YeaUrday -u * M?m>u om In Washington. ?r*ry visitor ?u lout In thslr praise of the h ty eiteoded by th* city and larly m w*r* tbbaa who fuughl un der and Jackson. ,,T* ??r ?nd Idyl gu Brtgt* ekl*a let, , ahar. ft ^jRJ^^mthland holi day. The eurrlses that begun ?< auiplcloulr eland Kloriowlf. Wlih " Ington fittingly and beautifully paid ' tribute to the memory of the Confed erate daad a* Ik* always doe*. To day the fallen hero** sleep beneatk . _fm the city during the anitlM at the aehool au V dltorium and Oakdale cemetery. It ?? la deed a. Umpiring eight to an the bo ye of other dayi marching to the Banc no well by tl,e Washing ton Concert Band All day the ret erana of the sixties were grasping the ' hand of comrade and exchanging In clAente of the time when they bl ? -. ronced on the battlefield and an swered to thp roll call. Yesterday waa oaly a memory but Washington and Baaufort county *01 arer keep It Tvaa truly , a gnat celebration and a grant day for Waaklngtoa. on* worthy at those who (loaned tke gray and eaewered their country'* dnty. ? Mo brarar srer skonldered a - -- 7* SSI lad "by tk* I j at ke armory was on* at tke enjoy abla parts of tk* mills For yaars Mr*, a. a Thomas has bw tad chairman of tk* aarnmitta* In a? ranglng tk* dtnn*r tor tk* soldier*. Te*t*rday aka performed ker dlffl onlttaak par axe*llene* and la ra cel'lng congratulations on nil aldea. Ska and bar able eorps of assistants bars no cause to ta*l shaaked Tk*! oratloeof Mr. B. A. Denial has bean highly s?ok*o of. not oaly by the oM soldiers, hot ereryoae who heard bias. It waa a sain day In erary Wit of tk* ward and ? *jtCT9 bimbo m d at : ?RH to taetr raspactlra homes. Thsy aay tk* annual meeting was on* of tk* ?oat successful and harmonloaa In tk* klstory of the brotherhood. Pant* go, and dtlaana entertained the large number of vial tors royally and all the delegates stand ready to m*at again In that hospltahl* town Ths , affairs of tba order wara found to ba In first class shape -vi *\t\ This order la doing a great work In the county and eeatarn Cerollaa and baa a bright and praaalalng fn tura. The following officers wire elect S *d tor the ennulnc year: Oread president, w. If. C^xuncey, Washington. Orand Tie* praaldent, Dr. B*nJ. Halsey. Roper. Omad aecratary, W H. McDevett. p. Washington. ; ? ' ? jL?': I Oiand chaplain, &ar. Thos fireen Paai*go. Orand Wsrd*n Hon. J. F. Ijitham, "i - ?. ' t? \' V< r;; S2E J: . m. lmi. s . . . ^JKBaPm cmcgo 1; NWT*rfc ?. *1 St. Lool. 4: Brooklyn 3 dnctoMtl 8; Boston I. (? 1? " UfcU- . -'Jh-Ai Pltttburg 1: Philadelphia BmSm^ Greensboro ?; Anderson 1. Wlnaton-SalemS; SpmrtmuDnrg 8 Charlotte 6: Oreenrllle, vimh OBJECT HEIEIS the main thoroughfare has been caught. the flame*. -? J ?1 Pmo, Texaa. May a. ?At 6:10 o'clock Gerald Brandon. of K<> York norroa pendant of "Bl DUrlo." Mexico City, crowd Into Juraai with ?n flag of tfllbe, bearing ? letter from Judge Car bejel, the federal peace an Tojr **d imploring the commanders of both factlont to (top lighting for a few honra eo that the dead and wounded could be ramored L?redo, Teiaa, Mar ?._PaMen gera arrlrtng today lay a aertoua fight haa occurred [between Uie feller wuktutoo. ix e.. 10 ? But* ood for N*W Mexico and Arlaoaa Itli jthe attention of the hove to la/. ? ?aixwa w*r? receded from eoamltyey ,9?JC<f?lSi'?tt.'