1RNOON, JUNE 9 . 1911 nor?: rARhi ima OF AN Y _ porting at HtIds cuu of tub.r In 28 state* And territories. no pro ?1*1 on whtUTM Is made for keeping record of MM? of this Infectious dls ease according to s statement pub lished today by the National Abla tion for the Study and Prevention . of Tuberculosis In Its official organ, the) Journal of the Outdoor Life for sJJj?? J Connecticut, District of Columbia I Kansas, Maine. Maryland. Mlchlcsn. Mississippi, New Jerdfey, New York. Rhode friend and Vermont are plated In the honos class as having laws which provtde specifically for the re porting of tuberculosis and which make provision for the proper regis tration of living eases of this disease. In fourteep other states, laws or reg ulations *f the itate hoards of health require liat tuberculosis be reported simply jmn one of a Hat of Infections dlfssM. These states are Aisbama. Calittrnla. Indiana. Iowa. Maseaehu-S set|fc. Mlnaeeota. Nebraska, North | THE 1 C. I. ?. mm AH IffTKnEHTING AND IilSTRCO zMW ? ' The Womu'i Christian Temper ance Dnlon met yeeterday afternoon et the Yonng Men"? Christian Lea (ue rooms. Tbe ladles not being v aware of the (not that these room* bad been given up toy the league un til after they had gathered there. The union d eel ree tq exprem sincere ? . appreciation for the oonUnued ass of tksse rooms since Its organisation and to return tbangs to t*e preeldsnt officers and Members of the league for their kindness and the many oth er coutesles which hare b?e- extend ed to them Notice will be liven as to the place Ue at meeting ,-WSt LI fci . \ & Wa, ***** :i. . . a The following prl ces prerall for .tatoei In thle market 'o<to>: Prim-1 The Washington Lodge of Elks B0V 882 are anticipating with pleasure the rislt of Mr. John D. McNeill de a errand exalted ruler tp their this erenlng. Mr. McNeill is sow engaged in making a tour of the lodges in his district aniThls com ing to 1th Is city has been looked for -ward to with feelings Of pleasure for some days. Not only is Mr. McNeill an honored mdmber of the order of Elks but In addition ls( mayor of his home town. Faystteyllle, president of the North "Carolina 8tato Firemen's Association and also the president of the North Carolina State Firemen's Association. He Is one of North Car olina's glfter platform speakers. No. douht a large number of the order win be present to hear what he has to say tonight. May his stay in our city be pleasant as wetl a* proflta Brooklyn 1; Chicago 4. AfSt. Louis? Boston 2; 8t. Lonls 4. Mrs. J. T. Congleton of your city, *M a gu?t of Mrs. M. F. Congleton of Bunyon Saturday night and Bun \ We bad a nice rain Tueadar after noon which was badly Mihi. Mr. and Mra. Oeorce Woolard of Hunteri Bridge vara gueeta of Mr. and Mra. M. F Contlaton laat fhp daj V Mra. J. T. Congleton and little eon Charlie, were vial tors at the home of Mr. W. A. Congleton Sunday nlKht. .V* ' 'r- vv. - We are foitt to note that Mra. Laura Jackson Is still very 111. We wish for her a speedy xeccrery. Don't forget to come to the C. B. H. eyery Sunday afterno >a at threo thirty o'clock. That la ottr Sunday school time. Messrs Claud Congleton sad Mac* A 111 good were guests of Mr. W. A. Congleton Saturday night. Messrs. T C. Alllgood snd R. L. Cotton and lltt\e son. Bruce, were guests of Mr. J. M. Cot tan Sunday. Mlssefe Fannie Hardlson and Fan nlee Congleton were guests of the Mleses Congleton of Oak Ore? ~ ter Sunday. / , Once again the young man'f fancy turns to thoughts of racitlou money. A woman believes In making her own l?w? and following her own tan i J. Hill Victim of Burglar Who Invaded the Home Lexington, N. C.. June 8. ? The people of Lexington were shocked and saddened this morning to leatTi of ike death of Mrs Joel Hill wid ow of the late Dr. Joel -Hill, which occurred UK Jamestown last night. The fiwiTrepoit had that she Biff heen killed by burglars, and later it was reported that she had com mitted suicide; Dr. David J. Hill, her brother-in-law, went to lames town early this morning and tele phoned to friends here at 10 o'clock that it was unmistakably a case 6f I murder. ' Members of the family found this morning that the home had been | burglarised, and on entering Mrs. Hill's room she was found dead, her th'rgat showing signs of strangula te A blanket filled with silver was on ithe floor as If the burglar had left It there In his fright. Since the death of her husband. Dr. Joel Hill, the leading physician of Lexington, Mrs. HM has -heen in w. ? 