APRIL 18. 1911 ft PUBLISHED IN EASTERN tfORTH CAROLINA view of a atrong end healthy mlaorl-, ty. then an breakera ahead. Br. the free lt?t bill, approved br thel Democratic caucus and favorably r?-| ported, br the new committee and Baku, the rapid pace ofj itlve progreae In, expected. t? Mv-j a sodden check ? The majority leader, raallv ?hat tha bill caanot be ruahed ant they are pre parlor to Beat Ue vigorous! aaaault upon It br tha minority lead-l era In a prolonged -Babeta. , ' " 11 Chairman Upderwood. of the ware and maana committee, lataadt to >ub| rait to tha have committee a report oa tha [raa Hat Mil oa tha endue! In* dar o* th? reciprocity debate eo that H urnr lie over and ha called up The tariff debate I. ? xpected to bo-f gin at once M It b t??eJ?e will ha 1 kept Ijpiy until wall Into tha na Tha eenat. roraultieee are not ret named aad when It mute tomorrow. > it la probable that another ad}ourn-| aaut will ha taken until aett Thura vf ?? -We we oa Ue detenalve In rw ? ? gart to the tartd." add tha mM leader, "aad I gueaa wa art fin no hurrr to appotat oOamtttaei. Tha aenat a will taha lu time " ' ' \ The proapaeu. howeiar. are son*, for tha paaaaga br the eenate ot tha I popular alactloa aad campaign pab f. Ilclty bllla. > 1 HhJrt Walat gala. Come to tha Salem Girl. Shirt walat Mia at the Blount building on the afternoon. ?b? evening, of. Thuradar and Fridar of thli weak. I.unchee Will be aerved Shirt walat. at any price froB,>?, to ^./gj ~v. ? ? "asr dot and children of wtuh *0 dtn Will be Charter nmbm. *? d?rit? ?o b?eo? charter nuwbera. K la tM* they Immediately ??? that, namea to Br. J6hn B. Sparrow, ?t ?*? SaTtap k. Tnar Co. Thla trill *Iao aid ? t*?' ewAtth 5 their work, ud ?? then, the neo U, S. Soldiers Patre^Ied the border During Battle ? night. HtNx Tb? Da fly Newj wlahe. to mailt th? following ata(*ment concaralng the up. MM O t the Ken Hunt: ;'J~ ' Amount prt-rloualy reported . ttt.SO Cnth collected M .?5 Total , J . '. . ? 121*06 rr[1,n,-, 4, ?00 eggs, Ci.MiJj Printing tags 1.00 J? Drayafc,. . . ........ .?? ?? Total . : - ??-jU W,li .1 Thou In charge of the Ilunt tie el re to express thank* for the many contributions made for thl? purpose, j'?td also to those wAo rendered ef ficient service In making the occa sion each ' a complete success. 11 . ? 1 ? ! Scout* firoilght tjie Intelligence that 800 I nab r rectos under General drotco- had reached Nlggerhear, a smart hamlet spms] miles to the | Three hundred UnltedP 8tfrtes aol-) dlers under Colonel 8hunk patrolled I the border during the battle. SHILOH EVENING IT MRS. FttWLE'S % * " I The Daughters of the Confederacy will glre a Shlloh ' Evening at the 1 residence of Mrs. Samuel R. Fowle. corner of Main and VanNorden streets this evening beginning st 8.10 ' o'clock. The proceeds Will be for the mon | bin eat to hw erected it ShUoH'Kart | party attending la raqanted ay the[ committee to bring * sllrer offering to .to |.?lll.l al !>?.????. Hreeei will be Hereral tntereatlng paper* read pertaining to the battle of Shl loh and all who an ao fortunate aa , to pa preaeot will to Inatrncted and told aomethlncof the deeda of thoee who wore the gray. ThU la a worthy cauae and ahould to ganeroaaly patronlcad. Yon are a flnlahed actor If you eaa too^ pteaaad whan you are bored. ' ' ). OOTTOJf MARKET Lint oottoa. 114. ?0 . Cotton aa*d. per ton. I1I.M. kr^' Tffl WBATgWI ^ ? Shojrera tont*ht and Weioeeday. Warmer tonlsht In the UMrtor. J. K. HOYT | Gre?teatStorr 1200 Yards India Linen, regular ^ ? 10c TRY - J.K. HOYT - FIRST _ EASTER EGG HUNT II CREIff SUCCESS rook Place at Grist Prop erty Yesterday . MR ST{? EWE SSM! Wrs an Inspirit:; (3 tiro the Great rtmrd of 5k'n?