^ ' JF!' 3 2TO5T - Fair tonight and Saturday 1 'I ' ' i i f ^ . JSi ,^IPf North Carolina, fSSay A.F IHRNOON, MAY 26. 011 ?U. ?( ' ' THE LARGEST PAID SUBSCRIPTION OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA VOLUME 2. WILL THE FIRM LIFE SOL IE WBRTH THE COST FO - CITIZEHS OF THE MITT? 4 ^ VI ? If me Farmers Desire the School, the People Will AM Them. Small Increase 1m Tax Bote MUST EXPRESS THEMSELVES NOW Ttw n>a owing Coiwiaanlfnttn? WW ipfed to at Ual BO !>? Cent of Ov Voters IkmtkMI -Beeufort Oowaty. ~ ~ J The following letters touch upon a point in ttae consideration of the proposed Farm Life School (or Bean fort County, which rivlll probably ap peal to 60 per cent of our voters- ? ??.; the bond leans and the neoes sary tax to meet it, and at the same time maintain the eehool: Belhaven, IV. C. "I have studied the bill, and If an election were called I would not fa vor iC and from what I can learn there are vvy few around hers that Would on account of the tax. "Yours truly, t "J. D. LANIER." "Edward, N. C.. May 19, 1911. "Some of the people favor * the Farm Life School, others are against it. I am unable to expreas my opin ion intelligently upon the matter. First It is to be run upon the expense of the county. SeoeM. to make |t "-?. no It aut be . great to tha county. Therefore I do aot know whether It would be a wlee ft tap or not. I ma y be wrong, hot It fte?mi to me that the county ha a* hearj load aa aha la able to pull op bin, without the Para Ufa School. ."Your* sincerely, "C. P. SAWYER." We kftfft purpoeely delayed dlft cusslng this point uatll It ahould be brought out by tone other. It la natural that every voter ftbould flrftt of all be concerned about the coat. No aaa expect*, to cat any thing of Tftlne wlilpaut paying for it, No Imtolllcaat or thoughtful man oh Mats to payliia taxee *<li*ft He la *et ting value received tor his money, la order to letaor nadftn kaow Juftt ftrbat thlft school will o?e< the tha county and tha Individual tax payer, we an giving you the follow ing Information -lqlj|ln< aa fcy County Bufearlatandant W. V V?ugh an. Tha Pftrm Ufa' School Bill. If an flection ftbould ha carried tor the ciithty. placea In the eomallialonerft hftndft the power to lftftue bondi to 1__! - VI#*.' i/Wf Abe-. .*.? "ittM *?? Tbe'Beir Occasioned No Little Kxdtwnent in Tlut Vkanltj For t Short Time , % jag1 the extant of $15,000 to boar not more than six per cent interest. The bond issue would certainty be nec essary unleee some township or com-, unity should. In order to get &e school located In their midst, take this expense upon themselves. In such a case the actual cost to the county at large In special tax would, be 91,500 annually, which would j mean a tax of only 1 1-2 cents on the hundred dollars valustlon of prop erty ? that Is 15 cents on the thous and dollars ? and 7 X-tc on the poll. If no community offered any Induce ment, It would probably cost 925, 000 to properly equip the school and farm. In this case the bond Issue would be necesssry. If 60-year bonds were issued, bearing 6 per cent 'in terest, the cost would be 94,600 an I nuatly to be returned In taxes divid ed as follows: 91,500 for malntensnce 1,600 Interest on bonds 600 sinking fund. - $4,600 total, annually. As the present property valuation I of the county, subject to school tafc its 91,035,000. with 5,000 taxable polls. It would require s tax of less j than 5 cents on the hundred dollars [valuation, 60 oents on the thousand dollars, and 15 -cents on the-poll.'lf 5 per cent bonds were issued the ooet would be lees, and even if 20 year 6 per cent bonds were issued, a tax of 50 debts on the thousand would cover the entire ooet of main tenance. Interest, sad create a sink ing fund which would pay back thej bonds at the sad of thirty years, j Now the question facing the vot ers of the county Is. "Will it be I worth the cost." As the purpose of this article is not to persuade, but simple to enlighten. ?ar readers, we will pot, at present. %Ucuss the value In the end this Is a question tor the farmer t*> decide. Every Intelligent business t Interest ot county ?ttadi THdy to land , helping hand and Tot? the neoaaaary tu on Ita property for the benefit of the farm er boy. If the farmer* of the oounty wl.h It. If yon wlah It any ao. It you 4a not wlah It. (f you are convinced tbat the return, from thla small In* treatment of Sft cent, on the thous and will not he well .pent, win not give returns, lat the public and our ofllcials know what yon think. Our ootumna are open for any axpreaaloq of opinion. hla bearahlp aad atao* that time a careful lookout haa been tl.e con** quence. ifr. ? Woolard " fcrtunately thla morning had hla nun when he oama in contact. with hla.boanhlp. A well directed aim by Mr. Woolard brought down th? stranger. The bear had 'f, bed on tlx farm, found Maw hla capture and it I* thought there 1* another on the prem laaa sow U hiding, ;v" . ilj It has bee* aome Una alnce a bear haa been bagged ao cloee to the olty limit. (MfHD Hot si : ' The ChrtiWia Church Laat Sraalag "The aameea at Chr*ttng church 1aat evening wna One of the beat of the week Standing room was gt ft premium. Bar. Mr Boblltt of RoCTJ* mount- parachad a grant acimon on the *Oiipar4onable Bin" and aa a re sult of the dlaoourae there war. three ?ddHlona to the church. Tonight Mr. Boblitf. aubjeot will im Via. Hall a Played Out Do?trt?e." ths aarrloea are tfc basin promptly at alakt o'clock and .11 persogg have a cordial l*v? his nam wis s H GREAT SHOCK \ Mr. D. E. Baxter P?ed- Awsy la New York City Yesterday A telegram wds received la tbts city yesterday afternoon from New York announcing the detth of Mr. D. E. Baxter, president of the Pam lico Hirer Lumber Company. Mr. G. I. Jackson the ataltant to the pres ident and manager of the plant here left last night rla the Norfolk South ern for New 'York to attend the fun eral of his late chief. The Amllco Rurer Lumber Company *as form erly known as the Wailing Lumber Company. It was purchased from Mr. Walling about alx mcfkths ago and the name changed. ^?s soon as the news of the dthth of die president was known the plant ceased operations out of respect. THElNCLOB HOLD THEIRi FIRST SHOOT . The Washington Gun Club Give a Most Interesting Exhibi tion of Their Skill .10 MEETUGH WEEK . tte Opening of (tie seaton Was Wit-! ?essed by a Goodly Number Yes-j tecday Afternoon ? The Members' | Averages* The opening shoot of the season of the Washington Gun Club was given at the grounds of the club yes terday afternoon and was wttnsssed by a large number of enthusiastic visitors. For several seasons the Washington Oun Club has been s source of pleasure to many of our citizens. All the members of this well known organisation take Inter in the shoots. The opening of the season is hsiled with pleasure by those who live to witness first class shooting. Prom now on It is the purpose of the cluh to hare weekly shoots on each Thursday afternoon. All the members as well as visitors srs cor dially invited. The following score wss made by the members partici pating in the shoot on yesterday: Shot at Broke P.C. Thomaa Clark . . 50 89 78' Maxwell 60 86 71 Bland 50 80 80 LaFrage ..... 50 ir\5? Sterling C. B 15 14 | 68 Hodges 85 14 J 56 Worthy. Capt . . .-25 11^ Charles 60 16 80 Porch 25 -1 04 RESUl/rS YESTERDAY. ** National League Cincinnati tj New York 1. Pittsburg, 7; Brooklyn 2. Boston-Chicago rain. St. Lou 1^, ? Philadelphia 4. v . Amerfoaa Leagne Washington 8; Detroit 8. Philadelphia IS; Cleveland t. New York 8; Chicago 8. Boston 8: 8t. Louis 5. Spartanburg 6; Greenville 4. Anderson 18; Orsanvllte 12. Wiaston-8alem 8;' Charlotte 8. Mr. Lew* 111. Wft.# / H ; .The many friends of Mr. D. M. ftswls will regret to learn that he :S confined to his bad at his horns on COUNGILOF IM PROVED DflHEft OF ID MEN The Grand Sun Seasioa at Efiia beth City and Meeting Was Wdl Attended MB. I J. LEARY 6RE4T SACHEM The Annual NmUbi Full of Eathua immat and the Bzerctoca Extremely Interesting to the Large Crowds, A Banquet Is Served the Braves. Enjoyed by All. Elftabeth CUy. May 26. ? The ISth great sun session of Improved Order Red Men of North Carolina convened In lta first buaineaa seaalon thi^morn lng at 9 o'clock. The opening alon was consumed largely by rou tine work, auch as appointments of committees, receiving new members, etc. Vj One matter of considerable Jnter eat waa the large number of mem bers admitted, the largeat number i In the hlatory of the atate organlza | tlon. The afternoon Besslon attracted the greatest attention and enthu^asm t f ) principal work being the elec I tlon of ofllcers and reports of Qom mlttees. There waa much rfeglry among the candidates and aeveral ballots were neoeaaary to determine choice. W. J. Leary, Sr., of Eden ton, was elected great sachem, snd J. R. Anderson of Chsrlotte, great aenlor aagamore. A race of greatest rivalry waa for great Junior aagamore, the poaltlon in line for prealdlng officer, there being two candidates, D. B. Hnder eon, of New Bern and Roy C. Flan agan of Greenville, the latter recelv | ing a majority of six rotes. Retiring great aachem W. L. Sta nley, of High Point, waa elected great prophet and also by acclama tion great representative to the great council of the United 8tates, which meeta in Cleveland, O. W. Ben Goodwin, of Elisabeth City, waa re elected great chief of records with out opposition. -Ar warm race was made for great keeper of wigwam, or atate treas urer, the candidates being W E Hen dren of High Point, and present In cubent E. H. P. Strunck of Wilming ton, the latter winning out by a am all majority. Ben. W. Taylor of Washington, and W. S. LlddeO of Charlotte wer*, rivals for the vacancy as one of the two great representatives to the great council of the United Statea, the latter being elected. The selection of the next meeting plaoe waa postponed until tomorrow ?HHBr '? . . . A number of Invitations have been extended, among them are Ashevllle, Henderson. 