OON, MAY 37. |tiill IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA I II If If u I IIILU b Competition Great I mii BWALRT YET IN INFANCY ^ (By Charles H. Dickey) Thar* ia a reason for the fierce j competition between cities for t acquisition of new lnduatrtaa and ex pansion 0t trad* territory. There la a growing oonsctousncus that It a struggle (or surrivsl; that aunlOea only will survive and romaln proaparoua which fura tah employment to enable their ? hahltanta td live comfortably No social lnaUtation ex?s*? except j In reaponaa to a well-defined ne The competition tor indaetrlea and I trade la no exception. Thia ne haa its tap-root In the demonda. a the limitation of those demands, of I the social organisation aa a whole | for prodadng and distributing 1 necessltiee and luxuries of life In a manner to beet promote ihc physi cal and moral well-being or all the people. The Mat two or three .( cadae have witnessed a rerolaUon, growing oat at the lnoeraalng Intel- j llgenoe ot the populaco which i manda as neceeeiUee what war* eraV ' while luxuries; and this. demand has had Its reflex In the cumulation of Invention and of productive Indus iitH.il a barken wigwam u contest with a r Mm*, end the query of a. _ i mm barbarian He** la h tont; of .klna, .ad hU need. .r. enppU*d ?T the frnlt of tb* Held and the pro duct* 7l?u*d b7Vhla Sock, and herd. ? 1 DAAnla damaod bouaea aa I V ? M w J m . B V | tW '( _ Main the CT>*ntry, tea aducatoith* mmt naamtlon to thla country to deseed tb?<*l(m forta and ?|aflw at,a??^aaad clrlUnetlon. Ia0u*try to tk? deiaal. ?od taae drawn many mmx&gga aa with ooomtxT ^TBffKv -ai ?P ia% mpwfc olttaa. in nlmil. r and tW armyof tha wwlaial #t Vat n Wait way ah*ad at ??tW tf not nrtnaUr la ??*.*. But in t?e Souther* l*tate* at]* cttlt* that -ar?' bolldlag hooaee. whlla other Northfen cttl** ?a* B* i ? I la Uraetybullt npon mo tnat cooadence crowing out of *el I ?n?lyt)^wfcW^ .> hew generation opl^ hay* twt a hear ? , .. her own cltle. [u* aaalAaeaelr otdtiyaUa* acaualai nn^lpiUt that territory. . V ?altlaaon would hot ' bar own Ma a <1*4* ?*l la h*r aewditwf t*i> ** | '' Mir w*y that *. it tnatait*] ,potavtm.??^nn at hof*a te'huild| tt? patronage. Baltimore ? baali .. ? . Iftrtt t*a people lag [trad* territory aad get acquainted I aad jCOnBiiaare between a*t-| I*r and patron. Whlla doing thla, th* country at borne mat' not b* neglected. M**a tir*o muat be takoa tar *atabllahlng a better mutual nndars landing be tween th* people of th* oouatl** and of tha olty. :.ta thla oona*ctlon, tha AMoeiated Boarda ot Trade of Mary land la delag an Invaluable work: | and MaryahuT Week vitl areomplUh We can make oar owa procperou* by Uaae-wocfc The Greater Baltimore Committee haa been organ laed for th* nromotlen of this kind ot work. < Th* ooaarM* fane* joat completed by Mr. K. w. Aran, la boat of hi*| home oa Market atreet ha* bi I tine. L IiIlIi WE SWT i ODEfl WOMAN Happened in a Saloon in Brown M?* Hotel ai Denver, Colorado, Yertenby Brawl Mar M In TntdH of tbe lajared Were B*. Mm Mm ? shooter lowing QUMTttfl. Denver, Colo.. Maj IS.? 8. L. (Tony) Von Phul, of St. Louis, who wu dMt three Ubm oy P. Harold Hen wood at the Brown Palace Hotel laat. night following a quarrel, died at 8t. Luke's hospital shortly before noon today, a Charge of murder will now be placed agalnat Henwood, who Js' in JalL .'fv . ? .* j . A quarrel, presumably starting ov er a woman, and continuing on the merits of different brands of cham pagne resulted In a trlpple shooting shortly before midnight lsst night in the barroom of the Browr Palace hotel. Frank H. Henwood. an agent of the Globe Blow Gas Company, did the ahootlng. 8. L. "Toay" Von Phul of St. Louis, a wine agent and well known as a balloonist, was the object of the ahootlng and received three bullets one in the shoulder, one In right wrist and one In the sbdomen. J. W. Atkinson, of Colorado Springs, s wealthy contractor, was shot la the left leg, sad G. EL Cope laad #?.mlning man of Vtetor. Colo., 9* ?