1 1 OJX *f AY 31 J TH CAROLINA WW Take Place on the Evening ot June 5-6, in die School jn, m. j ?s On )ni K At t o'clock th? iddran Mora tba graduating claaa will ba Mlnni b Hon Jaka H Small. JTba claM rail for tbla rot ara ?1mh Arrack. Lotta Mar Blahop. Iran* Oartruda Jndkln and Ida Iu bella Bahvandar. Qi Tba graduating axardua will oa cur ao the evaalng of J an a l at t o'clock. Tba follovtac pnfraa will ba randarad: Sons of walcoma. Invocation ? Bar. 0. A. Jonaa. Piano flam? Laa Srlpbaa. Bach man ? Ala^sa Aroock. v'l. - Racltatlon ? Tba Bon] of tba VW lis ? Ida flkanaflar.. . Racltatlon ? A Night la flta. Pfla gla ? Itana Judkln Rainbow Drill. Radtatto*? tba Traitor'. Death ? . L?otta Bit hop Baaar ? Oold Uaa Daw la tba Monatalaa ? Aleaaa Aicock .. Piano ? Tba Laat Hopa ? Ootta m ? taatmoutaf laiiali and A aa glyan. ? PitfaantttlM of Dlslomo. madala ? and prUaa, _ , ' 1 ? Oradnataa' Parawall Song. X Banadlctlon. I PLEASMT SML LAST EVEKWG \tt Mfcl happy ooageal.1 party that enjoyed the hoepltallty of Mm { An n le Gray W tat on laat ttnlaf who aatertalaed la honor of oar friend, Hla Bath Spencer 'oC Hyde tomtr., Tfca party gaUered 4|mim Weetone home at t o'clock >U at I 4'cloek wast for a aall on Pamlico rlUr.Tha night TO a* Ideal one aM aftar a beauUfal ma to Mania' Point op Cap tain Mnau> motor boat thay ra . turn ad aad repaired to Mlaa Wegtoa'e btaa whara Mra, K. B. Wnt? eerr ad refreehmenta in bar nana! attrac tive way. Thoaa praaont vara: ,ltl?n Mary Tankard. Maagarat Cordon. Belle Ooi. Edna Barlook. Kaatarn Shore of Maryland; Curl* and Rebecca Blmmoaa, Mary laaballa Cartar. Rath flpenoor, Meatu, Har man Carrow. Jay Hodges, Ralph Waatoa. Walter Barnhlll, Clyde Stall In ga. Chdatopher Bright, any Weetoa, Caleb Ball and George Bon ner. Mra. Charlaa W. Thomaa chap eroned th. Party. in ire in THIS raw; Another Berrien at the Chf Church Well Attended. There w*a another.. good attend ance at ha Crhlatlan church laat night. The nbjeot^at the dlecourae by Rot H. C. Bobfttt on "The rx*( something v??"lora?en ;lia?P?n? 'trf meeting will TMUlt to much good IK '} \jfry - ? ? I j Thf lumber triiat ifcowa no dtapo altlon to uke to the till Umber V The aerrteat *t th? Vint Bapflat church this erenlnc will be eapeclal lr attractive. The inbleot of the HWrt eermon will be "I DonH Know How" and Mrtu 0. C. Cop pedge'a claaa will work lor the at TWO BOYS ARE MURDERED ONE *$STEI1YI Lad Found U a Tbkket New: Suffolk, Face Scarred . 'jS. _ ..1_ , ?.W1? m vTTTX*- " ' ,-t . Wo CIIIORBS? TBB BODV WAS > nan TUB ROAD _i ? m 8n?otk. V*. May ?#.? With hie 'ace jniiM. pad hraleed, hU abck broken ud flovtr t still o? . - hta throw. Charlee Brlackley, tho 15 WMU.n of J. W Brlnckler. a pnoliwt ?orokut tad ttratr a< Nurney Station. .11 miles (rom Suf folk, was fouad dead la a thief near hia home- last evening. ' Thar hoy left to? Saturday even ing to rtalt friend* at the Un of Jeddle Bora. three-quarters of a mile away. The body, which had heen dratted Into the woods about tweaty yard* trot the oonaty road. fouad by trtaada. Hta frtenda __ he left them at t?:|? o'clock gatur |dar night. ' j John Oamer, a negro man BMploy ed by Mr. Byrd, hae been arretted as a suspect. Am* WanrUle. Vs.. Mar 10 ? Bam Pnfett, a white boy 11 yeers of ace, ahot aM almoet instantly killed PYank Mahan. 14 years of ace, and a fellow workman In the o6tton mill thle morning aa he waa getting off a ear to go to htaywork." Mahan waa shot without any warn ing. Throe ball) took effect In Ma haa'a body and another ballet struck a negro, bat did not wrtoosly womnd him The trouble grew oiit-ef i fuss the two boy. had Saturday It ?ka reported that Prnetfs i were to Mil hie foreman In the mhlj alio, but til little prisoner dented | urday to kill Mahan and that thla slipped hi, tether's re pocket before he left ? ? to UM It (or that ' * &?' '??. q ^ Thora ? meeting of U>? oitl atna bald IB the coarthouM (kl? city, ** **??'