Great Reductions From Our READY-TCL-WEAR DEPT. S5 awl fc Wash Hacees S3.M $7 sad 98 Wash PiWcss ' " U > ' /. 1 $8 Foulard Silk Drwses tSM *5 Skirts, Black Only SS.W ?- $3 WiiMrmmm a*d Serge Skirts HH Oar* of the Bye e. P ? m I The importance of good eyes ckh not be overestimated. Imperfect eyee may be remedied by proper care ot them . "But when eyes are sood at tie Start of life," says Mrs. El's Flagg Young, superintendent of school* ff Chicago. "every effort should be {Hit/forth to keep them good. They >sn?be abused. How uot 1?"? abuse them, how to help them is shown a few rules 1 have bad pasted in 4 ;ever 200,000 of thfc school books us ed by our yOung people. . r These rules are: Your eyes are worth^more to you than any book. ?Your safety and your sucress In life depends upon your eyefc. -There fore take care Of them. Always hold your hesd up when you read. v* Hold your book fourteen Inches 'from your face. ?*'Be Sure the- light is clear and good. ... . 1 Never read In a bad light. V ^ever read with the sun shining' directly -6n your book. Neyer face the light in reading. ? Let -the light come from tehlnd or over the left shoulder Avoid books or papers printed in distinctly or small type. Rest your eyes by looking from the book every few moments Cleanse your eyes every eight with clean water. Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King - New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their line results Constipation and Indi gestion vanish an<r fine appetltlte re turns. They regulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 26c at Hardy's Drug Store. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To We*t Point, New York via Nor folk and New York City Leaving Raleigh. Goldsboro, Beau fort and Oriental, N. C., June 15th "via Norfolk Southern Railroad, Old Doimaltmi^Line. Hudson River Davl Line. / Prom: ^ Rate: Raleigh, *N. C 129.85 Wilson. N. ? 29 35 Greenville. N. C 29.35 Washington, N. C 29.3T, Oriental N. C 29.35 Goldsboro, N. C 39.85 Klnston, N. a 29.85 New Bern N. C 29.85 Besufort N. C 30. 60 More head City N. C 30.60 Rates in same proportion from all Intermediate statlonr If Pullman Is not required to Nor folk rate* ^rlll be slightly lees. Hates include Pullman and state room j'ccomraedatloDs all mealn en route lo. and from New York City aad hotel (room only) for days In New York Cityl" The xwrty will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Do well and Miss Flora Creech of Raleigh, N. C. '? Por complete Information, and booklet glviitx details apply to any agent t<^folk Southern R. R., or ad dress, W. W- CROXTON. GPA . J D. *X>NN, TP A., Norfolk, Va.j taleigh, N. C. eod til JeH 1 THEATRE T0K1GHT "BRTTI. BECOMES A Si AID." A VlU*raph Com edy. "THE WHITE SQUAW." ? ? > A Path* Film of Life in tfc? Fmr W?it "WKKK BID" AID " WIIDAV EXCURSION FAIUCa] ?' J To Mor*h??<| city and Uratfort From Far? Week end. Sunday Golds boro $2.25 91.15 Kinaton 1.7S 1.00 New Bern . . 1.15 .75 Washington .... 1.25 1.25 Sunday tickets sold every Sunday, good to return on date of sale. Week end t ckets sold ?very Friday after noon and Saturday trains ? good to return until Tuesday following date or bale. Rates in tame proportion from a,!t stat'ons. W. W. CROXTON, 6-2 to 6-10c. T. P A. A Fine Diacoar^ Those who attended tho First Bii*. titt church last evening were (!c?r>|y carried away with the discourse de Uvered by the pastor. Rev. J? a. Sul livan. Not only is Mr. Sultiva* a sroskerj of ability hat as ?a -pastor standa among the first. . Since his residence In Washing ton he has ever