1 nervousc bseakdown. Several week? < ago she was carried to a sanatarlun. I Jk Philadelphia, Where she was car4d < for by her gister, Mi Jennie Rags | land,, a member of the faculty of 1 Brya Mawr College. Recently It was l reported that she was reeuvering rm*> - idly aiyl .that she would soon : be I ,8he was on her way heme, i accompanied by her sister, and had i stopped to spend a few days at her i old home at Jamestown. i Fish-hooks were tnrenced twenty ] centuries ago, about the same time ( | as some of the fish stories. The A. O. Allen Minstrel tbo?b were the attraction 1b the el ty last ni*ht, showing under canvass on U^e Atlantic Coast Line property on West Second street. At least one thonsand people witnessed the per* fortune*. The Allen shows hare visited this dty for the past ten years and have always given satisfaction to their pa trons. They hare one of the finest colored hands in the South. The'mu 'slc last Inght wss much enjoyed by the large audience. Caroline Alston, s colored woman said to he 105 years old. died this morning at S0? west North street The body wm shipped to Klttrell today tor burial. While the Woman may not hare beenas old as was cla imed, It is hollered she' did not miss the mark very far. Her daughter Francis Perry, Is said to he over7B years old. ? The many friends of Mr. Lincoln the night foremen at the Havens Oil Mill, who met with the misfortune to hare his right arm severely cut by the elerator. night before last, will be gald to know his xonditlon is mueh better today. He will Soon I be able to resume his position un On last Tuaedar duVinic Ihe terri 0? thunder norm MUo Parthenu. singleton while MdeftTorlu to' house her goslings at hsr homf about five .miles from this city, socldenulij Ml in a ditch and tfee, reqplt was her ankle vaa broken. Dr. Plum N1A oleon was called and rendered the neceeaarr medical aid./ We are (lad to know that she la DM ting alone SI well aa could be expettel. Mrs. Daniel Slmi uee to make rapid the Waahlngton Ht recent)/ underwent tlon. BITTERNKSB CBOPS pCT IN I>K" BATK OK MrpO^- I NDKIH WOOD GBOW8 ANOltY? HANDS THE PATXH TARIFF LAW AND THE REPUBLICAN 1*ARXY HOME HEAVY BLOWS? HK WAS MET AtNeVKRY STACK BY FORMKR CHAIRMAN PAYNK, AND BY OTHER ItEPTBIJ UCAN8. Waahlngton. June 7. ? Bltteraeea of political debate such aa has not chaarcterlaed any of the opening tar iff skirmishes of the Maeot session t>f Congress, cropped otit in the be ginning of the wool t*]ftff discussion In the house today. Democratic Loader Underwood, carman of the w+ym and means eomnat^e, devoted the afternoon to an explanation of the proposed revision of the wool tariff, and to an attack upon Payne tariff law and the Republican party. He was met at almost every stage of his argument by' former Chairman Payne, now the ranking Republican of the ways and meant committer; (Continued on 4th page ) , , ,1 . / ??.! - ft - - Earth Tremors of Unusual Se verity at Various Points EARTH TREMORS OF UNUSUAL SEVERITY WERE RECORDED AT VARIOUS POINTS Of THE COUNTRY ? MEXICO C1TV IS HARD HIT ? OVER FIFTY PER SONS KILLED AND INJURED ? LARGE STRUCTURES WRECK ED?MANY SOLDIERS BURIED IN RUINS OF ARMORY BUILD ING- I Mexico Pity, June 7. ? An earth qaake at 4 o'clock this moraine wracked several buildings, Including the artiltery quarters, where 70 sol diers were burled In the mini. The dead and wounded at between 60 and fO. Bolldlng Col Upend. collapae of the bnlldlng occupied by the street railway power plant. At Bnena Vis la the railway tracks ?were twisted. ? , The shock was followed by an *z ploelon of gas at armory barracks, which added horror to the soenee. SIMS BIOS 1 POT IN FOR KM StHBH >? ?? . rf" Kiwtoo, Waahiagton, and Lill ington Submit Propositions OTHERS ill FOLLOW HILL8BORO, RALEIGH. PAYETTE VILLE AMD GREENSBORO TO OFFKB LOCATION FOR SCHOOL FOR FEEBLE MINDED ? MR. J A. MILLS AIDING LILIJNGTON. Raleigh, N. C., June S. ? Splendid inducements were offered by several delegations today to the board of trustee# of the school (or the feeble minded- for the location of thle school, the legislature st Its last ses sion having appropriated 960.000 for the purpose of erecting suitable buildings and equipping tha same. The trustees held their first meeting today In the library of the supreme court and heard propositions from Washington, Klnston and LUllngton. The cities of Raleigh, Durham, Pay ettevllie and Greensboro will be heard later today. Washington and Beaufort county, through Messrs. W. D. Grimes, P. H. Von Ebersteln, C. F. Bland and Prot. N. C4 Newbold, earnestly desired the trustees to pay their city and county a rlslt. the gentlemen saying that they had several good prepositions to offer. The trustees will Inspect al! the locations before making a choice. Klnston had three propositions to offer, 170 acres In one tract. 