AFTERNOON, MAY U. I JN EASTERN . .r II. ?:?0 O clo* !? the Public School Audltortem at tka hour named there will be ?fc. ? hT the granatin! class aa tot ?. Claaa Hlatory ? Mlas Minnie: stiii./. 5S { 4. Prl*e. English Guar? the w ri ff i Piano Duet ? Mlaae* Elisabeth Bright and Minnie Stiller. ?. Claaa Propbecr? Mtaa Ollill 7. Prise. Hlatory Htaar ? The wrl tar. ? ~j . 8. Claaa Will. Mr. Enoch Simmons 1 Sextet. "Kentucky Baba" There are fifteen member! of the gradoatfag claaa ? the laageet In the hlatory of the school The member* are: * ?nodi Spencer Simmon*, preel Bltaabeth William* Bright, rice pr**ld*nt. Minnie Dorette 8tllley. Secretary , and treaaurer. Anna Claire Hodge*. Utile Ufa Freeman. Maude Leroy Hodge*. . j Martha Penelope lalh*i* Beaale Katharine Lath an. Margaret Dudley Mclllynny Prank Wataon McKeel Oeear Fromund Gordon , Berarlr Moea Bloant ? Prank Herbert Oihks. William Henry Morgan (Certificate ?tudent.) ?neat Odell Harding (Certificate ?tudent.) > .V./.." ' ) , The ?w*e?a?e ?f thla claw an jMtm they will fee, Had to tare their owa pereoaaL ftfendn and all the friend, of the school attaed their exercise.. COLORED SCHOOL CLOSE IIMY 15TH Exercises Will T?ke Place ?t the Colored Masonic Temple FIRST 6M0BITIR6 EXERCISES Tka Brst graduating miiAu tkk Waablngton Colored Graded aebool will take place at the colored Maeoalc Teaaplt am\ WKM Mar II. 1*11. at *4*ht o'clock, <mJ n?r Fifth and Rappee* streets. Tka MM u> tka graduating claaa will ke pteaoked on Sunday. May 14, at 11 a; at. at tka O. M. K. ? Church by the gkator. itar. jf. *. I. Tka grad natlng elan Invites erary' one to be praaent at all exercise Their motto la: -"Nat Finished, J "at Begun." Tke claaa color la pea green and I lavender. , .. The fololwlng program win he ren-l dered on commencement night: Invocation ? Rar. a A. Thomp Salutatory ? M. Maud Partn. Mualc. Valedlctory ? A. Rebec*. Hatra*. Music, elaaa song. ' Add ree* hy Prof. J. H. Branch. A. M:. LL.B , Raleigh N. C. Presentation of dlplomaa hy Hon. Jobs H. Small. Remarka by Prof ^ q, Newbold, superintendent of Washington Pub l(n School*. Benediction "?*, At thla tear >111 occur the liter ary addreae and the clttoln* nerclses of tbs n?. Th, following to the *!?E 1. Jjj ?. Chorus "Spring: Spring" 4. Address ? Hen. O. H. Chora*. "Th. Midnight Plre ?. neport 6r Tear-! W?k ? Sup (?ttiMt.1 p *,"? 1 "* 7. Awarding of Diploma* ? Chair-] man or Secretary School Board. ?. Annouocigg of Scholarship! honora and DaUrerlo* of Prlsee and *. Chorus. 10. Benedicts la addition to awarding diplomas and csrtiflestss to students la the graduating class, tour cert locates will be awarded to students In the Business Department These art: Miss Louise Moorf, 160 words a minute la shorthand. Ills* Bthel Kesslnger, 80 words s minute. Miss Mxrgset Cordon, 86 words a minute. -.7 .' v ' Mlsa Myrtle Be kiln, >0 words a minute. Ban. O. H. Benson who Is to de liver the commencement address Is a noted scholar and former superin tendent of City Public Schools. He to now connected with the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Ag riculture in ear National Govern ment. -. . ' ' . o vf'T^T The Pabllo School to the property of mry citlaeo In WMktocten./At was well known la this dty before har laat marriage, betas Mrs. Moor and a resident of Waahtngton for a year Or More. She had been ?a aufferer for quite a while. The fun eral took, place thla afternoon from tho Method lat chunk la Bath. A t O'clock conducted by the pastor. Bar. J. B. Bridges. The MNM^iwaa In the eemstsry. , ? - V - Mre. Glbbs was a woman of ! of a large humbar. We extend sympathy - the friendship j IT AURORA, 1. 6. Mrs. C. T. Allen, taaat dellgrfkl ly entertained at her home Tuesday assatag tnm |t*? to (:?? la honor of her sweet little daafh tar, Nttle Mlee Bllmbeth Allen'. third aaal vsraary. Those tiuaal Were the fol lowing little totg> _ Blanch sad Beatrice Boyd, Ellaa-I beth Bonner, Wiley Thompaoa. Clyd?