BP! annually .. *?$ Uh nil than twonty-flve boy. ?; a bam ud ; wtlh necMur; equip-1 . farm ol not ten than twenty > of food arable land, whiek reduced to tan acrfea anon aid preeentatlon ol aaUafnctory ion? therefor The entire cqulp t, ? Impectlotr, All bulldlnga 1 & ? atr acted. though not located on ? the ?? . firm. ?ay ha accepted aa part ol the * equipment, If located jrttfcln reaaon able and convenient dial. nee tbere ?'F ; The machinery la proTlded tor an pa bj the county or by any town or tdwnahlpo to provide all or t oT the equipment and main by taxation and bond iaaue. II The maximum bond Iaaue by county and tovaahlp cannot, how ever, exceed IS 1.0 to for equipment, pir'nn election for eqalpmeot and y maintenance he held by the county and fall, any townahlp or any two or more eontlcnona townahlpa may hold an election and prorlde the nec qulpmant and secure the > achool. In that orant, the While You D _ Sp BOMH WITH A litQHT THAT IK Hi OH < AST in mira That ARB In OONXKtTIOM with ??r JfBW M.? MV1S THAN OTHER ll.U/MIN ANTl Koexil A tlRKAT I.ABOR HAVIX. HOT IjKT 'Vh 8KXO VQi: ONK OJ Washing K s: #= Bar. ,Ji r. Preston, a mluionarr to Korea, will apeak lit ;Vv"^. >J}3SP I Mr. PMn <u a claaa make of Wr. Bearltht at Princeton Unlverattr. and la a .WT 1>rl?ht and 'attraeUn apeakor and haa doit* a aplendld wort In Korea. All who hoar him will be entertained aad Instructed. The* public cordially larltad. 0 You ?ring Cleaning UtT m PIIOVIDK YOUR I 1 PCOT H HAT OR niNSl'MB OXYQKX T I SHKAMBFUL ELECTRIC IJOHT lZl>A WlMF 18 MO MORS Kxn-N t ra-BCTTRIC IltONH WILL BE OBVICE FOR THE HOME. WIT [SO DAW TRM* ? .. 2y1 ton Electric Plant ^ ^ ' To give the women of North Car ?tin* the opportunity to equip them Bel Tea for the battles of life was tbe life-work of the Late Cbarlc. O. Mc Irer. Bo lone aa the state iball laat M long will hli name be .dentlfleo with the moremeat whlck resulted la the estsbll.hssent of the state Normal and Industrial school at ?raeaaboro. f' ' Heooflnlslni the spirit by which be raa actuated and believing that hla memory should be perpetuated in a manner In heaping with th? princi ple# which he sought to laatlll tbe alumnae of tbe Normal echoqUhave ftetarmltted to eatabllsh a scholarship which mar he uael by some girl In ?ach county ? -thus enabling her to get the necessary money to pay her expanses at the Normal school. This ?chohnhie u to be repaid by her attar education la completed? thus making a permanent tpamorlal. The local slam use of Beaufort Bounty have undertaken te establish rtich s scholarship to be used bj> * Beaufort county girl. V" ij < in- order to r*lee.thc funds nscea ?rr-n w > IN. I m km s hasaar on Monday t^e ant, sad Tueeday the secoad days of May. 1*11. In the etora balldlng owned by Mr. Stephen C Brngaw oa Bast Mala ever the United States base made do nations for the purpose and the prices for the articles sold will mske It of InUreet to those who are look ing for bargains. Free refreshments will be ssrred. L*t al| our people patronise the undertaking as tbe money Invested will bo returned an hundred fold In the Increased powers for good . In Ihosa daughters of the county who will thus pm enabled to developed the beat that. la In them. NEW FOULARD SILKS In Navy. Copeaha.en, Grey, White and Black 49c to 89c yard There wu a very enthusiastic meeting at the Y.