a?R? reRtfoON, june is. 1911 m GOMwnnr is aura Tarboro, Jan* 15. ? -A more atunn ?4 or ?horkeO community would bq hud to Bud than Tmrboro about two o'clock reaterdar afternoon Report came down the atreet that Lather Hart had shot hlma.lt > ' , , ; At ome'o'olock Mr. Hart wa* ~im lnihr h> hla uaual good humor, mi told a man that h? would m him after dinner, to which be>waa on bla wa?. y Boon alter ra?chla? home hla wife who waa In a room auportntandlnc the aerTlnf of dinner when In. h room abora aha beard a pUtql ahot. A hurried tlalt up there dlacloaed her uncooacloua huaband lying prone with a wound tbrou*h hla head. The ball had enured Juat above the tam ?io. and cama out Juat back of the aar oa the other aide. Phmdciana were aant tor but they could do noth ing. - The wtltoa -bora plared a lood (?me. hlttJ** the ball wtaenerer ther wasted to. flter played a clean came, and It the locals could have made It IntereatSnc tor than no Graham Qaklry Escaped Con vict Held la South Carolina Fot-Ai. other Crime [ But Bennet who it entered la the Junior single* of the Lour Island | dowlng regatta to he held at Long 'Branch, N. J., July 25, laughed at I their (ears and Soon he was skim ming over the waters of the bay in a light barge which is not much more substantial than a shell. Just before Bennet entered the trail craft Dunn warned him again not to make the attempt, bnt if be was determined to disregard the warnings at least not to renutre outside the inlet* as there I was a big sea rollfng. Bennet simply j 'smiled. For two hours the ambitious young | man swept up and down in (rant of the club bUH. Then hf *u?4enly | vanished ? ? k -?eore of etnb DMber. , waited for him to return, thinking W tod ???? to^-inlet. found the "wat?t too rt*i?? and^er tod dimcui a party of nimbw ?ta.ted out to |*fa*eh iir htm In a, bU rawl while U^tor1 partj^ eat* red a napbto launch 'which carried a aearthtlcht* When the yawi jot to the Inlet audi a aaa waa breaking that dia had mad* tor It That waa about tan o'clock, fifteen mlnutaa later they cuia npoa young Bennet clinging to the overturned bare*. Ai the launch ran itaapUe the young IBM** grft> ob tk* craft broke. Bnt Fred An d*raon, rice preeldent ot the club reached oat and caught him. A hea vy e?a Unas Anderaon Into the wa The requtyns of the late Mr. <fcy Blount Hsrdj were brought to fig eitr l?t *lrtt about M:*? o'cllpk OB tho Kboooer Rollaf 'ram 0?s coko. N. C., wi.re b* ku bM la 4a hope of regaining his health. pr. Hardy qt?d yesterday mornlni M? tween 8 lu>d ? o'clock at the hcjket of Mrs. Ana Bran. .At the timet, ef his death he was in his thlrty-?lgth year. He waa born a'** reared lit LaQrange, N. C-. and had be*^n resident of Washington for tiU .ftfitt tan years, from the the esteem and friendship of all o*r people and his passing lias cast.4 gloom over the entire elty. A boot two years ago he was happily mar ried to Miss LiKle Campbell Stewart, daughter of Bz-Mayor Edward T. Stewart Their life was all sunshlap and happiness. As a rssult of thW union a little girl blecaed their hoax* for a shdhrt while but Ood In His providence took onto Himself hSr several 'months ago' to sweeten the battlements of heaven. For months Mr. Hardy has beeb suffering from bright*? disease. Bve*t effort was au4e to stay the ravages of the disease both by the physicist add loved ones but Ood willed other wise and so op yesterday he slipped away to that undiscovered country. Besides a * -heartbroken widow he leaves a brother Dr. Ira M. Hardy of this city and two sisters who reBlds In Kins ton, N. C. * Prior to kls falling health the de ceased was engaged In the bottling business In this city. The funeral took pl^ce this after noon at three o'clock from the Payne Memorial . church, Nlcholsohville. conducted by Rev. H. B. Sea right, pastor of the First j Presbyterian church. At the grave the services were presided over by the Benevolent order of Elks of which the deceased was an honored member. Mr. Hardy was also a number of the Charitable Brotherhood and the Woodmen of the World. The sympathy of the entire city goes out te those bereft* 4*?r. ahouli _ Aahertlle, Jan* 14. ? The spaclou* ballroom of ^ the Bitter Park hotel *u taxed to It* capacity tonight at the opening of the forty-first annual eemveatton Vf North Carolina Grand f*d ge. Knights of Pythlae. It was public and the formal welcoming, foi represents tires of the Grand Lodge hnd visiting Pythlans tn attendance, when Grand Chancellor A. BJ. Mc Caosland of Chsrlotte called tihe meeting to order. Others came In later daring the evening and still otter* will como tomorrow- Between fifty and on* hundred