" . ^ N, MAY 5. mi BHE ? Mo "v p'Mtd undfT Uwli, a white man, Chocowlnity flgj i at whisker. ?all ? the recorder today the oBcer him la the lockup for eat.1 i at the City Hall hen the police] Kail Bade hta1 pocket knife aK tke prisoner I The hole waa about a*ht H I : * ? Aadrew Klltott, colored. who Waal chained with ualertaa Ike hardware ?tore o( the Rarrte Hardware Co. afr-j Jail da has It that one ot the eatla .ad wh^Pthe u^j caaae ft* aappar to ha aakved Jailer ?t?ffggg)K serrlas .upper to Uu other printer. BlUott taok advaatage of >h. opaol Jailor Luca returned ha found that Elliot had departed for parta an known Tha New. reporter endeavored to ?ecu re all tha (acta la the ease hat tha eharia and hi. deputy refused no.t. lively to gl?e oat aay Information HOSE COMPMrS v n Bum Exhibited on Streets Yesterday After ?ooa by Hose Tesm. ' . The Waat Bad Hoae ahowla* their Ma h wm Ml' . wl streets yertarday afternoon for t?a ?rat ttaaa aad all who aaw the aal Jaal proaoaaee hun a n excellent specimen of bona taah > "J The horaa will weigh ON pounds aad 1. four aad oea halt yaaa old. ,Th- company hare Had Ha|A, for about a waak aad are rary proud of The animal waa m ??imj by Mr. RM of Una c?ty, at' a pur i price of ?3(,0 00 Of tkla - t ' ? * 9 ??????* & ? ? j . St Clever Feat. j : ? ' " Thom* WAtter art Fruk Jenk ins. A. D. W. * The c??e wu dlsmtae -r:* loon on tt? ?l**t of April 17. ha me diate! 7 >lt>r the cutting Jenk hi. made hit aacapc aa< hu not Im >r prehende?.) ? ? ? ^ ?? , John Bright was charga* wRh car rying eoaeealed weapon He wa. ?n ?rf |7.B? and Met. Wn?w Peaax*. Assault oa Wn li.ro 8IM*. MM* fj.so and eoat ?head Cltr The contract waa t this energetic arm an April C*iut about t?Mly blddera acb cities u Pltuburg. Dw New York, Atlanta Charlotte ?r point. The contract will to about fifteen thorns* dol ? la to h? oompteted bV Ao or tbla rear. Abbot three t mainn are to be Mia. betas eight and tea Inch pipe. ??i enterprise for thl. I.rje ?tllas local Bra. The hoalnea* Pair tonight %nd Saturday Moder ate to brisk and northeaat wfads ality-two thouaand dollars in cub ban boon paid la dividends and the bank enjoys a aurplua and undivided proflta at Prior to assuming the prealdencr of the Bank of waahington Mr. Brldg aan We* one of the city', largest merchants for tWenUr-teco years. He 1> a native of the county of Hyde aad since Ma long reaideace ?here he kaa enjogrod the aaWea. the E1 PMOi v. Tax., May 4. ? ai.^ from the sun's be?t by ? cottonwood I *rov* ** the fbot of the barren hill over which the Insurrecto army not ion* ago h?d threatened to like I til wax into 'the dtr of Jnarw. Francl?-I e?? 1 ?Wero, Jr., Ike reToluttonlata' 1 tlupM k.M. todar with Ju4?? Pmnclro Carabajal Qmclal iwaee eoYoj at IM.Hw ????-. fBtaat. thu? inaugurating fonaal Hta *e*otl?(lon. bttiMn ttn warring " tkrMnulo. had lB^SJUd WK? I. Ifclm, Jr.. U leeder of the revolution. tke t?o am mt et> Hg. b*1 tommt aad talk** Una ) MarlJ an hour Tk?r,anmn?a4 U_, ?