^^mam musr* LODGE NO. M O. O. F. ,'hlo'e Hall aecond and each month *1 t p. m. k UNW NO. TS . k. ot r. W . ? ,??lr Hall, upatalra, cor M Union Alley ud Main etree!. erery Thursday eranlnc at 8 o'clock. ORB TOB6M MO. IN A -W.MA.H. Meeta In their hall, corner Bonner . and Third itreete, drat and third Tneadaya each aonth at s p. m. ,"?IOYB t Koyal Arrb 1. Meeta la MmobIc Hall. ?_~uu ... fourth Tneaday wek month at 8 p. B. Knu ta ttatt iHM, building nmry Friday rr?nicC at 8 o'clock. .?wV B ?. I*. Clay |P Paaa r. II to 1 6a to ??s |l.?? ..??.** 11.11 . ?.i ,$i.?a Tallow ? St Dry Hot hldee, Par lb IS 1-Je Dry ?!? kMea. tor l?. 1*0 Dry hi dee. d'red, par lb .... 4 to ?* Qroen Bait Hldee ?e Qnen btdee ? Tc Daar ekla mat 1 5c Deer skin aolt 16n Corn, par buahel ?0c Up II 1-1 ao ll< lleeaarii. par lb ......... t.. tie Wool, troa from bura .. 15c Wool, berry 10 to 14c cb 10 to (Or Lamb alkna, each 15 to lot Shearlings (to 10c ... ? ? ? I 1**T? remored my BARBKB SHOP m a?i atprf. pre I will k, ill? J to mm MTa? ?14 i*U iH.'? o ? mm om. too. DAVE PRICE, Barber WOMEN, Mil |?ratMd home. 70 per cent, profit. Make $10 daily Ftffl or ptLTt time. Beginners In vestigate. Strong Knit, Bo* 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. la one who la lorely 1o face, form, mind and tonpar. But !U herd for a woman to be charming without health. A VMk, sickly women will bo natrons and irritable. Coustlps tlon and kidney poisons show In plm plee. hlotchaa, akin eruptions and a Y retched complexion. But Eleltrlc Bitters elweys prove a godsend to womes who want health, beauty ^id friand*. They regulate Stomach. P'er and Kidneys. purify the blood; Eire strong nsrree. bright e>ee, pur* breath, amooth, selcety akin, lovely completion and perfect health. Try them Me at Hardy's Drug Store KZCDR8IOM PARES TO HBW YORK Cm Wlle*n , lljt Farmrllle . > . . . 11.(6 Oreenrllle ,y 17.JS Ooldaboro 17.85 Klnaton 17.SC New Bern 17.8s fc-aahlngton . . .? 17.1* Theee fare* Include meels and ?tat* room h?rth while on at??na?r between Norfolk and New Work city. The** excuratoa far** ar* In addi tion to th* gr*atly reduced rat** for personally conductad tour to W**t Point, N. T. Tie Norfolk Southern on ana* date*, which include all trsrsl Ing ezpenaea, meala. Bleeping car an^ a tela room berth en route and room, accommodations at hotel In New Tork city. For particulate apply to eay NoS folk Southern ticket agent or D. T. Conn, general ageat, Raleigh, N. C. ?-1 to (-lie. It waa a long and bloody battle for life that waa waged by Jama* B. Merabon, of Newark, N. J? of which be writes: "I had Ion much blood I from Inns hemorrhage^ and waa ?ery weak and ran down. Tor eight nontha I waa unable to work. Deem began, three week* ago. to uk Dr.; Ring'* Ne<r Dlacorery. But It kae helped me greatly. It I* doing all that you claim." For weak, sore lung*, obstinate cough*, stubborn 1>orn colds, hoarsen ess. la grippe, aatfcma, fcay.feter or any thnst or lung trouble Its supreme BOc and tfcW. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed hy Hardy* Drag t8ore. rf l?~ -J '? ?? ? ? POPULAR KXCURS10N (oald.horo, Beaufort, Oriental. New Bern. Waablntton. BelbaTeft, Colum bia, f and Intermediate stations to NOIW^WC, VA.,' THURSDAY, JUNE ?. l*|f ?U NORFOLK BOrTHKRN RAILROAD. Oraatly reduced rata#. Fa.t schedule JOT From ? Schedule Fare Goldabero . . . . 7.00 am ??.00 Klnston 7. St. J 00 Baaufort ?. ... 7.09 . %M on-** ? ? <v ? t.?? - ?:w Bajboro . . .:??.?? ?.0p vN?w Barn . . . 9.10 1.00 Vancaboro . . . .10.05 S.00 Farmrllle .... 9.11 J.OO Greannlle . . . . *.40 S.00 Washington . .10.50 1.10 Plnatown . . . .11.10 2.50 Plymouth . . ll.?l ISO Wackey* . .11.1* J. 50 Balhavan . . . 