AFr&RttOOM, M<vY 39. 1911 ~~ NOsTj PUBLISHED IN EASTERN 30RTg CAROLINA ( 8peclal News Correspondence.) Washington, May a 9. ? Attar bav ins worked eighteen /ears for the admission of Arisou* and New Mex ico aa separate etatea of <he Union, the democratic majority of the houae found it a genuine labor of lore to ISMgH szssa Tot 111 lut week tU. well known popular .mu.ment Lyric we. wall p.trouU*d .no th? picture play. ?" ? "nal W to th.Ir tt.xl.rd reputation. ?*>r tbe eomla^ "Ml and HPK,t;. 1/ tonight their week'* program U * rery Wrong on*. ud the hi(b cl.u picture, they .re exhibiting ?re c*r t.lnly *pp**llng to th* lortrt of good picture Plin. Tbtlr ft.ture picture for tonight u m ? ? ) which d*tee back to an IncW.nt dur ing th. civil war, the acting ud tern ary that goat with It la beyond lm agination. It la T.ry teldom that you hare the opportunity of wltaeaalng a pic ture of higher claaa than thU one. : ? aam. method* that bacam. famoui through eavlna the teat of Larimer, .re factor, la th eaght againat recip rocity. The lumber Jnter.aU, fot In ttanee, .r? uuloil to ha /a reciproc ity de?**t*d, and the gigantic paper tr*at la tonally hoatlle to the meat are. It haa only been within the lut day or two that Pitaldent Taft haa raallted how eerlou^ la th* potltlon of reciprocity. Two TMU ago, and *v*n at late aa a week ago. reciproc ity appeared to* bar. a aafa majority In the ttnata. Tha light againat th* maaaoM waa carried on vary quiet ly. Juat aa the^Aght againat the aaaaa ura waa carried on^very qul.tly, Jntt a. the fight to tare Bpta Lorlm.r waa conducted. Buddraly It developed thai tha -joarartnl IntereaU which will control tha aetata had apparent ly tecured enough pledget |o defeat reciprocity. The Lorlmer tactic, contemplate t a long delay daring which time the' finance committee will otttntlbly . proceed wUh IU lnveatlgatlon. Then when th* oppoeltlon aeet that It hatj tht Totet to cruah the treaty, they will allow H tq egme to a rote. ' Senator, stone of Mltaqnrl and William*, of Mltaiaalppl, both demo cratic member, of the Finance com mittee. are working eameatly to Bit iher ar* flndtaa It uoteill work In the committee, which le dominat ed by traotloa.rUt Senttor Knute Nalaon of lilnneeo ta haa awappad tariff tdeae again. He now attack, prealdent TiH hacanaa of the reciprocity .greem.nt and lta ?li?ged Injury to th* farm an T*t whan oppoalng the Payne-Aldrich tariff Mil In tha laat nnagrtt* ha aa tartad that thar* la no protection to th* farmer, la the tariff. argued then that tha priata of farm prod acta era governed by tha rate* In tha com petitive world marfcat Further evt d*nc?* that xnute haa travel *d back Ilk* a crab from the progrealalvee to tht at.ndptttert are that ha.tak e. th. aid* of Bellinger aollat Pln chot. and that be voted againat bla own oolieagn*. Senator Mow Clapp, for pr**td*nt m tan tf th* Mnatt aad eupportad Senator Otlllnirtr,' high protection let chl*f aad ahlp tob tldy monger. Wb**w right Oottct mat Fred i a tnit* of offlc in WUMam* *tr**t. New York ? which It laat *f tha edge of the wall Mrett dtatrict ? ** txpeativt campaign againat re ciprocity la being wa?*d. 4 fore* of stenographer* aad wrltert (* wading broad catt literature UiHag the farm-' ?rt th?y wjll be rained by ndproo lty. ' Senator Stone ha* had Iba am In char** of th* bureau enbpeoned la order that tha Onaoee committee may **e*rt*In whether it 1* th* National Orange of Wall atreet thit la really behind the movement to dlacredlt reciprocity. B? pie of Rxtravaganc* Seven thoutaad flv* hundred dol lar*! Thlt 4** th* amount of tha public'* moaey expended to refura Itb the offle* of Poatmitter Oeneral Hitchcock unde rth* Taft policy of "cut-to-th*-qulck" economy Aikad to city a parallel to thla extrava gance, Mr. Hitchcock*, rapreeenta tlve Mid Ulli amount wia nothing to what the Equitable Life Inaurance Company and oth*r Wall itreet flrma exp*nd. ? fW* Aa*wer. It tha a teal trutt raakoa ralla tor Auitrall* at tli a ton, xnd for the United Bt.ta. .