RTH CAROLINA. S .3. no. r PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ?Imp lit* ruthuU from *1smm. ' against THB LUKH OP tmat jir.' a! . BHUimHtm AKTI LCAOCH OF STATE WO i?OTAT The Wtaui' aace Union mot on Tburadey after noon union mot on Tharatey ?CUr ooon#! 6 o'clock at the rooms at Us Young Mu m CHrlaUm? LNIU and In the itmiil of tha president who waa detained at htrafo on account of lllneee In bar family, the meeting whe praeelded orar tsj lira Andrew L. Betta. .? yMMBBHfMBMfl It being nacaKatM^SS^irS afternoon that Rer. B. Lao Darls, Su perintendent of the Nortn Carolina Anti-Saloon League, waa here, erary effort waa m^4a to sot In communica tion with him and to hare him meat Not hetoc. able to do tils be s Bat found until the bualn^aa of tha meeting had been flnlahed. In ei aeq oence of tbl* the ladlaa ware mora than disappointed- The union Inllad to moat on Thurday afternoon, a weak ago, owing to lllneaa In the borne of the prealdant and alao the earlaa of meetings going on In the raapactlre cburchee of Waaltlngton. This waa tha ftm time, however, that there haa been nay hindrance fo tha aMetlaga. The anion waa orga% lsMToai that October. K la to ha ho? ba a Mil attendance ? a record br*5j ar, and that he work which la so |m portant may not lang through the well u the railroads, aad <11 Iks large jiy ; iiriini at the I land, atMi while the effort* of the fTwaan* Christian Temperance Un ion* may at Una. aetm futile, aid oftentimes the work U hindered and *?barraesed, ret ma; each worker take comfort (rota the following Una* of Elisabeth Akets Allen: Laat of Ule laborers, thy feet I (sin, Lord of tie harrest! and nrjM it triere. That I am burdened. not "*> much T wtU grata ?' As vtth a heaviness of heart and ^ "* " * '?' ^ a] Master, behold my sheacee! Pull well I know I hare more tare! ' than wheat*- '? ?' BramMee and towers, dry stalks and withered leatee Wherefore I blush and weep, aa at they feat "Master, behold by she* Tee!" Tha dead: Richard w. Strain. mo torola. .. ThatnjWiifc . *? ; ?mat L Jenktaa, 'conductor, badly brnlaod and minor cute ta\: Mair Bmrrall, colred, paaaengar; bralaod and out. M ; i? Z^lphla Moore, colored paaaangar. cat about head and face and brula THM COMMITTBK or democrats MD BdlVUCAm WHO IfUl ON THB LAHT VKRIMCT 111 T?t CASK TO MAKE THE INVESTI GATION ? I4TE TBWO 1* JTRV TRIAL8> 1 ? - ' v ' . . . . . Waahlafton, June > ? Senator pr imer of IlllnoU uch another lnreetl at the hands of his colleagues. The Inquiry will be conducted by n sub-committee of the committee on prlvllegee add elections, composed of four Republicans and fotir democrats four or whom roted for the eonvic tlon and four for the acquittal of the senator last session. The method se lected la retarded as the latest thing ! Injury trials. It took wren hours debate to agree upon the system and it was finally | adopted' this evening by & vote of 48 to being substituted for the plan nrged by 8enator LaFollette of turn Ins the case over to five senators .Who were not members when the case waa voted upon before and therefore were supposed to be unbiased. Before the vote waa taken Senator Brlatow, who favored the LaFollette plan -accused Benator Dillingham, chairman of the elections commute* of a Democratic scheme of turning the. U^rpatlgat^on over to a subcom TW? charge waa baa?d upon the Met tin* the author of the reeolutlon adopted wu Senator Martin the Dem acratlc ladder Mr. Brtetqw alto etariU^Wt iilw mm Mftottl cana Had formed an alliance with the Deatf&rata and that they had placed '.'mantle of Aldrleh" upon the ? i 4 a# . -II, aoouioers 01 Martin. ? * ? ? That the committee on prlrllegee and elections had shirked Ite doty In the ferater lnreatlfatlon waa chart ed uhreeervedly bj the hn^pOftere of the LaFollette reaoluUon. Senator Leeef Tenneeaee t?ld he wonld no more turn the eftae orer to the alee tiina committee (or another trial than he wvnld enbrntt to a eacond opeartlon for appaadldtla. by a etfr taon who had railed oa (he ftrat op eration to locate Ike appendix Sen ator *eny on of l?M faeedflr aael.t r to the Attorn er CMaatat. MUnat that Oir ffeat (rued Sad trnaled thnaafrea with tW eioetloa of 9*ta fern ?i aato Inftueaee the eeleetlon of