J**". W*' . W dxtta child ran out of the home ?<? told Ml?41?ri that hi* father ??? kllllnc hi. mother. The lad'i pl*a?e tot help were not heeded Im mediately. IutMd tke police were ?nmmoned hi telephone, when offl ! arrlred they foaa*. the bodies r lying In the room ? and furniture y The children ranged In year* ftom ? i to Jr- .5 Vmtt Rlckert, aged 8, and Es mond Rlckert. 7. died at ?;?? (hi. morning from in)arlee indicted laat mldniabt by their father, Oraat C. Rlckert. making tlx lire. the toll ot M* murtleroua flt of Inaanlty. & vTJ'? BiwrJ1 Today at one o'clock warn aolemnls d la old St. Pater** chnreh. the wedding ot Mlaa Mary Brlrkell Hoyt .ad Mr. Samuel Proton Reeeo The atately edltce ?*? decorated with dogwood and ferna and palm., and tha altar and chancel ?u lighted with cathedral taper*. Before the ? - UJlllan Bonner ren select ions 09 the or to the atralna of Lo march entered the bridal he followlac order two little ribbon girl*, bride. Mlaeaa Marjorle and Margaret Heyt Ite lace drum and Next, tha iiahara, Walter 8. Wolfe, Jotfa D. to.- P. Tayloe and Jampe Following than . the brideamald. and gr?o?.men entered alt.rn.tely, Mlaaea Mary Powell aod Oertrwde La Barb*. Dr A. C. Hoyt and Mr. Hoyt Moore; Mlaaea Augiuta t'harlaa and Mora Cooper; Mean. Wm. K Harding and Edmund Hard I ?ltb la<*-.nd W [ black picture hat and at or 11111.. of the ?l Neitthei '???'? 8lma?on. Clark, and pttk ribbon., car ?? mil* or fea valley With eaqulalta point d'Alencon lace, an a ati-loom in tka bride'. r.mllr, ??? ?aa caught with clutter. of nat. ?A noatftMn'vaa held at tka koine of tka brlda on Beet Mala etreet. whera punch and cake ware aarrad. Tka ?Mta ware beautiful and numar The couple left on tha Norfolk Southern train for a briar trip J>a fore Journeying to tSelr future home In AekeeUle. Tka moa la a native of Aabarllle aad I* engaged In tka hardware bualnesi there. | Mia. Raaae la a daughter of a na tl*c Wnahlngtonlan. and comea of one of tka oldeet famlllfee. She his baan noted tar aome Jieara (or her aawwaper work on atata paper*. I Out of town (ueata ware: Mr. and ] Mr*. Walter B. Wolfe, flf Hock* {.Haunt; Mine M?rr Powell, of Tar kJMta Mlaaaa Belle Raeae, Gertrude L^Barba, *. L, Bruah and Mr. Hufh ' Brown af Aeharllte. Or- Jk*ka Duguld of Vancaboro waa 1a tba aky yaaterday oa hla war to N?w York wh?r? he expects to a pontgraduate course la med icine Ha alao eipaeta t? take a LLfllLj Silenftyi Sneak Awiy OB ClUt lull; i gram fi Juat outtida tfce eUjr were fifteen hun dred Federals. It la claimed br the, federals that Juan Cabral and Antonio Garcla's loroea numbering l.ioo an neerbr. Unusual precautions hare been u kea br the authorltlea of Douglaa aa * ?"??? o' the correapoadeace that paawd between President Taft and Oorernor ffloan yesterday la all probability the ao called dancer aone will be greatly expanded from the border aad cltlaena urged to remain la plana of safety while the trios la on. Dea Moines, Iowa. April 18.? The ?th caralry, Lieutenant Colonel Okar Vm O'Connor la command, will leare rort Dea Molnea tote; for Douglas Arltona. Although It wa> eipected that the trooper, would' be on their war br noon It appeared early today that It will be four o'clock before the ?nal train leavee the cltr. Tke troope *ra tolas in three tntna on the Rock T*jloo Of Sec? ad Detachment Hosptt a! Medical corp*, National Guard, of Belhaven, N. C., bas been ordera# bj the Buregeon Genoral to Qoldtdoro, N. C.. April 25th as ?t.tiriK>on In charge of thVteam of the second reg iment and coast artillery corpB, dur ing the target practice and' compel tlon to be held oq the range at Golde ,"boro April 25-27 Inclusive. This te Quito an honor to onr countyman. house for the perusal of the presi dent. The executive Interest and concern over the entire matter la plainly evi dent In the fact thAt every telegram received by the department, whether official or unofficial Immediately Is laid before him. Aftfcr a conference with President Taft Chairman Ctlllom. of the tomato committee on foreign relations, an* Oscar Hammerateki of New York *? now under contract to refrain from presenting Grand Opera In America for a number of years and his m tj) per "ett'^ .every seat In the vast Metropolitan Opera Rouse has.. been bought in advance for every per formance of the entire season. This means that the public and visitors are absolutely denied for *a year at leaat, the only possible chance of hearing opera in the largest city In the United States. Abroad, grand opera Is subsidized by the government and within reach of all. In America It is a privilege to hear the works of the great mas ters ? a privilege that rarely comes to the average workaday man or wo True, selections with piano accom ! panlment are giVeh from time to .time by concert quartets hot these so to speak, are only the . heralds ; who announce the coming of the Im portant event; teh reproduction with I tts brilliant coloring and