PUBLISHED IN EASTERN CAROLINA ' Their Ham After ? Okkad Plu^ Utile Rock. Art. May :7._ Co^ federate VMnii from mtn; .t?u* Joined In thslr twenty-am annual parade Un today amidst the blaring of bands and Buttering o( banner*. TM faorartt of trumpet, recalled to many spectators^ the stirring acinea faderate tall, the laat mat of th? reunion.. The ball waa gnen to th? auditorium. ? ! " " To the thouaanda of aprrlrora ot tie memorable conflict of the earl* alztlaa the laat honors hlTa been paid; the' remalnHg are a few bun-* pealing language ot hl?tory. Many rolcee wh|ch ?t .l^t, ?afa reunion Joined In gl'tsg the "rebel yttl" are now atllled. Thoee who lobMd hi vth? famed wmr cry thla yeer with a feeling betoklag their kn?wled?e that this may be for them tha last earthly gathering of ttfe soldiers of the old south. Under the surface Of tbl. 19 u ro ?on and maldi of honor of tfca mi organization. Included Mlu Mar; Hunt Turpln, of Waterproof, La., sponsor for the reterana of the en tire South: Mtaa Ellia Stuart of Ut tlf Rock, maid of Honor; His. M. M Hanklns. of Uttla Rook, offlclal chap ?ran and lira. L. B. McFarland, of Memphis, matron of honor. With ImprtMlre ceremonies and In the preaanee of largs crowds there was unrolled at one of the parks a Confederate monument to the eapl lal city guards of Arkansas Attend ing were many members of the Coa federate VaWraw *?th.rn Mamor Ihe'unlon .tatlon. 4W * ? tow ^oort ? ptr"' Twn ' *!" from th. ?con? flow otltoj Mkool banding and 4U4 ? ? momenta- *r * "7? ;? . -j_' * h Th. bodies will bo trot to Ualr re ?Mcttn komM today. j . All commltti. ropOtU w.ra ?*?#*? Jt\ acclamation. That of tho hla* torie commlttoo ealta ??* ">? J"""'* Lf a circular which to to call at?.n ?;*.^t?tboo*.?ich? ?W to bo unfair to th. ?^V"T ?T41na th. -war J ??tw?n th-M?^ for a Confodormt. ^ "?m* 1 ,t Richmond to ?*?boot*fm-l 0<^b. boudw. u would probably b. eo^Wdgrtn, nut T?T and It w*. und.WoOd that *. Infntlon w*a to hold the ton of t?? at *l?b?o??. lng to 1>? dedicated during '"'a r-omtlon offered bJ A4)"laul OvMil Willi** ?**>? .mdlag * >IWP ? casssgsffig atMd this rnnlon It waa ^Boeeaa. of fatt*o? taeld?*t Jo th. Lmm. w?k d.r.k^. .!^. blm y?torday th. phy^lana 01 Q~r^ W. ?"*?. ??"'?ar^ chi.t. focbad. V today. ? It waa .iplalnwl t? t**lCOT"| v.ntlom that Howl Oordon la notl critically Ul. General K. W. V?B 8??dt of Fort Worth, Tm* prwaM^l today Ttee committee appoint#? T***? I day to formulate a rf?ly to ? ?? aage from th. pwaldent of tha U*"" Ld BtaUa roportod todayand lu ? ply wu adoptod by a rlataj, roto^ | Adjutant Qaaval Kiekl. will aond th. telacram to Prudent TaXt to r^Tbe tele?ram Ihaaha the PmW" d.nt for hl? good wtohea. M.un? hi? of th. approclatlon of ?M "??*?? land raeall* hla aM?tatlM "*>?? ?' tlm south" to M?h om* It tho bnrlal of th. C<?fad??t..d?ad. I I *At noon today for- Chttuaoog > L? ??*.*. for the nut romKm mootlM k was alao at . that U?. oo?eod.d that tho rao# waa between Maoon and | rh&tt*noofa. ? Wa* r?or?d that at a c^cua ?of u/T??a dala?at? tho it** ?tarl kjtau.dKldad to aopport tho To?n?| Lm (do- *. >;??' ' / ' " ' ' '"'I k j7*k " J r isw p'clock of heart failure [T, The decoaaod had been la feeble health for MT?rml MO> bat had eo far recovered apparently u to bo 6n the etreete oae dor thio wook. On loot evening ko woo toko* eud ?.nly M?tn ot the time oboTO n*med powod away. Bo woo born In Ruoolo about 50 yon* ago and bu booo In America to' ot lout twenty reoro. Moot of hto reeldence lit America boo. boon ?noot la , the City of Baltimore where ho looroo^l the tailoring buo fnooo. He koo booo o rooldont of Chlo city for the not elx or ootoii Teoro ? following hi* trade hero. ' 'Mr. Cohn loore* o widow and four children to monra their looo. The romolao will olthor bo cor Aod to Now' Born or Ooldoboro to night where the Interment will take place eome hoor Sunday In the He brew cemetery. 