?* tor tha pnrpota of an etdorlng aad (ormautlnr plan. by which the Institution for the feeble Minded to b* eetabllehed end locat ed In rant county in North Carolina, can be eecurod br hoaula.-t County While the attendance wai not large. laatlc and It their lnterut la the prablem la an lades ot the feeling^, Of other cltlxens throughout the county we feel sure that the Board of Trustees when they meet in Ral eigh on June 9th will seriously con sider the claims of tlile county for the school. Mr W. K Jacobson was celled to the chair end presided orer the meet ing. Several talks wore made. Mr. J. B. Turn age of Chccowir.ity, Mr. W. A. Thompson oY Aurora. Dr. Ira M; Hardy of this city and ethers. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Turnago stateo communities were favorable to the school and If a bond isfue was called for thex felt confident their mJSM *onld roti lb. Thompson also those present ?ome valuable Information with ref erence to the requirements of the trustees of the propoeed Institution and stated further, that th? school would not be located in any Incorpo rated town but would he situated in* the country. 1 The fane of Tlr. STed Wrifonden in O^oco^tnlty 1A "now sag? sled As sn ideal location for the school and no doubt this site will be seriously oorsldered by the ootnaalttee In their proposition to the State of North Car olina. 1 . After dlscusa!n* the matter In all tta d?Ulla It vm decided by the meet ing to appoint three repre?entatlve men from each township in the coun ty and that_s?et> town \n county. In corporated, to Instructed to Une a committee; that the Board of City Aldsraon of this etty and the Board of County Commissioners esch ap point : rsprseeatatlTcs beeldes a olti seda . committee from City cf Wash ington, to go' to Raleigh in June 8. and preeent the claims of this coun ty to the hoard of trustees. As Mr. Them peon stated. , no county will be I able, to preeent any proposition only | that based on promise and If this Is true then Beaufort county can prom ise as much- ?s any other county. The following committee from the respective townships In the county From Richland township ware E. j Lewis, B. D. Rows and W. H. Hook er. . FrOm Chocowlnty township. W. A. Cratch. James R. Grist and "J, B.| Tnrancdi' ^ From Pantego township. J. H. Ricks. J. W. Paul and F. P. Latham. " . From Bath township. J. F. Latham H. N. Roper and I. H. Ode* From Long Acre Township, J. R. Plnkham. H. C. Bowen and ft'o. BByd. ; ?From Washington township R. R. Wirnn, W. H. Sttoclll ?cd T. R. I Hod(M. Th. noH of thop. Mloct.d by the untr connHwloner. Utor .. ii*ll M bjr th* 4M*mt tmr . It (h? eonntr ouoido of Wuhtnf , U th. eomnltu. ? h* dtr 01 wtah. . O. T Ud V B. T. Ntcholfton, T. It. CU?k. J. K. Kort, W. K Jactftao*. E. B MlXOQ, J r. T.rloe. B. L. feuem.n, T. fl. Mr?r>, N. c. Newbold. H. C. Briiav. J*mee. L. Utro. 0?. T. Mlck>. C. A. rum l," Dr. John C. Bodm.ii ul fit A Daw. \ ? *" H. C. Bno>. Oeorge T. B. L- Sunui were kv to fienn optloM on lltee ?ui table for the location of the pro The following coatanfticatlon ad draeaed to Mr. w. fe WeobMB wu rt*d, over the signature of Hon. Jao. H. Snail, with rit?rnc? to the es tablishment of thtal?