_o' committee. OP tarrltorioa. which mat early fn tha d?r and~?p prored tha Mb-commlttee rabott roc omm?o4U? statehood for toth tarrt tartaa' after they shall hare' rota* on certain constitutional amendments. Arlxooa 1? .?Ha< to taaufilt t*e recall provision Of Its constitution, toting on an intendment which elim inate* the Judiciary. Mew Mexico to naked to vole on an amendment mak ing ita constitution more fj SJtt* The Joint resolution reported by Chairman Flood, of the commit tee on territolres, wilt be called np IsJ te'r In thte week: ?. ? Inquiries and Investigations alsoj kept membsrs busy. Chairman Hen-! ry of the committee on- rales, was) ready to atfl np the report providing* for an Inquiry Into tlM United States! Steel corporation and to report the] recommendation of the Hard wick I rseoUtftoa Cot IiotHiXIss of the] Th* folio win* eaaa* wefr* *tepooed of je.terd.7 end today bjr fcaeordar Crimea ?t the city hall: Thomas Carrow. drunks Mdgment suspended on pajn Apprehended for the Robbery of Mr. r. s. Worthy, April 23 Ob th* night at April lid th* room of llr. t. 8. Worthy, one of U? pro prietors of the Hardy Drug Store, *?? entered la th* H?Tene-8msll building and money. panta and keys tak?n. Whan llr. Worthy retlrad that night ha h?<l aeTeral gold plecea, PWr meoey, kaya, ate. In hia panta Pooka t?. Hmr the robbery occurr ed or In what way th* room was on tared U not known At the time there IMMd ft) ba no cine aa to the P*rty. The police of the city went to work on th* caae and In coae*? Graduating Cl*st Exercise* at School Auditorium at 8,30 IKS FIFTEEN MEMBERS 4 Vesy* Program H B*e* Inuirt by the Otp For Tonight? All Prie*ds of tb^Whool Are Cordially i.rited to be Pro eat. Tie exercises of the graduating class of the Washington Public School! will take piece thla evening at the school auditorium beginning at 8:30 o'ejoelL The occaalon promisee to be a moet Interesting one and erery dti >en of the city should attend. The following program will be carried out I. Chorus. R occasional. '? Addreee of Welcome ? The pres Ident of the claee, Mr. Enocb Sim s' Class History ? Hies Minnie Stllley. 4. Prise. English Essay ? the wri ter. i 5. Piano Duet ? Misses Elizabeth Bright and Minnie Stllley. ?. Class ' Prophecy ? Miss Bessie Latham. 7. Prise. History Esaay ? The wri ter. *8. Class WUt, Mr. Enoch Simmons 9. Selctet. "Kentucky Babe" There are fifteen members of the graduating claas ? the largeat In the history of the school. The members are: Enoch Spencer Simmons, presi ded. Elisabeth Williams Bright, rice president. Minnie Dorette Stllley, Secretary and treasurer. Anna Clair* Hodge*. Llllle Lee Freeman. - """I* Hodge*. rfarth* Pea e tope Latham Bessie Katherlne Latham. Margaret Dudley Mcllhenny. Frank Wataon McKeel. Oscar Fromund Gordon. Beverly Moea Bloudt^- ? Frank Herbert Olbhe. William Henry Morgan (Certificate student.) Kmeet Odell Harding (Certificate student.) ?n Friday evening at the same hour and place the cloelng exercises for the year will take place. Hon. O. H. Benson of the united statee Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C? wUI deliver the annual *ddr***. to the graduating claaa. Mr. Benson Is connected with the Bureau IllHn' Industry of th* Agrlcultud # d*p*rtm*t* aji<L cornea to Wash ington bearing with bin a national reputation aa a speaker : ' A rich ts**t awaits aU who hear this dt*tftgit(sh*d speaker tomorrow alght. i *r. Wwth/u* theta he iden Ithtmuhli. Washington Is charged with larce ny and will be tried before the rec order this afternoon. Hefs a noted character. Wed between i? and 20. and haa been guilty of several crimes Re was connected with the ooetofflce robbery sometime