-M. C L. Isst sight In thp Interest of the Public Library. Several men and women have volun teered to help this nob* cause. With such an ear neat, enthusiastic corps the managers -flfeel assured of succ ?m and at least members by Friday night. -P. For the benefit of the interested pftbltc there Will be published each day the list If members and their respective numbers; thus can be de termined the gtowth of membership each day. One member heads the list for life membership! It Is hoped that lather names will soon be added to this list. Lite membership. Mrs Charlotte McConnell. Members before April 34: J. H. Small, W. K. Jacobeon., j. B. Latham. Mrs. J. W Dalley. Miss Mary L. Cowell, Mrs. H. W. Carter, Mrs. A L. Betta. . Mrs. S. R Fowle. Mrs. T. J. Harding, W. L. Vaughan. Mrs. J c Rodaah, J. F. Tayloe. 8. C. ?**??*. Mr?. 8 ,C. Br*?fw, !$, u. Simmons, C. V. Bland. J. B. ftparrow, - Mr. w P. R. Brictat Xlu Flofama Wfiifleid. P: 4 ' Bryan. H. 8. *?r?. J.^. fluillrnn, n. c:. Nawboia. -.<% ?? ? N*w applications ire: Dr. J. O. Blount, C. E. L*ens, EL W. Ayer?, D. M. Carter. The campaign for ' o^abtralilp starts today. There are four ward a. In the first ward N. L. Simmons, la manager. The sub committee la aa follow! : Mrs. J. Q. Blount, Mm H. W. Carter, C. H. Harding, M. F. MdKeel. C. F. Bland, Thomaa H. Clark, J. O. Bragaw, Jr., C. L Mor I ton. 8econd Ward. N. 0. Newbold, man ager. Sub committee: Mrs. N. 8. Ful ford. Mrs. A. D. Bette. Mrs. D. T. Tayloe, Mrs. W. P. Baugham. Mrs. D. M. Carter, Miss Annie Payne, Mlaa Carrie 81mmon?, W. L' Vaugh an, Third Ward: Mrs. J. W- Dallef. (continued on Page Fodr.) E.'K. VV ILLIS 10 rHE PEOPLES GROCER Special Waseo Flour A'wtp Good ? ? GooMMwayi Barrels ?MK)h Hair Barrels ?2.6? Large Ban Mull g rumn 1 COUNTRY SHOCLDHR8 ...... . i . THE REA1, ARTICLE ? KOltETHI.NO KINK? TItY OWE I ? R? River Tub Butter .... 20c JJU'PJgiJ* Clover HUl Prints Butter . . 30e lb ON THE RIHH. BETTER HI V NOW. Nl> IIM^r.n KUKIt ^mi? M'iwM Specials and 25c for. It u flne. Try one pound This la the kind you are paying 30 It la and be convinced, EXTRA SPECIALS 25c can Golden Pacific Lemon CJlng Peaches 18c 26c can Golden Pacific Peara 3 1-qt jara D. P. Pickles, regular 50c goods The kind that made Mrs. Blount ramoua. ra p ? | Tfie jar beat goods Preserve Specials ^ i,r ; v 1 r Try one Jar and see how ^e t 76c jar beat goods S8c 83c they are Freak Bread, baked daily, per loar 4c Wnch TViv V b~t lunB "*"* ** WW <1911 UiXj 1 bam Export Soap 2Sc SPECIALS 7 P**? Grandma's Wash Powder 3Sc SIMON PURE SPECIALS WE MEAN MBD OrOOCUE O-Ib patio , 6Ocl0-lb palls .... ' Nothing better than Simon Pure Lard can oe maae from the pig. I DON'T DELAY ? PHONE 76 TODAY ? Vow ksoir wp can save you WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF ElTtRY ARTICLE WE OFFER IHTRING THESE SPECIAL SALES. OIYK I S A TRIAL. THAT'S ALL WE ASK^WE PEEL CONFIDENT OP "THE It KM I. T SPECIALS: MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. ? ? Linen, ar 35<c value 50?<r.,y, "" Ladies Gauze Vests, 10? 13 1-2 cents value, only two to a ?7 _ | customer Special Wednesday . C e Goods, tad or striped Madras, the 15 c values 1A Wednesday 1 IC Foulards, We have a few more cloths in pretty ^ ? , Rompers, Ju t what you want for the child#' play Suit, regular 5fc value "J a? Special Wednesday ' ? <jVC' ? Wednesday - SCents i- - AT THE OEM Theatre To-Night

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