*? t>all?U. oat In ike loft leg an, ape lathe H^fiwan. Ad ere a MM no part According to Henwood. he add TO, Phul mat oaly jMUrdtr. A Quarrel te which the name of an aetreae waa |naad. atarted later aad finally reeult ad la Henwood railing Von Phul a ?m Voa Phul'a Inetand reply waa a blow la HeawVxT, face, which eant kirn reellag. The latter than draw -a revolver aad emptied :ta Are cham ber, before byataadere conld dlaarta him. Friend, qf both men etat* that the quarrel realW etarted ovo- a Denver ,eocle???ghV. havlag na?e?th* iWfcar. map at. Uah> Chnrleeto^.a: C , ttf rallee, u flfleee r!?v- - -v^i rill. at the nt pleaaaat eodal fuactloaa of the ..a.oa waa given at the reeldence of lira. J. B. Ferrell 'eat Mala etreet laat Tuaaday from eleven to three . The charm ing hoataaa waa at hoaM to Bridge Club-ajd alao la haaor of Mre. W. H. Dair Jr.. aad lira. I. R. Kara. |Tha outer acheme waa pink aad the decoration, ware - caraattoaa. Tho place cardaAvere pink hand painted aad ware much admired by tka thirty gueeta preeent Delightful refreah I ' &. ' a moat enjoya ble one and all rated Mre. Ferrall a popular aad entertaining hoetaae. la la the City. Mr. 1. M. water, waa In the city yeaterday 'from the Atlantic Chrtet lan College. wVeon, M. C . where ha la ?tu dying tor the mlnlatry In that Mr. Water, waa formerly Ml tkto ?j about tklrtr I Pljmo*th ud sine* on next Tuesday evening at the coiTrthouse, this city, there wlU be h4?a a mass meeting of the elUsena for the purpose of conflderlng tho imprtance of locating the Institution for feeble minded In thif county. This meeting was toy have been held on Thursday evening last, hut on account of other things happen ing In the city, the same tltoe it was decided by the committee to post pone the meeting until nfcxt Tuesday, thereby giving more publicity to the meeting. . . j The establishment this Institu tion in .this county nfU mark an epoofc and it behooves fvery cltisen *^?1*383? Beaufort to he pmtit and dlscuSs It both pio 'lfld oon. If this school Is U located here, the proper piece, tt wlTT SM much Indeed (or the citi zenship and Co a long wan towards aiding In the progrese of a county loss slnco famed la the state of North Tt? mult; of mc tr ? school was years aio decided on and oor people ara arousing themselves to this point. Tha board of trastaas ara tr. moat In fteUtgh on June 8. to decile tha lo cation. atc^, and If tha people of Be^nfqrt county desire Its location fcere Uev nut t put tha matter off longer . I .at US do something and doeoenethlng at -once and without delay. The meeting of -Ae-oMMM ahaold ha attended on next Taeeday srenlag ? by raprsatntatlTee net only WAr?Washln(taa hut every aaaUoa of tha county. If wa loaa the school tha fault will ba ourd not aomeeno else's. Let's get togatber and see to it that Beaufort county, wine. .... : I, m lew v HftS ARRIVED ? 1 - ' WU1 ha Laid ae Saaa aa Paaalhte Tha new carpet for "the First Bap tist church, pro Tided by tha Ljulles Aid MUaty has bean received and will be laid aa soda aa posalbla^Ow Ing to the fact that tha chsrch will hare to be vacant for as rare! days, and the pews removed, It will sot ba laid until after the reYtral meetings cloaa. Many expressions of admir ation of tha Quality and deelgn hare bean heard V i HBSCLT8 nmnDAi National LlKgntl. Philadelphia 1: New York (. Brooklyn t; Boston 7. Cincinnati. 