?J ? Wfll THE W 0. T U. ?iWr j i | I be a meetinr #f i AMoclatton at the 0>?m erce room? thla (m Of Jmportar^e te be MpJH books, a. etc and not about KpPftins a ?tate-| ure it U true, takinij Qod in "at " i to ?!! other pro ? to be prewted to tha >. and Uut there is moral conservation at well ai |fl' la deeds as well u drug* n* wet na In tn Alao that moral quality not la that which dl? i that of the lower eipecle! emphavta ? " lory definition waa reye^tc;! "Teroi?eraD.'e ,ot*> aeaalan Board of Cornnlaaion today for for the I will te Is lh Tuesdey. .) . | rich ha? atunipul to kill hUnM^."^ I I. a..|.p?l.d that despondency ' ? ^TTTT*i ? ? V Jtu PETITIONS l vim,,,.. Predated SIiofW* There Are Adequte Km-UHlon at Jlan> StMloim And that Two Windows Are Cluefeasary? The Oommlaalon ? Balolgh, ^rll 19 ? The corpora tion com mission today granted ox from evil things." And ( ? -- 1 ? ? " " " wl w?mWr requiring that all towna, over 1.01*0 In population have two ticket windows. The act Rare tho rommlMlon rawer to make exemption ami the commission says it clpes' to them .?ill|"vlth the understanding that mtemp ctiee what they preach' about tlon.< arc sub;. < t to review and re ?? vocation at wny time Jtpon complaint and showing that .proper and sd^ ijuate facilities are not belli* furn ished at aw point. All ot-tmpllo#. wrong wj are Immoral and to To are Intompotate." _ T also laid strotj upon success can possibly id the work, except aa It la back ?options ot :lial It .might be 'ho HHH ? ery member, of the Union. t>t Oil hfis helped them. Uielr'nYesI I be above reproach, so that the 'or t* Atlantic Coast Liu and alt io* of purity In morals will be Southern rattwsy towns except Coo-, ht by others, and when appear- ' ord arc granted upon application, 1 "" that be In bo. sm>i to, ',y UBona from cltlsena -JnslKt- of such towos repres.mtl g I nd not nuatr. faelHtfos are now to whom and that additional farlHtles are not vitrr connecra- needed. 8o<l given calling may Exemption for Conoord and Of NbS lo helping folk South. re railroad ami the ! ttw mofal hoard Air Line to.> us are for 30 day?< ----- He to he mniported by and, potluops for to farther exemption. The act goes In to effect lfty 1. Hallway has 2 1 ei qearly oue-hall til the num LS There now i more of school Is I Theae two weeks ? partlculsfrly to the pnplla I the High School It so because of til* ud the ( nation*. Verj rooch de upon persistent, faithful study and regular attendance. The taatt of the teachers la to snmraariae the work' of the past term for the papll*. The1 la.lt of the pupils la to thoroughly maater thla summary so aa to pass the: examinations creditably. Tho attention of parents of stu dents In the High School la call...] t? the following schedule of examlna tlons: May M. ?:1S to 11:16 a. m. -Mn.lc ?I First year. High School ^ i:;io to ?.*o p. Grade 7a. ?(T . , v. Thursday, May 4Ui. ?:15 to 10:30? Spelling ?Fourth jreat High School. Jtf > Friday, May IKIl' A 1 Kngllah ? First year High School. 8dence*-?*eyod .oar High School Mathematics ?Third yoaj High In ? Ponrtt : Latin- -Fourth year High School History ? 7a Grade. Monday. May Htli ? Lathj? wift year High School English ? Second year High School] Science? Third year High School. ClTlca ? Fourth year High School. Mathematics ? 7a Grade. * 1 Taeaday, May oth, ' History? First yeifr High School MathemiUcs ? Second year High School. K j ?*""-*<"! ?tl Latin -Third year High School. Physics Fourth year High School. English? 7a Grade. Wednesday. May loth. Mathematics -Mr* Joar High I.atln ? Second year High s.-bool. Hlatory ---Third yaar High School. English? Fourth, year High School Geography? Ta Grade. ThurnUy, May 11th. Science? Flnt year High School H latory ? Scoond year High School English ? Third year High School. Mathematics ? Fqurth year HIM School. - Science ? 7? Grade. Friday, Nay IStli. Spelling? First year High 8ch00l.' Spelling ? Second year High School i Spelling ? Third year High School'. Spelling ? 7a orade. Hr; ,r?nta are requested to see children do their Tory J for the eumlna >7 occur. 8tudents are al ve school at one o'clock through with the cxami the day. This gives thsns to take sufficient recrsa lao. do systematic definite the next day's examina tion. v ... : ??'Wiy^r If parents,or friends are interested to see these examinations given they invited to do ao. If any coat* are requested to refrain from aloud In -the halls or class las examination time Is one graat streaa and strain, and when studentn cannot afford to be di at ractied by unnecessary noise. an examination pupils arc to answer in writing at leaat cent of the question* given, j Students ^ho fail to make*A grade of ( 70 per cent or more fall of promotion In the matter of promotions at the end of -the term the dally recitation1 grado ef students counts for two thirds of the examination grade one i third. " ? ? ? ? . ' If