| Canlpe, Lay to? Crosby, Tbaado< Crosby. Kenneth J oaks. Cherry Kstth I Styron, Harold Cuthrall. Walter Hob-| art Hadnsll, Shirley Moore. Strawberries, cream aad cake were I ?erred. She wan the recipient of[ many sweet . little tokens of rame Qbrance. Air OLD BOOK. Amos* the Belongings of Mr.| ' j. ?. Mr. J. T. Campbell ot thla city I has lustreeurrected a Terr old hooit bains a history of the old and new tanent. The bfek war print Philadelphia ?' 17*4. A-ffgaHyl [record was found written o na sheet I lade the hook. The bli of William C^pbet. eon of Odenl and Catherine, hta wife, born la 1749 OOl'KT us Allbrltton. (Colored. charg h aaaaultlng Walter Powell Iturday night. The Judgment oourt vu that U. defetidtnt Due of U.SO and tlx ?*t rt-UiM adjourned until three [ thl? atWrnpon on ecoount of ?aerial exerclMa. Than vara I eaaaa (or trial at tha attar > raffort vhteh wtn appear re waa onlr one cau triad b? .how wfn dow at the foot of his stairway 8e? aral persons o Ams by. and made the remark, why Is It you paint your show window so of^n, Bsksr's reply waa I Ilka for cvf display cues to look u attractive aa what. I pot Is tham. Baker's theory la good. If some other bualnaaa firms could , It >? the aame light, there would be more paint used. PAWTKGO LOCALS. ? fBpeclal New* Correspondence) . Rer. J. w. Tyndaii ailed his ap pointment at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. Mr. George Paul and wife of Waah I tngton, passed through here Batur-I da j?" afternoon enroute to Belhavenj to rliit his parents. Misses Lucy Psul and Margaret j Barrew, of Belhaven were in townj Monday. Mr. .Willie Ourklns Is ill st his, home with measles. His msny friends] wish him a speedy recovery. ' Miss Adelaide Old of BeihaTen.j ri in town Friday an*. Saturday | Ung erlatlvee. sence on account of Illness. On Friday evening's feetlvsl wa# held ht the academy for- the purpose of raising missionary money. It was conducted by Miss Florence Flynn and the Miss Ay cocks. Mrs. Wm. Cradle, Miss Jennie Simmons and Esther Aycock, left Wednesday, 10th, for New Bern, to attend the annual conference of the W. r. II. 8. Mr*. Cradle and Miss Simmons going as delegatee from the W. r. M. 8. and Miss Aycock from the Bright JeweHa. SMALL NEWS (Special News Correspondence) The cold wave continues and the cut worm is doing a great work la this section. 8eversl farmers hsve got to pUnt corn sgsln on this ac e+unt Cotton Is beginalag to come and wa hope to see warm westhsr I Elder L. H. Hardy filled his regv-| lar appointment at 8ahdy Grove Sa*-| urday and first 8uftday. Nr. Can! pa preached at SmaJH the Sat Sunday at S:S* p. m. Quit, | a crowd was out to haar him. * tUases Laura Sow* and Lena Mil- 1 on went to Alllaure Friday. Mlsaea Lillian, resale and Nival Row* want to Grants boro Friday and) they report a vary pleasant trip. Th^jaany friend, of Mr. J. P. Dow-I ty regret to. know of his continued | tllneee. W. J. Dunn, the mill man Is erect- 1 lug a store at Small. We ?lsb hlm| much J. A. Hardy, our popular J. p,'. married Mr. Wple Bennett and Miss May Gannett one evening laat week at hi, residence at Small. Mr. R. 0. Cayton ot Sjaall contln T*rr ni St Poirle Memorial Moat pltal. We daeply sympathise with him and hope that ha will soon re cover. ^ 1 We hoar nothing but Praia* on a> ary hand (or the teacheri' In the Small Graded 8c hoi, and our people are anxious to sea tham all come JOT THOUGHT TO fc SERIQDS Mr^. W. AJlIgood, <* tana., N. k a Mrloui .cddenr UU yMtcrddA afternoon, ?ad Is today* reoelvln|tin? congratu lations of bU lununat friends upon his narrow escape. -V Mr. Alllgood In atto^Uac to leave a restaurant on Water street acci dentally ?ot his foot taught in the "tape sad (eU cutting 'himself pain fully on t%> (ace alM head. Not only was he cut badlr but Ms head wae skinned In several placer His nose amd era wen aUo,cnt. He was carried to the o?oe d f Or.