ucattan; hfnrr it. ?xelulok from o,r public .choola i? a palpable Won* atcainst the Intellect and ron ?lenre^f ?w rising aeneratlon. Two consideratlsna have Influenced me In the cholco ot a Ha subject. i. it. m trlnala lntereat ?n<l HuportaM*. J. The fact that the Prote<taat English ?orld I. itKlay reH?r.tlr.K the 300th ' of our grand Old Blble.l ,;,s PMIK! I "Tfc? greataet pros* t w luiun." r.j ? '-SS; ;? 1 . "niik flrat of , of I he Bible M then at Us coacht.lon I v* wuwiliK ?? H from our peWf acboola aad auggeat a remedy Ibr the preaent moral artata confronting 7. '? ? The Bible la a lltsrarjr a eaaentlal to thorough mental culture. It la to loterwoTen wit* all that la cl|( i. obi oat In our hletorjr aad boat In oar brl literature that an scqaal*tsncs with It. content. I. e?nt.al to a liberal [" or even tolerable education. Bj ranlDoa conaont it la Teco*nlae<l aa bu', tbe standard of Kngllsh .tyle-a del Model ot Wit!-, elegance and vigor. | A special prorldencf! ordered the for tranala^on at that particular Urns. co| Q?r A. V. appeared lual a close ot ,n) KltafcbMhon era, aad waa.able to Mc combine with unique felicity Salon oril force and litin melody. A. few qao- lT from the master, of our lit wll eatabllih thla contention, 01, anyone attempt to question n|a "Aa a mere ?f KMllah o|j| n from the < tad uW the r tf ' ' it. Moral l>ower -Tfc.. IC1) more than man llterntare. lis mary_.purpo?e Is neither to ?leltght fanfy, nor id laralop ' literary | l? and Mini, but to Instruct the isclanc.e, and produce character rhe Scriptures -prlnelpally ? taach at man It to believe concerning a. and what rlutlea God requires man The Bible contnlna Ood'a y law, and Chrtat'a g radons evan . which are* the greateet agendea tie world ror producing moral tractor, W>d promoting righteou" m. Therein we and the Ijtchaat, reat and moat tnapirlnc anient of Jc* the world han erer known. la ? connection the worda of John la. tha groat English phlloaophcr, i apropoa: "To gt*e a man a,full Twlodfte of true morality, l should - (continued on Four.) EADINC BUSINESS MEM MEMBERS f the Merchants Hrotec jMi.iiltfji k ?, afatiJ'. - feCirve association vh jr#Vashington mmmM habile <Htv* th# M??iwfa of Oyer-] ? GiWlJ Marchanta' Protective . tlon it Waahlncton. N. C? inch or NorUi Carolina Ratal I Mat | lata' AaaoctaUon it* I to eliminate trade a.Ua and akw {? merit tha bonaat, aid the orwr rdaitad debtor and eradicate tha td beat element-. t ^ llf operating a eretlt rating bureau tha ^formation of |ta members, Italnlng tha exact credit standing I amount owing bjr >1) patnoaa of fc member of the Ai.iolcetlon. la ler that aajr member may utile:., us pass oa any application for card Thta Information B?rwau-ia oom ?d from report* of each 1 mejiher thly, giving hla experience I every credit .ount past due of ?lery customer also contain* Information *? to one. responsibility and character the persons reported Thorough ??ligation of each an raaldent la de and tha Information placed on for the guidance of JU member*, [errhgnts haVa realised that a rery g? percentage of all bad accounts Ina to the merchant'* tgnoraaea of i customer's standing with other rchants. They, therefor*, ar? lllngly exchanging their eipcrlcn through i he i) urea: of the Mar infs Prolactin Association Kllum and In extending credit*. | v are gnlded by such Information Tha Merchant) Protective Aaao-j t ., it : ft k. B IftUtLU i* .':V| Madero, the Le.der.cf the Rebels', Agrees to aa Armistice. m waoliisri# rsr J ben of declared I* ? good as endedi - T?J?!. '-J Oea. Pranclaco S. Madero .IK rood to on