'Y AF TERNOON, JUNE 19. 1*11 PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA (In ud. much to his alarm, ttM Angers began to Itch. But ha ts eon vlnced now that tha itching waa im aginary and tha powder was really perfeotly harmlees and worthless. Another victim brought a ullaman In a red flannel net It contained two pieces of worthless ore rock. It had coat bar tho comparatively small ?nm of M and waa represented by If adame. Hunter to posaaaa allpower ful charm for her welfare. early In the year/ opened a tent honse In a vacant lot two doors from the atate house on payettevllle etreet. Eere she did a flourishing buslnesa M palmist until late In April, when ?he disappeared over night. A no table thing Is that she refused to take Mrs. Batman's check for her pay, bat required her to get .fy lives of those she mingled with. Betides a heartbroken and crush ed mc:her, she leaves a half brother, Mr. L .ther Lincoln, to mourn their I loc2. For the past year or more the de ceased was In the employ of Mr. R. jLee Stewart at his jewelry store on Market street. Her going has cast a shadow over the home and the entire community would ahed a tear of sympathy over her bier. Tho re mains were carrlcd to Aurora this morning on the Washington and Van demere train for Interment. The funeral services took place In that town from the Episcopal church at 4 o'clock, conducted by the rector, Rev. J. W. Crosby .v I Thus 13 committed to earth's bosom a young woman who will be sadly missed. May the same hand that haa wounded and sent the shadows be the one to succor, comfort and glad den as the dayB come and go. The remains were' accompanied to Aurora by Mrs. Watson, the mother; Mr. Luther Lincoln and Mrs. W. W. Satterthwaite. Convalescent. The many friends of Mrs. Daniel Simmons will be pleased to learn of her continued improvement at the Waahington Hospital. Unless some thing uoforseen happena she will be able to return to her home within the next few days. Wires Down. All the telegraphic wires leading Into this city from the direction Qf Rsleigh are down today and in con sequence the weather observer, Dr. *J. M. Gallagher received the weather! forecast today via phone. I Ankle. Mr. C. M. Klapp. of this city recelr |ed a phone message yesterday front Richmond stating that his wife, Mm j 6. M. Klapp. accidentally fell down itepe at the home of her parents and sprained her ankle. Mrs. Klapp had her young baby in her anna at the time but fortunately It eeoaped un BHk iV* ?>- v v ? * - ' The whites of raw Ideal paste to use and around the et that, oev#r down )a make over the snrfaosl pa at the p?i?nj a. Tk* put* U TOM TAPPING CAT Jaae If ? Moun are curr ied up by a report that Thomas Tap. pin's cat haa hatched out (oar heal thy chick*. They do not dreaz: of doubting | the raport. as Mr. Tappln. who is a hardahelled Baptist and a teacher in the liberty Corner Union Chapel 8un day school. Touched (or the truth of IL i The chlcka are six days old, Mr. Tappln says, sad are thriving, while the cat shows every sign of keen de lighted. OH stains may be removed from laundry pieces with turpentine be fore washing. SUMMER TEAM TRAINING SCHOOL OnM*TtUe, N. C* June 17.? The summer term of tfcf East Carolina Teacher* Training School, which be gan June 6th and will continue (or eight weeks, has *b.unusually strong (acuity, the regulsr teacher* being reinforced by some of the most prom* inent' educators of the country. Mfuabers of the Faculty. Herbert E.4Aa?tin. Science. George D. Strayer, Columbia Uni versity, Administration and Supervis ion (or county and city superlndend ents, and principals (or high schools. 1 .Harold Barnes, Columbia Univer sity, Pedagogy. Leon R. Meadows, EnglTsh. W. H. Ragsdale, School Manage ment. Harry p. Hardiu;, Charlotte, N. C., Latin and Higher Mathematics. Miss Esetelle Davis, Washington. N C.. Mathematics. Miss Sallle J. Davis, History. Miss Kate W. Lewis, Drawing. Miss Mary Wright, Parkersburg, N. C., Primary Methodls. Miss Elisabeth Pugh, Househola Economics and Chemistry. Miss May RB.. Muffly, Public School Music and Voice. All the subjects taught In the pub lic schools of .th# state are being tsught In this summer term, and In addition to these sre courses in Latin Pedagogy. Chemistry. Public School Music, 8chool Management and House hold Econlmics. The State adopted texts are useu. A special course In Administration and supervision for school principals, county and city superintendents Is be'.ng conducted by Dr. Geo. D. Stray er, o( Columbia University, which Is almost Invaluable to those having the superlndendency of teachers. In connection with this work Is the ob servation of a group of children taught by Miss Margaret