* th? ?rat c?J ference. wklck will begin *t gycleekJ Judge Carabajal Brat called Oasermi Navarro, the Federal com-] nander of Jtiarex, M.ti accompan-l Wl ky ftenvrs SraalK and Oln mm 1 wko been go-between, hi thoj negotiation. Thar proceeded by] kntoaMbtle of Ike intC, P|.ce,1 whera Judge Carahaiai and Sen or I Obracon alighted. I A few m inn tea later Kadero eater-! ?d tha automobile, followed bj ?j troop of cavalry, who eacorted him to' Sfcow latere** la Cotioi uood^ Hcfacd Washington, May 4. ? Many North Carolina cotton manufacturers are writing Senators Simmons and Over man, and member* of the Congres sional delegation In anticipation of tariff legislation with respect to the cotton goods schedule. It Is certain that the house will pass the bills re vising both the woolen and cotton goods schedules and that there will be, reductions of duties all along the Si - " #To what extent the cotton goods Ifro^ucts wllf be affected In the reduc tioh 'of dntle^snet'even known by members of the^ways and means committee, who hare not yet ap proached the subject and who will not do ?o for a week or such a mat * EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA M?*y at thooe who are writing here tun North Carolina an labor ing ?a?*r th. Impreaaton that anr r? vlaim t it the cotton khxIuIm wii, work l?iurr to thoa and their latar Th?> roproeont an ottreme .lo rn en t. ! A member of ?h? North Carolina hu M aagorod b, one tk. meettnggrouud On, Puchual Ortxioo and 6al. Francisco Vltlar rod* On the meeting ground the entire co? dl?nou?Ud. Tfc* ,o?d,.d ? ?t * r-Mpectfut 4teUnca ?hn. Judge Carajaba, aad O.n.r.1 fro ?t u tk. wmM, >to,. ?*.Ua ot tk? <^meM that an to follow. . " " "*? ??? WNir *. ?Ui,. tta International Ho. m$ M.M had JNaMW... Mfr oWrrlng ,h* aerofc tk. Hw. It wo. arrange that tb. u,, tk. Mm negotiation. lam.dlat.lr -0*'< to tk. ?TO.,. ?"W, a r?*iu. of knM r.m. ot tk. apat. At the conclusion of today'. met '?* wklok laatad -?>? hour, "lur ta4.ro declared h. had ? ? ?>??????, cmnm, : aatlafaetory in r,,rj re ***** 8* ktko aM h. had ex ch.ng? J?'* 111 aua" with Judge ^?kljll'ai to tk. vrooadaa. to h. fallowed by tk. pmc c Three day.' prolongation at tb. armistice went Into a?act at noon to *ay It ineliyUa OJIuaga BlIIjDUio "OWMMKKTED 81ac. tb. Interior of tk. Elk. bom. haa been repalnad and naw furniture added It I. unit, a attraction to member, of this order from a dlat ance. The local lodge her. now ha. on. of the moat attractive home. In North Carolina. The Waahlngton lodge 1. In a flourishing condition. BE ELECTROCUTED THIS MORNING Lewb West the Desperado to Got* The Electric Chair T<>4ty? From Wito*. ?5 K 15 UUi II DK ??r -? < -* ? ?? ?/ ' * - tJ* T 7>J Waao 1 Ml o* a <m( or ??* *???* ?> Mm ??. ?rtc 'tuN . t?n (i?r Mm tUI?l?h. liar 4. ? Warden T. P. Hah a tli? penitentiary. >aU today that all preparations had been Made ^ tiacthoctitKm tuiaonuw of Ww?iB (M. 'MUh. ot WttaOn couaty and leader ef . *?n? of taarortat. !? that aecUan. w?t ? vouaaed Cfclaf of Folic a. a Olovor, of wilaon. on February ?. A aunber ot aafroea art aarvinc t*t*a la tha pdnttaatl^ry for parttcl Patten IB tka crime. Tka olactro entltm ?ll| take place at WarOn 8a]? w,s beealae* with ra

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