU 1 The addresa will be Rev, Pulford of the - co pel church, Jeeeama. N. ' ? HI. IVtera' Gplacopal Charch Her Nathaniel HafilnR. rector. .< Kearly communion tomorrow mon ' Tteinlar *c rrlcee at 11 ofclock felt] eermvn bj the rector. The text ol tlx rector will be Col. 1-1. 'It re thei be rl'aen wt||^ Christ Nek tho* The offertnsi'at. 4hfi fcfcMSBtiKSati -be followlnT^imira will be irpdered by the choir: Processional: Welcome Happ] Mcrnln*, Chri?t, Our Paaeover Carroll. dlorla PatrL Maude. To Deuin Uudamug. Vox B&akercl j - \| Introit Hymn, "On the Reaurrec tlon Mornlnn." - i. ft Gloria Tlbi. Garrett Hymn: "The Strife la Ore*" ; Ascription " W DaXOlOfj. ? ;jMertory. "Aweke Thou Tha pieepeat" Bljoper. , $\ Presentation Sentence: "Holy ol ferins R'-fih and Rare." . ^ Communion Hymn: "At I.amb'a High Feet .We Sing." Olarin Exceltla. Old Chant. Rteceaslonal: "The Day oC'Reaui Mens' St -T . v ? v -?*i. jf .- * f ~ ? '4 : , Look for our R Milans ai ,50 t I *zEK?E^ th raw Hats lew Styles in SoU itd Sailors. o $4.00 Music and the Sermons U . Ail Strangers in the City nvited to Attend. Jr. rap Bright Raster SUM, Oar BeTto AllcTnllu: S(ng the- Trl r. Joaepfc folford. ?f Prlna: Mr. Nai L. Simmons. The offertory. .J Cree*. Q - which la -tor mli ?en ted In the usoa sending three o the altar; on* carry which bear* the saw carrying the flora to dtcfrmte Ik. crew; th, Ikt " zzzz: - - i .? w,* r| ChrUtia* ?.?rcfc. ,5 .1 tUir Robt, V. Hope, paator l. ioM: ThU Jojful DM'. N? 111. ' . ,? " v 1. Invocation. . I. Hoe* ? Morning Breaka Upo thv Tomb. No. 4M. T ~W- ' J ?< - 4. 8ong_ChrUyfc.jrfl.ra from th Dead. 117. ; X AnBoonMtoenU. ? v x o ? 9. Quartette "aland Eaator Belt, Messrs. Ourganm, Jackson, WUlar ( : _ 1 . 1?. Sermon. "If We Bellare.^ It. S9ot. ?H IS. Communing. -SEtl $.'? R 1 l?. Doxologr. . ?.:?.? 14. Benediction. Junior Katdeavor Celebration at' lie* J. A. SuHlran, ? pastor Th following la tlte program for Sut day. ^ *r?"' Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.. S. I WI11U. Superintendent.' ? ) Morning worahlp^fl a. m. Sermo !- subject; "Mending Neta/K I & Evening worship, 8 p" m. Sermo aubject: " Profit and Loas." Tire following: la the program fc the erafclaf service: \ Voluntary, first and at con d vlollm cornet and organ. *111' be At the -craning h4ur, 8 o'cloel then wUl be special music rendere bjr the choir portraying the lite ( Christ, hie sufferings, death an gltylons resurrection. At-thls "hot * Her. Dr. Oibhs wllltagaln preach ! Th?, rdllovlw Is the ttqslcal pri gram fcr the ere*lBg*s services: Processional y\ > Anthem: "He "*? -fulfil Anthem: "Ther* Is a Green HI Far A-J?y." 8c ri pin re Lesson. . > /" (Norte. >;'? ' \j*. BcriBlttro lesRon /Tom New Test SNSS "Si. Anthem: "Hall Prince of Peace V Sermon. . -.^r v * . Brayer t- Quartette; 'Seek ye the Lord." -Anthem : "The Kins of Glory '? Benediction and Recessional. ' a First Presbyterian Church Her, H. B. Soaright, pastor. Thei a wltt be the usual Herrices at th church Sunday morning and evenlc r at the u?uai hours. Preaching wl be by the .pastor. '*? ? \C t '5' The choir will furnish special mi -4 sit oii hoth occasions. '* -'J ' Sunday school win - meet ' 1 o'clock, Mr. [Charles M. Brown. Jij | superintendent. All incited. A I ? ?? ??r '?*'?*' ? p Condition Better. v. | | The <cmdltion of ex-Mayor B. ,\1 * Stowart is reported to he much bei tor todly. * Jfo learc Wednesday. v* The Yacht Tliutla Wltf leave To Pawtucket Rho^c Island next Wed xiesday Mr. FuUfcr apd family an his goosta will also Return at th same time. ' ? ' Vashington, D. C.. [9. 1911, under the Frank M. Harper the Public Schools ?ertlon Uk*J*ma& ot the offer, 6?? number* of tncliera throughout the lUU hare already written" Prof. Harper lo make arrangement! to Join the party. Special Pullman aleeplng can ?111 be engaged, and every little want and nectaaHy will be looked after bj an experienced passenger agent ol the railroad tompiu *ho will ac company tbe^ftr^g?^j^e time thej uke about. iqo atudenu SSBchen on the trip. It v Mr. W. L.. Dudley Wlitlc out drlv Ing with his wife and -child cam< near meeting Wjtlk^irjoui *cel dent yesterday. i While In resident* op Market str?et<l?Jie ponj tool fright and r?'