picturesque I surroundings to please the eye, the music to delight the ear.1 and the Action of the drama to quicken the ?U1M. , Tha KngllJh Oraod Opara Com pany ud OtthMtrt now touring tlx South oBara u. PWtro Huo|>l "Ca? allarta Rmtlcau" (Rustic Chlralry) at tha cahool auditorium tbta coming Saturday night, tha JSnd. bt>n> to Coilaaa Mr. Millard McKael Jr.. of tha A. AM. Collaca HalaKh. N. C.. who haa ham apaadlnc Baatar with hla pa ranta left reatar afternoon to ra I Washington's ' I * I 6yeriwt8tor Made Dresses $3.98 to $6.98 REUNION WILL BE ENJOYABLE MR si* , I ' Pkjtjfc . > Major General Car* Issues Genera! Orders No. 43 IT UTILE HOCK, HIT Tho Army Tente Will be Furnished b j ttw Unite! States 4JoTcnimMt For t?e OMhcrlni of the Men vIm j Wore the Gray ? Big Preparation* Hade at uUle Iteck. w General orders No. 43. issued from the headquarters of the North Caror Una division. United Confederate Vet erans. relative to the twenty-first an nual reunion, were today made pub lic by MaJ6r General Julian 8. Carr, of Durham. *There fcre ss follows: Durham, N. C.. April 10, 1911.' Paragraph 1. The twenty-first an nual reunion of the United Confeder ate Veterans will be beM st Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 16th. 17th and 18th of May, ltll. and the pub lic spirited cltlsens of that city and state promise that It shall be the most enjoyable that has ever yet been *heftd, and are preparing la every way possible for comfort fnfl pleas ure of all veterans who msy attend. It- is hoped that a large delegation will attend from this state and en able our good old state to be repre sented 1? a manner worthy of her glorious war record. - Par. ?. Army tents have been Jclno ly loaned by the United States gov ernment snd will form the camp in the ' city pftfk* where will. ber lodged fcnd fed free ell veterans who cannot pay for their entertainment,- but all such veteran* must notify in ad vane? Tlr. B. L. Roberta, ctialrman of the Meaapmest ctfm4ptt*?Cr^rthet ac co^modstlons may be reserved for tbeih. The railroad companies have given the usual low rate of 1 cent a mile for all persons who may attend the reun ion. The exact rate from any sta tion may be learned by inquiring of the local agent. The rate from Ral eigh la $19.90. and In proportion from other places. Par. 3. All camps In Arrears for their da?| are earneetly urged to pay the same at once to Gen. W. E. Mlck el, 824 Commoii street. New Orleans, otherwise they will not be entitled to any vote or voice In the meetings' at the yennlon. This Is a most im portant matter and ahould not be overlooked by any camp. Per. 4. Tbla division Is fortunate In shving aa Its epnsor for this re union Mrs. 81dney p< Cooper, of Hen derson, and Miss Julia Cooper as maid of honor. They will have to deordorise the United 8tataa senate tomehow. AT THE GEM Theatre To-Night WHAT SHALL VI DO WITH OTB OUt? (Btofraph) HIS l>AL ) ?? ? *>? JCUAH (PMbe.) PORBE8' ORCHESTRA PLATS raOM 7:30 TO P. If. ISUNBEAin EXERCISES IT MPIIST GHUBCT' The Sunbeam Society of the Flrs?. Baptist church will hate their regu lar Home Mission exercises Upclght. The' following is the program: Hymn 871, Gospel Hymns. Bible reading, Hiss Edna Willis. Prajcr/Mr. P. Q. Bryan. Hymn 224. Recitation, "Jesus Needs you." Miss Buth White. TalV by 's ' Sunbeam. Miss IhJhnnie Wright. Recitation, "UjUo Christ," Master yioior 8ulMvan: ^ .? ; - - "An Indian Legend," Miss Maggie Doughty. ' ..?Recitation. "No Hand (po Small." M)ss Louise Sullivan. ''Reading, "GooA- Enough lor a White Man," Miss Tfaslma Mayo. Solo. Miss Csssle Martin. "In the Front of Tour Door," Miss Margaret Cor: ens. '?inasmuch." Miss Pattle Wilson. ? "The Little Mission >Child" . Mlae Ruth Morgan. Hymn MS. "The Watch that Stopped," Maater John Spain. Talk on Home Missions by Mr. E. L. Dawson. "Give What you Have" Miss 'Oriel Weeks. Collection and Quartette. Prater for the Home Board end Sunbesm Work. Rev. J. A'. Sullivan. "A child's Thought of Jesus, Mifcs Cassis Martin. Dialogue, "Aunt Polly Joins tho Missionary Society." Misses Maggie' . Doughty, Mary Whitley, Eethel Weeks, Clinton Marsh, Lillian Flynn. Hymn 724. Dismissal. , COTTON MARKET Lint sot to*, 115,00 . Cotton seed, per ton.^ltOO'. course the Mipt Julep. Associa tion takes vary little interest In po litical straws. -?* ? - E.K.WILLIS THE j PEOPLES' GROCEAl PHONE 76. '?ft. TITpllSDAV-KRIKAY ANI> H.M URDAY SPECIALS We offer our fancy patent Hour for the last three days of this week at the following extremely low prices: Per barrel $l.?o Half barrel t.t* 24-lb bag C5 12-lb bag S3 Best Sugar Cu^ed Hams, lb .17 Fine country hsms, per lb .17 Fine country shoulders, lb. .14 Fox River Tub Butter, lb. . .15 Clover Hill Print Butter, lb .3* 1 ds. 40c oranges CANNED- GOODM 2-lb can pork sausage meat .3? 15c <fkn Lima Beans. .is i? mAJtssarnLjLi-.i'i-- ? l#c c*n Otmplwll'. Boup .08 *-Tb cut n>Mt kM( K

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