< ..a . i?. ..v. " ? ?? ? * Roxboro, N. C , May l? Roxboro waa visited by a terrific wind and rain storm this evsning. which did con siderable damage to buildings, trees and crop#. The top was brown oft mm Roxboro Hardware Company building and the | store. which !? a largo one. waa flood ed, doing groat damage to the stock. (Top ot the prise house, occupied by | J. T. Walker was slso^badly damaged hut the stock of tobacco was only {slightly damaged. Many other buildings were more or leas slightly damaged. A number of trees were uprooted and the wheat crop, which waa very promising, wafc laid flat. Aside from the storm, the rain waa ta great b leasing, as the continued j drought had become alarming to to- j The questions to be aaked at ? college examination in England were stolen. Upon the detection of the robber depended the winning or los ing of an Important scholarship. Sherlock Holmes waa called into the case. He had but a tew vague clues to work upon ? namely, a dupli cate key, some lesd pencil shavings, s pyramid of black clay, (he marring of a table and a high window. The guilty person waa traced and made ta confess. The story, fas cinating and complete, will form an extra supplement in next Sunday's New York World. Order in advance. , SHALL I SECURE THE SCHOOL! All SboaVl CiUscn's - There will be a meeting of the clt lsens of the city ot Washington and I County of feeaufQrt at the courthouse tomorrow evening fer tho purpose of discussing the location of' the state institution for Feeble Minded, .it behooves every cltlsen of the county to be present. If Beaufort county la to secure this well known echool they must be up and doing. It will prove a great | blessing not only to the county but the people sa well. ' Tomorroy night tells the story. If we desire ft ws must then say so. If we do not. then remain away and 1st the .other counties of tbe state secure the plum. The board of trus tees are to meet In Raleish on June 8 to consider the location; the atmyr has appropriated sixty' thousand dol lars and will glvs more. ?sin Beaufort County afford, to ig tfore tho proposition. The attend-! ance at the meeting on tomorrow sv- L enlng at he courthouse will tell. ?v-[ ery one should he present. Time bolden. | her mm is || HOST SiniORYl Mrs. DuM I On rntlnlv Mb. Daniel Simmons underwent a serious oporatlon at the Waahlnglon Hospital. Although alUl very Ul we ate (lad to state her condition la more favorable today end unless something unforeseen hap pen, .be will be etle to return to her heme within the nut few dan. Her many Mends wish for her speedy recovery. ? - "It seems that the report of the, killing of the beer at Waahlnftoa Park last week nsedb eome explana tion Mr. Woolard did not bag bruin but Mr. Padgett Ursa the anooeeeful ?hot. The beer however waa Ml on the farm of Mr. Woolard. Three I loads of shot were administered be fore this terror of the foreet anc-l Mr. Padgett Is receiving the con-| gratulatlons of his friends. The Auditorium Stage Should Be Made Larger for Accom odation of aB VMtora ibiagton de GREAT StRVIGE WAS HELD BN .YESTfROAY 0?e Adiltkm to OhrtetlM Charcn f Ijmmt Might Church on yee t?r? ee-rloee h?ld C. Boblttt or Roclty who bw been her* the the peetor, Rer ? Mrtw ot m#et the subject ot Uskwwn Olrd lleteaed to by Much Interact At three o'clock the "Our Does Washington need. an opera bouse or a place of aausement ade quate to the demands anl growth of th4 dtyT Is there a town in this section of' North' Carolina the site of Washington Where there Is no Mltable plaee for (he chiseaship to assemble to hear, either nubile sddresae*; tragedy "0* comody. The only suitable place UT&r knowUlge now Is the public 'sditfei auditorial*: and here the stage facilities are any thing but satisfactory. N The auditorium prt>por is ade quate. comfortable and m every way worthy of the city bat speaking of tbe stage we cannot refrain from ex pressing this !e far nirflm wor thy of Washington.. Mtow whst is to be done in tbe preelse? Simple this: Tbe board of school trustees for a small outlay of funds cantncrease the facilities of the stage 4^ so fix it that any show o-omibg to tills sec tion of the state can be v-.iommodat e3 end not give every attraction vis iting our town the opportunity to criticise us tor our dese'fctneea along this tine. It ahould lie taken up by the board of school tafuitFes at ones and acted on. . M , - "tfiV^expen diture of a few hundred dollars this ftage could be put in flrtt class shape and the trustees owe It to the com munity. The revenue and emoluments from such * source would gW a long ways towards aiding In meeting the ex pensea of this well known and wor thy lnstitatlon. What say tha trus tees? It is up to them. topic of the speaker of Christ" Hlustrat wuLL Pioirtc Ibt HtakMMry M?M* WUl go to WMhtadtMM. The Brigade of the M. E. church will Picnic at .tip Washington Park tomorrow. All membera living in the Weatarn part of the city are re queatad to meat at |||^J?oiae of Mra. r N. Laggett asd eUafeose residing in tlia eaatern portion of the city are called on to meet