PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA IB company with a number 0 } ot hers, left Ufa city on Mr. J. C Butir1! launch fbt it day'i outing daws Nnuse rtnr. Erery OH on the lost wu In th* beet of* spirits. Little did titer think that ere their retvrn two of the members of the party would be peacefully sleeping beneath the era SEVERE LOSS ' Mr. Walter Cradle of thii city. I* celled Information yeaterday from hi. brother-in-law. Mr. T. P. Cradle, who reeldea at SladeaTlIle Hyde eocn tjr, atatlnc that on Monday nl?ht laat he met with the mlafortuue to loee hla itaMaa, four head of honea, (anal lax lmplementa, some feed atnff%M about 75 head of chicken* by Bre. Burriel Cmry And Wife Acci ?ed or Ki ling Mrs. Casey's Former Husband tn the m an u ,'ollowe: BuS rill Caaar and Mrs Whlttj, wife of the deceaaed. bad been vory tntlmete for a number o( months trior to tha iaatt of kar haeband. Several time, tha defendant had rlalted the whlt durln* the abeen-a of Mr. Whlttr. and there eras oonaldarabla talk among the neighbors to tie af fact that lba. Whlttr thocfht mora of Cheer than aha did oft her h'aahand. In* the mlsalre. The letter wee turned orer to the solicitor and lta content, will doabtleee lure ?o me bearing on the eaaa. Althingh the reporter made an effort to find out ?hat the contents of the letter waa, ha waa unable o do ao. the solictor sot ha ring It in his power to maXa u pubjto. 4 . , L . H , Mr. John Whltty, brother of the deceaaed. la the chief witness for the at?? and ha an tier hare a Strang Tk?n ra a mod Interesting meet lac bt the Cbubw of Oouawee Held ?t th?ir room* In the BauRbwa build la* '?? er?aln*. a.r.r.1 mitten W Importance mre considered The following letter in mi br the McreUor. Mr, A. M Dumer. (ram Mr. B. K. Rice o< the LJLht due trial Department of the Norfolk Southern Railway, which explains It aelf. f Deer Sir: .The Norfolk Southern ara plann ing aome active work this (all at Land Showa In the North and Weat. We hare already contracted for apaoe at Msdlson Square Garden. New York and at Pittsburg, Pa Last year farma around Waahlng ton, N. C-, furnlahad aome of the beat display Bam plea we had. One $?f your Washington lumbMmen furn iahed the tall eat and beat aample o. oata I ' ever aa w. We a'.eo had a wonderful exhibit of big anion*, grown near Waahlngton. I wtah yon would atlf a rout among your farmer frfenda and ^svs aome raluable exhibit aamplee collected for me thla aummer. Anything yon can find in the way dt graaaaa. grain., frulu, or vegetables. we will not on ly greatly appreciate from a Norfolk Southern standpoint, tot will gire your district the advertlaing benefit. Youra truly, B. E. RICE. Lend and Industrial TTnrsffaiest man, J. F. Buckman, W. D. Grimes |ndL,Oeor^T. jLafteh were appointed alftbmmlttfp to look Into the mat . a lS>"ei?S>^ * "? Or t^e secretary over the *lgnatnre of, fir. from Mr. Addison B. |pck Secretary- treasurer of the, At lafttlo Deeper Water Way Arocladon. Mr. A. M. Dumay, City Deer Mr. pumay: At the aeatliif of tbj Waterway, convention In Providence laat fall Mr. Small asked me to pledge SO namea for the Chamber of Commerce +hlch I. did. In consequence I hare receiyed a Utter from the secretary, Mr. Buck. I spoke to Mr. Small shout the let ter end he suggeated turning It over to the Chamber of Commerce I here tried twice to take ? this matter up In pereon but on account of hartag no istlwgs of fie Cham ber theee lsst two meetiag nights I here failed to do so. It might be thst L will be out of town next week so I hare taken the liberty to mell you the escretary'e lettsr and %ak you to preeent the matter to the fthaaiber at.thair next meeting for which X would thank you very much. Youra rsry truly, E. K. WILLIS. I Philadelphia, April 26. 1911. Deer Mr. v Willis: At the Providence Meotlng of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Associa tion you, among othera volunteered ?ot to aomhorm of th* ^Moctatlpn ?*??r equlralant dortniue com Tt.. i-ocuUo7 *<~i. tha monor which tho duo or thaw would Pr"U. at* w? .h?,o,..t? "ou -??*$*? ? tnomborahlps. If wo cu of ,ny "" nc. to ^oa la fnraila,' ut. ?mtur. or blMt .pp^X/ for meroboratalp, pW MvWV Wo or. r^ohlw . wi?f hlrto^ * u* >TcU?<? ? "'"rt ??. tha En?