april it. nit. : remembered. The d ay Vru ? lonul the rltttcns at thoeit advantage at propitious weaths lira cat tothe services In the r< ?11 tlx cfcurehee of the city U 3 ration o t th? Rlaen Und ws memoratej In a strle worthy an y nothing la heard on th. atreel the fitting war la which thia aei >- be- forgotten day waa celebrate he Eplaoopal church oa 8uads ain# thf rector. Rev N.thanl. Slag delivered a Mnaoa of fore power on the Resurrection Th Ic was excellently rendered by th r. AH the aaUwna. etc., Mr h enjoyed by the large congr* m. Mr. Edmtmd Hardtac th lent organist at thla church di n much pralM for the way i :h his choir rendered their waj nUe. The chancel waa a pa bower of e?ergre?n. potts ta. dogwood and Easter llllles. tter the aerwm and the oCertn ?h amounted to 1 170. 09. the ece! l the afternoon at lad o'cloc children of tlw Sunday school ha r uaual celebration. Ia Ue chat no placed a large cross and e waa placed Bowers > from th aa. When Aajshed It preeebite net attractive picture. bo addreee to the achool wi e by Heir. J. H! Fulford. recti Bon Episcopal "church. Boayai topic of his addreee waa "Obi ao and Missions." It haa bee ? awhile sines we hare hoard more Interesting While pUI ? thotwhMul and Inatructlve. Mi ord la one of the coming dlrtat la ehurch la Worth Carolina. H Beaufort county hoy aad ever ?a of the county feels prood < s haa a bright and promlalng ft . Ho la a worthy ambassador.!! Iter the addreea of Mr. Palter Norwood L. Ilmmtu preeente prinea to the pupila who ha e the highest average Id lesson ?rtmeet aad attendance, a praj ?oh and hymnal waa donated b i IJda T. Rodman to that gli I attaining the highest sverag eeoas for the mm Jtir. Thla wi by Mlaa Ullle Dell Willi At'thta cl,ur?h >t 11 o'clock S|v T. Oibb. dPll.ored ? bwutlfrl s:r ra on tb? Resurrection of Chrtat. i.yr hi, in M y Cosets |a Individuality ? id Perfect fitting | ie Corsets Have no Equal, v;^' ? ' 'f ' for Style No. 121 at $1.m! m UK HLLLS Fftcy H?ve Been Ordered.) to Fferforca Duty ? i I !i EH TO WEI una' Win he Held at Ilal for Clwrllng nmxg, Thto lM<* Ootm Into! VMtct on May 1 ? Rule* Given Out. Balelgh, April 16. ? Adjutant Gaa-j >r?l Lelnater today, with authority ?rom the united 8tataa W if ^ naat, haa designated another claaa ?//Mean ttem tlx North Carolina 4*tloaal Guard to ?o to the Mexican >order for a two waeVi fay. Tha : ucky ollean an Ma]. T. 8. Pace, of ha Second Iafaatry. wll?on; Captain K. A. Jackson, of the frirat Iafaatry. Ht, Airy; CaH. B- C... Chambers, ol I he ThfTd infantry. Durham: Capt, I r. U. Black of the rNWwntal commlaT arjr, of Charlotte; and Capt. Don. K. Icott. regimental adjutant of tha hlrd iQfantry Of OMhaa. North Carolina Waa entitled to 1to| ?Beer, for this detail laataad of (our nd tha war department aakad for ?na major or Infantrr. oaa adjutant >f infantry, oaa coamlaaary omcer) two company oScera of lalaatry. Win he itaf d to ra At nmeatlnf of tha tha Nortk .CaraHaa " Thla ia Ue am tlaa tha i Er.'ssaerssrt from rammer to fall win i suitable rules to profct the railroad companies from imposition. V ? Tbls law foes lata effect M /j lot, ?4 the commission today handed down the following rules: That when passenger* desire tc cehek baggage on mileage books, thsj railroad cesnpaaJf* shall not M Quired ta do so unless the mileage book snd baggage nre each the prop erty of the person for whom the bag gage 1b checked; that when baggage Is cheeked before a ticket Is obtained.1 the baggage master shall tear oft tUe baggage strip for the distance the baggage is checked and 'shall mark or stomp^ the date of Isspe and desti nation to which baggage is checked pn the fac? or back of ouch part or mileage coupons as correspond .with >*ggage coupons attached; thai the at anr time within S4 lours thereafter pf*se*tjter the ticket (or mileage te ll*. Jackson Uftftd. t irgaret Ann Jackson, moth* . John T. Pedrlck of tills at bar reald?nce at Old Saturday at 10 o'clock !a year o t her a?? Some t> ahe was stricken With "> My '*11 ezptnm ejcUalre of conelct labor ud tuirdi. Ttla will probably amount to $s(?.?0 per ?eMh I* addition tb terminals and rights of way. It la now time tor the clthtena dir the city and alone the entire route to complatf their part o f the contract ?o that the matter may be entirely cloaed up without further dalar. . At the Grm Theatre . The Sunday afternoon aerricea at the On Theatre from s to ( o'clock, conducted by |fr, Albert Vanne of England, are being largely attended. On yeetartay afternoon he delivered ? moat helpful and^lnatructlve talk on the "Unknown God." Theee aerricea hare only bten In trogreaa for a few Buadaya but al ready they have had Ihelr Influence In the community. . ?-< Mr. Vanne Will an next Sunday at tha name hour apaik. All are cor HE WAS TRYING - TO WIDE ACROSS 3'h ? i, ,? . ? - Rev. M. Du i osc, of Mor ganton Drowned ?rc.iiniB)! Takes I1f-e 1^ !"nl~ VI- tr of-Hls Two Voting Sons? Body :ioj ? Yet Beroverecl ? Ww Formerly ItrJ tor at HI. Mary's School at Ral eigh. Morgan ton, April 16 Tlx whole tow* wu shocked this morning about 9 o'clock, when the word ran from ?* turned beck toward the bank As tie wss returning, he drifted down a lit tler sad was hidden behind s Mump msms&si&i oat lower down, walked down the bank, and