back and has also ?erred a sentence on the roals. NEEDLE III BRIM MADE CRIMINAL Placed There Daring Hi* Infancy Is Located. Carton City, Ner. Hay 9 ? The oaee pt Frank t. Everett, who 1b Serving a life sentence for the murder of Michael M^lone. a Southern Pacific foreman, at Mlna six rears ago, has 'bete taken under advisement by the etato board of pardona. The murder was seemingly com mitted fa cold blood and without provocation. Everett at the Use waa subjeet to epileptic attache, which grew worse after his imprlaonment, and a year ago he waa thought to be |4M0P ??*?*? <*r*C3 , r The warden of the prteoanhad Bv I erett eent to a hospital under and ther a delegate operation w rjr . -I.,. I L . I Aid HMar i Cobtcouou ??!1ee are Appreciative. _ - ? The toialtiw of arrangements, Mlaeee Karat Km aad Maud Windier. In DehBf el the Daughters of the Confederacy dartre to return thank* to 101 who ailed and partici pated In the Old fiddler's cos ra ti on at tha Public School Auditorium T?*day evening. Their kindness will bo remembered by thoae In charge. birthday party Miss Irene Catoa of PUmtIIIo. was at homo to her Many friends Tuee d ay omlii last, the oocMion being the celebration of1 her natal day. Quite a number of guests were pree oht and all voted the popular hoetess * rote of thanks for a pleaaant even ing. Refreshments were served . Ancient Order. M- The .Ancient Arabic Order Npblea of the Myatic Shrine will convene in the Town of New Bern on Friday, May II. Several of the ord^r reel denu of this city, will attend. There la quite an amount of freah meat to be cooked which la to be first bathed in Camel's milk. The 8h rlnen* t!U give a parade on Friday evening. A great occa alon la anticipated. Ki ICTKPU Lafayette the Great, One of the Victims ? Went for Animals HE VMS WELL KNOWN Hear Bodies Ban, {fee. Reacaed Fk"? "? Rnlaa Body at Fanr ?mm Actor Foaad Baatde Hla Bow ? He Waa a Hpswai alar Artiat. Edinburgh. Scotland, Ha y 11. Bight bodies have been recovered thla morning from the ruins of the Empire Music Hall, which was burn ed laat night Tha bodies so far Ident ified are those of "Lafayette the Great" and two members of his com pany, Alice Dale, who ImpcroenateA the Teddy bear midget, and Joe Cos ter. Two bodlea are thoae of mem bers of the orchestra and throe oth ers have nor been Identified. Mlsa Dale and Coster were natives nf Eng land. "Lafayette was a German, he play ed for twenty rear* In the United States. During the past two rears he has heen In Great Brttlan presenting at Hnalo halls a spectacular "turn" which Introduced a horse and a dog. Aa attempt to reaace thaae pets coat the MHaraiir hla Ufa. iifajyette had secaped In the Brat panic frhed-the stage was a mass of famee. Af the performers and stage hande were rushing out of the place when he was seen to re-enter tha stage door, saying as he did so: "I am going to try to get my horse and When the ruins were examined to* day the actor's charred body was found beaide the body of his horse and a heavy burnt timber lay across both man and beaat. performed, a large Motion of decay ed skull and brain being removed. The surgeon's In laying the skull op en, discovered the cause of Everett'? malady. It waa a needle that had been driven into the brain probably In infancy. After the operation was perform- ] ed Eeverett attained excellent: health rnd his mind tzi restored. He row asks ?srdon. CLKAJR RIGHT OP WAT WITH ANGORA GOATS Seattle, May ?. ? Good progress Is being made by eighty Angora