armitlcae. VovMIng the govern ment would reat all nllltirr opera Uone, and a favorable rafrlr from the City of Mailed la regarded, aa a fore gone comlualon Oeneral Nevarro. In advance of of ficial order,, aeleaaed the three Unit ed gtatea cltliane, who ban- been prlaonara for a*B>? time? Blatt, Con varae and Brow n ? from the J* are* Jail. Theae man tad been confined them far eight weeka for alleged participation in the resolution J The peace eavoya met with Gener al Madero la a email adobe houae J oat arroea the river from the amel tar and tha HUer repeated to them ,bJa statement, earlier glean to The . - that ha to. aot for peace. Thpa tha kejatone of the i arch of oppoaltloo to cad the revolu tion. dropped from lu place. GPenerd Madero aald all he will Inalat npon. In addition to tba re form* already inatltudted la that the paaple of Mexico ahall bare a "aquarc deal.' aa provided la tba constitution 1 10| kaown that many facte hitherto unknown to Geaeral Madero were Imparted to him. He haa. U la aald. been la almoet complete Ignorance of What wa> going aa ln_tSe outaldc 'or Id for mora {ban a month Every Indication point atonlght to a mo.lua *a?(loaal. My adapted. It la aleo probable that Ike City of Mexico aad Oeaeral Ma dam wll negotiate through the peace [delegate*. R.feal Ryaand^ who. la aa social way. rapreeentee the gov although ha la a nephew of ao? anj Eroe.tr, Madero. Between twelve aad twenty'dol -lara waa atolen from Mr. r. 8. Worthy on laat Saturday night. Tba aoaey waa taken from hla panta 'la hie room. . ?* M Mr. Worthy orcoplea a -ream in the Haven 9-Hmal! building aiM oa retiring Saturday nl*ht forgot to lock hla do<K He had aeveral gold piece. In tha pocket* Bom. tin. during tha '? hla mom and rlddtad hla clothing with ua r?,t that Mr Worthy I. I >o guilty I orti Palmer and W?ltrr llavo. As aaultlng each other Judgment sue pcnded upon wnM! of coit. CHirtnEum. charge! ?rtt?larcc oy. Not guilty. ? / , F'#; -T b Q?lte Mfft, Hi? WmmsBffiPp vk ! The tu^ej frlotfii of Br. *r Ira M. Hardy Will regret to'learn o( the Illness of their daughter. She been quite #_).?? the pa.t fa. Idaya, with pneumonia. Jt la to L, hoped thct abe wHI aoon tie on the road towards recovery. ? Humor Haa It that Mr. Angue D. MaeMan will begin aomettme dur ing the month of May ID remodel anil beautily hla reeldence at |he corner of WMt Main and Payee street*. When roihpleted It *111 be one of the moat attractive home of the many In WMkteftoa. YC-WW- ' SK?".. la.rnln,| THE SECWB PRIZE DIVIDED H. A. Watson wins flr at prtae? $7. Mlaa Zada WaUon and Beu lah ThonMon, tied for the aerond; prlaa. . In coaaaqufoca of thla tie. second and third prlaea ware added togathes and divided between them j -b**g ??.?0 each. ? Mr. M. K. Wataon. manager of the Palace Barter Shop. thla city, l? the .Faeeeaaful ca?te,t,nt in the *'!? t* Jffbo coo not H? In to be congratulated upon hli good luck. For aeveral day. the malt o- 1:1 conta* in bam .waited with Inter net by *11 reader* of the Dally New*. From the very flret the Interest In the gueaalng oonteat did sot las and nan/ lnqnlrle* have been made to thla office endeavoring to aecertaln Who Mta Who. The management, I however kept the Secret Intact u? I til the date announced to give It oirt. Today waa the time and the reader* of tbe paper pow hno* Who I* Who and the *acc*aafnl one* are tbe *ub }*ct for inneroun ixiagratala. The Re publico a Faction in Senate Unable %o Get Together. Unprecedented Situation Freely r*o* ; dieted? Would A?e*C jfe (jlj 't'f R**?lt of thr Present Nest ion ? : The Insurgent* to Put t'p ? Pl^ht