Blow, one o( the graduates of the school. Dr. Strayer takes his class o( principals' land aupcrlntcndents Into this class; and practically demonstrates the org-j anizatlon. administration and Buper-j vision of a school By this means the principals and superintendents get valuable Ideas (or Instructing the teachers under them in organizing and directing their schools, as well as Improving the class-room work. A series of lectures on topics of special Interest to teachers will also be given by distinguished educators. Already Dr. J. T. Glbbs and Dr. Stray er have given most helpful lectures. These will be followed by other* Ar Ing the term. The attendance at this summer term has already reached two hun dred and forty-eight, the largest number of student* that have been here at any one time before ? and others are registering almost dally. All the dormitories of the school arel full, and homes In the town avail able to boarders are filled. President R. H. Wright and the strong fsculty united with him, are In this school doing a work for the teachers of Eastern North Carolina, the value of which caanot be. measur ed in dollars sad cents. It will lell for years to come in the betterment of the public schools through jnore efficient teachers, aad thus the great- j ar educational uplift of all the peo fcr Oa Friday, June 10th, the veTsary of the breaking *A ground! for the erection of the bulldlags far! the school win be celebarted with ap propriate exercises. Oar. W. W. Kltchln aad other prominent sen1 wt H he hare tc sp*ak on that occa flWriT'^rriV*"! t ffritfltii YOUNG MAN CUTS THROAT mm Despondent Md Crazed Char les Ricks A Kemps to take Hk Life HIPPEIEI TESH1BIT IFTERRON WHILE HIS CONDITION 18 PRECA RIOUS. 8TILI) HIM PHYSICIANS ARE OP THE OPINION HE WILL RECOVER ? SPENT A COMFORT ABLE NIGHT? ACT CAUSES EX CITEMENT. y Yesterday* afternoon the entire city was shocked at the report that Char lie Ricks, eldest son of Sheriff and Mrs. Geo. E. Ricks or this city, had attempted his life. He had been de spondent and very much depressed all day because of the death of his fiancee. Miss Zaddah Watson Sunday morning about I o'clock. He was very devoted to the young lady and for the time being her death had no doubt preyed upon his mind to, such an extent that he became temporarily not himself. He used a razor to per form the deed and but for the timely arrival of friends would no doubt have succumbed to the Injury. The flm Intimation his family had of the terrible deed was about four o'clock when he was heard to groan aloud, then some members of the family rushed upstairs and found that the door to his room was lock ed,, the window was tehn opened and they went out on the roof of the shed room and to the window of his room, where be was Been lying on the bed in a pool of blood. As sistance was called for and Imme diately neighbors rushed In. Mr? T. C. Carrowan was the first to reach | his bedside -and stopped.., the Hew of ! blood until physicians arrived. Drs. John Q. Blount, J. L. Nichol son, Joshua Tayloe, A. C. Hoyt and D. T. Tayloe responded to the call and dressed the wound. The young man lost a considerable amount of blood and was for a time In a precarious oondltlon. He is today resting well and strong hopes are entertained for hiB recov ery. ADVERTISING TALKS Written by WILLIAM C. FREEMAN The basis of ali successful adver tising is FEOULARITY AND PER SISTENCY. 8PASMODIC advertisements ? ad vertisements run now and then with out any definite plan of campaign ? very rarely bring results. It is a mistake for any merchant or manufacturer to run one or two, or even a dozen, advertisements and expect to get business as a result of them- ? he might Just as well throw the money away for all the good it will do him. IT IS CONSTANT REPETITION THAT COUNTS IN ADVERTISING ? KEEPING ONE'S NAME BEFORE THE PUBLIC ALL OF TIIE TIME. No matter how small the announce ment, If It Is run REGULARLY, It will make an Impression on the pub lic ? people will get La the habit of looking for it, and 'when they need the article advertised. THEY WILL RESPOND to the advertisement. There are times, of course, when a single advertisement is all that Is necessary to attain the result desir ed ? but that ia only In special oases. To develop a REGULAR. CONSIS TENT BUSINESS, regular, conslFtenW y advertising is aeceesary. The merchant or manufacturer who runs only one or two advertlse ments In any publication and expects remits from them, tp not only UN FAIR TO HIMSELF, but It unfair to the publication as well. There la no publication big enough to ?ar any advertiser on * few Inser tions. That Is the ream TB8T" ADVERTISEMENTS are practically useless in determining any publics