UMte*4Katea dfcfc# attorteey. whaae frWa4eU? aatfhl be aadlnl In the caae - of the Mirth* reaolu fclftd trr Senator* Dil ||h?gham, flfrfrtlh. Bacon, Stone and oth ?r aerfators from both the Repub lican roUd against substi tuting the kartln resolution. The resolution adopted trersty pro vides that the Investigation Shall be conddtted by the elections commit tee and makes no mention of a1feb> ootnrait tee It was la connection ?ith the un der* tandfng on the part of madf Sen ators that a bi-partisan and bl-Lorl mer committee was to be named that brought ont most of the c;ltletsm. ELECT OFFICERS FOR WOODMEN I Laat night tho Md3ern"Wooditien |?t Ajnerly completed thetr local or innlaatlon and elected the toUowlng Comal, J. T. Bland Paat Conanl, w. L Vaugt^fe I Adviaor, f, M. Hod tea /] Clark, J. L. Wlllard. Hanker, Henrj Jaokaon, BKOrt, R. V. Butlar. Watchman, w. O. Stand!. T. B. Jaakson. IfKl granted by th. kmbrr d War for the .taction of thaclab b?K to be MKMd on th. aoath .Id. of P.mllco rltar by th. Tar Hw Motor Boot clnb th. member. at* now aetl.elr .ngacad In paatla* on th. *a?a ud apooMoatloaa aad work la oxpoctod to basin within tlx. nut row diTi x Qalte Mak v Th. uir frlond. of lira. mi T1V fry who la hw. Iron ilal.lsfc Hrttfat h.r urenti, Mr. and Mri.^K>. Mocra, win rvcnt to leant continue llloeaa of tat Vpul. Jr. Ha la a brl?ht Uttl. fallow aad hat laay frtanda who wlah Mai ? rwaeary to hafjth. I - Announcement Is msds of TrlAity College Commencement to be held at Durban. N. a. on June 4*. 1*11. On Sunday Jane 4, thi bactalureete addresa will delivered by Presi dent William P. Pew. On Mm?C7 the annual meeting of the board of trustees will tales place. Oti Tiildtej the annual ssrmon will ?.e prsMOBed by Kst. Char lee B. Jeffereoa d. !>.. LL.D o* New York oltjr. f* The alumni address' will be made 1)7 Hon. W. D. Turner of Statesvllls. N. 0. The adftrssa to the gisduating class will be dsllrered. by Mr. Jacob August Rlli and the conferring of the degress. * On Wednesday there will be a re ception to the graduating alsss. ' '' U * HIDE OF FIRM mans a ITU STITE manian GAIN m 1W PER CENT IN TBN YEARS? EDUCATION A L VAI.UE of mnrnn shown? a. * M. FACULTY ? WTKLKCfraD BT BOARD OF TRUSTERS. Ral*lgh, N. C.. Jan* 2. ? TLat with in the p*Bt ten years North Carolina haa advanced 129 per cent, in the vaOp* of farm product* la a aisnlfl- 1 cant feature of . the annual 1 report o* I Commiaelonef of Agriculture W. A. Graham, made yeeterday to the state board of agriculture, jn session here. The Increase haa been from fifty three millions farm- product value in .. Alppg with this atatement he polnu out that In 1900 there were held in the state Under the aoaptoea -of the agricultural department only twenty farmer 'a Invtltutee, whereas there were held during 1910 or*r fcur hun dred, ;the lncreaae baring been grad ual thnugh the decade. He congrat ulated- the board on diattjptinuing ex pensive and unprofitable exhibits at great expositions and expanding r*v iuea In direct effort with the farm s to improre their methods. The commissioner rppm* receipt* of the department from the twenty cent tonnage tax on fertiliser tags and other source* for the six month* ending June 1 to be $170,194. with a balance in the tniMpry uf $68,040. The uli of teftll tl^r" laqa f epruenU a total tonnage of 68$. 2 17 tons sold in the state for *lx metttba. The re ceipt* from the oil division which go into the general fund of the state tfeaaury, are not inclndlng in the de partment receipt*. This division brought in $26,182 for thtftt? month* The expens* of the division was $12, 216, leaving a balance net frroflt to the stite of $14,000. In reviewing the work of the *ev ersl divisions of the Jepartment'the commissioner declare* . tb?t here is gratifying progress in 4n, these In cluding the teat farm*, the stale mu di vision of animal lnduatry. & ?i ml tllS CRISIS Farmers M May Take Place of j Reciprocity Now Sarmiied HEM. R8HT TO GOME UU P1UHT YKT TO COMB ? l-MDMXI Tin OONPMWKWT *HA* CANADIAN PACT WOULD PASS 8B NATE WITHOUT AMEND ? ?? PRFSIIIKNT IN OONPUCT. _ ? / , Wshlngton, June S. ? The crisis in the senate light on Canadtaa recipro city is expected to be reached when the Democratic farmers' free-list