Lai* the it* whoum IttawM, alth or for or acalaat eapraaa themaalrea aa fally aa tkey wish th rough the rolnniDfl of tbla paper. that wa mar to mow what they thlak. Already Crar.n county ha? called aa alaetton uadar tbla maaaure for May Jnd, and Robaaon County ?H1 rota upon It Mayftb. Baaufort'ot^a ty la not on* of the ao-callad pauper ahouVJ not mlM aa opportualty ta ?at back a part c* It for achool pur poaaa. What *1)1 YOU dot The General Aaarmbly af North Car olina do ??" '? 1 i faction 1. There aball be eatab llehad and maintained In erery c?*a fy rottptjrlns with the proTtalona' of tbla act a> hetaiaafter ?et forth a acbool to ba knowa aa a Farm-life School" for th? tralalas and praoarmtloa of the bora tad stria of a. 14 county for farm Ufa aad home n u> Aim at the Coaaty Pwgi-Utr Mnnn n ' v f TCc. J. TVa aim of aild achool aball ba to prepare bora for a?rlcal turalawnilta and farm llfa aad to pm^^Mrta for home-making aad jhfMHBShs on the farm. Tha mmMtmt' In achool abaU MMMMlii approval of the aut* >?linm?JBf f Public in.troctlon an# aa Udrlaory board oa farm-life ecboaln, ?*>, ba appoints by him: rmttilUmr, that' tha coaraa of atudy ahajti MW) practical work ?n. ?' Jwwtl a. and I aotlly them to eomrtajaaat within tan their appointment to qual 8ec. 6. After due advartlaement. in viting bid. tor the location or a*M| aebool within aaM county. aald board) at trnatoea ah all locate it at at plaoe In aald county aa eh air attend the orcbeatra fee-; i ahow will be given Brat 1 ? p. m. rtttf bouqoeta of pink uruUw. N?tt ?er? t ha two dumoa of honor, to. ). H. Hlliar/. of PtblaMphla ?n4 to. T. M. Hookor of OrMSTllle. Mra. Hillary Tore a coatume of blhe aflk and can-tad white carnations Mra. Hooker wore her raceat wed dlns dreaa of brocaded allk and ear-! spec tire ward. of the city tomorrow, nceording to the mat act peaeed by th? wnerjl nsesmbly o( North Car olina to declda' Who shall b? mayor and aldermen la tbe city of WuV tngton for the earning two yenre Under the plan of organisation /he MJli wll Open at the reepectlTe wards a. m. and cloeo at e p. m. Any clUsed who U properly registered can I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of alderman from the tnd wan), city of Waahlngton. n. C. C. Q. MORRIS. Tbe mtmberi^ Company "0" of Utla city aia-mklnf forward to the regimental shoot to take place In Goldaboro, N. C.. on April tB-17 ln ctnelee The Dnpoat trophy will be content ed tor by the renpectlre taunt of the second reclment In addition to tbe team oonteat there will be Individual prime. Bargee will be preaented for uuknia. shnrpahooters and expert rllemen. Ths team -from thli eom p*ny will be under the coaamand ot Llentnant B. B. Roea and will he oompomd of the following membera: Prasler HcDeiett. U neper Wool ard. w. B. Whitley, 0. L. Hodgee. *. "Woler*. R. B. Jackson. J. Henry Hndgee, Macon Rose, W. B. Fore man. ''' . . . 5&'-: Thla teem la now practicing with h will and If nelfclni unforeeeen oc en re wtl render a good account ot tbemseleen when the conteet cornea o?. Hem s homn-that Company 0 " will bring back tbe prima. * ^ NORTH CAROLINA T I he Cloclltt Dance of the Season Given at the Elk* Home Lest Night Wm a Most Enjoyable Social F-inctioa The Halcyon Club gave their 26th Easter prnun a. the Elk* Horn*. Wast Mala ureal, lait evening. It proved to ba one of the moet pleas ant and enjoyable and toelal (unc tions of tka saaaon. This sorlsl club always entertains In a war to com mand admiration kail on last evaalnc araa no exception. Tbs spacious hall o( tka Elks Club was attractively dec orated In dogwood, evargreenr. *- etc., ' and those piaksnt ware loud In their praise at tlla decorations. For yasrvl the Easter Otrni given by this pbpular club baa always baan antici pated with plaaaufa No dancing or ganisation In North Carolina enjoys] a more enviable reputation lor en-, tertalnlnn. The Music for the even In* was furnlrtad by the Waafclng-i too Concert Band and was one of t?a features of tha evening. Thar* war* quite a number of visitor* from other towns t Tbe dancers tipped tha light fan tastic until the waa ems' bonis and than all rapalrad ot their rsryieXlv* homea. Tbe "star of asamoiy" will ever linger over tha Baater ti*rsaau of *\1. | Tbe ' PORBBS' ORCHESTRA PLATA TROM 7:>0 TO !?:?> P. ly Mr. and Mr*. O^orgrj J>ackn?r. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Carroy Mr. and Mrs. Will Ellison. Mf. and Mrs. John * Gorham Miss Ethel Fowlc with Mr. WUlUm Patrick. F ^ Miss Matilda Hsughton with Mr. 3. C. B. Ehrlnghsus. Elisabeth City. Miss Lliida' Moore- with Mr. 8. Eth erldge. Miss Mary C. H asset i with Mr. D. M. Carter, Jr. Him Francis Lacy with Mr. Rob Miss Mar a. Small -with Mr. WlU lam Knight. Miss Katherins 8matl with Mr. H. C. Bonner. Miss Maud Windley with Mr. Jas. E. Clark. Jr.. Miss Olive Burbank with Mr. Wil liam Rum ley. Miss Isabel le Csrter with Mr. Lind say Warren. * Mr. *ad Mrs. Caleb Bell. Mlssttatie Moore with Mr. William White. Hertford. Miss Pattle Baugham with Mr. Ward. Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter - Wolfe of Rocky Mount. Miss Mary. Shaw with Mr. H6nry Moored I . Miss. Bees Conoly with Mr- John Bonn6r.' Bugs: Mr. J. H. Bryan. Mr. Rob ert Fofle, Mr. Charles Moore, Mr. Harry McMullen, Mr. Reus, Baltl ksorfc.-*-"- ?"? ??' yifaf- . . '?***&*? ? There were quite a number or vis* ltors present. COTTOK MA KKbT L'nt cotton. $14.00 . Cotton seed, per ton, 998.00. ADVERTISE IN THIS NEW 8 E.k.WILLIS THE PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 7fc. THURSDAY-FRIDAY AND Ml IBUAV KPKCIAIJ* W? oB?r o?r t?a?r patent flonr for the last tAree day. of thle weei: at the following extremely io.Y price*: Per barrel . ,*. 14.9# Half barrel .y X.BO 24-lb bag c "-lb bag I* ? ? ? ' Beat Sugar Cu.^d Ham. lb .IT fine country ttama. per lb .17 Fine coantry shoulder,. lb. ,t? Vox River Tub Butter, lb.. .25 CloVer Hill Mat Butter, lb .