)N, MAY 4, 1911 Hop. Lod a? No. 3, of the Chhrlta ble Brotherhood thlm elt?. hu ap pblnted W. H McDarett ud J f- Flron delegate* to the annnal meeting of the order to be held la the town of Puteco oo neit weak. Mr. W. M. Cbauneex, of.thU city I* the Brand prnldent of tie brother hood. Quite a number of delegatee and amabtn of the order will at tand. A Boat pleasant and profita I Ma meeting A looked for. Mr. L. A. Daniel, of This City, Invited and Has Accepted, inr?!,; a prominent at Washington bar, will iQrtai adflrtw In tbia Day. Tbq oxeTdacB j Hi the public school i been ftnlabed ther/t II form and march io\ W. !W* There waa ? meeting man'e ChrieUan Temperance ?I the rooms of the Youni Men u Christian League Jtha stternoon at 4 O'clock and was well attended. The spesker of the ot>caa|pa waa Rer. R. H. Broom, pastor oj the Mmt Methodist church HI. ntlbjort waa "Intemperance In Drink." It waa much enjoyed by every one present. The .peaker handed hi. them.. In a masterly aw) ablo'tnanner hare ? CM... THK OKLAHOMA rr you would see Curl Morrtf. *par, ?trfke Tulsa, where hla three quart er* are. You ^ny a quarter at the door and look the gladiator o'er, and [?ay, he surely Is a peach; yon marrel at his mighty reach, hie width of chest, hjs length of shank, and put a quarter In his bank. \ His tralneT telli you (as you twhrt a quarter slyly It* his list) that Carl will soak the dl'nge. anjJ bend hlirfjidau hie like a hinge. His backers as yoo deftly reach to those great men a quarter eaeh) assure you Carl will surely knock an orUlce In Johnsou'a hie* But /hush! The peerless giant | strips! fife throw* his bathrobe from hla hips, and spread* his mighty arms apnrt; his Wiring partner 11th* arid amart, apringa forth aa lightly aa the bree*?. and sitalles Jfad say* "A quarter Dleas^I", And then the flghttrs biff and pound, and at the close of every round the contri bution bo* la paaaed; you pay your | quarter, and at last yon quarters with a aigb. 1 quiet place to die. Tf thought your bo*on4\ fighter* quartern ar* m A HAPPY MAIRIVK 1 Mr. 8. Hmlth ami Him Malliaoa Made On Bond.? ittmooi, April It, 1*11, at the Free Will BepttM church of Royal N. C., a pretty, but almple marriage ceremony was aolemBlted when Mlu Roberta kalllao^ became the bride o? Mr. Smith Bennett, both of Royal, N. C- The hour for the cer emony was quarter ffter eight, but long before the appointed time the church was filled to overflowing with acquaintances, friends and relatives. The beautiful wedding march ? Men delssohn's ? was rendered by |(g|> Nancy Lee Coward. The usfiera. BSR You aro Invited to attend ' A SALE ' of household goods. given by the Beaufort County Alumnae Associa tion of the state Normal College May Uw fourth and fifth, nineteen hundred and eleven, from eleven a- m- to seven p. m. In the store building of Mr. Stephen C. Bragaw Bast Main street Attractions for children? Refresh ments served frrii' TIE nun COMMISSIONERS HOLD THEIR RECIIUR SESSION ; . ? * The Jurors Drawn lor the May Term ol Superior Court Which Wttl Be For Three Weeks. Other easiness Transacted. The board of county commission ers met at the courthouse, this city, last Monday and Tuesday and traas* acted the following busines ft Beaufort and Is here by authorized and directed to em ploy as surveyor the county surveyor of Beaufort county. Mr. L. H. Ross. The chairmab of 4the. board of county commissioners announces to the boatd that he has and does here by appoint Dr. John C- Rodman, san itary officer of Beaufort, count7 Pur suant to law. - The following named persons were drawn to serve as Jurors for the May term of Beaufort county superior court, which convenes May tfith, ~*TH' ' ? ' m>\:. First . ArthH r L>. Liggett. L. B. Tuthttt. 01 j *..%pwar-a. T- Bland. W. A. Neal. UU fb.:(Ul, J. 8. Woolard, t, O, Cay tnn, A. O. Smith, B. C. Roper. J. B. Weston. J, W. CbaP'n, J . B. MlUer, T P. Price, W- H. Hill. J. T. Oalap bell, Henry D. Woolard. B. C. HERMAN. THE flit EAT WIU be Uw Attraction At the Gnu i' ' i All Y The coming of Herman, the Great, at the Gem Theatre all during the week of May 8?i, will certainly be a drawing card judging from press I comments Where he haa been play 1 ing. He Is an artist of his profession J-and always pleases his audience, his changes only requiring three seconds which almost seem Impossible, bpt to be convinced ybu will have to see him. He entertains yon from 80. to 1 40 minutes and gives a complete change every night. No doubt but what many theatre goers of Washington has paid $1.60 for a seat to see him, but Is brought here at the extreme low prices of 10 and 10 cent* for the entire week. HURL CURSES if WITNESS OK STAND Minutely