1,110 J. 50 Columbia ... T OO S.G0 Cwmrall .... 9 11 1.50 At. Norfolk . . 165 pm Returning. special train win leare Norfolk at 10 a. m. June 17, nil. I* U. PIPKIN r. W. TATBM Promoter General Act OOLD8BORO, N. C W. W. CKOXTON, O. P. A. Norfolk, Va. 0-7 to HtH PERSONAL itENTIO Those Who Cone lad Go as Gall [ ~Mf- Jonathan Uayeaa president ot the Bank at Waahlngton, apd the Havens Oil Hilt has returned from a business trip to New Tor* and other northern cities. ^ ' ? ? ? ?Mr. N. N. Roy all of ROcky Mount la a business visitor. Mr. Hoy Tucker ol Whltakers N. C.. la the (neat of hla brother. Mr. * H- Tucker on Wen Second street. ... Mr. J. F. Bridgets of Ooldsboro. N. O.. spent yeeterdky ? 1th hi* pa rtita Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bridgets on Baat water street. * * * Miaa Ruth Mayo dioCht?r of' Edi tor Ja mm L. Mayo of th? ' Daily Now*, returned this moraine from Booth Creek. Me*1*- A. P. Mayo, JeB Bennett, W. H. Mayo, and L. F. Jonea. all of. Booth Croak were pasengers on the Waahington and Vandemare train thla morning. Thay are *?re for the purpose of attending court this week u Jurors. ?? Miaa Kitty Whipple of Detroitei Michigan, aad Miaa Alice Jarvia ofi Bel haven, N. C., are visiting the Mtaaaa Davenport on West Second Street. x* ? * ? ? ? Mrs. O R. Kirk and children of Tacoma,'*JN?hM arrived in the city Saturday ad| areohe gueata of Mr. and Mra. iafiies H,ftbdges nt he cor ner of JUrtet %n<r Vourth etreeta. Mrs. Kirk is well and favorably known here and her many friend* are glad to ses her. She baa been residing *in the- state of Washington for the past eight or nine years. ? ? ? l(r. and' Mrs. John C. Robtins have returned from thler bridal tour of northern cities. * Mr. O. H. Elliott of Jesaama is in the city today on business. ? ? ? i Mr. Prank H- Bryan who bas been attending tbe law school at Trinity College,. Durham, N. C., and who has been here for the pdst week, the gueet of his mother, left this morn ing for Wake Forest to attend the summer law school thero. In the i 5 Or I doses * 666'' will cure any case of Chills aqd Fever. Price 25c. '?u t. uptctt to nUn> v> Trinity I >? V . Mr*. O. B. Robbln* of Two p.. Fla. ,who haa tM Ttoltlni her elMer, Mr*, J." k left reaurday 'or JBjn porta, Va.. t6 Ytalt relatlvea anil friend*. * * * lira William *. Brlgnt toft thla mormlng for northern citlo*. * * a Profeaaor M. C- Newbold baa re turned tram Raleigh, N. 0. Mite Pattl? Baugbam -KTurnod home toat evening from Concorn N. C., where aha baa been rial tin* Mine Maud Wlaitlev who baa been Till tine Mr*. Daniel O. Fowle at Beaufort N. C., baa returned home. ... ?? Mr. Fard Water* n( Plnetown, .N. C., waa a Waahlngton . Ultor Satur day. " ? * ? Mrs. Doane Herring \nd children of Wilson. N. a. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beth Brtdgman on E. Main street. ? ? ? Mr. Charlie Moon, son of Mrs. J. B. Moore, who- A as been a student, st the Maury High School, Norfolk, Vs., for the past year Is borne spending his vacation. His elder brother, Mr. Al|ep Moore will graduate from this well known institution next week. - ? ? Mr. and Mrs. T. J. UUls of Wil mington. N. C., are the guests of Mr. M Mrs. W. M. Bwanner st the cor ner of Third and Reepees streets. * * * The many friends ot Mr A. D. Tanfield of 8c ran ton, N. C., are glad to see him tp the city. He is the gueet of his family at Washington Park. Mrs. George H. Brown hn return ed to the city where sTie will spend the summer. ? ' ? ? Mr. Prank H. 8hort Is In the city the guest of his family o.?