1 " The family of the docooaod do wry* tho aid and frlendahlp of all our people and wo are iar? any aid rendered 'thorn will ko appreciated ? Rot. Benjamin Oden a etudent ot tko Atlantic Chrtetlan College at Wlloon M. A, wai the (Hoot loot ev ening ofHoy. Robert T. Hopo. poo tor or the Christian church, an mu t? Salnti Delight TSIiarcll In Waal Want the Do tj to Washington, May 1?. ? Today a dslsgatlon of representatives of North Carolina Pine Lumber Asso ciation appeared before the finance committee of the Senate in oppoai tlon to that portion of the Canadian reciprocity bill which Ukea the duty off Amelcran lumber going Into Can ads. "the line of argument which waa1 strongly presented, Wii that the re ciprocity pact aa it applies to lum ber la reciprocal only In name, and that Canada seta under It the right to Import American lumber free, while herself not granting equivalent concession; that the States of VI r ginla. North Carolina and South Car olina are puniahed with eapecial se verity in that their lumbermen hare heretofore been able to serve the ter ritory within a xone of several hun dred milaa from the Canadian bor der at an advantase aa compared) with Canadian competition, whereas under the pact no shorter distance' to this rone would give the Qana-j diana an advantage in freight rates, that would be insurable from the point of view of the Pine Lumber Associativa. I It waa agreed by the Southerners' that he reduction of the lumber tar iff .In the Payne-Aid rich bill has wlp ?d,. out : Ua ^?of about half of ftp Southern aaw oil lmen, and thai only thoee concerns baring large cap ital have been able to make both ends meet. The spokesmen who made the most impression declared themselves heartily in favor of tariff Reform, but tbeyS contended that It should not single out certain sections for its operation. It waa remarked that perhaps 80 per csnt of the bus iness In which the North Carolina Pine Lumber Association la chiefly Interested la most affected by the) proposed agreement with Canada. The pOKvislons of Canadian law prohibiting the exportation ..of logs were ap-jwid by George W. Jones, representing the Camp Lumber Com Wm; agent at New York, who ex pressed himself aa favoring fair re ciprocity, but aib' opposing what waa called reciprocity without being auch. There la undoubtedly a good deal of aympathy with the Southern lumbermen among the democratic membership of the finance commit tee, and a strong effort will probably be mads to amend the treaty. A atrange fact aa Ur ths republi can status with rsgard to the tariff 14 that the majority of the atand patters are for the reciprocity bill, while ft&e Insurgents are against it. On the other hand, the "lnaurgenta aa a body are Inclined to uphold the free list Mil whlls lbs atandupattera oppoee It. ' V Tharo will be preaching ?t the County Horn* tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Her. J. A. Sullivan pastor Of the Pint Baptist rhurrh will preach. The public cordially |a rt?o<. %. terdar aMM 1M IMt thla morn WbtOh aMidk that town today. I Mtn 9mn Bnddy aUo to wmamrmi MUSIC LOVERS I m A TREAT, Mtinmoth Bale of Schulz IMaaoe at JefTernon Furniture Company ^ [ 1 As wu read In yesterday'* pap& beginning Monday May 22, the Jef ferson Furniture Company will hhve concerts and grand Introductory piano exhibit of the renowned Schulx Pianos'. A solid car load of thjee well-known Instruments will be on exhibition and disposed of dur ing the wqekf In addition to the sale of the pianos there will be spe cial' copcerta on Tuesday and Thurs day' at 'eight o'clock. Informal mu sic w^l b$ rendered each afternoon from^K.SO tf 6. SO, which will be free to ail. - Some of Washington's best musical talent will take part: The jJeSereoo Furniture Company Is the territorial dealers and all who visit their store during the coming week wtg.K|?e. wel Irewatded. The an nouncement of yesterday in this pa per ii well worth perusal. The following ed of before Rec*.?rr ?.."