CAR* JUNE mi TH. CAROLINA nktrir., .lnee he wm for^d ' from MM ?h? auto* oh'Wrt U. ' Itumr Tptranc* during the brief ?top of th*'V*u*l In'thl. b.rbor lut r night. Mm h*d recelred the cor . MOW tuuj tawM tte.TMHl at th? dlrtc SB ? tf. Hi U aoW aata^ In reaffii rnmm D?i??tt)r (vjfoXBO*' ?uS BJB3S5J< ; .?? f There will ha an lea ?W> aupper htorday nl(ht Jane Kid at the -JAJt&On.. afetb bound thiati limited ?U?I Uv ?tta'fladlM.'.hieti iWfWtlam at I'ttckMrJltfatl he) :?? anf 'IbWmahfceii MM S*\wo (h about mldtttfht. . bel m Drain "aaTOB?nr~~' ; ?I'M. bmWV&Jiitk. m*i ?*.' WW1**, the cler*? and looted th IV. wrfjk?pp*? i? t?artl>Toi uu. a&ffU* ttt*rW*>^ JPoMaa n Mtraiu tor n( huft?l tw* txwtente^ ? U wt tsowa|ow ?*"C> . . *o *?e?Me ?HI Hi itfil tc matradmMii u( >?DHy'i?|wi|w< ??!az wu the only on UriM ' it ' tiki uttuiri. n toe p. ?m ull ' trttfottt *kW Mtlv. SAW, HE BAILS PMDfc PAB^tTO. I T+SK COtTNTT CMJUW QAWQ fftB KIM . . vri NOTIFIED OF TUB AR. THE SEASON ?T . B B ri Uteri ? Brittfamt jAtserabiage GiXhere* at Faaiout Set Si?ce Resort . *? * - fx ltd c?T A \m04n FIRST BALL OF SEASON OWftWO BALL AT THE ATLANTIC HOTfrK-L. MORKHKAD CITY, NJ3. ATTEWKED BT TWO HUNDRED *m> FHTTY -THREE oomjcs 1 MAD BT MR. J. A. DUNN Mopebe&d City N. 0. June 19. ? TM matt succeesful ?oelaI event In the hletory of the famous seashore nwtt ' Ne*er before In Its loos carrer has ? more brilliant assemblage gather, ed at say North Carolina, reeort than that represented at the opening ball of the Atlantic Hotel. Morebead CItT, Saturday night ? u 8o mnch Interest was manifested at Klnaton and New B^r'n that' oif Friday the management of the Nor folk gtftrtfcett 'decided to operate al Special train "to Morehead City e*p? daily for the Now Bern and Klnaton contingent. la addition, to a large number coming down upon the reg ular afternoon train the- special train brought fully 175 young folks for the ball.: r-Y.t >.7 r The spacious ball room newly dec orated with a myrld of varied color ed electric lights that reflected upon the handsomely gowaed fair sex and gallant young men ond variety of od or which produced a color scheme of magnlficlent splendor and rare beau ty. The german was gracefully lead by Mr. J. A. Dunn of New Bern with Miss Cora Monger. After a number of tgnres had bean danced the merry couples were lead Into the dining CflMs for a buMet auppar w*feh_add. ed much to the occasion. < w ' fcritoog the attractive1 psrtlee com lag to the Atlantic Hotel from near* By' points and? who arrived at the hos tel pier at T^OO' p. m. Saturday upon the U, 8f 9- .plfrida. as' the gueeta of Csj>t. T% q. paniels of. Nejr, Bern, were Lieut J. 8. Claypoole, IJeut A. T. Willis, Lieut A. jL Patterson, W. W. Q riff hi. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Hyman. MlssMsude Monger, Ml* Cora Mon ger. Miss Vbfct, ?r Philadelphia, Miss Csstlnette of Washington. Mlae Ben toh, Mlseee Bessie anil Dolly Hyman A Urge number of the cottage col ony of Morehsad CJty and Beaufort attended the ball. Among the More bead City. Colony preaent were the Misses McClung, of KaosrlUe, Tonn.. Mr. and Mrs. J. H- 8tltser of Phila delphia. Mrs. Walter Grlmee. Mrs. 8 teed man Thompson sad Mrs. Jamee Boy 1 an of Raleigh. ' ? r Among the gtttsts registered" at' the Atlantic Hotel, Saturday and Sutfday for the summer are: J. P. Wiley and family, Durham; Victor Bryant and family, Durham; Col. Harry Skinner of Greenrllla; Judge R. B. Peplea, Mr aa game here yssterday when the Rev. W.' Urkto, a local pastor, opened the game with an add re* to the er??rd of a thousand. Man, women aad children stood In the hot sun for nearly an hour and heard him preach a sermon on practical relig ion to fit the needs of the masses. One minute after the clergyman had retired the umpire shouted "play hall!" and the gams was on. ON Addition. - there waa one addition to the First Baptist Church 8unday night. The congregation was much larger than expected, considering the In clement weather. To Assist la Meetings Iter. R. E. Peele of Burgaw, N. C.. pasaed through the city yesterday on ( his vray to 8outh Creek whero he laj to assist Rev. R. A. Hoffman In a m* rles of meetings. *" * ' ' ' THE CHURCH WHS MUCH PLEASED THE a|k| FlfcjT |3u? BMCHrRrH MUCH ADMIRFl* Ttx nAftaon^VtA burnishing of the new carpet at the First Baptist iflfiWh T^fallljd c*ll atUnfldd to the%^PflJA hlere^rtr^ Weral bid ders, both j1dca) out of town and If. ypea}'? The ..committee appointed by the Ladle* Aid 8oclety to award the con tract and; have the carpet laid feel especially appreciative of the splen dtd manner In which this Arm ful filled their part of the contract, r Mention ahould also be made of very skillful manner In which the carpet was stretched snd laid. Those who ha^e seen the work pronounce ~ i ??? i ' . A. ApVERTTSING TALKS Written by WZLZLFAM & FREEMAN A lawyer who Is Interested In sd vertlslng, although he doee not ad vertise himself, wrote me a few daya ago calling my attention to the ac tion, of the Masaachusetts Medical Society toward a reputable physician WHO HAD ADVERTI8ED. The phytdclan In question had been a member of the society for SB Tears, yet because