- Jack Nlch Mr. Alllgood u the father of Mr. Mlt Alllgood, employed by the Arm of A. J. Cox dk Co., sad; is pne of the county's popular cltlaeas While the wounds arc painful we are Had to learn they are not thought to he serious. The wise should know enough to -ay "no" without having someDouy to give the "word" raOMUIHa YOUNG MAN Mr. Halph A. Pbllljps Acrapte Re Hpon?ibir portion la Scotland ?M. Mr. Ralph A. PuUllps, ng of Mr. ud Mre. John L. Phillip,. ol thla city, left TMUrdlT for Scotland NMk ihtrt ho ha* accepted a poel Uob with the arm ol Hoffman and Company ea bookkeeper. Mr. Phll haa boon the efficient bookkeep f the ralford Hardware Com pany for aoae time ud waa. recent ly tendered the poeltton of city clerk by tke | ae w bond of Aldermen. He la one of Waahlncttk'a popukuryafahc .we congratulate the HofM man Company tn-aecurln* tiS4kir& ;?'H< haifW beet wlihee, and. too, that or the entity city In hie new MM**" * PlTe-YearOld nanShtrr of Mr. and Hi*. Omj Harding at Home Ye* tenia? afternoon from four to six sweet little Miss Harriett Brad ford, the flve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harding celebrat ed her fifth natal day She was at home between these hours to her neighboring friends. This bright and Interesting little tot, proved a charm ing hostess. Delicious refreshments were serv* ed and all voted her thanks for a most pleasant afternoon. An Aged Citizen fll. Mrs. Esllabeth Davis mother of Rev. Dennis and W. A. Davis and Mrs 8. P. Freeman stll remains very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 8. P. Freeman on East Second street. Mrs. Davis Is between 70 and 80 years of age and has many friends throughout the county who wish for her a speedy recovery to health. LTBS BIRTHDAY THE 8LD-TIME FIDDLERS IDE THE LK OF THE CONVENTION R. W. Waters, of MnCtqwn, Wins First Prize ttd Thomas D. AMrldge, of Soatli Creek. Second ? Fine Musical Program The Old Fiddler's Convention held at the Public School Auditorium last night for the benefit of the Confed erate monument to be erected at the University of North Caroling under the auspices of Pamlico chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, was a groat iuccess-so much so thst ev eryone says Waahlngtoiyfiust have another at an early day. All the fiddlers taking part last night prom ised to be on hand. As Mr. Aldrtdge ssld his" nerves were not up sufficient ly last evening to play as hs could and then Intimated he desired and must have another trial for the goal. Besides the fiddling, every number of which brought forth loud and con tinued applause from those preeent. a, very delightful musical program was arranged and successfully car ried out. It was to be regrsttsd thst nft Efore of the old time fiddlers were not preaent to aid la the evening's anu^ment and eoospets for the pris es, yet, notwithstanding this Uxo?ft that wore on hafid did tot faD te pes form their share towards snaking the occasion one long to be remember ed. The committee. Misses Mareia Myers and Maud Wlndley having the convention In charge and Its prime movers are to be coagratulated on their efforts. The fiddlers three In number were Mr. Thomas D. Aldrldge of 8outh Creek; Mr. J. O. Wlllsrd of 8outh Creek;, and Mr. R. W. Waters *of Plnetown. Mr. E. K. Gurgsnus of Plnetown, occupied a .chair on the platform but did not draw any bow ? although he fiddles occasionally. &uch old-time tunes as 'Turkey In the Straw," The old Gray Horse," "The oflssly Bear." "I Won't Go Home TIU Morning." "Kiss Me Honey Kiss Me Quick" were among some of the selections rendered In the fid dling contest. The contestants would %ow a llttlei dance a little, swing corners and perform aatlcs amusing and