*rt|tutton by the state la our <2 ' I understand that you are chair man of the committee having la charge tho preparttflone -for a meet ing of the cltlrens at Beaufort coun ty tomorrow. Tuesday. evening for the purpose of taktftfc ?**!* u> te nure the establishment la Beaufort county of the slat# school for feeble minded, recently authorlaed by the lccialatnre. In coa?oa with other cltiaens of the eoaatr I am deeply Impressed not only with the Import [aftce to the state of such an Institu tion. .but with tha propriety of locat ing the same In Baaufort cocnty. As I shall be denied ^ pleasure of be ing present at the meeting I beg the privilege of wi^lUag /ou & few llnea expreaaive aC ' - ? - 1 WHY IB mtw VORHUt PLACING DAQOnt IM wii OP TACT, 18 4vmiONT ?? POUT1C1L BS TOily THAT S BDK SOME LIGHT ? UK WAH HDB TRAf'KEM BY TKDDY FOB TAFT. > Washington, Mar ??.?"? tu Bll ha!" bight h, u uttvuca ot Pn?l dent Taft.s no lew expressive of the present statues of reciprocity and of he Administration's feeling with regard thertfo, than the alleged ex clamation of Caeear was expressive of his surprise .when he N1ound himself attacked by Brutus. Caesar thought Brutos to be "a friend of the administration." irr. Taft, It Is presumable, sitas thought the same about Mr. Root. Every body else basest any rate. But the cool deliberation with which the New York Senator has moved amend tfie Canadian reciprocity pact, after the President had repeatedly declar ed his uncompromising opposition to any sort of amendment, and the quiet determination with which the senator resists all effotrs to induce the with drawal of the amending motion, would cause tike most sluggish intel ligence to suspeet thst there is "?ome thing doing" that la aitit nt all-in Uw Damon and Pfthiast line. } , It is 8U? la Facti i Why has Senator Root, shrewd able snd decidedly one of the moet intellectual flgaree In j*eeefct day'pol done this thing to the reclproc ? He knows what It slgall MUflGWlE WERE WEDHEB mspmiiG Mr. R. A. G. Barnes and Miss /^L ??Hill rresojterun uoarcs URGE DUMBER PRESENT S^mr PERFORMED BY THE PA0TOB, REV. H. B. HE ARIGHT ?4VHE COUPLE LEAVE FOR A VUDAL TOUR ' OF NORTHERN CITIES? HAVE MANY FRIENDS OVER THE STATE. The First Presbyterlsn church, of I this city, ?u the scene of a beauti ful spring wedding this morning at 7:80 o'clock, when Miss Hannah Bonner Shaw became the bride of Mr. Roscoe A. O. Barnes. No more popular couple ever blighted their troth at the altar. If well wishes Is an omen of happiness then Mr. and Mrs. Barnes begin their married life under the brightest of skies. For weeks this approaching mar riage baa been the topic among our people and today Its consummation was but the fulfillment of an expec tation long realised. The Ceremony was beautiful In Its simplicity yet It varrled with it a solemnity and dignity long to be remembered. The church, attractive within Itself, around the chancel was a perfect bower of lllllea of the valley exer greens, spring lfklles, etc. The deco rations were the work of deft finger* and were much admired by all pres ent. Prior to the coming of the bridal party Mrs. Frank C. Kugler render I ed % moat attractive musical program 'on tha massive organ. The guests of honorr intimate ?friends of the bride-elect, entered the church Just before the bridal par ty ware announced. They were: jMlss Cella Bndgman, Mis* May Sty ron, Miss Ella Malllson, Miss Annie Cox. Miss Jennie Coz, Min Lottie Bonner, Aurora; Miaa Mint a Bonner. Aurora, Mrs. Paul 8parrovr, Aurora; Miss Janle Roberts. ~ * After they were seated the organ under the skillful touch of Mrs. Frank 0. Kugler Gilded in Lohen grin's wedding march and the bridal party entered as follows: First | came