bill is ofltfed as an amendment to Che bill carrying the - agreement into effect. That such an amendment will be off- 1 ered for the purpose of embarrassing the dsmocr4tIc supporters of reciproc ity seems certain. It is toward this critical contingency that President Taft just now is devoting hi* atten tion. He is holding dally conferences at the White House in an effort to keep republicans and democratic senators In line for the pact. President Taft Is certain that the reciprocity bill will pass the senate by a comfortable majority if it can be brought to a final vote without amend ment. He feels that the final test for the true friends of reciprocity will oome in dealing with the propos ed amendments to be offered from the floor. Mr. Taft recently had assurances that the bill will be reported out of tie flnaifce committee without amend ment and without recommendation. This is what he greatly desires. The president feels that any amend ment in the senate will defeat t he Mil and he believe* that to be the purpose of sotne of the senators who possd Boot, Lodge and Nelson amend ments have brought the president Into sharp conflict with these sena tors, -but he haa not hesitated to ex print his views regarding them. Fully cognisant of the fact that he must depend upon the almost solid vote of the democrats in the senate .to carry the reciprocity bill through, Prealdent Taft haa been endoavorlng to devise means to help them out of the dilemma that will be presented when they are asked to \ ote for or against the free list bill as a rider to the reciprocity measure. Some of the democratic senators bsve told j tb?. president- frankly tl&At t*hy would vote against 4he free Hit amendment If they could be assured that the "standpat" republicans would not stifle In committee the froe list bill sis It came from the house and thus deprive the Southern democratic sen ator* of the opportunity in open sen ate to properly record their votes on the meeanre. President Jaft fully appreciates the position (s which the senate demo crats find themselves, .but- he thinks he has fou^l s solution of the prob lem. He haa suggested thsl a mo tion by the democrats to dlschsrge the finance committed from consider ation of the free list bill and to put It upon its pssssge would serve the purpose of the demorcrats In making their attitude a perfectly clean one. and he haa further expressed confi dence In the fslrness of the American people to recognise the purpose of those who wou lsttde those who would sttempt tho free tlst method of defeating reciprocity. The plan as outlined has been broadly discussed among democratic senators, and It at they be lieve with other friends of reciproc ity that It la an acceptable eolation of the difficulty. . In all of hie talks with aenaton during the paat tew doys President Tatt haa sndseTdrad to Impress the tact that In negotiating the pact with Canada the United States offered to put Beets, Hour, agricultural Imple ments and ahoee on the free list, Can ada would not make like conoee^pris. According to the White House ?lew the Hoot amendment to the paper and palp schedules dog* jot actually violate the agreement, out repeal! the house hmdadment, and puts the ? I IMI1ID1I At W?ahin|rtm: Detroit T; Washington 14 At Philadelphia: * Clerelaod, ''blladelplila J. At Boston : Chicago. it; At New York: > ?t. Louli ?: Nm Tor|t^> ?*' i imoui lniiu V At Pittsburg: Philadelphia 1: Pittsburg I. At CiMtawtf: Boston - 1 1 Cincinnati 5 . At Chicago: *! Now York 7: Chicago 6. At St. Louis. Brooklyn ?;.8t. Louis 1. At Orssasboro: Winston-Saloon t; Greensboro, 8. At Bpartanburg Oroonrtllo 1; Spartanburg 8. At Charlotte: Charlotte 6; Andersoo 8. paper provision again in condiyonal form. Tho house, it Is ssld, would not adopt the Root amekdtrcnt or any other amendmoit carried through from a technical standpoint. VACCINATION FOR NATIONAL GUARD MEN Material Ordered to Innoculite One Thouwnd Militia Men NOT 10 BE COMPULSORY CAPT. H. D. THOMASOX, OF MED* IGAL CORPS, V. 8. A. TELLH OF SUCCESS OF TYPHOID VAOOI NA TION IN CAMPS ON TKXAM PLAINS? NOT A SOLDIER CON TRACTED DISEASE. RMdlgh. Jn? t.