Pythian* took fhe grand lodge decree tonight^ while the work of checking the rep rc entatlrt* and paaaln* on credent t:c's required considerable time, pr ctlcally 'erery lodge being repre ?arted. ' *, - The ad drees of keloome waa de ll rered on behalf of the Pythian* of Aafcerllle and the people of the city 14. ? Repreeent spparent Congresslonal had no clue Hla main and to his office, for some of the capltol to- 1 uncovered one friend of the miss man who knew *1] about the I disappearance. This Is the| ?toiy: About the middle of April the con- 1 gr ess man married his secretary. Miss | Generive Miller, of this city.. The marriage was not heralded. It took place In some quiet spot nesr Wash ington. Coincident with the nuptials Wr. Dies suffered astroke of ennui, | and decided to quit public life and ! left Washington immediately. He rented a bungalow at Mount Rain ier. a hamlet oa the city's outskirt, d has not been la town since. l Ones a week he sends In for his Ufa." Dief eoa&nues -to. draw Miss Miller's" salary as his secre tary. Between them they handle the correepondeace in their bungalow^ hit. DIM t old i f riend recently he wm tired of public life abd did not litfcad *0 tub- fdr re-election to cong ^ , . .?yr^Vfr:' This W his secoad term. He had , been a district attorney and Judge in w ? His father- la-4aw is a messenger today that "Old Maa Miller." as hs is fcaowa. ie -the tmeeeeoger who for la the fcotrae poetnfflco. It developed mrda the mala and the pay checks V-^VT* ? MUW Ucr Ra^iikl V>;o nlttmKl ' Hla Fifth Natal Daj {Mttnlar ? ' ' ? Yesterday Was the fifth natal day of Muter Lacy Rayfleld Mayo, the bright and interesting aon of Editor Jamaa L. Mayo, of the Dally News. He entertained quite a number of his playmate* and friends at tt}e home of hla parents on Bast Second street yeeterdsy afternoon from four to six o'clock. Misses Blanch Ricks and Ruth Mayo greeted Master Lacy'* gueata at the door and accorded them every ; welcome. Mlsees Lftllle 8tewart, , Blanch Ricks, Llla Roper and Ruth Mayo served the delicious and tempt- 1 Ing refreshment*. Master Lacy prov ed to be a moet charming and pop ular Uttle hoet and his many play mates and friends voted him thanks and wished for him many hapfTy re turns of the glad day. "The following i Oeorge Taylor,. BenJ. Taylor, Joee phus Latham, Julia Havens Latham, Ruby Swindell, Bonner Swindell, Blanch Ricks, Rachel Ricks, Mary Thomas Stewart, LlUle Stewart, Eula Floyd, Will Floyd, Thelma Baker, Evelyn Baker, Adrian Baker. Pat Roee, Lyndall Roes, Lon Olen Cox. Satah Archbell, Llla Roper. Viola, Reld Freeman, Earl Freeman, Zelma Ruse, Olen Cox, Madeline Sbope. Maroy-etta Shope. Mary AUce Hardy, Martha 8. Hardy. Marlon O. Hnrrell. Dorothy May Pegram, FeUNar- T* Phillips Jr., Anna Mayo. South |c?r.k. On, Taylor, Roth Kara, buy 9Br ' Dili will [new. to thle hl?hly wiMDod etu sen's friend* throughout the city. Since yeaterday his Ulneas haa been precarious. The end la expected at any moment. to Norfolk. The excursion from Raleigh to Norfolk Tin the Norfolk Southern train paaeed thspugh the city this morning. There were aeveral dhrs filled to their utmoet capacity. Quite a number from this city and surrounding country took advantage of the low ratea. Creditable Picture* The pictures at the Lyric Theatre laat night were pronounced first claaa by ail who witnessed them. Manager Sparrow Is certainly giving full re turna to hla numerous patrona. To Meet Today. There will be a meeting of - the Womana' Christian Temperance Un ion at the home of Mra. O. B. Car male on Reapeea street thft afternoon at 5 o'clock. A full attendance Is deaired. Ia Coavali The many frlenda of Mr. N. L. Sawyer will be glad to learn that his condition la much Improved, after aeveral days of indisposition. PANIC REIGNS FROM FIRE One Tbousaud People in Edifice When Lighting Sends .. , .. 2" Toppling HUBS IS UK ULF HILLIID MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND PKOPLB IN SACRED EDIFICE WHIN MMA' OP UGMTNTNO ? SHNDH IfWaHPLE TOPPLING. FIRE STARTS. . M , -r - - - - > ?. L.t High stow n, N. i., June 13. ? The first day of commencement at ftsddle Institute a Baptist preparatory school here, cams near' ending tragically taet toght, when flgfctnlngstruck the ?teeple of the Baptfce oharch, where mor| than a thousand persons Were crowded together to hear the annual orations of the graduating clasa. Panic 'reigned when the bolt strdek and shattered the tOO feet steeple and sent -U crashing to the earth. In stantly every light In the building wfca extinguished and the upper part of the structure, caught 'fire in a do*- 1 A panic which nklght have resulted In the