* Pearce street. <? ? ? Mr. N. C. Cordon Is visiting his family on Bast Main street. * ? ? ? Mr. Thomas Blount hns returned from Mount Olive. N. C. ? ? ? Dr. John C. Rodman went to Char lotte this afternoon. ? ? ? Mr. Jesse R. Mayo returned from Pantego this morning. ? ? ? Miss Gene v Ire Spenoer of Pantego passed through the city this morning on her way to Greenville to attend the summer school. ? ? ? Mrs. Claud 8prulll of Psntego wss here this morning en route to the East Carolina Training school , for teachers. e e ? Mr. C. C. 8pruill of Pantego is in the city today. ? ? ? Mrs. C.. C. Spruill of Pantego I passed through the city this morning to attend the tea?hbrs Train' ng aichbo] at Greenville, N. C. 5 or 6 dosea .'?666" will euro any ca*e of Chill* and Ferer. Price J 6c. The strongtteam from Wilson, N. C., will be her* on neat Wednesday The club is known as the Baracas and they recently won an exciting game from the club in Raleigh, thai potting them at the top of the local teams In Eastern Carolina. The ad mission will he (Be and lOc for la-; dies and chffdren. The game win be called promptly at 4:10 o'clock. No doabt a large number will wit ness thla exciting diamond contest. AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago it; Washington 7. Cleveland I ; .New York / Detroit 6; Boston 0. I St. Louis. Philadelphia 14. NATIONAL. LEAOU S | Brooklyn 0; Pittsburg U. New York 2; Cincinnati. 5? Boston 3; Chicago t Philadelphia ?; St. Louie 9. . ^ SOUTH ATLANTIC LRAQUB - Columbia, 5; Jackfonrine. 'f. Augusta, 1'; Albany 8. 4 ' \ t Savannah. 4 j Macon 3, Charleston, 8; Columbia 11. 80tfTHERN LEAGUE Birmingham 3; Chattanooga, 4. Montgomery 0; Nashville 2. Mobile 8; Atlanta 2. New Orleans 4; Memphis 6. ^ AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ? Columbus 3; 8t. Paul 1. Toledo 4; Milwaukee 3. Indianapolis 6; Kansas City 10 Louisville 7; Minneapolis, 6. EASTERN LEAGUE. Rochester. 4; Montreal 0. Jersey City 8; Provldsuco L . . a Newark 1; Baltimore 1 Toronto, 3; Buffalo, 3. TIDEWATER LEAGUE V ' Elisabeth) CI tq 8; Old Point 3. ? Newport kews 6; Suffolk 4, las mo to tbe Tillage of Psngthotf, at Ampow, a boo; three miles K^. gwstow. It waa formerly t g if omen io various household. ^ bat for aiany years paat arery final, in tba village baa noen devo**., u ihs work, alK tba member* ??. tb? An: i Ilea bi.ng occupied In tba maou tfceture, li ma city of Chaocuo-vtu itself tbt- fr a industry la alio la.ge, but (be l ssjehow district atodnd* la a partk ala. kind of bamboo espec ially luifcab.e for the ribs and ban -lie, and to t *a fact U the large output of taa latter place attribute* "Only tbe open fan la manufac^ tured In tbla district. For ihe fra^c tbe spilt bamboo L? repeatedly riv^r untll each piece is sufficiently alend or and flexible. These tnrcad-llke pieces of banfboo are arr? ged H i row, attached to each other by a j threaa f*?*ed cross* .sd w?ou?ii *?... ; middle. This thread Is fastened to i ?ami-circular atrip of bamboo, givln^ the fan lta shape. The ribs are thet slightly beated and bent at the ends. The fan baa now tbe peculiar and characteristic shell-like obape at tbt top. Vary flimsy allk gauze is 'the., pasted on the face and a kind of as sue-like paper on the back. After [ the handle is attached, the border of the ton la black varnlahed and the j gauze la coated wnh ?