ov'rry a^udent will do hit duty in the next two weeks and if every it twill aid in the matter, there to be any failure* in our High School and thft highe^ dlrlalon 7a which la Included in thoj their own children and the greatly in the forthcoming e dfctjab*. ?' V.' y;; ? itn : NN C JWWJtoLD. gjl W its mt Jp ? The schedule of the Grammar grades will I Tuesday* Dally News Wgj nam nmama imcku Mi:lt?KKKI> IS wool is ewood, N. J., April l?.? Mrs. Charles Turner a pretty 1 brunette or mlddl* age. waa found murdered In the woods behind a studio hulldlm: on Pulton street this afternoon. The woman's face had been beaten in by a bis club which lay nearby stained with blood. The body was found by Arnold Turner, who wa? looking for bla aunt who had been' mining slnco Wednes day, whan she left home to deliver aome drama <6 women Inmates ot a local aanltarlum. Her husband who la In the employ of the estate ot George Gould had searched In TOla tor her for two dayn . A ne*ro was arrested aV Jramlng daye late thla afternoon on . suspi cion that he knew tomethlng ot the Harder but established a Jatlufac tory alibi and was released People who are wont to criticize, courts for suspending lodgment would do well to suspend Judgment1 sometimes themselves. , BmmhI *553555^ ? ? if.iS -v : ;? mmUUmMm** For the Feeble Minded to Be Established Soon in i North Carolina. ;], TltlSTEES TQ MEET M ITU On June 8th in tha city of Raleigh, there will be held a meeting of the trustee* for the proposed North Car olina School vfor Feeble-Minded at the office of the president, Hon. J. Y. Joyner. Tina purpose of the meet ing Is to consider the respective bids to be submitted by the competitive towns or counties for the location o C the . achOoti -.^V The board requires that all bldir must be in writing, accqm pained with maps, aoil survey, the location of the land, the water supply, drainage, creeks, rivers and railroad*. . TH# .requirements ot the truste^a a rft that, there should be about one (ho a sand acres ol land. It Is not jfequlslie whether tpta land la cleared or not ? so It U good land tor farming pur poses. The location must not ; b*. ovei three mHes from a to^^jqfl toea tlon of the. site is requlred*vto be where a railroad siding can be plac ed. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bitL?. This school Ib the result qf an act of the recent General Assembly Of North Carolina The bill for ita es* fclxty thousand dollars appropriated for its erection and maintalnanq^^/j A board of trustees were appoint ed to erect the buildings, select' the site, etc. ' Among the members of this board is Dr. Ira M. Hfwdy>of this city, W. A. Thompson, Aurora. Db?Vi Washington and Beaufort County de sire thls institution? It the people do then it Jb time something, was doing -diet's get busy at once and see to It that we get the school. Beaufort county is an ideal location. 80 far as farming ia concerned there is no county In the state better adapted. We cannot) afford to alio** this great opportunity pass us. Thw Institu tion 'roeanB much fq rour people and it behooves every citizen of the city and county as wel to get together and endeavor, If poaatble, to secure its location In oar midst. v Parties having sitea that are Avail able should communicate with the secretary of the board, Dr. Ira M. Hardy without delay. Wo cannot af ford to delay in such an important matter. ?? ? Closes Month Ksrlicr. \Tho different stalls in the city mar ket house started closing this morn ing at JL1 o'clock and opening at 4 O'clock. Heretofore thi4 ordinance went Into effect on June 1. This year tbs law has been changed ? 'ik ing it first of May.' &,\r. ; A modern parallel to Joshua's mi racle of old wti tarnished In tkm stopping of the flow of tike Chicago rtfrer while the twin tube for the L* Salle street tunnel ">f the Chicago street railway system wss being sunk Into place. . . .^v-vv->* ? &/'? This precaution wss necessary as the enormous Ub?, which Is 278 feet long and 4} feet In width, would oth erwise hrfYe "dammed up. the river, [probably resulting In - a displacement tpf the tunnel and serious damage to the bridges and shipping of Chicago's busy water way.' v", V'"; 4^. . Pictures in the May number of Popular Mechanics show work on the ; tunnel in Progress. . ] l?AX('l.\(i SCHOOL ? At Armory to night from 8:30 to 10:30. Gentle men dancing 25c. Ladles' Free. 6-1 lie. ^ AT THE Theatre To=Night MR. BUMTI0H8. DETECTIVE. (Comedy) MIXED PETS (Corned;) JUDGMENT 'EmMi Western Drama.) FORBES' OKCHE8TRA PLAYS FROM 7:30 TO 10: 10 P. M. E.K.WILLIS THE KOPLESMiROCER PHONE. 76. Our *poe!*to for MONDAY, TT7KBDAY and WEDKKS11AY. we ar* going to give you one more chance to try our cele brated. WASEO FLOUR at the following low prices v ?: i ?>v ! I buret (wood) J-J. barrel (?oo4) ? ... ? 253 11-pound bag . . . J13

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