?? m\ tne -I rt??r**d wiu> HniWwtnt H. wu ?tmM th./owt Aid rtqulnd Wa wV? ll.M p?f wuk. H. ViiMi colors, wu ladsctvd for forcible trespass. The judg ment was suspended on payment of Daniel glade colored, was Indicted for laceny. He was found guilty and asMtonned to road* for a pe le made a c bed-room windof cur etc amount dollars ofr Co. Serer also found Is over 70 ? JOBS Fort 8mith, Ark., Jiay 18. ? Be cause two girls are alleged to hare taken a midnight Joy yide In the cab of a freight train engine on the Frisco rosd a flremth, engineer, brakemaa and conductor^ are out of employment. * The train was a local" in charge of Engineer McPhefson and Conductor Jack schupert, both of this city. Ac cording to the railroad oHlclals. the girls, who lire In Fayettevjlle, board ed the train at their home town and took up poeltlons in the' engine cab for a ride to Rogers. An outsider discovered them and notified their I fathers. The parents reported the lease to the Fnyettevllle authorities, i who telegraphed the Rogers authori ties to arrest the girls _and the crew. CPMING wedding Yoang* to be United Mrs. Robert Shaw requesU the honor of your preeence at the marriage of her daughter Hannah Banner to Mr. Roecoe Asa Orfham Barnes on Wednesday morning, May the thirty-first nineteen hundred and eleven at half *fter seven o'clock Preebytenan Church Washington. North Csrollns "DUMB YOUTH SWORE AT MASHBR OP FOOT New York, May 18. ? The Rev. E. B. Jackson, pastor of the Episcopal church st Maspeth, L. L? was at luncheon when the door bell rang snd a well dreesed youth entered*. The strsnger bowed politely snd thryit a note Into the psstor's hands The note read: Desr Friend ? Having recently lost my speech and hearing through a se ver^ attack . of scsrlet fever, I am trylhft to obtain money for an eds catlon. kindly give what you can. EDWARD HELCBY. The Rev. Mr. Jackson sent for J.\ 0- Godfrey, a neighbor, connected with the Bureau of charities and the three started for Brooklyto, wh%re the minister snd Mr. Godfrey believ ed, Uaef could Interest charitable per ?oat in the unfortunate youth. While boarding a crowded trolley U . . QUESTION MIO IIY1M BONDS ? - ? ? Bwjbtft'.' rk'- "> ?'* /' ? - 'ir'.".." Caw Before the Nortfc Carol nu Supreme Court MMITED WITH IKTERES1 Tbe Opinio* of the Supreme Court Grows Out of a C?M From Youngs ville Township in Franklin Coun fcy ? OthfT Conn tie* are Interest ed./* Raleigh, N. C.. May 18.? A case I that !? of vital interest In every part of North Carolina under the present | tendency toward luuance of bonds I for road Improvement was thrashed out before the supreme court on ap peal today and the ruling of the court will be awaited with keenest inters t. It Is Road Trustees of Ypungsville Township, Franktin "County vs. C. A. Webb Jk Co., Asheville, who has con tracted for $10,000 of the Youngs vllle bonds and refuses to fulfill its | contract on the 'plea that the, bonds are Invalid through not havlug been issued on the strength of a vote by the people of the township, but . un der legislation authorisation only. In the trial before Judge . Webb sus tslned - the contentions of ' Webb & Co., that the bonds are invalid. It is estimated that there are more than one half million dollars of bonds of this class issued under practically the same conditions. The movement for the bonds In Young&ville town ship was started early In 1910, a bill for the control of the roads was drawn and adopted in mass meeting of the voters, a majority of the qusl ifled votej* favoring It and the-ISTl legislature enacted the road bill Ipto flvr, authorizing the bond Issue that voters had approved. Webb & Wo., purchased. 110,000 of the bonds and then refused to receive them as Invalid. Attorney General T. W. Bickett and his law partner, R. B. White are counsel for the YoungB ville township, which under the set is declared a mnlclpality as to the right to issue bonds. Counsel claim the bonds are valid under the constitution aB Issued by a municipal corporation for neces sary expense, insisting that courts have established this doctrine in North Carolina through numerous cited precedents. BASK BALL YESTERDAY * <C. American League Washington 1; Cleveland 7. .Philadelphia 8; Detroit 9. Boston 4; Chicago 8. New York 10; St. Louis 6. National League. ? Pittsburg 8; New York 