- chalk *114 wa ter mixture. Tba handles are made, o i bamboo, various kinds of bard wood bone and ivory. The band painting on the fan ia cleverly done, la some lnatancaa being works of art The medium quality fan retails for M eenta Mexican <K> centa gold.) batter grades II to M Mexican (40 ceou to fl-00.) Tbe export ay early ogw aaaooat to oboot |?K000. Tbe too trade of late boa ebown a da csaaae, doe to t^f importation of I lapaioa; straw fana, which bhve met 1 vtth a favorite Aamaad." ? tH* W*fOHT OF TM? EARTH. Tbe earth weighs 1*000.000.000, 000,000.000,000,000 pounds. In a strict sense of the word the earth has no weight at all, because the weight ia really tbe pull of tba earth Itself on any other -body. 'And as the earth ka thought to be pulling on all porta of Itself equally In gll directions, the net result Is, of course, no pall at all. Bat if a large pair of scales be fixed at some point cH the earth's surface, and If the earth could be brought up bit by bit. cubic foot by cubic foot, weighed and then returned to its place, it 000 id be weighed. And (be result would be as given. However, when wa talk of tbe weight of the earth, wo really mean Its mass. The possibility of finding the mase of the earth is due to Newton. For bo ^taught that bodies pulled each othet with foroe depending solely up on their mass and their distance apart He showed the way, and ten ydars after his death tha first real weighing experimtK was made, A succession of experiments resulted in the density of the earth being deter mined sit 4 1-2. Then came the in vettigat&ns at ktttrhotl and Caven dish, and finally those of Prof. Boy a, who found that tba earth was 6.621 times tba density of water. The weight bf a cubic foot of water ia about AO 1-2 pounds. And the aver age weight of a cubic foot of earth la about WO pounds, or about flvr> and a baft times as much as the cublr foot of water. But this is quit* Imaginary, for specimens of the earth can bo obtained only by mere scratches upon its surfaee. ft has been shown by the pendnlqm that tbe earth's pull varies at different points 00 its surface. By timing the same pendulum at different parts of the sorfac* H can he found out bow the weight varies from point to point Trick That Texas Hogs Know. ? tew days ago two prominent clt isens of Whitney, Major J. K. Dunn and Matt McQown, visited a larye plum orchard situated lour miles from town with Ae Idea of gathering a basketful of the fruit. Upon arriving at the orchard they noticxtf that the, bark of the trees waa limited and torn a foot or more from tbe ground. As all tbe trees aeemad to be In this condition they began to wonder whet could haw been the cause. Finally they noticed a number of i hogvta the orchard apd thetrtith be ?ffarv to dawn upon tho amyd visitors thn the- -hogs bad been Waking the .t^ees to cause th<T plums to Call Up on ftrther investigation they toyed that the smaller trees had bea? fid den down by the bogs aad ^ripptvi of all their fruit From the marklng? on?tho trees there can be no mi stake but that the hegs l*d learned in aom* way . or other that shaking tiihytrees wpuld cause the ripe frtfll to falV Dallaa mA. Worth Krvowirvg. la 7-88 Inobse k>ng and to that age i? r^ujr upon them. It la ft well-known fact that 8age ft&d Sul phur will darken the hair. Wyeth*s Sage ftnd Sulphur combines these old time remedies with other Agents which rem ore dccilrutt ftnd nroinote the growth of the hrlr. ? The manufacturers of this remedy authorize druggists to sell It tinder guarantee that the money will bo re funded if It falls to do exactly as represented. This preparation Is offered to the pubtio ?t fifty cents a bottle ?"d is recommended and sold by Iowa has chosen 4 6 women as county rupe.*ui?uL2 ol -J *cft Incidentally illiteracy Is |o.ve' Jn Iowa than In any other state, with the exception of Nebraska and Kan sas. ? Nashville Ten n esse !a*t. ? Boston court la trying to deter mine whether or not the playing of baseball Is labor. Judging I?om some of the games played here recently. " the labor Is mostly on the psrt r' the spectators.