EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Washington, D.' April ?#.? A cold war* now OTar the north weat will trarel aoutheaatward, reaching the Mlaataalppi Valley and the WMt ara region of the upper lake region Monday. the Ohio Valley Toeeday Vnd'New England la tin middle ot th* weak, announced the Weather Bureau weakly toreeaat tonight. Thle to expected to tore* temperature! down to fr**alng point by tomorrow oyer the central Rocky Mountain region and the north waat. S\ The flrat half o< the week will h* unaattlad t/A the aaoond half more normal la the Baat A ?I6? "torffl la ?a*atbl? MIT tha northern part ** the 'J?per Lake fogtoo UaUtf or SumMf Mr HUf Hai ti * WtMnM to the plalaa atatee. arhlftf tt thd *ra(lf f*? weather eharpe urged to b? (M A ooaplrt* Il.t the llbMrr will tx The Grammar School Include* gradee 4 to 7. Bach gxada !? dlxlded Into two dirialoiuf, A aad a. Thar* an eight teachera In thu department and about *05 puptle enrolled, mak ing aa average of ID for each teacher. The Anal examination, la thla de partment fill occur aa follow*: Friday. Mar 6. ? Phyalology Monday, May 8. ? Laaguage and. Literature. ' ??>' Tueiday. Mar >. ? Geography. Wedneeday, May 10. ? Htotory Thur*d*y, Mar 11 ? Arithmetic. Friday, Mar 11.? Spelling: Theee examination! win be given almultaneoualy through all the gram mar gradae. Thar will begin about tan o'clock each day aad win continue from one aad one-hall to two aad'a .hall hour* aoaardlag to the grade. There are aararal pupil* la theee grade* who are likely to fan. The teacher* have bgga WJutated to write aotaa to the parent* 6t 4 v p- . ?" -^r-j S~ i? \ . . I it, (By Clyde B. Tevenner.) Special correepoaAuice to Ik* News. ^JTeehlagton. Iter 1? Doreey W. Sheckletord, Ot Mleeoarl. ? member f the Were end Meet* committee ot the hoiUe hil prepared one at Um meet UlamlMtlB* letter, an. the .?b leot of reelprocl^ that km* eweered. Morehead city. May J. ? with the arrival of Ideal spring weather, the famous old Atlantic Hotel presents an animated scene these days, under the direction of Mr. T. Ale* Baxter, the lew manaser. The skill and ac tivity of 100 workmen Is engaged In making the moet extensive repairs and Improvements on the building and gronnrfS since the historic spot became a pleasure and health-giving capital" will be made still mora attractive and comfortable *111 be of Interest to numbers of people In and out of tin slate who make their sum Ma at ' Itorehead City. it by W Qui iro of Delaware In which Conoway Is charged with off ering to bribe Raymond H. "Jones at *n elecMou hold In the aeooadelso tion district of the sscond represent ative district In Sussex county, pot' aware. Ha Was committed to ]a% and the authorities hare wired to Dala. sry for instructions. . . .?gtj Conoway was in Wilmington about a month ago. but became auspicloua and wont to South Carolina. Ha has reosnH*' Ured la differ s&t towns In the saaleru part of tha Carolina* and only returned hora Ba turds* authorities are after bat says If ha C?ee to Sail other* will hare to . do so. Bribery Is a fsloay In Dataware. Ha says ho will go back without re quisition paper* . DANCING 8CHOOI*? At Armory few nij^t from ft: SO to 10: SO. Gentle men dancing lie. Ladles' Free. f-i it* .tss- ? - ' COTTON MARKKT Cotton ssisd, per. ton, 930.00. JUnt^tton^|14 05. THE OEM Theatre ToNight DAVY JONB8 IN THE 80UTH 8 HAS ? Always Doinfc^ some thing new" and exciting. Al ways treating as to a good Laugh, and lots of fun; DaVy is at It sgaln. (Vita graph comedy.)' DOBB8 THE DAUBER? Dobbs was a Janitor ? Circumstances Blade him s painter ? Being J*orcibly Ejected from a Stu dio end having paints, brush es and Pallet tes Thrown Af ter him he immediately start ed on a pafnt feast ? The epi sodes which follow ere highly amusing and will prove pro ductive of many hearty laughs (A Lubin ? Clear Is s well) VILLIANY DEFEATED? Pathe -