_ J??5 K?n*r*1 project and then ?0 ourlfforta will fears to bo directed to h*^nj: an sp j>roprtatlon mode to haflA'Vhe work To giro force to oar plea, we noed money for tbo publication Of paper* as woU os Increased tnemfceprahlp. As Ton volunteered to lk^i> us wo do not hesitate to call upojh you to do your share of the work. | VOry truly jours, . I ADDISON B BWRK. Secretary ,Ti eOsurer . The chamber decided to pftdge 20 I members to the association. I Mr. W. B. Hard Ins requeued that his name bo withdrawn as a member lot the chamber. On motion his re quest was granted. As to the question ol- presenting a suitable altsMto the board of thist ees of the 8Ute Feeble Vlnded Iastl | tutlon when they visit tbfci town dur ing the ? of JIU Captain Loach Mid that bla company wowU proaont I for their oonaldaratlon the inhboll property on the loath aid* *1 Pamli co Htb^, altuato about two and hall inUaa from thU city Th* tsact con- j tain* about H( acr<"\ am. la won a da ptod for th? neodi "W^o?ulr? ?^-8ffi5R5S1 adjacent that can be r -:u:ed If de | sired. The wster fscU'M-i are fine.) the elevation Is attract1"' and no1 doubt the committee will -*>t view a I I more desirable site for i location lot 41*0 school any where In this soo Ulon of North Carolina. 1 The land 4s situated on the Waah Ington and Vandsmere railroad. Messrs. John K. Hoyt. George T. Loach. C. L. Flynn. H. K. Willis, W. jD. Grimes. T. H. Myers, Dr. H. C. Carter. George Hackney. Jr.. A- M. Domiy, C. M. Brown. ?. L. Busman, Floyd J. Berry. J. H. Spall. Dr. Ira Uf. Ha^. W. A. Thompson, C. H. i Sterling, .W^ E. 8wlndell. A. 8. Ful ford were appointed a committee on I the part of the chamber to meet the board of visitors on their arrival In this city aad ttaay them over the of fered Sits for the location of the i school. Several members of tbo .faeaebors of the rhsifthoc, Ust night jlaUaaated thst no better location jcofeld be found aaywhe-e than the one offered by Captala I^each. The next meeting of the chamber will be the annual mooting at which time the election of ofBcers win take 'place. After the usual tills being allowed last sTo&tng fee chamber ad journed. - QCPnOAED'G PftllDT IILfallHULii u UOflBl The following cum were disposed of before Recorder Crimea this morning at tbe city ball: Fred Cany won was charged with being a vagrant He was given until June 26 to show that he had obtain ed ivork. % ? ^ !? .';{ ] Wayner Floyd was charged with obstructing the officers In their duty In arresting one Daniel HoCer. Af ter bearing ajl tbe evidence the de fendant was discharged. Slrfon Crandall, Evans Anderson and James Whitley," who were charg ed with the larceny of lard and meat from tbe firm of C. 0. Morris ft Co., some weeks ago for wont of snf flcent evidence were discharged. ' Mr. W. H. Whitley a prominent J ">' * *1 IS t CREDIT JO THE CITY BUILDING A MAMMOTH BARGK FOB WASHINGTON CITY CAPITALIST ? Mr. W. M. Chauncey la now cod atructlng a mammoth barge at hla ship yards for Mr. C. A. Miner of Washington City. , The barge when ?? Dieted Will be 111 * 32 with hole. . % barge will be oaed by Mr. 7 r tn dredging on the Potomac t ? . Chauncey haa already con ?tructed aeeeral of theee bargee tor Mr. Miner. This apeaka well tor Waahlngton end lta ahlpyarda. , Jtt. w. Bell Of N. C, a(irr?4 in tft* cltjr totter o? bu.i DR. I. L BLOIMT ,1 IS SERIOUSLY ILL D*. W. A. BLOVBT TAiJBBSM UKHLV 1IX LAST KXnSlr M BOB ROKK. ~ Dr. WlllUm A. Blount the oldest practicing physician la tJxia city and (or year* One of oar leading citizens wa? taken suddenly 111 at hla home oa West Second atreet last evening. AU during tlie night his condition waa considered serious and today his con dition Is such as to cause alarm. Dr. Blount was taken with a kind of In digestion. Hla many friends, not only In Was^itngton, but throughout North Carolina will regret to hear of his lllnesa and everyone wlahes him a speedy recovery to Hxealth. Fine Specimen. Mr. A. C. Hathaway has just re ceived another line specimen of tiie Berkshire hog. All who have seen him pronounce him one of the finest hogs seen in this section or the state In some ysars. l/sual Services. There will be the usual prayer meeting at the First Baptist church tonight. The work of laying ^he carpet will not Interfere with this service. Arrived this Morning. The Wilson Baraca Base Ball Club arrived In the city this morning from Wilson and as we go to press are trying conclusions with our local team at Fleming Park. This Is one of the