-cf'| for the Domed Bggs ? Several Prise* were offered ? Wa* a Great 8acce*e. /? ? ?? ? ? ^ Nature smiled upon the efforts of those who endeavored to entertain the young people yesterday after noon with a mammoth Easter ea?| bunt. Long before the appelated tiour, crowds of expectant children wended their way to the weet f Main street, where ihe hunt w*s to tske place. As eacfc child arriv ed on the grounds, a tag was pinned; t>n Indicating the part of the field In which he was to hunt. The -grounds were divided into three parts, one for hoys between 8 ?t>* is vears pt age. one for girls between 8 and IS Shears of age and "one part for the small children,. 7 years orunder. An adult companion was allowed with those under 7 years. > Just before the signal for the hunt to begin, the collection was taken for the benefit of the famine suffer ers In China. Thl} amounted to 17.11. Owing to a ^understanding on the part of some of the children, thev will be allowed to bring their con tribution* to the school building la tar, wMtti wHI ?MK*rMlr.hKnMi>">?* itmouDt. At thre? o'olack tUror C. H. Sterl Ing gave the signal for the hunt to begin. It was an Inspiring u*ru+; t** lee the great crowd# of ? children eagerly rush across the green lawn In search of the coveted egsi, Tfc* triumphant ahouts soon Indicated that they were successful, and the' proudly exhibited the results of their AT THE 1 Entire Change of PROGRAM 1 Good Pictures Good Music The World Moves ' Why not move with It. Old style illumintnts V- IfyWaghington Electric Ptant. f Committors *ert always on the lookout t? see.if there were any less fortunate, that they might assist them in finding at least so?ns of the W At S:S0 o'clock the races. In charge of Prof. N. c. Nowbold too* place. The first race (yunnlng) for* u' boys under 1J years of age, was won by Master Adrian Bowen. ? ; , -The second *^90/ V - j bmlMtwMD I2_?nd 16 ?***. -r ?c- . i was Von by Master Mae Wbeultoiii. . ' * ? , The third race (running), for cMl ;dem 'under 7 Vcura ot ag^wti \. by Rr>;**?** > ? The fourth race, (sack *WeV was' Tson bfr Master Kenry Handy. T |/V The fifth race Scrawling race ) was won ;tur fttttsir ikac '^healtcn. Tl^ rac6 (toppUftrrace) was won by Master Mac Whealton. The-, seventh race (free-for-all..^ running) was *on by Master Abe .Goldwater. j ?- - i, ' Imeradiately after the races the 1 merry youngslorz wended their way homeward, carrying with them the i tokens of the afternoon's outing. Altogether, the occailon was one of the most successful of its kind erer held in. Washington. The place was ideal, the arrange menta adequate, and while it is es timated that something like 1.000 | parsons attended, the good conduct of the children was most marked. Recorder's Court. ' The following cases were disposed of yesterday at the city hall: ,r John Anderson, charged with beat lag his wife. Guilty. Fined $5.00 gnd cost. George Styron. Assault and \>attery' Quilty. Fined $1.60 and cost. t To Ahrad Weddlag. "I Misses Belle Reese. Gertrude La Barbe and M. L.. Brushapd Messrs Biiswa aad. Sa mtftl Reeee of AsberlUe. N. C., arrived in the city yesterday, for the purpose of attend ing the Resss Iioyt, wedding at -St. Peter's Bplscopsl charcH tomorrow. E.K.WILLIS ?iU'-'J rtte ? rPJSi THE 76. -*? H AVHJUKT RECEIVED A |WT OP EXTRA F1HE OOt'STRY mm AM. 3HOULDKRS. WE (JIYK TOV MOST EVERY '?OB "FIND THEM EJCflU NICE : Sams, any size ..... .i?c n> rSHOUI.DERS.^NY SIZE. . 14t lb Drift Lard, any quan tity . I#e lb. |fU0-lb. Tubs btictf DrKt L*rd * lb. |.RJN<;ANH VHRY BEST PI RK LARD SOMETHING FINE Ittr lb ?? - ' ? - Vs? | HAKE KIWI) I.ABII In eo'lb ........ tit n? OUR UI'XTRV HP?!CIAI>8: ? I. T calm Export Soap Tor lie ji I el* -???> ?*?