goats put to wprk by the Paget Bound Elec trie Company in clearing Its right of w*y between Seattle and Tacoms. J They are moving In the direction of Seattle at the rate a mile a month, devouring the underbrush end attacking the roots of along tk? right of ?? at tto> ic wr itten intw Direct** Given a Goai^to Surrey ^n<l"Tains? v/ii Move ? ft-Oubel Prom stndstics published today tr tbe new Tubejeniosls -Directory o' tbe NsU*<rjUBttcl?Uon for tbe Stu dy ?ud Pr?J?iyH>n ?t Tuberculo.1., It i* ??fnUllial that over 800 cltl'er and town 1?,. the United State.; 100 in Caaa^ Wraagaged In the war agalnat' consumption. and that or. April 1st there were nearly 1600 dif ferent agencies at work In tbe cru aade an tnofoase of nearly 700 per cent in the last seven years. The new Pl^ory lists 421 tuber culosis sanatoria, hospitals and day camps; Sll'"d?oclations and com mittees for the prevention of tuber culosis; S4S special dispensaries; 68 open air schools; 98 hospitals for the insane *M| penal institutions mak ing spsMtf provision for their tu berculosis Inmates; besides giving an account of the antituberculosis leg islation la tWj state and in about 250 cities. *I%e Directory, which is tbe third its kind that has ever been published in this country, gives the moit complete survey of the anti tuberculos^ ssovement 'that can be ?ecu red. and shows the remarkable jrowth of this campaign In the laat seven years. Jfbe first Directory In 1904 showed only 183 organisations ma institutions In the entire United States, the second Directory In 1908 reported fit different sgencles. as compered wltfe 1440 is the now book. ftkin* ?? a basin, the khtRuberftotatls movement has In creased la force since 1904. sesrly 700 per 0*nt, and since 1908 ever 19? per cent. fi*c The foUowtag shows tbe growth of the increment slong the principal lines of actlrlty for each year since 1905: Established 1906. 18 associations; 11 8aaatpc4a ead Hospitals; 18 dis pensaries. Established during 1905, 15 asso ciations; It eaaatoria and hospitals; 6 dispense rt? . Established daring 1906. 18 asso ciations; ?? sanatoria and hospitals: 14 dlsgiw? lies. Established during 1907. 46 asso datloas; SO sanatoria and hospitals : 45 dispensaries; one open sir school &stah!Mp^4?ftes 1908. 109 asso ciations; 46 sanatoria and hospitals; 118 dispensaries; l open air schools. Bsta!dfi?4l during 1909. 167 as sociations; 67 sanatoria and hospit als; 56 ^tapsassrles; 10 open air school* v Established during 1910. 117 as sociations; ?t sanatoria and hoeplt els; 63 dispensaries; 16 open air schoola . w Established daring 1911 (April l> 11 associations; 66 sanstorls and hospitals; tO dispensaries; 39 open air schools. Total- 911 assoclstlons; 4 21 sana toria and hospitals; S42 dispensaries: 68 opea air schools. The BOW Directory Is sold by the National Assort stlon for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 10T East 31d street. New York City, at cost, 50 cents postpaid. PAST CENTURY MARK AND STILL, EATS PIP Connaaot. O.. M*y ?. ? Mr*. Dor cas Jonas haa Juat celebrated bar one hundrM and third birthday anntrer aarjr. She la on* of the yary fa* per eon* raoatyln* * pai^lon from the war ot Hit At pnaant aha la re-fc celrln* |t4 a month. Har favorite dlat I* milk and *h< nearly Jltwar* ha* * glass of It be alM har M she alas ssta much pie of wfcleli As haa alamy* baan ran fond. ' f - ' tzi r; " J*?' ?*???<?* far r k v f ? v ' * ? ll^.' vt. ' V ? r r

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