4. l Cincinnati 0; Brooklyn 2. St Louis 5; Boston 3. Chicago 7; Philadelphia 2. Carolina League Greensboro 4; Winston-Salem Charlotte 14; Anderson 1. Greenville 5; Spartanburg 4. BEATEN AND STONED DOG WTLL8 HIMSELF New Yofrk, May 19. ? Beaten with sticks, stoned and followed by dosen boys, a fox terrier which had bitten a small boy, ran through East ern Parkway, Brooklyn and commit ted suicide under the wheels of anj antomoblle. SWALLOWS A DIAMOND TO GET IT AT A BARGAIN Wllkesbarre, Pa., Ma y 19 ? Harry Faasen, a Jeweler, of PlttstOL, near here was opening a consignment of unmounted diamonds when Max Mar cus, a tailor, having a shop nearby, strolled in. "Here are some fine dia monds," said Passen, spreading them out. "That's a beauty," admitted Mar cus, picking up one of the largest. He remarked that It must be easy to steal stones like that from the diamond games by swallowing them. "Why I'll bet I could swallow that slly," he said. "It *rtll cost you 150 If you do," Id Fassen' laughingly. "That's a go," explained Marcus. He popped the diamond la his mouth seised a glass of water and with a gulp, both water and diamond went dowa bis throat. 1 ' Before Fassen recovered his voice, Marcus had thrust ffO at him, and walked out. Faasen says the dla Imond coet him 4 ISO, but he cannot on M. word. <X?I BT AIWOl'RNH J?T waa discharged for the To? -Yesterday Beaufort county superior court (or the term of one week adjourned on xeeterday so tar ee Jurr trial, were concerned. While the court la In eeaalon today ho caaea before the Jury la being considered. Week after next there will be a three weeks term of court here, the laat week of which will be for the trial of criminal cauaes. enjoyable trip Ttie Fire Delegate* Bare Returned From Charlotte .. P Messrs. Charles M Brown. Jr., Charles L. Morton, Zoph N. Leggett, Lloyd Waters. P. p. Maxwell and' John 8mlth have returned from : Charlotte. N1. C., where ther attend ed the 8tate Firemen's Tournament this week. All the delegstes from this cltyj report a great time and atate that! the tournament was the greatest In the history of the state. Great Mystery Solved The exciting details relative to "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Mllverton," the cold blooded crime that startled all England, Ijave been printed in book form and will be glv en free as a special suppelment .with every copy of next Sunday's New York World. It Is In thla story that Sherlock Holmes, added lustre to his already great name as the world's most clever detector of crime. This Is a story no man or woman should miss reading. It Is by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the most famous wri ter of detective stories in the world. Remember, the booklet is free with next Sunday's New York World. Or der your copy in advance. cm mm- - FOR TOMORROW ?J Another Attractive Program in All tlie City Churches For Sunday Morning And Evening At the Us ual Hours ? Good Music in All the Churchea. . '* 1 First Baptist Church Rev. J. a. Sullivan pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.( Mr. 8. P. Wll 11a, Supt. Morning worship, n a. m.. aermon subject: "Poaalbllltles." Evening worship, g p. m., aermon subject; "Zaccheus." Revival meetings will begin Sun day night and contlnus for about 10 ^lays. Every one is welcome to all services. Christian ChurcH. Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor. Preaching at the ususl hours Sun day tpornlng and evening by the paa ( tor. Beginning tomorrow there will be a series of meetings started in this church. On Monday and Tues | da'r nights the paator will preach and on Wednesday evening and the remainder of the week Rev. H. C. Boblitt of Rocky Mount wjll assist the pastor. He Is a speaker of onto and all who hear him will be much pleased. 8unday school meets at 3 o'clock Mr. A. F. Gurganus superintendent. All cordially invited to attend any and all services. St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, rector. