^ , X iS iOtl 1?09 Ion .town tM iM town ? no nl ' . ??? nuhip . lit* till ui? ; jjm ??* ^ land to?n,H'p. 19! J II towuhlp 1IU 10ft nownihip .... trii 2374 I town 1*4 1? l 1W1 11<? 1946 1731 ip hu it? - IM* "K "bin ? 105 481 township. . 1419 145S Shot co township ... 1J4S 11*S lui lo?n*hlp 'lilt 1718 <o*n l? IK Bank {mk iowp?Mp. ttn jfto W.rrontoti township ..i.y.U Stit Worrenton tOW ....... t07 *30 M,?l m? w 1491 V io?i i: p...T?' 1081 U Creek tWp. . . . 11U 17*4 township ' 2444 1945 Rld*e township. . . . ^ towmhlp j...... 1. __ town -?v sr^r,p^p:. ^ L?ur?l Cr?k townmklp Ill* 110* NM Ombp tawublp. . . UM North Pork township... S51 Bh*wcc?t-aw township . 10U - 867 Stony Fork township. . 1014 *W WUuif* township .... 14(0 14*t " I,":. Y.'t W&\iCS W.jm. Cunt, 30,096 31,344 ' ' I -r' si-r ? ; ' I Brofden township 55SS 41S4 B401 DudUv town Fork township ....p3>f Utl Qoldsboro tcwnshlp .... J0.904 Goldsboro cfty . . . 61W Grantham* township . . 24?0 Opwt Swamp townaklp. 1609 Indian fiprlnja lownahip 1982 Whitehall town 17? Nahtrata tinmblp 175? 2' New ftop? iown?hJP#?;>?#jl P|kev1!1e IpwnsMptJ.,., 1H8 PlkctlJe tgwn 21* Smifetcn townihlp .... 15'8f Stony CrtfA tuwMMn.. 1848 Wilkaa Ccunly ?0^?2 UlKth lOWHklp $11 B?iv?r Cre*k township. COS unship ver township PINEVILLL We an haTln* some beautiful lather now. ud the ftnun are all ? : - - \arVr ^ Quite a crowd from here-attended tSe funeral of Mr*. Jackson of Old F*>rd Sunday afternoon. , Mr. J. Wealey Woelard who ha* haen fry ,lck for the past week I. Improving to the dallght of her fty/, ? Mlaa" Lucie 0. Waolard and tittle Ethel Moore attended "Church . at Croae Roads Sunday. !)(,', . Rk Mr. Jamea Chesses and . family ibave moved Into their ; <'? I" Mill 111. , l ' , While hla condition la some* better e many rrienda bf M.\ Claude Jor * w" "e I. Ill confined to hla home Buffering Ith pneumonia. Mr. Jordan Is one the city's popular clerks havlna . < sj-yj - Mr- if- gi. Mayo went to Balhcvon yesterday and retnreed today. ? ? ?.. ? ,?? '? ?"? Tobe Sltverthorn of Scranton K. C.,.ia a Washington vlaltor. V D*. H. H. Hunter at Pinetown was a Washington vlaltor laat night. Dr. J. T. Nicholson of Baft attend ed the medical society meeting last night. ? ".V' f * m. ? (hilt... j, Mr. Boy D. Kear left laat night on the Norfolk Southern train for Cin cinnati, Ohio, and Van Wert, oa kua inaaa. He expects to be aheMt for about t?n daya. . ; ?'r..: . Mr. Jay Hodges one of the popu lar clerks' .at the Harris Hardware Company la bow engaged in nursing a case of measles, we are -glad to know he lacoarsleacent. The primary for the city of *Aah ington passed off qaiettr yesterday nw regular election far the- res pec tlTa el tj ^Irlaia.takee place Ws?i Monday ?) *> n..r.. v,, ? 7, H- P?act>ea.aa Aa?