- -Y'.rglnlsn Pilot. ? President Taft say* there is but little opposition to the pindlng re ciprocity agreement. So there is ? outside of the senate and the few spe cial intsrests represented there. The aame thing i? and baa long been truf of tho parcels post, but voe express monopolies continue to gouge the public In the package-handling busi ness. For HEAD ACHE? nick's CAPt'IUN'K Whether from Colds, Heat, Stom- I ach or Nervous Troubles. Cst"*^?" I will relieve you. It's liquid- p!em I ant to take ? acts lmmedtnie-'r. T-v 1 it 10c( 25c. and 50c at diutf stcres. * I ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS | tor 1 Lv "V. 1. Tot wodaias U4 all aodal ereuU Florml oCerlngs arranged la the beat artlatlc atrle at abort aotlce. Mall, telephone and teelgraph orden promptly executed by J. L O'QUINN & CO. RALAIOH. N. a l bones 149 Ask tor pries list. BUY A New Home Sewing Machine today. It will cos! you more to do without, than to buy a New Home. Ask about our life guarantee. >?old on Easy Pnvmeois by RU& PROS. The Picture Frairers. t ? USE WHITE HOUSE TEA Most Delicious Pone 80. WALTER CREDLE&CO JEWS WANT AD8 ALWAYS BRINU BIG RESl'LTS MEREDITH COLLEGE One of the few colleges for women in the 8?uth that confers an A B. dpfree representing four years of genuine college work acording to 8tandard Colleges. DIplcmas awarded in the schools of Elocution, Art and Music. Library facllitien excellent. Systematic training In Physical Education under director. Courta for Basket-ball and tennla. Boarding Club where, by about half an hour of daily domestic service, students gave from $58 ?o $65 a year. gtlidents not offering the necessary unites for entrance may irejare in Meredith Academy. _ ; Believed to be the cheapest woman's college of Its grade in the Sopth. For catalog, Quarterly Bulletin, or fully information addr?is RICHARD TILLFAN VANN, Ralelgn. N. C. n YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA. THE CHESAPEAKE LINE Dally Service Including Sunday. The new 8tearj eras Just placed In service the "CITY OF NORFOLK" and '*CITY OF BALTIMORE" are the m ?i elegant and up-to-date ateamsrs i+tw^n No'fim and Baltimore. Equipped with w!--leas telephone in each room. Delicious mcu'.s on board. E\erythlng for comfort and convenience. n.< atcs Lv. Ncrfolg (Jackson St)G:!5 p. m. - ..Ho eta Lv Old Point Comfort ....7:1ft p. m. ? ? ?? / *!ve Baltimore . . 7:?'? n. m. Connecting at Baltimore for all points, north, northeast a Reservations made and any informat on courteously f u r: W. H. PARXS1.I t?5 Cratiby 3treet, * ARE YOU GOING TO THE SEASHORE Th. ATLANTIC HOTEL, at Morah.ad Cltj, | N.C., offers superior attractions, unsaoellad 1 ) accommodations, the largeat varlaty amusements, and guests hers Onjby tha I moat invigorating and haalthful oil mate on | tha Atlantio Coast. Idssl Surf Bathing Baaoh? Finast Flahlng In the World 8afa Sailing on Inland Waters or tM Atlantio Ooaan? Largaat Ball Room In tha South? Convention Hall? Tan nls Courts? Bowling Allays? Pool? Billiards. SPLENDID CUISINE SOUTHERN COOKING A FEATURE Tha Summer Horn* for Mother and Baby? Cool Sea Airthe besttonio. Spaolal Ratee forfamllles Low Rata SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEEK-END axoursion fares via NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Hotel Ratas, *12.50 to *21.00 par week. T. ALEX. BAXTER, Mar. Morehead CHjr, N. C. j Fenee*%Ml?if I WQrwfcitw mm SelpHur Spring*. W. Ms.

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