Formation of Or I Dei Older Members Train Nor V iter bo, Italy, May t. ? Gennaro 1 Abba ten aggio, upon whose re vela-] thlons the state has built ita c against the Camorra, was called to the witness stand today to verbally confirm the written confession made for the Carabineers after he had been tricked Into damaging admlsaions by the police spy. Marshal Captaautl. The informer stood the supreme test of his courage well, repeating his story coolly and at times elo quently, while he was 'assailed with the gieat steel cage. Brery statement he made was de nied in chorus and when he conclud ed Enrico Alfano, the" alleged head of the Camorra, rose and shouted: Abbatemagglo deserves thlrty| years In prison." The Informer began with the state- 1 ment that the Camorra existed in i well organised form both outside and inside the prisons of Italy. The first question put the man sentened to Im prisonment when he enters the pris on was, he said, whether he was Ca morrlst and if so whether he was a full fledfied Camorrlst or a Picclotti, the latter being one who has Taken the final degree In the criminal so ciety. Each Camorrlat has under him 48 Plcclottls or recruits who are on pro bation and who may become Camor rlBts proper only when they have proven their ablltty to commit crime without detection. The witness said that the rank or the prison of the so soclety was asked in order that the Camorrlsta and the Plcclottls might be grouped separately and communi cation between the older members and the /^spiring candidates be avold od. ! Abbatemagglo's testimony was con ntantly interrupted by protestn from the ' prisoners, accompanied by ugly epithets and Imprecations. George B. McClellan, former May or of New York, occupied a seat in the space set apart for the lawyers, where the prisoners stared at him until the proceedings opened. Mr. McClellan has taken much interest in the case. Operation Successful. The many friends of Mr. J. H. Oden of Hunters Bridge will be glad to know that he la getting on nicely from the operation perforated on his nose by Dr. H. Carter of this city. Tuesday last. Part of the nasal bono was removed. Mr. Oden enjoyB the esteem and friendship of a largo number throughout the coqi^K, PUBLIC MEETING DEBUT! CLUB eM at Public School Audi, ^torium Friday Evening SKULL DEBATING CLUB The Query Will lie Shall Lorimer Hold HI* Heat la the United State* Senate ? All Should attend and Satoorage dMM Babrfonlr Ora tors. There will be a public meeting of the John H. Small Debating Society In the High School Auditorium Fri day evening, May 5th at 8: SO o'clock and every one la moat cordially In vited to attend. The subject to be dtacuaaad at thla meeting 1? the Lor 1 mer case. The states: Resolved, That borltflbr ahould lose hla aeat In the United' States Sen ate. Those who will represent the af firmative are Enoch Simmons, Ern est Harding, Fred Moore, Frank Cooler and Woodson Van Hook, while (he representatives of the ill ative are Charlie Meeklns, Henry Morgan. Oscar Cordon, Jaa. Bonner and Mnner Thompson. There also will be a declamation contest at this meeting, the partici pants being Jno. L. Payne. Claud Gardner, Thomas Sparrow, and John Carter. Again we extend a most4 urgent in vitation to each and every one to be pregant at this meeting. 11 you at tend the tame yon will get ail ttfem of the work thla society la accom ptMUng. " ? 1 * ? ? I THE WEATHER. Fair tonight and Friday. Moder ate northeaat winds. Baptism of Infants Immediately before the Bacrament of the Lord's Supper Id the Methodist church next Sunday morning. life rents will be given an opportunity to dedicate their children to the Lord In baptism. No little excitement was created on MOUSE UNO BIRD FIGHT II BUTTLE Happened in Front of Schoo Building Yesterday Evening WHS WITNESSED BY SEVERAL An RnftllHh Sparrow And Mouse Try Conclusions on West Second Street ? The IJIrd Proves T^? Good a Fighter for the Mo^ie ? Was Inter v cstlng and AmuKink. [West Second street yesterday after noon over a battle In front of the [public school building between a mouse and an English ^parrow. The difficult^ was witnessed ^by several pedestrians and was interesting from | I start to finish. The moufte seemed to be no match for hls^blrdshlp and [when the opportunity came made his escape through the fence and under a residence. The sparrow and mouse ifounght valiantly for several mln- | lutes. , The bird seemed to understand warfarts the best. He wild make | a dive for the mouse's back, pick him jaad then hop away. In & second or two be would renew the attack. The mom* seemed to adopt the defensive all the time At leet he ni picked ?0 vidtr he ?ctucrr flfceS