feeen la ttw forefront for that which l?:ri?ht and Jnat. The Baptiat church has a worthy ambas sador In their pastor. Reoemmendation. i "Didn't your old employers recom I mend you?" "Oh. yes!" "Their vord should hnre b enough. " "it will*. TYf imnotinred me a* ttu | U?f tr.ifn :}???? **??r ??m?l out" 1*>TATP MARKCT The following prices pie vail for | potatoes today on thla market: Primes $4.00. Seconds $2.75. Administratrix's Notice Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Robert O. Cayton, deceased, late of Beau fort county. I hereby notify all per sons having claims again said estate to present them to the undersigned within ne year from this date, or this mtlre will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persona Indebt ed :.n kald estate will please make immediate settlement. This the t7th day of May 1011. MRS SL'E E CAYTON. . Administratrix of Robert O. Cayton.) deceased. vV/ri! j* Orimsa. attorneys. 5-25 6 v". Notice. All persona who may hare claims agfcins: the estate of W. R. Wllkln aon. deceased, are hereby notified to file the same duly ltemlxed and rerl fied either with his wodow, Mrs. Mar garet L. Wilkinson, Ransomrllle. N. C., or with us, as her attorneys, and same will be paid If correct, within the time prescribed by law. All per sons Indebted to the said W. R. Wll-I kinson, are' notified to make payment | to hie widow, Mr*. Margaret L. Wil kinson. as she Is entitled to collect and receive the same "-.dar a deed of agreement from the helra at law. dated May *a?. \91X, and recorded In the rer'ste; s oIt',-e oT Bsaufort coun ty. T'i's the 29th day of Nfay, 1011. MARGARET L. WIT.K1N80N. Ey Small. Maclean &. McMullen. at torney* 6-1 6wc[ L-?S=T OI.I, KOR LiSTi.Vo TAXES Notice 13 hereby given, In accord ance with Section 20 of the Machin ery Act, to all persons in the City of Washington required to Hat property or poll for taxation and frocz, whom failed to obtain such list during the month of May, that we may be found at the office of J. H. Bonner, 125 Market street, Washington, N. C., from 9 to 5 of each day until June 15th, 1911 for the purpose of taking tax lists and assessing property. Af ter June 15th, the tax list for the city of Washington will be closed. Attention Is called to the fact that FAILURE TO LIST WILL RESULT IN YOU* BEING DOUOLE-TAXED, as required by Section 80 of the Ba chlnery Ajct, end the taxpayer FAIL ING TO &I9T also subjects himself to a MISDEMEANOR. (Section SO, Machinery Act.) D6 not fail to see at before the expiration of above date, if yon hare not already glv*n In yoqr lister Respectfully, J. O. CHAUWCET, J. H. BONNER, County A sees so rs for the City of 'VaehMftoa. This June 1. 1911 ?-l 0-lSc ? ?? bfnttrjMi. > Men's Negligee Shim, some with toft collan, some ? without, in creaJh, white ? -f nntOC9 K/> ? stripe*, all si?a. pnces ... W ? ?ww lv .so to $3.50 Men's Fourin-Hand Wash Ties, all colors and ab. i' nmwjw. 15c value, three tor..... '... <8C ! "Buster Brown" Socks, all colon and sizes. 4 pair to the box, guaranteed 4 months, prices i 25c and SQc pair, SLOP to >2.00 Box i We still have left a few pair of those S4 (4 M Q < and {5 Oxfords, which we are dosing out at 9* ???? Hub Aim DtmoT rua. Whj the PlUptao* in Fn> of Ob* Ul|;l Pe* i >,. CapL i'nrcr 1* Jon** si th? Artcr Msdlcal Corp* report* thitHtaa ft* roaiparmUMty-Y*** 1*^ UN Plna HWII4 of ? ? ap?ef*? -61 which confute** tti* tarVrf* of ~*tlk? ?4r wt?h ?TldKr. '* . mkuu * rm* ?n<k task A air*.' -It'ta'lh. utollai to <Mr#o ?? IB a way which proves -that they are no noyjqep at tfeey procedure. One wilt attack an extremity and aui-urentfc bit#., It. and aa soon at tu*. . iam? bo Kins to cop. and u*a*v -< Tarts. to escape numbers qf ?