strongost In Eaatem Carolina and the locala are to look to tehir laurels foi supre macy. THEM COURSE WILL BE ATTRACTIVE Ha Cit* WMjMtCasTaaicd Fat Season Tickets at in Early Day ITfUMSCUEfllTSaECTEl THE LYCEUM HAS BERN SPOKEN OF AS BEING THE "PEOPLE'S COLLEGE** ? SOME OF THE BEST TALENT AVAILABTiK? GREAT TREAT IS PROMISED OCR CIT IZENS. | The local management In arrang | Ing for a lyceum course tor the com ing season haa had but one thought in mind, that thought being the se curing (or the people a aeries of at traction! which will make an Inspir ational ind educational contribution to the community life. U Is not ex pec^ that any financial profit will be derived from the propoeltlon. but the <n*nt*l and moral profit ought to be Urge. No community life la complete without entertainment, and yet some entertainments are desruc tlre In their nature. But the char acter of entertainmenta which are furnished by the lyceum are not only not destructive, but are actually con atructlve. They are of that kind which contrlbutea to the higher In stincts of man, and react upon hla tlfo by mhk^ig him both < better cit izen and a greater force In the world. And becauae of the ideal which la behind the lyceum it la becoming h great factor in the social and civil life of our people. The lyceum has been apoken of aa being the "people's oollego." Every thing la not learned In the achoola. Some things are learned on the out side. The lyceum platform la the one upon Which the. university, the conservatory, the genius, the self made man, and many others meet, to instruct, to entertain, to amuse and to help 'n the atrngglee which con front us aU. The lycoum la a great institution and no community should ever be without a lyceum course The local management believe tn the lyoeum* and that to why they have undertaken it. They have care fully selected the attractions for next securing some of the beet Ulent available, fnd promise the pub lic their moon'* *** "ore EITHER OIE OR BOTH Strain the lory Investigating the Kil Uag of H*rrj tUnfiog Have Returned Verdict TESTIMDIY m DAMAGING VERDICT OF THE COROKhK'o PURY IN HARDING MURDER CASE ? JURY INVESTIGATING THE KILLING AT MK8. MUR DOCH'S HOME. Norfolk, Va. Juno 13. ? The most damaging testimony given a' the in quest was Ida Bate man, housekeeper at the I. X. L.. *-.t 221 Church atroet Miss Bateman testified that Mrs. Mur dock said she wanted to get rid of Harding and that Charles .Merflle said that he would fix It fni her. The Jury ? which was presided ov er by Juatlce Carmine, o'.r.Jitorl of Percy Orr, foreman; C. A. li.gU? .n, Harry Roche, E. B. Mlara, Percy Mil ler and R. E. L. Andrews. The flrat witness. J. W. Howlett. added nothing to the case other than| what he has said before. He told of | Mrs. Murdock'a saying that Harry i had been murdered somewi?ere in the | woods. Th'a was told to him on June 4th. M. E. Green aatd that Mrs. Mur dock told him that Harry had been killed on the Southern Railway and that the body was to be *birped to her. He added that she *atd she had no money for the funeral, but would bury him on the property. Ida Bateman then testified. She awore that she was the housekeeper at the I. X. Lk, where Merkle lived, and that Mr*. Murdock frequently came there and spent the nlrht with him. She aald that on May 24th or 26th. Mrs. Mb r dock told her that bhe was tired of Harding that he JWU JMfcwJjr . no a negro anyway, t and ;hat she was going to get rid Of him. She aald Mra. Murdock asked her If she thought any one would find It out If ahe killed him. Miss Bateman ?aid she advised her to aticl to the mail, she loved and to let f others alone. Merkle came In Just then and ask ed Mrs. Murdock If ahe really want ed Harding put out of '.he way and she anawered that she did "?Very well," he aald "1 will do It. I will be at Ocean View soon and we will fix It." She said that Merkle left on the 27th and began work at Ocean View 1 the next day. She aald :.<at Merkle did not return to the I. X. L. until I Friday night. June 2. wh?n Mrs. Mur doch also came and spent the night with him. In the next breath she contradicted this statement and said that Merkle and Mrs. Murdock were put o?