the ushers, Mr. H. H. MacLean of Farmville, N< C., and Mr. Lyndon Shaw, a brother of the bride. Wend fng their wa^ up the respective aisles they took their places at the chan Next to enter were the *.h ride maids Miss Mary Elizabeth Thomas and Miss Helen Shaw, sister of the bride. They were comely attired in white batiste dresses, whit* hats, gloves and carrying bouquets of pink sweet pes?. The dame of honor, Mrs. Charles [Lawrence of Scotland Neck, a sister Of the bride, entered alone. Her gown was a creation of white em broidered Marquisette, with black 1 hat and gracefutly holding a bou quet of pink sweet peas. L AH eyes were now oenteted Qn the ^ht^ractlve bride as sh? slowly wended her way down the right aisle lean ing on the arm of her slstet and maid of honor, Miss Mary Shaw. Her maid wore a beautiful gown of white batiste, white hat. gloves and carried white sweet peas. The Wfrra of the Wide wss a hand ixm golg away dress of dark blue I serge, wffh hat and golree to match. | Her'^bftuquet was white sweet peas. Arriving at the altar she was met by i the groom and his best man, Mr. iFrank Cox, who entered from the ante room^ Facing the pastor of the church. Rev. H. B. 8earlght they were made one before God and the large company present In an impres sive manner. s ? During the solemn hut impreeeiv* ceremony the familiar starins of Schubert's serenade hushed the sU it After the ceremony and -to once to the Atlantic Coast Lias depo' where they boarded tlx* eight o'clock train Cor aa uttaM tout of north* era .Cities a ad alS* a visit to Witt era North Carolina Win dhaw to tt>e aldSst daughter of Mr*. Lids Shaw of this city. For years she has ever beea la the fore front for popularity and attractlve asss. For years she has boon the efflctent. organist of tha First Pres byterian church and the church ap preciating har worth preaented to her a- handsome silrsr pitcher ? a remem brance worthily bestowed. As a mu sician she ranks among the first In this section of the etatfe and wm con gratulate the groom on winning such an attractive and winsome young lady as hia helpmeet through life's vlclsiUidss. Mr. Barnes Is at present the trav eling freight and paasenger agent |for the Atifcntic Coast Line In this section of 'North Carolina. He la a native ofwilson county and la a eon of Mr. Ellaa Q. Barnes an honored cltisen of that county. For quite a number of years he filled the posi tion as agsnt for the Atlantic Coast Line here and the company appre ciating his worth fcnd sterling qual? ties promoted him to hie present po sition. He enjoys the friendship of a large number and no groom over entered the marriage relation with more well wlahes. A large number of use;ui .-ad handsome presents were recel ed, testing the high esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are held not only in Washington but throughout thia eastern section. Among the out of town guests were: Mr. w. 3. dodwin, of Golds boro; Mr. Ellas G- Barnes of Wilson, father of the groom-, Maater Carl Hinentt and Master Ed lilnnett of Wilson; Robert Gray, Rocky Mount; Mr. H. H. Mac Lean of Farmvllle; Mr G. G. Bonner, Bonnerton; Misa Lot tie Bonner, Misa Mlnta Bonner, Mrs. Paul Sparrow, of Aurora. The Daily News extends best wish es and congratulatlona to Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. May their morning and afternoon ba all aunahlne and happiness. THE COURT -S*YS TflUST mm Supreme Court Decision in the American 1 obaco Cue II CHANGE TO REFORM 8KKI) HACK TO THE LOWER COURT IN ATTEMPT TO CRE ATE. NEW CONDITIONS IN HAR MONY WITH THE LAW. ? DIS SENTS ON TWO POINTS