he badvertieed he wac charged with gross VIOLATION of the CODE OF ETHICS aad by laws of the organisation and the de cision was that If he cotulnued to ad vertise his membership in this so^ clety would be canceled. The physician had a hospital ex perience of eighteen years, which had put him In possession of special knowledge. In taking up general work he found that a medical man Whe practiced scientifically and con sc^njtleusly could 'not get A t f?RfVfcTlCE QtHCKLY unless he let the'peopTe know about his special ability, and THE ONLY WAY TO DO .THI8 WAS . TO ADVERTISE. Then the Medical Society stepped in and forbade the advertising on the ground that It WAS NOT ETHICAL. Respect for professional sthlcs has kept many a brilliant man from earn ing even a good tlvlng. Why should talent be hidden un der a bushel? IF A MAN 18 CAPA BLE WHY SHOULD HE NOT 8EEK A LARGER CLIENTELE THROUGH PUBLICITY? WHY SHOULD NOT THE PR'* FE88IONAL MAN GROW, as a busi ness grows, THROUGH THE POWER OF ADVERTISING? This talk about codes and ethics should be relegated to the dark ages, where It belongs. Any rule that pre vents a man from telling the people what he can do? whether he be a physician, a lawyer, a preacher or a dentist ? Is bad. There was a time when profession al men felt It necessary to Tell their actions in a sort of mystery, as it were. In order to PROPERLY IM PRESS the public ? bat secrecy and mystery de not go well la thane en lightened days. OA7T OFF the SHACKLES, gea t el men ? ADVERTISE AND IK CREASE YOUR LNFUIENCE Mad EARjMINO ABIUTY. 'I ? . > MEET DEITH sejukb Accident* MarBcciaaiag of Pari* to London and Return Race HALF MILLION RTNESS?S THE ractk htahtkd from VINCKNNK8 FIELD ? THROIfG PRESENT AND PW SCBIPTSON OF THE ACCIDENTS THAT COST TWO LIVES. Paris, June 18? Fifty aeroplan ista took wlii early today from the aviation field at Vlncenn/M on the first stage of the Furodean circuit race which calls for s flight to Lon don and return with stops at rarlous places going and returning. Two of the avl^tyra r almost Immediately af ter the start met with tragic deaths and at least one web grafely hurt Of the fifty aviators who started the race thirty? eight were civilians and twelve officers assigned for mil itary duty. Hung up for the comp etitors are prises amounting to 194.000. Dawn at Vlncennes saw a crowd estimated from 500,000 1,000,000 persons massed around the military exercise field to witness the start. 81x thousand soldiers and 4,000 police most of them mounted were on hand to keep the field*clear. At 6 o, clock Maurice Tabuteau. Pierre R.Devlne and M.Bathlat whir led away within a minute of each other amid wild cheering. Last to leave was Emllo Train, whose mach ine recently killed Minister of War Berteaux and wounded Premier Mon ls. Among those who witnessed the start from the official stand w*a Premier Monis, son. Antolne, Injur ed when M. Bertoaux was killed. General Francis Qolran, minister of war. who succeeded M. Berteaux. J*- .UmiM- nba i The wind was rising at the start Who was one of the most, experienced aviators In France rocked about a good deal as his rnach Ino cleared the ground and swept away. Hta aeroplane had reached the Woods a quarter of a mile beyond the barriers, when it pitched swiftly downward and Into the trees. The biplane was broken badly as it fell at the root or an oak tree, a corner of the motor struck LeMsrtln.s head crushing his afcull and hie right leg also was fracjured In two places. The aviator was barely alive when he was taken away by Red Cross sur geons snd expired s fsw minutes af ter reaching a hospital Something was wrong with the steering gear of Le Msrtln's machine. It had acted badly earlier In the morning and Roland Gsrroe, who helped adjust it, advised Le Martin not to go up. Captain Prlncetau had scarcely got well In the air when one of the planes of his machine caught Are. He struggled to undo the strap that bound htm firmly In his seat so aa to be free to lump as hs gilded toward the earth. Before he could loosen ' the belt, however, the motor exploded and flaming benxine cower ed him. He did not utter a cry and when the wreck, fell to the ground he was dead, his body fesrfully burn ed. Captain Pjipcetau probable had been asphyxiated by the first burst of the benslne flame. Prlncetau had been an army lieu tenant since 1900 snd was gasetted a captain In t)^>fflcial gasette this morning "for exceptions! service ren dered to military aviation." At the exact spot where he fell, Lafort the French svlator, and Pola, a passenger were killed last Decem ber In the Paris to Brussels flight and only a few yards away the French minister of war met death four weeks ago. Stick to rour friends ? but don* stick them. Duty calls the factory worker -by blowing the whistle. v The man who marries his first love "Oanerml Dims when ka m feed povlr te dMU'lrlfc-ttStdlUon. requiring worcy. but iftMffirll 'the nation itpiui ud wu mors' *Ma to ?lnct ItMlt co*?tltutlon*]ly. _q?n. Dlax'e later pollctM were Interpreted f.n/m" ??* G*n*ral JPfiftT, confident In Um good MUM ?t the people. thought ?#&axttowiL ?* Brooklyn ?; Plttiburx t. Other n