IS AFTERNOON, MAY I, 1*11 JSHED ? were eereral robbortoa In jlther Saturday uljht or StM e fljh home of Swindell and the Southern Bottling' nd the offloe of the Mutual ?Company w?re entered by unknown. At UM Mutual Company paper* wen acat orer the floor, at the South ern at Swindell and Pultorda t twenty-flee dollars wea tak Qnlte ? number of ticket, (ran* on the door ot the hull ?_ Mr Sttlley. the proprietor ha. ml.*-! *d wml cap* taming np on the w?l. th* thlaraa made their exit ??* VM.;* l jjS1 J "W% M The OM Creation Prom, v, ^ In* Mod. ^vwt, A at*. Audltorlam tomorrow ?T*n In* at 8:80 oolook. IMte'l ot 7*an' experience will take part and all who atkaad will ha Interacted and la?traet*d in the art of the Tlolin. Ticket* want aa sal* thla mornln* at Hardy'. Drug etnre. The prtcea are It and Ite. ? ? w-t ;f=f jSp The proceed* go toward* the erec tion ol the Confederate monument at Chapel mill. Tomorrow night prom laaa to he a great occaalon aad the auditorium should be packad '?< . Ulaaaa Marcla Myer. and Maad Windier the committee 00 the part of the Daughter* of tha Confederacy would be glad to h?Ta all fiddler* ot tha county take part. . A [prise1 h to be (lew. Everybody com*; ??? - ??? Sereral aUgera of th* city will add to th* attract! Tofeeae ot th* evening, rail program ot th* evewiag wm ' ta tomorrow, pa* jj^i^ATufe 7: t>-. I ? ot a* PnbU* Libra ry hi? aditlaw. Mr. J. B. Sparrow |haa Ueued a call for a meeting of th* Kiatlon tonight at th* T. H. a L mow at ? o'clock Thin meeting u rery important and to the flrat to be h*ld .inc. th* closing of th* main bcrablp campaign. Th. cmmltt*. will make their report, and recommend I la th* by-law. redwlag th* tMtOti.M. It I* abm iary to kara one third at tk* membership preunt to aMM? pll.b this, aa thto number eontfitute. Th. WWI? fM? far ha. bMB Tl co? raging, and ' with the mMtlng night. It I* hoped that definite plan. Ill be made to put th* library into Let *T*ry member b* .ur^ to at tend thla *TMlng at s o'clock )?>.- ? . , '"v Daniel O. Mna*ly, a colored man. who realdaa at Fir* Patau la the city of New Bern own a bea thai haa baffled the medical fraternity. The fowl la thro year* old and utf to a year aco wan a splendid laying ken. All of i sadden ihc quit lay In* egga and the owaar^waa anrprla ed when aba hatched oat a Wddle through the akin of ber neck, upon Investigation It vae round that there were three mora real IK* hlddlee In the body ?? tbebea >? ? ;? .--i?. Boaa Keys. aged about ninety, who has belonged to the late Miss M M. B. Rodman since her btrth and who has been connected with the Rodman family since that tine, had Vfaintln spell early this morning The aged negro lell against a table and cut her head badly. Whlie the wound Is painful it is not thought to be serious by the attending physicians. rwa fry. Shad Pish Fry pepoeited la Pamlico Rlree Tills Moraing. OBclals of the United flutes Pish Commission this morning deposited In Pamlico River five hundred thous and ahad Hah fry. This will be pleas las Information to our fishermen la thta section.