^Wils The ronsequWw' was that tit Dudley was U*tf!jfoo" the ground 'and while, n^Sedpualy Injured v> bla wounds .arS^HkCnl. Br. J. C Rodman waa HE and Sjjirflerni medical aid. Fortunately Mri.; DiflSftiy an; #Ud ealapfd. ' Child Font). The Inhabitant! In Nicholson ville were fhfown Into Intense ox dtetnent yoaterda y when It became knoWn tEat young girl tylhy only a few houra old had been found nl the*Tiome of. Mra. Sprulll on Telfati .street. The^hlld is reputed to have been born on Seventh street In Nichol 1*he child is well developed and Is now being cared for by Mrs. Sprulll. Gone tt> Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs, C- H. Puller went U Rocky Mount last night for the pur pose of meeting' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles WJ Fuller. They are ex pected to arrive lit the city this af ternoon rla the -Atalntic Coast L n chars* to hare the B|| HuAt on the Fleming property at the Wwt End of Main street. The bant will tx started promptly at three o'clock bj a aisnal from Mayor Sterling. la order to give all the children as equal opportunity, It hAs been da cldad to divide the c round* into thro r^HWHUTng race for girls nnder 1^ years. Tots' race for children under ' years. ? 8ack race for boys 12 to 15 year*. Crawling race for' boys 12 to U year*. Hopping race for boys, 12 to II years. Free-for-all race, open to all. Prof. N. C. Newbold will ^ be U chargc of the contests. Each child who desires to particl pate will go. to one of the commit toes lit charge of the different fleldi and recplve a tan indicating whlel field he Is to occupy. Children under 7 years of age n?ai hare an adult to assist them In. 'hell quest for the Jfcreted eggs. There wfll be over 4,000 e*gs uso< and It Is-tp be hoped that those wtf are more . fortunate than others .secr^at every child obtains at leas some of the ?gffj .A hunt will be poetpohed to a mor< suitable tinfe. | + U. has been. deefdoq to give thi children an opportunity to contrib ute -lo the stirring Chinese, U -li ''only a short time to the harvpt wbei the famine will be relieved Ing this time Amy of must dleof stMtton, if help doei ' not- coirfc. It Was thought while th< pnJoyfHK thetn selv^fl^lB.etfilPyiy appropriate t< remw^r.x.tfie' fjCerfng. Parenti remember this, and gtv< tbe onei something- for thh "'AT THE OEM Theatre Tonight Entire Change of PROGRAM Good Prctifres Good Music mrpoae. The collection will b? ta ten HP at the grounds, and the imoujPnbtr?*ft v<U be reported Is !%? Dallyf New. it Mj be that naay. other* would like to coatrlb lta to tkla object at thta time. The (uad lor the ezpaaen or tho En Hunt eoatlauee to grow. New ?ontrlbutors hare been adfef to &oee already publlebed: > n?e Dally New. ....... .ti.oo I p. wuii* roo roe. F. Tayloe 1.00 i. H. Mlson 1.0U la*. B. Clark Oo l.oo Hal. W. a Rodman g} Southern Furniture Oo SO rha Oeni Theatre 50 E. L. Roper . . .15 e. K. Willi. .... .? 1. H. HWa?- ..i. ?o 15 M A. Smith .15 Walter Cradle Jt Co '.15 I. K. Hon . . .? !.?0 I. P. Jackaon .15 JUskln ft Berry 50 STP^arterfc",T~TT,!??^?T! Rowerw-LewU Co. : 1.00 W. A. and J. a Blount . . .80 W. J. Rhode* : 25 Ituaa Brea V. v. \ .16 Barrla Hardware Oo. ....... 1.00 ?T? C. Miller . .50 Baker's Studio .15 M. L. Simmon* . . . SO Oeo. E. Rs;!f? .50 Prank Wright .50 B. C. Carter 15 Caeh . . 50 B. C. Cartr IS Prof. N. C. Nawbold ."50 Mayor C. H. Sterling., 1 15 tfr. E. Swindell 50 W. D. Crime* 25 C. H. Richardson . . .. . . 1.00 a. A. Phillip* 25 Q. H. Sherwood "Who 1* Who?" .75 Thomas' $ , and ibc SttJfe 50 TJtal ... $10.60 mh*T amounts contributed will .Mooted Ui| the Chlue?e Famine Fond. tU T THE PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 76. j^^'E HAVK 4VST RECEIVE!) A LOT OF EXTRA FINK COUNTRY HAMS AND SHOULDERS. WK CAN GIVE YOU MOST EVERY HIZE FROM S lb?. to 12 lb... LET 118 HAVE YOUR ORDER. YOU mLL FINI> THEM EXTRA NICE. HAMS, AVk SIZE 18c lb SHOULDERS, ANY SIZE. . 14c lb Snow Drift Lard, any quan tity 10c lb. 6 (Mb. Tuba Snow Drift Lard ?c lb. KINOANS VERY REST ITUK LARD SOMETHING FIXE I2c lb SAME KIM} LARD In 80Mb Tubs He ft oril LAUNTOY SPBCIALS: ? ?TTT?r. ? 7 cakes Einott_ Soap for 2.1c G caHes Octagon Soap'. . . . 23c I pcunds best Lump Starch 23c SPRCIAIii: MONDAY, TTKHOAY AMI WKDNESDAY.

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