8helby and High Point. Indication* are that the race will center between the two last named A movement that has Met great opposition here was started in the ?reat council today to remove head quarters of the greet chief of rec ords. The queetton wee referred to a special oommlttee to report in the early morning. Among oommlttee reports of In terest to Red Men of the state were thoee of the atate of the order and mtrtnlXJrsWp'. r Tba order is In betUr flnanclal' condition and larger in membership than rver before add plehs wars ap proved for great work for anothei year on a larger ecale than ever be-' fore undertaken. ?;> * < ^ .. ijj*. *ij Increase In membership during tbe past year, which closed Hay 1, was exceedingly gratifying and the HORSE MEETS WITH MISHAP Belonged to Mr. J. B. Overton of Campbell's Creek. Mr. J. B. Overton had the misfor tune to loee a fine horse near his home at Campbell's Creek last Wed nesday evening. The horso was graz ing near a large canal and In some way (ell- In the canal breaking his back. In consequence of the accident the animal had to be killed. Mr. Overton has the sympathy of the community [ in his loss. degree of Pocahontas, presided over by some of the city's most charming ladles and participated In by elo quent speakers. Residence Improved. Mr. J. 8. Forbes is making marked, Improvements to the residence of Mrs 2. Habourn at the corner nf Second and Oladden streets. Several rooms sre being added. As soon as the ad ditions are completed Mr. Forbes and fsmlly expect to move theie. ANOTHER GOOD SERVICE Was Conducted at the First Metho dist Church Last Evening by the Pastor % Quite a number gttended the ser vices of the First Methodist church last night and heard with pleasure and profit a sermon by the pastor Rev. R. H. Broom. The discourse was one of the best of the week. Considerable Interest is being man ifested and no doubt much good will be accomplished as a result of the meeting. There will be services again this evening at & o'clock to which the general public has a cor dial invitation to be present and take part. policTglash WITH RIOTING MOB IN CITY The Illaess of President Diaz is Given Publicity Causing a Disturbance APPEAL TO GEIMADERO Madrriatn In Zocola Fronting Nf Clonal Palace Fired on ? Mob in Front of Government Newspaper Gives Some Trouble? The Disor ders are General. Mexico City taay 25. ? President Diss is seriously ill. Senora Dias is authority for the statement that the president la suffering from a high fever. His condition is not consid ered Immediately dangerous, but It Is worse than It hss been for several days. Thousands of men and boys in cluding a number of students inspir ed by an apparently ground lesa ru mor that Dlas will not resign, msde a noisy demonstration this afternoon Two-thirds of the stores closed be fore 6 o'clock. A regiment of sol diers and police blocked all entranc es to the street on which 1s located Diss's palace. The demoast*?t*0pi marched through the streets or rode la commandered vehicles, shouting but doing no violence. The demon stration oontinues at 7 p. m. A mob gathered In front of the offlce of the B1 Imparcal, a govern ment newspaper. Windows ^ere broken with stones and one shot was Ini The crowd disappeared a pan the approach of a squad of mounted police 9 Soldiers and police tonight trad on a mob *f Maderlsts who hsd gathered In the Zocalo In front of THE ELKS ORDER WERE THE HOST U\ST EVENING TO MEMBERS MID VISITORS The Flit* Order Banquets Their Members and In vited Guests at Their Han Last Night COVERS FOR ORE HUNDRED Mr. H. W. Taylor I)ld the Honor* as ToaMtraaster ? The Speakers Were Happy In Their Res pom e* ? The Entire Evening Wss Much Enjoy ed. One of the most pleasant and en joyable social functions of the many given In Washington during the past several months was that of last even ing when the Washington Lodge No. 822 of the Benovelenl Protective Or der of Elks banqueted their members and several Invited guest? at their hall In the Baugham building on W. Main street. For several days this auspicious occasion has been looked forward to and on last over.lng every one present fully realised tbe expec tations they had anticipated for an evening over which the star of mem ory will long linger. Th?