>v4Ji?N Um ap proval of Capt. H. D. Thoraason. of the medical corpi, U. 8. A., Adjutant General R. L. Leinater, baa ordered sufficient material to vaccinate 1,000 men with typhoid serum, and mem bers or the North Carolina National Guard, many of whom have express ed a wish to receive the treatment; will be Inoculated with the preventa tive. Vaccination is not compulsory and only those who wish to guard against: typhoid fever need take the treat meat Captain Thomaion said yeeterday that half the United States army bare been inoculated without' a single dis astrous or eve? a serious result. The 'ifrar department required all regulars participating in the maneuvers In | Texas to be Inoculated and not a ala lia case of typhoid fever ? which Id otehr years have played such havoc among soldiers ? appeared in camp. Only one case of the dtnease was reported and that was contracted by a civilian teamster whe had not been vaccinated. The British and FGermp.n authori ties are in line with the Untied States in requiring their soldiers to guard against typhoid. Ifseems to tfeionly a question of time until men and women in the or dinary walks of life will be vaccinat ed for typhoid fever. Just as intelli gent people are now taking precau tions against small-pox. The fact In oculation for typhoid causes no se rious Inconvenience ass u roe It of se rious consideration by laymen. I BASE BAIL TUESDAY. Washington end Greenville to Ctom Bats. Washington Is to have a good game of ball on next Tuesday afternoon when the locals will cross bats with the strong Greenville team. Also on next Friday the locals will try con clusions with the Plymouth'' club. The boys her* can and will pnt up a good game If the people will only Hive them the! proper support need ed. J%ll the purpose of the *?ob here & Jfre two game* hare each week 1A the season. They tbonld re dMwvery encouragement. I A peace at a time in MMtoo. t 1FICHIS FI|D sma soots IISOOOOZE \ ? Tub ol Lard aad C?e of M den Located^ia Store G.G. MORRIS PFtOPHTTT MORRIS * OCT8 PLACE OF BtJSl n Km kuterkd mkvkiiajl pats ago ? m&acm warrant issu RO AND ?n flTOLKX OOOM IAX ATED RVIDKNCF. OF WHCS KKV AUK) DlBOOVKRKl> -tieveral day* uo lome parties en tered the wholesale brokerage house of C. O. Morris A Co., on West Sec ond street afid apprcfcirlated to their own use a tub" of lard and a case of shoulders. V At first there was no clue ns to the guilty parties. Since then careful in ?estlgatlon has been goins on with the result tha*" on yesterday Morris^' A Co. secured a sesrch warrant and accompanied by the police went to the store of Simon Crandall and James Whitley, colored, located at the corner of Fourth and Pearce streets and made a search of the premises. The result of athe Investi gation w*ib that the tub of lard was found and also the case of should MU ' '? While the ofllC?rs wtfre making the search they taur- evidences of boose op all sides? -It was on the premises gtlor?, Not having the power to seize the liquor the parties were only arrested for baring stolen goods In their pos session Identified. by Measra Morris A Co. .Urs As a result of the search Simon Crandall. James" Whitley and Evan Anderson arrested and lodged In Jail for trtsL ... No Doubt Qalta . jr?a,bsr Will Go to K*W?h PMM. Mimjed School Unless Something happens there will be > Urge delegation to attend the meeting of the board of tru.tees tor the proposed Feeb'a Minded School In Raleigh on June 8 from thla county. Not only will Washington ?nd a good repreeentatlon but all sec tlona of the i Beaufort county doubtteee will pre sent a solid front before the tru.teee on that date tn the Capital city w. a . ..it* Mr- z K-Uftt la making Im provements to hi. reelden-* on Weet Second street. ? ? "v^' Parties owning automobiles In the city of late ae.m not to care for the ordinance requiring cerwln .peed limit Mwm comers and going around corners. They drlre through the streets at a high "rate of .peed, Pass corner^ without giving any no tice of their approach and onl.es they are more careful eerlou. .cedent, are bound to follow eooner or later K word to the wise Is suUlclent. CLOSING SERVICE VIS ENJOYED rMtor a Bible Rcadlag mt M. E. Chorrh. rlence. Th? The serr1c?? diat from uaual H. Vital tftir mony

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