4: Pittsburg, i. tseeflrea Lesgw. No gasjee yesterday. Oarollma Leagae, , . Oreenvllle T| Charlotte 2 -* Wwensboro ?; Anderson V] ? . Wlnkton -Salem if; Spartanburg I. Every man expects to strike It is held. Order pervalled tbroughout| the capltol last night. President Porfirto Dims In a letter! read by the persldent or . the cham ber of deputies yesterday afternoon eralgned the presidency of the re public vof Mexico; and at 4:46 o'clock the acceptance of the resignation by the deputies waa announced. Vice President Ramon Corral's resigna tion was also accepted and Minister of Foreign Affairs Francisco Leon De La Barra was chosen provisional president to serve until a general election can be held. Every one had expected t*n uproar when the announcements should be made, but within the chamber Of de puties the words announcing the event were followed by alienee. The detmtles seemed awed by what had taken place. Is the streets, black with people, the news that Diss was no longer Tim waft no vtolnu or toatruo don <^* property. OMMMHM Of Carotin*: The first commMcemtat sending out a class of graduatss from East Carolina Teachers Training School was a happy occasion. The sermon wn preached Sunday morning by Rev. C. B. Maddry of 8tateevllls, N. C. His theme was the story of Joesph. The chief lesson was that a self centered Ills passes to a life of service by glv.ng self to tte common duties. The sermon was clean la the outline, rich In illustra tion and practical In application. At -the ilnai Y V: a A', services ifce year. Rot. J. H. Shore preach ed a strong, toglcsl sermon. r-.Uf main thought of which was -that oh jly through development ?*f positive character ean man achieve -great things In a great ao*. , r ?? .j. The class exercises la the' campus grove it % p m. oa Monday were In deed picturesque aad laureftlag. Thy entire scboot divided lpto ?,wn classes class carrying its banner, marched from the Administration building In devious path through the grove giving the spectators a flue view of the school In line. When the senior tree was reached the claetee halted and formed an avenue down which the seniors bearing rose garlands, The classes grouped Into an ef tlve background. After the singing of the class song, composed by Miss Mattte Ruffln. The followed the preeentatlon of diplomas and Bibles to the grad u sting class by Gov. T. J. Jarvis. He expressed his doep loyalty to the school, the ons that is nsareet to Us people. He gave wise couse 1 aad Godspeed to the class. The burden of hie advice was "Teach People how ("to live" Supt. Joyner fta delivering the dl> plofeas and Bibles la behalf of the board of trustees, stressed the Idea of the school aotte, "To corva"? thls an oan best be done through the education of the ohHdrea. . t r The followiag young ladies receiv ed diplomas Mtaass Marg.ireT Blow. Ida Bullock, Bnia Ellington, Vadl Hlghsmlth, Nellie Pender, Ullle Tucker, Grace Bishop, PatUe Dow s ell. Louise Fleming. Mettle Ruffle. Ma ry Woodburn, Jen nie WUUesxe. Ulee Pnttle Do wntt. the drst young lady to register m the institution end the first to reoelre e diploma, in be ta elf of the olnee, preeented to the eehool 1112.50 ee a nuelens for e loan fund. Preeident Wright rend Joint reeo lutlone from the two girls' literary eocletlee In which they expressed their determination to h*ve painted in token of their deep gratitude oil portraits of the founders of the in stitution, Prof. W. H. Ragsdale and Oot. T. J. Jarvts. This closed the second commence ment of the school an altogether eucceeaful occasion. mumm AT MRS. SMALL'S Mrs. John H. Saudi Entertain* at Her Beautiful Home. On last WSdneedsy afternoon Mrs. John Humphrey Small entertained In honor of Mrs. W. H. Dail. Jr.,. Mrs J. R. Moye of Greenville. There were quite a number of guests pres ent. The color scheme was green and the decorations of the home ^*ef? attractively arranged. No social function of the season carried with It more pleasure aud enjoyment. Mrs. Small is one of the city's pop ular entertainers and her at homes I are always anticipated wl*h pleas ' ure. VERY ILL. News of the Ulnees of Rev. R. w. Hlnee Heard With Regret. Mr. Charles C. Thomas haa reoeTv ~ ed information from Clearwater, Fla., announcing the serious illness of Rev. R. W. Hinee. Mr. Hlnes mar ried Mrs. Thomas' daughter. Miss Fannie, and is well an< ' favorably known in this section of the state. torMn cburebe, at PtrmtU and Meb ane before going to Florid,- It I, to be hopM that be win woo be on thd road towards