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. There will b? no services at night on account of the absence of the rector attending the Diocesan Council at Fayetteville, N. C. Sun day school will meet at 4 o'clock, E. K. Willis, Jr., superintendent. Bible class meets at 3 o'clock, Hon. H. 8. Ward teacher. All cordially Invited1 First Presbyterian Ctiarch Rev. H. B. 8earlght, pastor. Ser vices Sunday morning and evening at he usual hours. Preaching by the pastor. Sunday school meets at 4 o'clock. C. M. Brown. Jr., Superin tendent. Prayermeetlng Wednesday every ing. Good music and polite ushers. AU welcome to be present. First Methodist Church Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor, Preach ing at 11 and 8 o'clock. The eerrt ces tomorrow begins a protracted meeting. Let every member take prayerful personal part In the meet ing. All vialton and strangers are assured a warm welcome. Sunday school MfL ? o'clock, Mr. E. R. Mlxon ' superintendent. The teacher of the Baraca clan | would he pleased to M* all the meta jbers. Special music at the SusOay, SOUTH URGED ? TO BIISE MB. . "v ' ;y- ? Cotton Crap Worth Twice ? t . the Gold of tbe World fi'iuoi ooiues wm: ItlncUc tpot M.dr I. Rtrhmoi ** *??' n. *. Cooper of Bender* W. <3.. PlcMnt of American Cfc <o? HuilKUm, Association - t'rlctioa Deplored. Richmond. V?.. Mar 1?. ? D. Cooper, of Henderson, N. C., pre dent of the American Cotton Man facturera' Association, In dellverli his annual address berore the cc ventloa y?aftepday aborning urged t necessity JoVtbeflouth to raise mc cotton, .to. rising dema .. of the miaTOCto^ers. "The crop of 1910-1911 will worth flftJM(J>00,000." he aald. " twice as much as the output of ; the cold islnea of the world combl ed fop the same year. "Cfope Of 11.600,000 to 18.00C 000 bales annually are necessary f< legitimate demands at remunerate prices to the frowen Less tbo thla amount means manipulated ma kets and unsatisfactory trade conrt tiona. "It la estimated that tbe annu; consumption of' American cotton f< the laat four years has averaged 11 650.637 bales. Thla, however, do not take into account the tot amount of American cotton whit was taken directly from the marke by spinners, also 20,600 bales of I? dla cotton alone imported. "The increased production < American cotton has not kept paf with the increase of the world's co. ton spindles. . "In 1907 the'iotal estimated nun ber of cotton spindles In the wori were 114.0M.168. At the close .c August 1910 they had increased t an estimated total of 133. 384,794. r an increase ol seventeen per cent, t: three years. "Notwlthataadlng this enormot increaae of the world's spindles, du lng the same p*ri<&, there was a rc ductlon br' irrJir two and one-ha millions of bales of American cotto produced fop three years, 1907-08-0' as compared with the production c similar periods of 1904-1905-06. Yf there was an estimated increase r seven millions- of seres In the year 1907-08. greater than 1904-05-06 "In other words, while the nurr ber of spindles and acreage Increar ed enormoualy, the production c. American cotton declined." Prealdent Cooper deplored frictic between cotton growers, manufar turers and pepreeentatlvee of the e? changes relative to the methods c the cotton exchanges. He state that It would be to their mutual in tereat If the exchanges themeslv* would revise, wtthout further dela their laws and methods so aa to er courage tbe cooperation of the mar ufacturers and producers. He sta ed that Arthur R. Marsh, of the Ne* York Cotton Kxcbange, had been ir ?I ted to address the mwtufactupe in the afternoon. Mr. Cooper said the business alt uatlon during the past yesr had bee encouraging, depression having bee continuous during the entire yea: A general curtailment doubtleei would have relieved the sl?jUtyO' between buyer and seller, and tfc partial elimination of the evlla c cancellation were proof that com mercial Integrity Is getting on higher plane. The beef trust was the 0rpt to dtf cover that Its restraint of/trade we not "unreasonable." S A SLEEP, HE TRIED TO WALK UPON WATEr New that his him to

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