Washington, Mar SO. ? The Ameri can Tobacco Company and lta acces sories and subordinate corporations and companies including the English corporation yesterday were held by the Supreme Court of the United States to be co-operators *n a combi nation Illegal under the Sherman an ti-trust act. The court sent the case back to the lower court, with directions to hear further the parties so as to ascertain whether a new condition cannot be recreated in harmonw flth the law. Justice Harlan concurred in part with the court's opinion, and dissent ed In part. Associate Justice Harlan delivered a vigorous dissent to part of the de cision of the Supreme co.irt of the United States in the tobacco case, al though he agreed that the American Tobacco Company and Its accessory and subsidiary corporations were members of an unlawful combina tion In violation tjf the Sherman an* tl trust aet. His dissent aa expreee?d from the beach, centered around two points. First, he took issue with the court for sending the eaae back to the low er oojirt. "I have found nothing In the reo ord," he said, "which makes me at ail aaxioos to perpetuate any new combination amo&g these companlee (Continued on 4th page.) i [CHAPEL HILL i Mecca OF POLITICIANS AH Flock in* to the University to Hear Governor Woodrow Wilson Speak i. C. MARSHAL, SIAIE FAIR _____ THE OOTEBVOB OP VEW JERSEY. HIiATKD FOB THE NEXT PRES IDENT or the uniei> states TO SPEAK AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh, May St. ? Nearly every po litician of the state of any promin ence, except One of two who unfortu nately slipped op on making dates elsewhere, .hap moved onto Chspe) Ijlll. The state departments here are pr^tlcally deserted to dhy and form er university students as well si men who. are numbered among the alumni of the Institution have Journeyed to Chapel H1U. where Woodrow Wilson, governor of New Jersey, Is to oe the chief attraetfcm tomorrow. There seems to fee much Interest In this sec tion of the presfdentlon boom of Wil son, and the people are curious to see the "next Democratic presidential nominee, "for ft one Is to follow state Chairman Eller, of Winston, and others; Wilson Is to be the man. Governor Wilson Is coming to this state after a Journey throughout the west, where ht tu made numerous speeches In wldeli he has outlined some of the needed reforms that. In his opinion should be made. In order to get the government of the country back Into the hands of the people. Governor Wllant Would have the lnl tiatlce referendum} and recall brought Into use. Althovfeh the people "$f New Jeraey are docking his salary at the rate of jf g1>0 -per month while he 14 out of the Made, Governor Wilson seems to hare' fear of a recall being used In New Jersey. Democrats o!-?II shades of beliefs are going to Chapel Hill and wheth er he makes a political speech or not, there ts much political significance to his addree* tflporrow Chief Manfcal mi Buu? Pair Col. Joieph ?; Pogue, secretary of the state fair association has appoint ed John A. Wilkinson, of Belhaven, as chief marshal of the coming fair, which Is to be held October 17. i s ? and JO. Mr- WIlklMOB U a prominent man of EuUra Karth Carolina, and la a . director at the Norfolk Southern Railway Company. It will be quite awhile before he anaouneee hit aaalat the state bulla has charge of build and Pay to hold another whieh time It la will aub wlth suggeet members of the After the it i? thought bids will be . I Knotty Problem the supreme cloee Wednes of opinions handed down opin among them for the There iofis yet being the Atlantic the way the the meeting mit iona