*t of the palce by the proprie tor on \he Monday night preceding. Joha Watd, the negro who dug the grave, told oiHJmt work and the re quest of Mrs. Murdock that he make the grave four f6et deeper. W. H. Stockley, one of the men who waa working with Ward when Mrs. Mur |dock employed blm about the digging that he then went and saw the grave and that he repdfted th-% matter to Hayes who made the arrest. F. J. Watts added nothing new. William Parker testified that Mrs. Murdock told him on Sunday, June 4, that Harry had been killed ion the Southern railway. Jobr Hayes, the constable, testified that he had gone to the Murdock place, had found the grace, had felt In th* earth and found a mas'a head, had then gone to the Sand's hovse and arrested the woman. 1 The record of Merkle'* sojourn In the state reformatory at Laurel. Va., has Just been received here Instead Uf being placed in the lnalltutlon by hla relatives the young man was sent there for housbreaklng In Alleghany county. Merkle says lb-it he waa there from tt?2 to ltM. The rec ord shows that he only left there about a year ago wban he waa dis charged because ha had ret chad the lie of 21. He escaped twice and waa captured each Usee. Yesterday ha ad reds of people vr? lted the scene of the mnrd-r in UtUe WIU PICRIC H BMSIK THE OWWUH CHUHCH 81MPAV (KHOOt, PICNIC TAKEN PLACE THURSDAY The Christian church 8un4fty school wllf har? their annual picnic to Bayslde and Bath tomorrow. The - school and members of church wUl leave on the steamer Hatteras frqm the Norfolk Southern dock promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow. The d*y promisee to be one of pleasure and enjoyment and no doubt a large number will take advantage of the day. The Christian church Sunday school is one of the largest and most flourishing In the city. SCHOLAR LOST GAME AND 1)11) NOT ROB J Helena, Mont., June IS.? Mrs. Charles V. Holmes playel seven up with a burglar in her heme to see whether he should carry rut his in ' tentlons. 8he won and the burglar did not take a thing. ItoHMBe of Season. On account of the dullness of the season the steamer Hatteras will dis continue her regular run to Belhaven and Intermediate points on Wednes days and Thursdays. She however, will make her regu lar run on all other days. Parties desiring the steamer Hatteraa for moonlight sails, picnics, etc. can con f?r ^ith Captain Herbert Eonner. Alarm of Fire This morning between eleven and twelve o'clock there was an alarm of fire and It was reputed tc be on Blount's roadf Before the depart ment reached the scene it was re ported extinguished without dam age. Pray e i mooting There will be prayermeeting ser vices in all the different churches of the city this evening at the usual hour to which the general public I# cordially invited. Plcslcklsg Todv. 3 imyum >eat on ihe annual picnic of the M. E. Sunday school to Bayalde and Bath today on the stealer Hatteras. Hm Returned Home. Mrs. A. E- Cheatham who hu been visiting her daughter, Mi. J. A. Sul livan, for soma months past, return ed this morn Ins to her home In Vir ginia. New Carpet Workmen are now engHRed In lay ing the handsome new carpel at the Fixpt Baptist churoh on Msrket 8t. Those who hare seen It pronounce It a very attractive design. Meeting Friday There will be a meeting of the Board of City Aldermen at the City Hall on next Friday evening. Mat ters of Importance are to be consid ered. Pleasant Occasion. The moonlight sail on the steamer tfatteras last evening under the aus pices of the Ladles Aid Society of the Christian dburch wss much en Joyed. Quite a nice sum was realised by the society and they deelre to thank all who attended for their lib eral patronage. WAS TOO OLD TO RUN HE HAP TO SHOOT Lexington. Ky., June U. ? "1 was too eld and stiff to run so I had to shoot," said James Willis, a 70-year old farmer today. In expl&tnins why he shot and killed Dock F.lng, a ten ant, who bad attacked him. Bay district. The crowds wece not permitted to go into the house and were kept at a distance. The grave, open as it was left after the body was dislntered, wa? the object of the greatest interest. ? It is plainly to be seen from the road. * Probably no mUrder ever occurred In this section where so mich official Information of a theatrical character was available. None of tho theories about other bodies being buried on the let mad about Incentives for the crimes h as materialised. Mr. J. H. Corey of PlnevKJe was a Washington visitor this owning on business.

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