Washington. April 21,? The Demo crat* o f the senate may be called up on to arbitrate the difference* be tween the republican "re* til a re" and "progresi lies'* over the question of committee assignments. . ^ This unprecedented situation was freely predicted tonight following the adjournment of a meeting of the Re publican committee on committees of the senate, at which the demands or the "progress! res" for the right to dictate one-fourth of the republican members on all committees was again ttilhMd down. It< is said tfcat the progressives will sppeal to the senate from the as signments of the committee on com mittees . and la thfe way the demo-' crats will be called ifl to settle the dUBeulty. - Neither of th^ republican factions is disposed to shirk the responsible Itj oTtile situation It the dl.puf. sequential than the mere straighten ing out of the committee tangles The snarl In the senate would he such that no -one could forecast the legislative resulta of the melon. Just what, action the democrats would take as arbitrators In the committee dispute Is speculative. A pathlze strongly with the Insurgents. while ma?y -other. unquestionably would ntt t? aaatala party regulari ty ? ' '*!Si At todaj'i mnlliE a reeoluttem adopted yeeterday. which jiiwrldert fir the organization ot committee. In alphabet!.^ order, waa raeoneld ered end Senator Gallingar. aa chalr ! Mail of the cCMllttee. loatroct ?d to bring a tentative ltet of aaaign menu. But thl? actloa waa not tak en wlt^ul strenuous oppoaltlotr from the-wsogreeahe., who still kialated upon their right to deelgnate their J repreaentatl*** .On ' all the commit tee?. ' v ^ Wh?af, they wj^e roted dsnn :*r progr#?Hv?<' retired from the oom - -1. * -a. . "i'l \ ' -. > i \ *" I - I nirwTwnC. * "<' . . . 1 The principal contention in the r^mmlttcc on committees la over the assignments to the eon|mtttees on appropriations, finance, postotfee* and postroads. Judiciary and foreign relatione. t ' VjSj ? . "1 The progreadvea contend that ther ware promised tiro members of the finance committee In advance of the organisation of the Oalllnger com mittee' and they are eepeclally am loua to have (hi. pledge carried oat. THE PiaHHR IDI.KK ? \ victim - of his own lndl?erenc*. (a4 Blogranh Drama. - THK TALK Messrs Paul and Victor Mark WHAT A I.!VKit (Comedy) the rawT op roouwEAn ? . (a Comedy .Scream. r KORBBfi ORCHESTRA PLAY 3 FROM 7:30 TO 10:1* P. M ?????? E. K. VVI l^L I S THE PEOPLES GR<K ?R . Special Waseo Flour Always Good r - ? Gooo Always Bunll .MMOm Half Bttnh .??;?> Lart* Ba(a .WW mall Ban ; ?'?'?^^?1 rUHTR IH OK THK RISE. HKTHRK BIV NOW. HO BBTTKR PLOW [CAM BE MADE THAN THIS. TRV IT ? ?? COUNTRY 8HOOLDBB8 14c THK MAL AlfrtciC ? MKKTHINO KINK ? TRV OXK X* ... >"*" jU**r 3>u? Bauar .. . . ?%>?J nllttief <fl?'?r H?1 Priftta Butter .. SOr lb m Tkli la the klnd-rga are parlas a# QflAPICI 1 G and #5c 'or- lt 1# flne* Try on? pound ^ ^ ** convinced. > EXTRA. SPECIALS 15c can Golden Pacific Lemon Clin* Peachea . . . I8r lie nan Golden PacUc pearl .*..... Ifc jr.W law D. P. Pick lea. regular tec *oode -.MM The kind that Bade Mra. Blount Feaonrn. 75c Jar teat gooda ?Sc Jkr .. -i. Try ?ne >ar ?*1 aee ho* ?ne tfcer are' IY?ak Brawl, baked dallj, per loaf 4c t\ 7 He beet lump itareh ..... 7 Wr* Jtzport soap . jf| :&}i . , SPECIALS 7 pk(a Oraodma'a Waah Powder 90c SIMON PURE SPECIALS WK MBAN LAUD OP (XH RHK . MclO-lb >alla . than Slmoa Pure Lard can w ane fro* the pic. Wash Day 7? TOKAV mmmxr ?mt US A TRIAL, THAT-N ALL "TUB RK?IX*. m WKDVKMIMV.

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