at the residence of Mi aa Maud Swindell, a *try pleas ant day la anticipated by all who at tend. In addition to the Brigade the membera of the board of ate wards, the auperintendet of tbe Sunday school and thsr pastor of the churoh are invite*. > MANY REBELS MADE ftTTACK Aged Ruler Would Not Retreat and With a Revolver in Each Hand Manourred Hia Men ud Defeated t**e 700 Rebels . Mexico City, May 27. ? The sen sational exit Of Diaz was punctuated by an incident worthy of the reputa tion *>f the aged Lion of Oaxaca. The train on which the agedex-prealdent was lledtiK from the country he ahd ruled for thirty years, was attacked by a force of 700 rebela near Tepay ahua. Diaz occupied the middle section of the train. B'ederal troopE fllleu the other two section*. When the train came to a atop, instead of or dering it to* retreat or mako a dash for this city, the aged farrlor leaped from his car with a pistol In each hand, followed by his son. Colonel Dias, and manouvred his inferior force of 300 men with such skill that the rebels were driven off, leav ing *mrU? dead on the field. The remainder of the trip was made without Incident. ' Dias is now in Vera Cruz at the home of -J. P. Body, a prominent American, and will sail on the steam er Ypiraaga Mag *1. Fifteen persons *ere killed In the riots at San Luis , Potosi yesterday when a mob of 1,000 tried .to get into the penitentiary to release po litical prisoners. Whenever a man has grievance he thinks the whole people are being op pressed. "Keep cool," Is about the only ad-' vice that everybody would take ff; they could. Dr. Wiley is discussing mince pie; about Christmas ha will get on the subject of pure ice cream. The university students of Char lottea villa evidently atubbed their toea In the Hot Foot celebration. The man who invented the lawn* mower Is dead, but what the people who use them have to aay would do no good. ? ' v SERVICES MAIN ULTHIS WEEK Li The 8ervkes Will Continue During Go mine Week. Those who attended the First Methodist church on Yesterday enjoy ed the services immensely. After the sermon on yesterday morning the pastor held s chuch conference and ltv was decided to continue the series of meetings during the coming week. On Sunday evening one ^ of the strongest sermons hearth 3 ro in quite awhile was delivered by thexjjasto oa Sin. It was a masterly discourse and heard with pleasure and profit by all present. Mr. Broom Is a speaker 'of magnetism and on last evening no discourse delivered 1*7 him so far since his residence here was more acceptable. It was a fine exposition of scriptural teaching. There will be preaching again this evening at eight o'clock aid every one to cordially invited tor be pres ent A political campaign always devel ops a number of ready letter writer*. tm the dty mi 4: WO o'clock. Th? following announcaasents arc mad* union prayermeetlngs: ! uL ? yV ^?"**emnn,s, lut Sec ond street. ****** Brcom. ? At Mrs lra . ^^coni street, conducted by R*>. 'J". ' ? 6el |livan. The Rev. R. V. Hope will conduct the services at the residence of Mra. D M. Lewi# on Respaas street. The hours for those prayar meetings will be 4:10 o'clock, hll -cordially In vited to bo present. SUPERIOR COURT Met this Morning la the Court Hot For Three Weeks* t?ni i The May term of Beaufort County Superior Court met at the Court house this morlnng for a term of three weeks. His honor Judge O. H. Allen of Klnston N. C., is presiding. In consequence j&f the se?*lon there are Quite a number of visitors In the city from different sections of the city. ' NO PARDON FOR BANKERS The refusal of President Taft to pardon Morse, of New York, and Walsh of Chicago, the tow big bank ers who were convicted and sent to prison Qnder the national banking laws, will meet with public approval. Mr. Taft says that the laws must be upheld, "when they affect the rich man even mora than when they affect the poor," or in other words that tfcere are usually more extenuating circumstances in the eases 0f the poor and Ignorant than In those of the rich and intelligent. This is true, and no man who has ever spent much time about the seats of judgment has failed to be moved at times by the look of utter bewll dement, and the absence of a single friendly soul, as some poor Ignorant creatures turns off with the maximum sentence which he must serve to the end without the means or friends to even secure him the benefit of any poaslble doubt of guilt. . Who though can offer excuse, or make successful plea for the rich and intelligent banker who misapplies