laughable. Each fiddler played at least a dos en plecee before the judges Messrs John K. Hoyt, Herbert Boaner and Edmand Harding renderered their decision as to who was the heeC fid dler. The first prise ww, awarded to Mr. R. W. Water? of Pinetown and the second to Mr. Thomas D. Al drldge of South Creek. Both these gentlemen thanked the committee and the auldence Mr. Aldlrdge said he was read? for another trial, that on last evening he was jaded and broke down and his nerve was not up sufficiently. Mr. Waters requested the audi ence to call or send for him at any time and he would aerve them any time. Mayor Collin H. Harding was mas ter of ceremonies and announced the program. Mlas Bess Conoly sang sweetly and charmingly a solo with Miss Lillian Bonner as accompanist. After this Mr. Waters the first fiddler gave a selection and from the time he drew the bow to the cloee he kept the au dience In laughter. m4,. Thev-vocal duet ft y Misses Mary 8haw and Mary Elizabeth Thomas with Mias Hannah Shaw, as pfanlat. .was much appreciated. r After this Mr. Aldrldge the eceond fiddler gave a sample of his skill on the Ylotln. Mr. Aldrldge is seventy years of age, a Confederate soldier and says he hai been fiddling ever since he was a small boy. A male quartette consisting of Messrs. John Smith, R. Lee Stewart, Eld ward L /'Stewart abd Lyndon Shaw rendered several selections /during the evening. This quartette is al? ways heard with pleasure by a Wash ington audience and last night was no exception. They were encored each time and responded. Mlsa Carrie Bright sang "Love's Old Sweet Song," Her voice is sweet and -her singing was much enjoyed. The vocal duet by Misses Ada Rhode* and Mte Ayers was one of the features of the. evening as was the solo by. Mr. Herbert Bonner and the dtt%ts on the piano an<T violin by 'Misses Orleans. The entire performance was a suc cess all the. way through and today we hear nothing but the highest praise for the efforts put forth not only by the. committee but the fid dlers and singers. Washington must have another Fiddler's Convention. TJoday all North Carolina united W* honoring tit* heroea who fought gar home and native land u'ader Lee and Jackaon. Some died for the cause of their beloved Southland, not only to the dead heroes but also to the thin atruggllng grey line ? growing thinner year by year were too ex tolled and pralaed in word and song. Today the weary forma In their coats of grew anawered for the laat time to "taps." N ".Memory apeaks of the parting time, When our soldiers marched away." I The hearta of those who attended the exerciaea today at the Public 8chool auditorium and at Oakdale Cemetrey grew tender as they listen ed to the oft-repeated story and Rax ed once more on the thin grey line, who took up the march with a spir it of the days In the sixties. Once' more "Lest we forget" In Washington beautiful and Inspiring exercises wei^ held in the school au ditorium and at OJkdale Cemetery. The daughters of the Confederacy and the Ladles Memorial Association were fortunate In securing aa the orator of the day Mr. E. A. Daniel, av prominent member of the Wash ington bar, aa the orator. His ad dress was heard by a large and ap preciative audience and has been much complimented by all who heard him. ~l Mr. Daniel, although not old enough to see the smoke of battle knows what the heroes of our South land did and he tdld the story In a way to attract, Interest and lnatruct.j Hla address was a master piece of| frfl | m luawlr <?' ? ? The exercises of the day took place aa stated before In the Public! School auditorium. The state was fittingly decorated with flasjH. bunt ing. flower*, etc. Rev. W. H. Call, as usual was the master of ceremon-i les and announced the nrogram.l which was carried out as follows: Assemble at school auditorium at, '4HHNL4 1 ' 10: SO exercises