recovery. COURT MONDAY Three Week, Term WU1 Betfn om Next Monday. A three weeka term of Beaufort county superior court will begin In the courthouse, this city, beginning next Monday and will last for three weeks. His Honor Judge O. H. Al len of Klnston, N. C., will preside. Viae Raise News reachse this city of floe rains' In the Aurora and Hunters Bridge eeotlon Last ^ evening. This will be ?widcome. news, tn the farmers In the . - IKE SERVICES * IKll ATTENOED Much In tenet Is Uei?R Maalfeeted f the Meeting. The revival meeting* at the Tint Baptist chareh hare been Well at tended during the past week. Espe cially noticeable has been the large number of Sunday school scholars t each service. The plan of the diff erent Sundar School clause! having a class night, and working for the attendance for that particular night has sucoeeded well. The Home De partment of the Sunday school will work for attendance for Sunday night This department has about 50 members and the effect of tlt*lr work will no doubt be seen in the sire of the congregation tomorrow night. The serrlcee are abort, rarely last ing later than 9 o'clock. The ser mons by the pastor are short and to the plont; the instrumental music 1* good, two violins, cornet and clari net accompanying the organ. The old time goepel songs are caed, thoee that everybody know. Daring the wa*m night fans are provided In the cotyrragalioa for the comfort of the people. Polite uahenr are always I attendance to look after .he coaven itetkce and comfort of the ooagroga ' Uoa. - ' - nil iBRCH IK FOR TOMORROW Interesting Occasion Scheduled in Different Churches Both Moraine and Eveaiot III CORDIALLY UNITED ' ?' * : The Hniiw ot Meettm In the Bap. tiet. Methodist and Christian Chrncbes Jfaklng Good lleadwaj. Kegwlar Service In Episcopal and PretbytHiM Chnrehes. There ?U another good service at the Christian church last night not withstanding the threatening weath er. The lermon of R er. Mr. Boblltt from the pabjeet: "Is Hell s Played Out Doctrine" was heard with Inter est and profit by the congregation. This evening at eight o'clock there will be a .abort service and the gen eral public la cordially Invited. The topic to be discussed will be "Trium phant Certainties." On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the subject of Mr. Boblttt will be "The Unknown Girding of God." At three o'clock the subject is "Our Heavenly Home." At the evening service which be gins promptly at 8 o'clock the speak er will dlscoas "The Blood of Christ" This will be llustrated by chemical demonstration. So far thia week there has been six .additions to tb, church as a result of the meeting. The rite -f baptism was sdmlnlatarod to one candidate last night. ^ ? - " F4r"? PassbyterUn Charch Ra?. H. B. 8*ailght. putor. Bec aUr ?Wjt??V*U.d.y maolx ul ?Tartar jMir mMuntn; -re. ^ tor vlQ-p^ali. Sunday school mssls ?> ? o'cJook, Mr. Charles M Brown, Jr.. superlatmduiL Good mute at all serrtcee. Reg "lar prajermeeun? wedaeeday area la* at ths anal hours. Seats tree and pdllta token. All welcome. St. !*???? ttptocopal Charch Her. -M. Hardta*. rector. Mora lax Prayer with aermoo at H a. and 8 p. m., by the rector. Sunday ?chool maata at 4 o'clock. Mr. B. K. Willie. enperUUhdent. Bible claaa ?neete at t o'clock, Hon. H. a Ward, teacher. Cliod muelc end aaata fraa. All cordlal7 invited to be preeent R?*. *. *? Solilean, paator Son day school. t;4g *. a. 8. P. Wfllle, ?"twrimtaMeet. Mo mint worship. 8er?<* subject. "protiettad oar poe sibllitiee." CvaaloK worship, 8 p. m. Samoa sebteot "t Caa't Qira Op," Tha rertre} meeting will continue through tha week. ?nvvm another food serrlce at ? the Pi ret Metbod'Qt church laat ae. 5 "ta*. Wji'V decided lacreaae or tnterMt following 4 Hrmon on the "kCafefcee Feeef by the paator Rer.' It R Broom. Serri-es may be expected thle evening at the usual hour, ? On Sunday there will be preach ln* et 11 a. at. and 8. p. m.; preach ing try the paator. Sunday ecboM