and dissipates the funds entrusted by others to his care. Overdraw yodr. account and the check is dis honored, or if paid notice Is given Immediately to make It good, but on the other side men like Morse and Walsh are ready to take liberties with their depositors' money that means the sleeping awiy of the savings of years, and the dependence of thoee who toll. It is due the honest bankers that ths occasional crook should bear the penalty of his de'iberate misdeeds. "The love of money is the root of all ev*T," and Mr. Taft has a proper ee timate of the cases before him. ? "The. truth Is," said he, "th#t In 4fce mad rush for wealth In the last fe(W decades, the linos between profit from legitimate business and Improp er tain from undue use of trust con trol orer other people's property and money^d^epmetimes been dimmed, and ths InteVeet of eocUj^requiree that whenever opportunity offers, those charged with the enforcement of ths law should emphasize the dis tinction between honest business and dlshonsst breaches of trust." No one rejoices In the downfall of men, nor would the people here adopt the Chinese method of chopping off the head of every defautllhg banker, but Mr. Taft makes no mistake In not according to tehse two men a leniency .that would surely be denied others of poorer estate. Pointed Paragraphs. Eevery woman la a law unto her husband. ?r. ? J The house democrats were not so wool gathered as to make It free. While trying to drown his trou bles many a man catches at a stray. Attempting to clip the wings of riches hks landed many a man in jail. 8elf praise la almost as rateable as the other things yoik get for noth lng. \ It takes an amateur Photographer to convince a woman tnkt truth is, more terrible than Action. V Every girl believes heiM a sate cure for Inebriety until aftoAslie has I tried marrying a m an to \ reform 'him. A GALA DAY BIR BAPTISTS There came ns?r< being a aerioua accident on West 8econd street this morning between an automobile and a horse and to agCf* Mrs. C. W. Thomas was coming down the street In her automobile and camo In con tact with the horse and bujgy belong ing to Captain W. T? Farrow In front of his undertaking business. The result of th ?collision was that the buggy was turned over and Captain Farrow and tola little grand daugh ter Mary Respaas were thro vn to the ground. The llttfo girl waa unhurt but, Cap tain Farrow had hla back severely wrenched. The buggy waa turned over and both Captain Farrow and bis grand daughter were thrown out. Mr^. Thomas not thinking there was any one In the vehicle at the time was greatly surprised to hear the child scream. As soon aa the vehicle was struck ahe put on brealn and did what she could to avoid further accident. While the Injury to Captain Far row Is painful it is not thought to be aerlous. The little girl Mary Respess is getting on nicely notwithstanding her narrow eecape. For a time ttU eitaetxapbe called forth much excitement. Mrs. Thomas is much wrought up over the mtahap and has the sym pathy of the entire community. It la to be hoe*d that Captain Far row will soon reoover. Grind By An Mrs. C. With hicle Auto Collides T. Farrow's Ve Btreet ? Waa A Most Excellent Service Ileid ? a,* Firm Bapttac Otanrch Yewrdaf One of the moet delightful meet ings In yearn was conducted at the First Baptist church on Sunday morn lag and evening. There were three I additions Co the church, two by Itffc ter and one statement- At both serlvcee the Ptstor preachod sermons | of power sad thought as has been his I custom ever slnoe he was pastor of the church. here. * . No religious denomination has made more Vapid strides and Mr. Sul livan Is to b* congratulated on hla *ork., ? The serlesv.ot Meetings will contin ue through thls^eek. There will be preaching this evening st s o'clock to which th? general public is cor dially Invited. On tonight the classes nf Mrs. E. 111. Dawson ?nd Miss Vanhook will 'work for attendance. This way off* working for attend ance has beegt an innovation and so far has proved more tfcaa satisfac tory One person dn Sunday evening went to the chancel and requited prayer. The meeting at this church has so far proved satisfactory. All Invited to be present tonight. The Democratic house has cCta pleted -the program, hut the swats contlues to M O Our Mm of ? worn with ful Kit-control ta m WBO new bun Mytfcto, ?t . Wrr?ln U]. tl?t dom't nit It tl ?tattd th*t ther, tr? tent Hi Mm w cU** ?' T\ty ?r* prob* br ?T.n?, to Uklng ckmnw, on ??

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