CAROLINA r I halt or the thirteen Insurgent repub lican ss?is?or?. ? W*'' ' ? ' The senate committee will organ lie next week and finance commit tee will determine the procedure te be followed with reaped to the Cui After the . the Qa lUnger report from the com mittee on committees, asklni the various aaalgnments, wa taken uf an dreed. Senator l^Follett. then t?ok tht Boor and read a carefully prepared statement, outlining the difference! between the old guard and the pro, which Inelndee, he said ?IrUen",r tbe n?t*,re?ubllcan mem bers of the senate. 'ft I' He gfld- that for sereral jean marked differences hare been derel opln( within Ike republican party In many eta tee along clearly defined dlf fereneee In the republican member ship of that body, v Out of the total repnb berahlp one- fourth Is c la red practically prog is a settled and fact In political history." be weal on. ? ?' ? To Attead Htate Meeting Mrs. D. M< Carter and Mrs. 8. R Fowie will leave Monday moral*! tor Asherllle to attend tb? eoaten ?n and lis J, B. Moore at this city, whe la rial ting her daughter at Beauiert, MrsDaatsl O. Fowle The occasion proved to be a met pleae Quite a r OOT cw? Through Oper HVPVwPIHlt a at Baltimore ? iiuiwiu last. While her condition I* Btlll precarlou. wo are glad to hnowjjat aho U getting on' aa well a? cOnld be jxpected. Ml. Geer 1# . of Major John G Blount and Blount of this city, She who Her of the '*? '-Mr'," ?' ****? ?? ? '- ' J - Ttf lm#fOTem,aU th.t tare bm nude to i&* .tore building occupied bf Mr. J. B. Latham, at the corner of third and Harrer atreeta we about completed. The work wu doae by Mr. Ira Cbngleton. ThM "tore ta SOW one df the most attractlre In that aeotlon of the city. The four-year-old child of Mr and Mra I. A. Warren la quite .ick at the residence ot her parenta on Mar ket etreet. She ta a bright and ln little tori and her many roMwi K ? - ' i A Wmleth Holmes thriller. The Adventure of Un Solitary Cyc Jltat la the title of a New Sherlock Holmes Detective ?tory by sir A. Co | nan Doyle, which will he gleea free ' York World. Thaae are the eto entftled "The Return ol Bher : Hoiaaea, which reeeaUy aet all No one atnee Oabori a? and Po^ haa equalled Conan I Ooylee. Theae are great (tones. A ,w one each Suad.yr ' ? .?> ? a Bag of Gold. In cleaning ap hla back yard the [ether/ iar a man la a Georgia town I fonaa a bag of gold. 1M>.a tip (for work in all back yarde. Th^re 1 may not he bagh of gold ln/eray one of them, bnt there Win he ralue re a bore clipping was handed nji eaaltary InaPoctor who ?n [he full! endorses H and aaka the | public generally to take' notice. ? ; " ?"** AWAT ? MM WORTH OP nUNIMtM Chicago, April *?.? FWtr armed robbers Mid np the Jewfiry store of lid ward Albert. In Milwaukee swe (nee. In the nortbweet aide bu.lneae : quarter, forced Albert! awl ht? decks erenlQK at'Aght o'clock .(tor a I|? String Illness of H'tnl month. Mr WUBs one Of the dt y*? moot pop nUr gad highly esteemed cl*ens W his death l? deplored by >11 claaeea ol people. For ran he ni a promt, sent merchant here doing a lurretiv, bualensa at the comer of Market and ??Cater streets. Mr. Willis ?? mar rted twice. Hla Irat wife sraa Mla> Jennie Rlcand. daughter of the UU Ber. T. Pace Rlcned: hie second wlfs wae Hlaa Lucy Saterthwelte who Bur "??; pile to the Mpport at the ministry I Ml y?r $1^,8 28.80. paid to b4nevolenl ciuhs $8,84 8.08. ?ffiSSgSSj PaMtfc missions this ye?r already mora One young mar Several cltiseua frpm WashlnRtor attended the funeral of the late Mr /. ** Hodge. at Old Ford this mom lug et tea o'clock The servlcei were conducted by Rev. W. A. DavU and A. J. Manning. The interment was In the family burying ground Mr. Hodgee was one of the eonnty'i highly ee teemed cltlaena and unlver aal regret to expressed at his paaalng Thus the old landmarks are grad ually paaalng Into the great beyond SMf SERVICES AH The Places of Worship Will Be Open Sunday, p*' Regular Services. ' V smn Histc is nmnsto 8 truim la (be City Tomorrow Have ? Cordial Invitation to Attend An y And AH ScrtkM ln tl Omlm ? ? Seats Ft Rev. R. B. Broom. 'pastor. Servi ces at 11 s. m. and 8 pm. The pas tor will preach at both services. The ?abject tor the moraine discourse wiu be "Fmrtor-a Cora of Hfh flock." At the evening serrlce the Anbject of the eermon will be "Prayer." Son day school will meet at 4 o'clock, E. R. Mlxon. superintendent. . Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at the. asaal hour. A cordial welcome to at-, lead any and all service*. , First Jlaptlst O Rev J. A. Sullivan. day school at 9:4S a. m. service at 11 a. m.. At night the sub ject Of the pastor's discourse will be "Dlaobedtence" Prayermeetipg Wed nesday evening at the usual hour. The society of Sunbeams will meet Monday evening at 4 o'clock. The general public cordially invited 4p be prMMt. ?. Pater's l?lni|?l Churrti H?v. HMuW Hardlnx fUotor rector at bdth services. Sunday school meets at 4 o'clock. E. K Wil lis. Jr., superintendent. Seats free. AH cordially invited. . ' ' ' *w_ Christian Church Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor. Preaching Sunday morning and ev ening at the usual hours by the pas tor. The Endeavor Society meets j at 10 o'clock. Bible school at o'clock. Prayermeetlng Wednesday evening at the regular time. All are cordially invited to attend any and all i First Presbyterian Church Rev. H. B. 8earight, pastor. Tbel usual services will take place tomor- 1 row morxpng and evening at the uai hours to which the general public Is coralally invited. The pastor will preach at both services. Sunday school meets at 4 "o'clock, Mr. C. M. Brown. Jr., sapertnteodent. Pray ermeeCThg Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 8amoal R. Reese who have beaa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John JC. Hoyt 8r.. toft for their home ta Asheville this afternoon on the Norfolk Soathprn train. They luive the bast wishes of all their frteods. story. Beautifully Colored. fc-ELLIN'G a smoke stack ? Taken at the Brockham Brick Worka in England. A ROBU8T PATIENT.? A Corn ed j 8c ream In 14 Spasms. THE DEPUTT'8 HONOR ? A Feature Western "Bison" Pic ture.