*U?*n? -4:il tm mad lately Ju?4> upon ^.aua in t^e. course or a ffp mosaeijte.tbe larvae w|U b? apparently deadt - t ^.;;i b*lle?e that the. ant- Introduces , tome Tenom in. the act.-?C J>lttag, formic acid in .oharaoter, whjch p*?e serves the larvae as food until suoh time as the ant needs It ? otii^r words. As soon as the strug gles ot the larvae hare ceased they haul U oft -to their nests and- return for vothe'ra. In many -Instances. 1 have seen them carry away pupae, (t will he Interesting (or the reader to procure a few maggots and i)laee them over an apt bed.'!. **'?V So far as is known this species, of ant la. not found la the United States and indeed Is not yet claasl^fede C*pt. Jones haa considered the pi?or tlcabllity of introducing It into coun tries where the extermination of the fly la destined, to become an import ant feature of sanitation. This ant Is said to be -an energetic destroyer of bed bugs as well as ot flies. KurdM %?* Res*. What is the reUuon between e*. ! sreftee and rsMT Work, is that at which w? nut continue, whether or not. whether we are tired or not. It used to be thought that the prime requisite of rest wag the nee of faculties other than those involved in the labor of the day. Bat there la such a thing as fa tigue, which goes deeper thaa daily work. We can work so hard *4 If become exhausted ? too exhsueted for any kind of work. Perhape this is will fatigue K is eomlng to be regarded aa fundamentally true thai reet from such fatigue denaade oo% ttnaftj. Por >iampte. tour p>rtais of t* teea minutes each of reet is net the equivalent of one hour's rest; that a man who goes on a vaeattoa aad takes half an hour of hie business work .every day la data* the- aaate 'thing as the taao who had a horse with a sore back, lie kept the sad dle on only a few minutes eaeh dag* bu* thfc? sera dM not have a chaace to heal. Bdst periods must be stf tlnlsafly consecutive to QWnoai consecutive fatigue. PHee of Ivuey farrfsjag. Ivory coatiaaes to zaake rapM gains la cost and may sooner or later be In a class with gold. At the sales In Burope the tremendous demaad pushes up the price. The allotment for each sale seems to be the sa?s, and with s gaining consumption It la logical to expect a price advanoa. Thla will continue until a sub- I stltute ivory Is discovered or ivory is secured In grester quantities. Al though we buy a great many .tusks for piano keys and uae the rety lat est method of cutting and bleaching, the margin of profit In finished key ivory Is exceedingly small. With the beet of skill In blocking the waste Is enormous and there many other details in congestion with key ivory manufacture tfiat re quire extra time and money. Two Members. Two members were received un der the watchcsre of the First Bap tist Church last night. In sjriti of the very warm weather (he congre gation was surprisingly Zarge., <,') .V " ???????BSSMHMSinw ( There's an Easy Way out of Coffee Troob'es? The ewpertntniUmol Um Indtrno <3 TU Veteflmry Bquum ihrowa a lutJ* lWht on the naCre martwrta ot . *? T**r ago Senator Bailey u>d Mr. Bryan had a ataarp exchange of worda o?ar the wool queatlon. Mr Bryan rrAentlr hatted In again, bu* the Bal i ft of tho qnaatlon h the one that won oat In congreea. ? Jackaon rllla Tlmaa-Unlon. u? Weak af Oyat. TRf thlrd and laat weak if Beau Mi ooanty ail parlor coart for the ?Ul>f clrfl caoaea conrenned today I the courthonae with HI. Honor Bj^O. H. A1I?, of Kfetoa. N. c.. Have Th tfca mainland M 01 pnranoa know aaht. Island aa ?? (X tte plana. arkaratka tmaaatJaatie Iln ?