* banquet was given in the spacious assembly room of the order. On all sides could be seen artistic and tasty decorations TEe police fired on ? mob tn fro at of El Imparclal building after It had been set on fire. Three persons were killed. t* Following the disposal of this wing of the mob, the firemen suc ceeded In extinguishing the fire. Telegraphic reports were received tonight stating that demonstrations are in progress at Tehauntepec, Guadalajara and Zacatecas. The fed eral governor of Jalisco, Manuel Cuesta Oallardo, was driven out. At Zacatecas the troops fired on ' the mob, killing four. Further details are lacking. Until 9 o'clock tonight the mob en countered no opposition snd appar ently little restriction wss necesssry. Shouting vlvss for Madero, they pi raded the street, but always in an orderly fashion except for noise. Oc casional lnstsnces of vandalism were Immediately condemned by the thousands of marchi^V men, who Joined in shouts of "order, order." At 8:30 it appeared that the mob was dispersing. The main body had broken Into smaller groups but at that time some of these hsd grown demonstrative In the big plaza |n front of the pal ace and the police determined that the time had come for drastic meas ures to be taken. The shouting, gesticulating mass of humanity was warned to move on but a confidence forne of better treat ment early in t^e evening caused them to receive with derision the or der of the police. Again they were told to disperse and again no attention wss paid to the order. Quickly their shouts of ridicule were turned Into cries of anguish fo rthe guns of the police an<j the soldiers were fired towards them. The living stumbled In s mad rush over the bodies of the desd and wounded. For a few minutes the guns of the government were stilled, hut a t V? gathering at Street corners of the enraged and frightened partisans of Madero resulted in I snother order to fire at will. Sharper and longer now came the shooting. The mob fled; but oontra ry to all traditions of Mexico. the troops had not yot Intimidated \he rioters to the point where they were willing to ?ubaalt There will no home prayer meetings conducted tomorrow after noon at the reeldeaoea in different ? the coloreds of the organlzatioi predominating. The committee it charge of the arrangements hare n< cauae to feel abashed at their efforts Compliments and words of pralfe | were thelra from all sources. Th toastmaater of the occasion was Mr Benjamin W. Taylor and he fllle. this honored position with credit nr only to himself but the noble ord( which he represents. The toast mat ter was original, witty aud urban In preaentlng each apeaker Tb following gentlemen responded t toaata; Mr. J. P. Tayloe. Major W. C Rodman, Mr. J. H. Bonner, Dr. Davi T. Tayloe and others. 8lx coarse were served and covers weri laid fo. one hundred. Not until the wee ama' hours C? the toaatmaater state that the time had come for farewell, spoVen of b? Shakespeare as the saddest of sor row. AH left expressing regret tha the time had come to separate bu: notwithstanding this the occasloi [will not soon be forgotten The order of Elks is dolus a grea work In this city from a rLaritabl standpoint. It haa a brlgat and prom Ising future and had the lest wishe. of all our people. MUCH ENJOYED One I*erson Made a Confession at \ Baptist Church La?t Night The services at the First Baptiar church wer^psrell attended last nigh: being van improvement over the pre ceding nigft. The p&ftor, Rev J. A. Sullivan, preached a strong sermon en the topic "I'ai Araid 1 can't hold out." The subject for this evening will be "Not" Now." After the sermon last evening the invitation was extended aud one per son presented himself at the altar. The Interest in the mevtlnn is grow ing with each service and Mr. Sulli van Is preaching sermons full of truth and they 'are having telling ef fect. Miss Mamie Daily's class will have charge of the attendance for tonight. On Bunday evening will be known as "Home Department night - All are cordially Invited tc attend the seoHces this evening at eight o'clock. I ^ V % B. P. O. K. The Washington Ixclge No. git. I Benevolent Protective Ordei of Bike, ^wlll meet la their hall tills evening at elcbt o'clock. All the mambers of the order are cordially invited to

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