Mn. Jokm Rodman, Mix Sidle "?n. mtm BeUi? Hunt, HIM ?TOT. The guests: Mlu Mary! WHckt, Mlu Pattle Baugiam, Mlaa1 h~i Oawir -',Vv.W ? ' A REAL REMEDY. " CtUm, Qrivp, Fmriihm and and Aching. . ?' ri \m I (VhnmUm will do the work1 :?? noth'ng also will, ft quickly ban the aching ond feverishness and restores normal conditions. Capillar also cures Headache# of all kfnii, kvaludtng sick or oervoua bMdachM. and headaches caused by heat, cold, frtpp or stomach disord er*. CapsiiM 4s liquid ? easy and pleasant to take ? acts Immediately. I#e., J5c, and 60c. at drag stores. T> Be' iMd la Kim City Next Week. teSftO* District Conference i? to be Mi I* 'mm CUy APrU 26-29. Rer. JL T. Oil *?, A i?-. presiding. Oipani xaUnsi wUJ .place at 4 o'clock WsdaafisJ afternoon, aqd-the opea Wasktactoa Methodism beins e r-'n???U. Ouerterlj At I 1 *nj ?f Jewama. ' ' 1 *&sr?v x\m\* ' .- *s 'Kn^Vyit^SBfei* Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Cutler were vlsltori at Mr. Charlie Mttle's f^-da y afternoon. '..."'"iV ? lfrs. Mom CuUer Sunday night. Mr. C. E. tankard and Mr. H eary Harvey made a frying trip to Wash ington Saturday afternoon. Mlsa Alfe? Tankard left for Farm Tille Thursday to visit friends. Mies Susan Braddy \t teaching \ private scohol at Zlon now. ? > Mocking Bird. Having this day qualified as ad m Illustrator of the estate of E. B. Price of Aurora, County of Beaufort and 8tate*of North Carolina. I here by notify an persons havingr claims against said estate to present them to the undesigned within one year from this date,, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Any person indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement This 24tU d* of March. 1*11. 3-t7 Spw J. W. RUNNINGS. Administrator Administrator* Notice. Having this day qualified aa ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Jen nie J. J arris, deceased, late of the city of Waahlngton. County of Beau fort. and State of North Carolina. I hereby notify all persons having claims against aald estate, to present them to tbe undersigned, within one year from this date, or Jhls notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Any persons Indebted to said es tate. will please make prompt set tlement. March 21, 1211. ^ JOHN B. SPARROW. 3-22 6wc Administrator. ? TAX NOT UK Notice is hereby given that the lands hereinafter described and t whom belonging, will be .sold at Clio courthouse door in the city of Wash lngton, N. C . to the highest bldd*i at public suction on Monday, the first day of May 1911, for Aurora! Graded School Taxes, for year 1210. due thereon unless paid before date of sale: Beaufort County Investment Com* pany 82 acres. Jeff Clayton land. 1909. lain II .56; coat *1.00. Total ?*.*?. Baaufort County Invesment Colli tur 01 cores It S Clayton 1ml, l?t? ?1.56: ooit *2.00. Total 13.50 Farrow Bnmald, on, and one-halt aclfea, tiom., talea $1,40; cost *3.00 Tout *1.40. . . . i.ewl* Smtthwirk, one acre. lot] taa?r,*l.?ft-. coat *2.00. Tout ? *.*? , C. H. ROBINSON. Tax Collector for Aurora Grade School. UEABX AUTO MOBIL* Take a thlrtjr da ed houses In the city. One steam pile driver, rove, anchors tools ud tackle of all descriptions; new ud second hand doors and windows. Minds, etc.; akr-llght glaaa. pris oms Class; lot of hardware, porch columns, finishing lime that has been damaced. can be need for ag ricultural purposes; lot q I bolts from ? to 12 -laches; cast and directions. ?t route, hotels la tslpa t? Virginia Beach, "aSk THOMAS J. -LATH AH. KM Ward? N. E. Mltchtll. T. K. Cotter. ? ? - * Mt> . Second Ward ? T. J H?r?ln?. Jss T. ML Third Ward ? * J M?nnln?. Ch.r lc Dudl?v-r *>**2 'jM ? fourth ward ? L. A. Durnna. W a. mijo. v., -