270 in another, and 600 In the third, all of these places hare buildings on them stad are well situated, havo good drinking water and other conven leaeei. Senator Baggett, who Is a mem ber of the board of trustees, present ed the claim of LUllngton. Mr. Bag gett said that LUllngton offered I. ?e*e? of land on. the Raleigh A Southron. Mr. John A. Mills, pres ident of the road has agreed to build a sptfr track to the location, contrib ute out of his own pocket the sum ;of 98,000 and assured Mr. Baggett that he would raise 910,000 for the project. Mr. Baggett ssid thst 206 acres of the land offered Is under cultivation and all of It 1s good. m IVIIIC THELTRE " IS MHKI16 GOOD OOOI> PERFORMANCE RENDER ED ALL THIS WKEK AT LYRIC ' A large number have attended the Lyric Theatre each night during the week witnessing a show that was creditable and praiseworthy. Mr. Sparrow the irfaanger of the theatre Is certainly giving . his patrona a show fully worth the price of admis sion. The pictures this week hayc been highly complimented. "Hiere 18 no moylng picture show In North Carolina where the manage ment endeavors to please more. We congratulate Mr. Sparrow on his sue cees In this role *o far. The music at thd Lyric Is always an attractive feature. Accepts Position. -V Miss M. J. McDonald who has been the eflclent superintendent of the Washington- Hospital has accepted a position with one of the leading hos pital In Chicago and has pone to that city t o fill the position. While a res ident of Washington she made many friends. Grow Cotton. J. Frank Howell In Mb K'arket Re View says.. Nothing can better Illus trate the progress of the South thar the growth of cotton goods manufac turing Industries, and It la rpon sucii records that the growing tnvestmenl confidence In the railroad and secu rities of that great region Is ground ed. It is knowledge of the fact that the number of spindles in the 8outi has Increased from 50,000 fifteen years ago to 10.600,000 at the pree ent time that Impresses. And cotton manufacturing Is only one factoi of Southern development. No wond er such priced stocks as South ern Railway are being taken np bj .tar* bUTT*.. \ 1? ,t; ? ? Bar r. Crimea In Kalaifh Mayor ( WH?* U providing BT.r u,, Bac tfrter ? court today. There ?H only 'one caae before him thla morning for adjudication bains that of Will iam Phelpa colored, charted with dlaorderly conduct. The Judgment of the court wai that ha pay a ana of *3.00 and the coat. . . ":?/? Kocvr^, Recorder W D. * Collin H. City Aldermen. There will be a recess meeting of1 the Board of C!?y Aldermen at the city hall this evening at eight o'clock. Business of Importance Is to be transacted. ft YOUNG MAN BADLY MEDl YOUNG MAN PAINFULLY HURT] THIS MORNING MOVING BAGGAGE Mr. C. T. Couens a young white { man of this city, engaged in draylngr while moving the baggage for the, A. O. Allen Minstrel show from the Atlantic Coast Line property to he Norfolk Southern depot oarly this morning was painfully If not serious ly hurt. In attempting to drive n load weighing at least two tons town the incline at Kugler's Mill 10 ho loaded on the cars, the wagoa containing the baggage lurched forward. Mr. Coxsens was thrown under the front wheels and the wagon containing the heavy load passed over his body and arm. His physician, Dr E. M. Brown does not yet know whether there are any Internal Injuries or not but states that he is painfully hurt. It is to be hopfed that the injury will not prove serious and that he will be able to resume hi? duties soon. ^ : THE C. B. H. LODGE. Dear Editor: I ask a sptfco in your paper to say a few words about our lodge: wifc Ahm Lodge No. 1 Is in the best condition It has been In for several years, though we have had quite a struggle for the past six months. The brothers are still glad to remain In this or der, we trust and believe that they will continue as they are now and that we may realise the harder t?" fight the braver the soldiers must be. We ssk In behatf of the widows and orphans that this order be spread all over the world. It must be a com forting thought that your hrsband or brother will be cared for In sickness and death, and then to think that you will not be left alone, but will be protected and cared for under the sheltering banners of the C. B. H, Lodge No. l Is not sleeping but Is waking up to the fact that I*. is doing a glorious work and Is proud of the fact. We meet regular oach Friday night at eight o'clock, with right good at