to begin promptly at 11 o'clock. Opealag prt7?r ? Rev. J. A. 8ulll vaa. Music ? Washington Band. Old North State ? Children of the Confederacy. Readies "March away Washington Grays 18)H? Mr. John L. Payne. Hymn ? Choir. Introduction or Orator. ? Mr. New bold. Memorial Address ? E. A. Daniel. Esq. Hypw ? Choir. Quartette ? Tenting Tonight ? | Messrs 8t#wart. potts and Shaw. Preeentfrtlon of Crosses of Honor. America Children of the Confed eracy. Dixie- Washington Band. Benediction ? Rev. Nathaniel Hard ing. The Parade. March to the Cemetery, Washing ton Light Infantry as Guard of Hon or to the Veterans. Decorations of Graves by Memorial Association and Daughters of the Confederacy. Conclusion of exercises at Confed erate monumen.t After t|ie. exercises In the auditor ium the parade was formed and with the Washington Light Infantry and the Washington Concert Band as a guard o$. honor the old veterans (marched to Oakdale Cemetery where the graves of the dead heroes were decorated. The exercises at the cem etery verr Impressive. After the program at the cemetery had been conefede* the retunf march wa* made to the city and to the armory ?here/44|Bm?taoae^ttaeer was serv ed. . v ,s Thus passed another Memorial day In 'tMtafcplgton? one full of memo ries. May thflfce who saw the smoke of battle trftither days be spared to wit ness majgr more memorial days In Beaufort county. May their evening I be thaayferightest and best. COW DESTROYS " PREACHERS GARDEN H?e Garden at M. K. Parsonage Snf feri by a Cow. Rev. R. H. Broom, the pastor of the First Methodist church, is be moaning the destruction of hla prom ising garden. He ha* been tolling early In the morning and late even lngB endeavoring to show his neigh bors. what, he knowa-' as. an agricul turist. He waa more than proud of his efforts. Last evening, at some hour unknown to the pastor, a cow took It in her head she desired some thing green and chose the parson's fine garden to appease her appetite. Corn, peas, cabbage, beans, raddlsh es, etc.. were devoured and things In general disturbed. Mr. Broom thinking that there was a lavr against cows running at large within the city limits, did not place a fence around his garden. To day he states it will not be many hours before a fence of some char acter is erected. BASEBALL YESTERDAY National League. Chicago S; New York S 8t. Louis 2; Brooklyn 0. Cincinnati 6; Boston 3. Pittsburg 2; Philadelphia 1. American League*. New York d* Detroit 10. Boston 5; Cleveland 4. Carolina Associate* n. Greensboro, 7; Anderson 2. Pecond game-. Greensboro 7: An derson 6. Charlotte ?; Greenville 5. Winston-Salem 6; Spartanburg 4. THE WEAWffcR. ' Fair tonight and Thursday. Not much change In temperature. Rev. J. T. Gibbs, D. D., presiding Elder of the Washington district, Is tn the city the guest of his family at the corner of Van Norden and 8eoond thkatrb A rain the crowds that witnessed the performance given at the Gem Theatre vu well pleased, Judging from the comments. of the set was Herrv and he holds his . he Is an srttst of his profession. His act Is clean, clever and entertaining. The Hindu trunk act Is one of the most myster ious tricks that hhs ever been p re after being In the trnnk mskes his escape la three ss<fr?rti. and we Bnd when R - Is opsped his assltant being Inside. TomeiMii night he gives sn en tire and complete change from what he has been Introducing heretofore. For toarifcht his chsnges will vary f|om that of last night snd the prices charged are certainly worth tmy one-'s saoeny to see him. The pic ture for vtoalght la a feature one. I SAIL AROUND HARBOR Witnessing the Per formance. was in charge of Or. Jol^i C. Rodmsn. st the Atlantic at three o'clock Motor Boat Club Kn* to City, , Boat Club en and viaitors by giving a ssll on hosts sround the

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