*|r;-<' : ' ""y ' 'j Dr. J, T. Qlbba preached at Aabury Thuraday and held the second quar -?rl? Cval?j?j>e {or the Bath Cir cuit. The p..tW) Rev, J. II. Bridge? is getting his work for the year well In hand, and la la growing fsior frith Is the home, startling cough of a oblld, suddenly attacked by croup. Often It aronaed Lewia Chamblln of Manchester, ,0.. <R- F. D. No. S) lor their foor children were greatly sub lect to croup. "Sometime# In severe attacks," be wrote Mwe were afraid they would die. but since we proved wbat a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery la. we bave.no fear. We rely on It for croup and for roughs. colds or any throat or lung tto-jble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma. Hay Fever, Orlppe, Whooping Cough, Hemor rhages fly before It. 50c and 91.00. Trial bQttle free. Sold by Hardy*! Drug Store. / FAIKOTEL.D IfOTEtf" t Kairdeld. N. C.. April 18. ? Last Sunday (Kaater) was observed by having splendid aer v Ice* In the M B. church. The services were-, a credit not only to the pupils of the Sunday school but to their trainers a> well. Easter Sunday will long be r? raembered because of the Eaater ser vices; also because the contest In the Phllsthea class of the "Bloea" and "Reds" In the M. B. Sunday aeboof closed. While a battle royal was fought between Captain "Maud Ma >on" of the Blue side ?nd Captain, "UDI? Spencer" of the Reds, the utmost harmony prevailed, and the result was that the Phllathea class ?rew from four about January t, 1911 to Easter Sunday, to Kg. So yon see the contest .was a success, although the Reds won the eonteet by about two pnplla. Of course the Blues Will pay the penalty ot defeat with tood cheer aad entertain the Rede at lyach In a royal yay. Oood Attacks School' principal. A. severe attack on school princi pal. Chas. B. Allen, of Blyranla, Oa , ls.th.us told by hltn: "For more than three yoarj" he Writes, "1 suffered Indescribable torture from rheuma tism, liver and stomach treble and The Sunday school at Save an Ea?ter egg hant day which *u largely att much enjoyed. *"? > Our farmers are now ?anion of the fine we< looks u if. spring had op< Most all the termers i planting com and hare looks of the alfalfa Beaufort food prospects for We are pleased to lean that Bs City Is being; swept by a gracious re viva! of rtrlis'on beginning .ta the Method! at church. The pastor, Bev. W. T. Phipps, is assisted by fch 'evan gel 1st from Georgia. k ? ? ? r- ' ? ? Southern Railway Direct Llae to All PolaM?Xortk. South, M Wart. Vary l?w round trip i *? principal rasorta. ,;<i . . , , Through Pullman to Atlyfan Irer ? Raleigh 4-.06 p. m. arrtW A Urn. ta ?:16 m. m., making rlnaa otiwnsn Uoa for and arriving Moalgn? fy following: day after leaving Rilrtgfc lilto Vm.'. Mpblle 4.11 ?>m.. N? Orleans 8-: J? p. m.. Btmlflskw 11:18 noon. *??**? ts( |r*l m. Kanaaa City 11 HO a. ra.. aeoee* *w and connect Vn^t gallaburf'tfe; St. Loot* and other Western polali. .Through Pullman to v?asEUi*taa leave, Raldglj .? : 80 p. ML. fi rtOat Washington 9:83 a. aa, Mllln a 10:0? a. a..' JlWaMMU U:II noon. New York; 7 t1 >. m."WStUir makea close connection at Waddag ton for Plttabutg, Chlc*go~aad an points North ana West. andjtWnai boro for through tourist slaapor Mr California polaU. snd for a|i Mon day points. Through parlor car for AahevlUa leavea QpMsboro at *:4S s..?t,1Wl elgh 8:35 a. ra.. arrives JMaetUI* 1:30 p. m.. do re connartto. with the Carolina Special and toil ing CWWnna H 10. S3 a. m. foltawlac day after leaving Raleigh, with eloaa connection for all points Nortk aad ? ? . Fnllman for WInstoa-SaljBataMv

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