tendance. We were glad to have the pleasure of receiving one of our old charter members to our order again last Friday night. We urge each member to be present each Friday night is they possibly can. I think our members look st this order In the right spirit and are helping so many dear little orphans to get a home perhaps. Dear brothers, when you feel dis couraged and fee] that you cannot keep in this lodge any ionger, just ask yourself this question: Is this worth anything to me? Would it help my dear wife and l*ttl?i children if T should be called away from them? Brothers, If you win but look at It this way, I feel sure you will strug gle harder than ever before to keep It up. With best wHhos for our Lodges, I am Respectfully, W. A. CONOLETON. A girl who likes outdoor sports and I fresh air jaunts. Is pretty apt to have) rosy cheeks. The boy who likes to take part In the sports and partici pate In the jaunts will be pretty apt| to be a vlgorus fellow. Fresh air is an antidote for that grouchy feeling I la Raleigh. Dr. Ira M. Hardy, Prof. N C. New bold, Mr. W. D. Crimea, of this city, aild Mr. Fred Von Ebersteln of Choc owtnlty, are In Raleigh attending the mating of the board of trustees of the proposed Feeble Minded school. Tb?j .ire there for the purpose of westing, the claims >f [county as the location for the Institution. hSSU ? . :i.' . \L ".J*. ?.i ? . wSlLT. TO MITKt Forty poy? Have Applied lor Membership From 1st District FOR BATS CORN GUIS t " V? PRIZES TO THE AMOUNT OF OW THOUSAND DOLLARS TO B1 GIVEN TO BOYS WHO KXCBL1 IN GROWING CORN IN TH! STATE OF NORTH CAROLIVA MORE BOYS ARE INVITED TC ENTER CONTEST. Raleigh, N. C.. June 8, ltll To the Editor: At the December meeting ot the Board of Agriculture there was ap propriated $6*0 for prize* to the boys of the state who made the moat corn o& an aofe of ground. Rules and regulations governing the contest were sent to all applicants. Since then there haa been subscribed bj manufacturers of fertilizer* about $500 more, making about $1,000 to be given to" the boys who excel in growing corn. In many counties the number of boys entering the con test haa beea diaappointlng. In view of thla I am going to hold my books open through the month of June, and will enroll any boy of the right age who sends In hiB application. There la yet a fine opportunity fo? some boy who has not entered to do so and win a prise. There will be about $100 worth of prize* to each Boys Corn Club distlrct. Only 40 boys have sent in their applications from the First District, as follows: Camden. 1; Currituck. 0; Pasquo tank, 9; Perquimans, 1; Chowan, B; Washington -Tyrrell. 9; Hyde I; Beaufort 18; Pamlico. 1. So far Wilkes is the banner Corn Club county ts the state. The ooun ty superintendent ot that county. Mr. ?. C. Wright, has sent ln ^$S appli cations. J nfl K *t*V?rr essstr hi- the w?**4 to as well as Wilkes we "fould hare more than 10.000 boys in the con test studying corn growing and lay ing the foundation for better and more profitable farming against the lay when they shall become men and undertake the responsibilities thSy ?rill then assume. What a state, ag riculturally. North Carolina might become In a few years If we had 10, 000 of her best boys now studying how to grow more corn and Incident ally learning the foundation for bet ter farming along all line*' Enough county pride should possess every progressive person In the district to encourage t?lm tlrglve the movement the benefit of' his or her influence. Let the fathers and mothers of the boys in the district encourage them to enter the ' contest and see how much corn they can grow on an acre. The experience will be worth a great deal, even though *h6y ahould not win a prlae. Besldea. we hope to continue thlp work, and II a bov falls to get a prise this year he stands a better chance of getting one next vear If he enters the contest now tahn If be waits until 1912 to enter. I shall be pleased to s??iid blanks to any boy who wishes to enter the contest. Do not write ne to *?te" your name, but ask for a blank to fill out, as only those wh } have sign ed appllcatlona in my office will ? considered nemNn 6f the corn cltfb". 1 will send with the applicntlon one " of our Boya Corn Club buttons. T. B. PARKER. Director Boys Corn Culbs. BASRBAIX. Was?lBgton and Plymouth Crossed Rats Thin Afternoon. As *re ko to press the base ball clubs of Washington and Plymouth are trying conclusion* for the mas tery on the diamond at Fleming Park on West Third street. The Plymouth club Is composed of locate

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