death of many waa averted by the cool-headed oroheetra leader, who directed his men to strike up the "Star Spangled Banner" In the dsrk The effect was magical and the out rush of the sudlence was stemmed. Fifty women fainted or collapaed be fore the ushers could get the crowd out of the building, however dosens were bruised and hurt in the Jam through the exits.. By the time R. W. Swetland, prin cipal of the lnetltute, had aasured himself that every one was out of the building the fire waa beyond control and there waa little to do but to at tempt o prevent Its 8pread to the aur roundlng atructures. The loaa wiy be about 9500.000. Peddle Institute Is an exclusive sohool and the audience In the church Included prominent persona from Philadelphia, Pittsburg, New York, Baltimore and Boston. It waa de clared today that none of those hurt In the rush out of the thurch was (n WM R. D. Kear. David Fowle.j Wtuua KbIkM and Cherlee I lun returned fro? PMtlteo sound | where they hire been ?n ? trip. report an* iport that the uillm fU good pLV PW fti'tif m f*~' ft HIT SUBJECT r EMD HMDS i sm| One Haodred And Fifty Deteg ales at The State Association first bat s proceediivgs WELCOME ADDRESS BY MAYOR DAI/TON AND RESPONSE Br i A. WKIXONS ? OONOBK88MAM SMAliIj'8 ADDRESS ? PRESIDENT PATTON-S FJNE ADORES^ Wlnnon-8ml.nl. N. c.. Jut,, u._ Annual meeting of North Carolina Good Roada Association conv.nad &ere today, with 150 delegate* Af ter a hearty addr?? welcome by Maror Dal ton and happy roeponae by 3. A Welions, Prealdent J. L. Patter eon of thla city, made hi. addreea which waa heartily retired. He drew a vlvtd pen picture of sections Permeated by good road, and thou Where they are unknown. He allow ed how goode road. Induce Improve ment. of various kind, on farm, and farm home, and bulldlngn, and now absence of Improvements 1. noticeable In aectlona> where there are no im proved highway.. The speaker longed for the time ?11 'be entire South will be link ed by a system of well located and properly drained and surfaced roada. He spoke enthusiastically of the In creasing sentiment I nfavor of good road. In thla Mate, and thought that It should act aa a apur to association to puah (He work In counUoe where road building haa been neglected. During the preaent year many county good road, associations have been formed. Latge^iimbors of bond U ? < and a number of ap lend Id In tra-Mate end Interstate highways have been discussed with enthusiasm. These things give some Idea of the work the maaoclatloo .la accomplishing. Mr. Patteraon thought that that aid could have been aecurad for road work at the laat saaolen ot the legislature If all state- wide legislation had been handled by the state association. There- were ee many bUR present ?d that It waa dUScult for the legls lature to act on any of them. The spsaker thought that the county a. eocietlons thou Id work together In ?eenrtn? legialaUon. In thla way the ?eod Tu^Sa wUssUfti mey focus thtlr Wfort. more directly on the ob *?et la View, "poutice should be left wut of read holding.- .aid the spaa* er- 'It la porely an economic quea tton. We should first educate the ?people -to the 'benefits to be derived from good road.; then it la only a matter of securing the fundv to build them:" -? r. - Dr. Joeeph Hyde Pratt, secretary of the seen* stlon. made bin report, reviewing the work 0r the aeaaeta tion since its organization, ten year. *??' ??< more eepeclslly Its work doting the peat year. The attendance nt the annum meetings haa grown from I to 7 to from 76 to #00. He spoke especially Of the great aid the North Carolina press has rendered in advancing the cause of good roada in the atate and in educating i ubilc sen alment In favor of them. Tbt senti ment Is being Incroaaed .11 the time by good road speakers, by circulara aent out by the association and by the newspaper. Thirty-nine oonnty rood roada anocutlons are also car | ry!n* on the work, aa wall a. a num ber of town. hip associations He agreed with Prealdent Patterson rela tive to good roada mattera presented to the legislature The speaker thought that >0 per cent of the coun ties would have good roads associa tion. before the present year la orer. J. B. Brown, of Raleich, treaaurer, waa unable to be preaent. bat hie re Port was read by Dr. Pratt and adopt ed. tt showed a ha lane, on hand. January let ot 11*4; reeipta during the year $l?j; dlehnrm^nta. tut, balance on hand Jane 1, ltn. $tM4 Mnoe the organisation wa- formed the total reoatpta have aggregated. the total dish. re. fees ta anregatafibst^.^ Imrhl9 . ^ (Cntlw*? from Second h(.l

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