*? w |KM up br wltotw. and >? ports Hi alas aa th. place of abto wroaka, bat wild bona, wmatftnt. aa hmM da of >t' ? aoaan't It la with otto*. Idau of i bora* itaah, In f??*. many pmooa tblMt of It aa a tfnt waata. bat K 1MB nBost m. nou%ra mttm octarrt uicr.ant UbMdmDIi. It. wan trca satsgg M ' n.Matac U? ?W ? in to Man pro ?racUd for Mr aoojtort. Wk?l atomt mw u It to. (nqoaoHj. ?*? ftoraaa (new In MBowa batwwm th. .andhlUa and fin. up aa if for battto. Tba bertla HMga tbam aal?aa wtth Ik. colt* In tbf mar, tlw nam Hit, tMB tfca atalMona. and stallion ottb. hard In th. nww npond attnaaUon. ?i The rapine ot tboa* Jt^rtud for iMiomiI I. .l7 3=7 - aquatal broocho In ipKtanlar lab la thrown and i BKnlouaJr 00(6 oaartad to a anrf *lm to tl NORFOLK I [ NORFOLK HOUTHIKX RAILROAD 1*11. Anotbar attractlra paraonallr con ducts tour has ban* amnM by th. Norfolk Southern Railroad at pbmomasallr low ratoa. Tha daatv action wU da Waat Point N. {., .a rtow 1 .r* utty. t? te New York Cltjr. lUUt ladude 4 Ptftlnn, ud atate room accommodations aad all meal* ?a rout* to aad from Nov York City and hotel (room only) for & day* la Nww Tffk City. if. ......... $??.8S| i c Ptota Ooldaboro, N. C.. rh? Klnoton, N. c. . . From N.w Barn N. ?, 11.11 From OraeoTUIa. It P tt.ts M. 0 J?.J? wlu bataMU Pullman not ?ulr* ". J**?!*- U Tiia Ugff be under the chap eronage of ifx. aad Mia. Horace R. Doweil end Mlae Flora Creech of Raleigh, N. C. A aaaat attractive iUne-ary hi* been arranged ? including a day at Virginia Beech. The trip tnnfa Nor folk to New York arlH ba via the Old Dominion line which sail* from Nor folk J one 16th. Arriving at Nee Tort at 1:00 p. m.( ?lana 17th, tha party will ha quartered at tha Hotel Hal borough, 3 6 ^ -treat and Boadway. Monday, June ittlp tha party wlK go ^o Weat Poiat, *. T., tha aaat .? tha Unltad 8tafaa Military Acad em* Weet Point la located upon a high, bluff overlooking tha Hud job river about 60 mllea from New Yurk Cu The government baa epent countleea mllllona in makiag tha Military Ac ademy tha' moat attractive "wir school" In tha world. It 1* neadlaa to elaborate upon the | magnificent acanie beauty along the) fiudaon River, It la Incomparable. rive days in Now York will b hardly time enough to aaa tha #ofi-[ der* of tha great American Metro- J polli ? hut much can be eeen>ln thai I Teh party win leave Naw York, returning by the Old Dominion Una, at 1:00 p. m. June Strd, arriving 'homa" oi the afternoon of June 14th. ' Write D, V. Conn, T. P. A.. Nor-I folk Southern Railroad. Raleigh, N. C., ar /apply to aay ticket agant fori booklet giving complete Information [ fcad niai, . ITS WONDERFUL Sand vexation are saved by the oae ot gas at a cooking fuel! You owe it to your wile to install a Gas Range in your kitchen? yon will be re paid by your own com fort and the decrease in your monthly bills, to say nothing of your W if m gratitude. Ask ua just what we preaent as to method and implements ? m^m ? m ami ^mmmm ? ? ^ for nrinj gas. Postal, will do Washington Light and Watei Co. II Mosquitoes disturb your rest at night and the Hot Weather dur ing the day we would recommend in > our home one ot our EIGHT-INCH ELECTRIC FANS which will cost only 1-4 cen per hour to run it WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. FREE FREE ? ? v ? ?sr* <? ?>wuwm ? ?ww vi epnt Purchase of Tea, bargain , is exhausted. m E. t ARCHBELL. ^^Phone No

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